.tim-row{ margin-bottom: 20px; } .tim-white-buttons { background-color: #777777; } .typography-line{ padding-left: 25%; margin-bottom: 35px; position: relative; display: block; width: 100%; } .typography-line span{ bottom: 10px; color: #c0c1c2; display: block; font-weight: 400; font-size: 13px; line-height: 13px; left: 0; margin-left: 20px; position: absolute; width: 260px; text-transform: none; } .tim-row{ padding-top: 60px; } .tim-row h3{ margin-top: 0; } .switch{ margin-right: 20px; } #navbar-full .navbar{ border-radius: 0 !important; margin-bottom: 15px; z-index: 2; } #menu-dropdown .navbar{ border-radius: 3px; } #pagination-row .pagination-container{ height: 100%; max-height: 100%; display: flex; align-items: center; } #icons-row i.now-ui-icons{ font-size: 30px; } .space{ height: 130px; display: block; } .space-110{ height: 110px; display: block; } .space-50{ height: 50px; display: block; } .space-70{ height: 70px; display: block; } .navigation-example .img-src{ background-attachment: scroll; } .navigation-example{ background-position: center center; background-size: cover; margin-top:0; min-height: 740px; } #notifications{ background-color: #FFFFFF; display: block; width: 100%; position: relative; } .tim-note{ text-transform: capitalize; } #buttons .btn, #javascriptComponents .btn{ margin: 0 0px 10px; } .space-100{ height: 100px; display: block; width: 100%; } .be-social{ padding-bottom: 20px; /* border-bottom: 1px solid #aaa; */ margin: 0 auto 40px; } .txt-white{ color: #FFFFFF; } .txt-gray{ color: #ddd !important; } .parallax{ width:100%; height:570px; display: block; background-attachment: fixed; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-size:cover; background-position: center center; } .logo-container .logo{ overflow: hidden; border-radius: 50%; border: 1px solid #333333; width: 50px; float: left; } .logo-container .brand{ font-size: 16px; color: #FFFFFF; line-height: 18px; float: left; margin-left: 10px; margin-top: 7px; width: 70px; height: 40px; text-align: left; } .logo-container .brand-material{ font-size: 18px; margin-top: 15px; height: 25px; width: auto; } .logo-container .logo img{ width: 100%; } .navbar-small .logo-container .brand{ color: #333333; } .fixed-section{ top: 90px; max-height: 80vh; overflow: scroll; position: sticky; } .fixed-section ul{ padding: 0; } .fixed-section ul li{ list-style: none; } .fixed-section li a{ font-size: 14px; padding: 2px; display: block; color: #666666; } .fixed-section li a.active{ color: #00bbff; } .fixed-section.float{ position: fixed; top: 100px; width: 200px; margin-top: 0; } .parallax .parallax-image{ width: 100%; overflow: hidden; position: absolute; } .parallax .parallax-image img{ width: 100%; } @media (max-width: 768px){ .parallax .parallax-image{ width: 100%; height: 640px; overflow: hidden; } .parallax .parallax-image img{ height: 100%; width: auto; } } /*.separator{ content: "Separator"; color: #FFFFFF; display: block; width: 100%; padding: 20px; } .separator-line{ background-color: #EEE; height: 1px; width: 100%; display: block; } .separator.separator-gray{ background-color: #EEEEEE; }*/ .social-buttons-demo .btn{ margin-right: 5px; margin-bottom: 7px; } .img-container{ width: 100%; overflow: hidden; } .img-container img{ width: 100%; } .lightbox img{ width: 100%; } .lightbox .modal-content{ overflow: hidden; } .lightbox .modal-body{ padding: 0; } @media screen and (min-width: 991px){ .lightbox .modal-dialog{ width: 960px; } } @media (max-width: 991px){ .fixed-section.affix{ position: relative; margin-bottom: 100px; } } @media (max-width: 768px){ .btn, .btn-morphing{ margin-bottom: 10px; } .parallax .motto{ top: 170px; margin-top: 0; font-size: 60px; width: 270px; } } @media screen and (max-width: 576px) { #images img{ width: 40%; } } /* Loading dots */ /* transitions */ .presentation .front, .presentation .front:after, .presentation .front .btn, .logo-container .logo, .logo-container .brand{ -webkit-transition: all .2s; -moz-transition: all .2s; -o-transition: all .2s; transition: all .2s; } #images h4{ margin-bottom: 30px; } #javascriptComponents{ padding-bottom: 0; } /* layer animation */ .layers-container{ display: block; margin-top: 50px; position: relative; } .layers-container img { position: absolute; width: 100%; height: auto; top: 0; left: 0; text-align: center; } .animate { transition: 1.5s ease-in-out; -moz-transition: 1.5s ease-in-out; -webkit-transition: 1.5s ease-in-out; } .navbar-default.navbar-small .logo-container .brand{ color: #333333; } .navbar-transparent.navbar-small .logo-container .brand{ color: #FFFFFF; } .navbar-default.navbar-small .logo-container .brand{ color: #333333; } .sharing-area{ margin-top: 80px; } .sharing-area .btn{ margin: 15px 4px 0; } .section-thin, .section-notifications{ padding: 0; } .section-navbars{ padding-top: 0; } #navbar .navbar{ margin-bottom: 20px; } #navbar .navbar-toggler, #menu-dropdown .navbar-toggler{ pointer-events: none; } .section-tabs{ background: #EEEEEE; } .section-pagination{ padding-bottom: 0; } .section-download{ padding-top: 130px; } .section-download .description{ margin-bottom: 60px; } .section-download h4{ margin-bottom: 25px; } .section-examples a{ text-decoration: none; } .section-examples a + a{ margin-top: 30px; } .section-examples h5{ margin-top: 30px; } .components-page .wrapper > .header, .tutorial-page .wrapper > .header{ height: 500px; padding-top: 128px; background-size: cover; background-position: center center; } .components-page .title, .tutorial-page .title{ color: #FFFFFF; } .brand .h1-seo{ font-size: 2.8em; text-transform: uppercase; font-weight: 300; } .brand .n-logo{ max-width: 100px; margin-bottom: 40px; } .invision-logo{ max-width: 70px; top: -2px; position: relative; } .creative-tim-logo{ max-width: 140px; top: -2px; position: relative; } .section-javascript .title{ margin-bottom: 0; } .navbar .switch-background{ display: block; } .navbar-transparent .switch-background{ display: none; } .section-signup .col .btn{ margin-top: 30px; } #buttons-row .btn{ margin-bottom: 10px; } .section-navbars .navbar-collapse{ display: none; } .section-basic{ padding-top: 0; } .section-images{ padding-bottom: 0; }