{{-- Start of required lines block. DON'T REMOVE THESE LINES! They're required or might break things --}} {{-- End the required lines block --}} {{-- Start of the required files in the head block --}} {{-- End of the required stuff in the head block --}}
{{-- These should go where you want your content to show up --}} @include('flash.message') @yield('content') {{-- End the above block--}}
{{-- Start of the required tags block. Don't remove these or things will break!! --}} @yield('scripts') {{-- It's probably safe to keep this to ensure you're in compliance with the EU Cookie Law https://privacypolicies.com/blog/eu-cookie-law --}} {{-- End the required tags block --}} {{-- Google Analytics tracking code. Only active if an ID has been entered You can modify to any tracking code and re-use that settings field, or just remove it completely. Only added as a convenience factor --}} @php $gtag = setting('general.google_analytics_id'); @endphp @if($gtag) @endif {{-- End of the Google Analytics code --}}