acarsRepo = $acarsRepo; $this->geoSvc = $geoSvc; $this->pirepRepo = $pirepRepo; $this->pirepSvc = $pirepSvc; } public function get($id) { PirepResource::withoutWrapping(); return new PirepResource($this->pirepRepo->find($id)); } /** * Create a new PIREP and place it in a "inprogress" and "prefile" state * Once ACARS updates are being processed, then it can go into an 'ENROUTE' * status, and whatever other statuses may be defined * * TODO: Allow extra fields, etc to be set. Aircraft, etc * @throws \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\BadRequestHttpException */ public function prefile(Request $request) { Log::info('PIREP Prefile, user '.Auth::user()->id, $request->toArray()); $attrs = $this->getFromReq($request, self::$pirep_rules, [ 'user_id' => Auth::user()->id, 'state' => PirepState::IN_PROGRESS, 'status' => PirepStatus::PREFILE, ]); $pirep = new Pirep($attrs); # Find if there's a duplicate, if so, let's work on that $dupe_pirep = $this->pirepSvc->findDuplicate($pirep); if($dupe_pirep !== false) { $pirep = $dupe_pirep; } $pirep->save(); $this->pirepSvc->saveRoute($pirep); Log::info('PIREP PREFILED'); Log::info($pirep->id); PirepResource::withoutWrapping(); return new PirepResource($pirep); } /** * File the PIREP * @param $id * @param Request $request * @return PirepResource * @throws \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\BadRequestHttpException * @throws \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\ModelNotFoundException */ public function file($id, Request $request) { Log::info('PIREP Prefile, user ' . Auth::user()->pilot_id, $request->toArray()); $pirep = $this->pirepRepo->find($id); if (empty($pirep)) { throw new ModelNotFoundException('PIREP not found'); } # Check if the status is cancelled... if($pirep->state === PirepState::CANCELLED) { throw new BadRequestHttpException('PIREP has been cancelled, updates can\'t be posted'); } $attrs = $this->getFromReq($request, self::$pirep_rules, [ 'state' => PirepState::PENDING, 'status' => PirepStatus::ARRIVED, ]); $pirep_fields = []; if($request->filled('fields')) { $pirep_fields = $request->get('fields'); } try { $pirep = $this->pirepRepo->update($attrs, $id); $pirep = $this->pirepSvc->create($pirep, $pirep_fields); } catch (\Exception $e) { Log::error($e); } PirepResource::withoutWrapping(); return new PirepResource($pirep); } /** * Cancel the PIREP * @param $id * @param Request $request * @return PirepResource */ public function cancel($id, Request $request) { Log::info('PIREP Cancel, user ' . Auth::user()->pilot_id, $request->toArray()); $attrs = [ 'state' => PirepState::CANCELLED, ]; try { $pirep = $this->pirepRepo->update($attrs, $id); } catch (\Exception $e) { Log::error($e); } PirepResource::withoutWrapping(); return new PirepResource($pirep); } /** * Return the GeoJSON for the ACARS line * @param $id * @param Request $request * @return \Illuminate\Contracts\Routing\ResponseFactory */ public function acars_geojson($id, Request $request) { $pirep = $this->pirepRepo->find($id); $geodata = $this->geoSvc->getFeatureFromAcars($pirep); return response(\json_encode($geodata), 200, [ 'Content-Type' => 'application/json', ]); } /** * Return the GeoJSON for the ACARS line * @param $id * @param Request $request * @return AcarsRouteResource */ public function acars_get($id, Request $request) { $pirep = $this->pirepRepo->find($id); AcarsRouteResource::withoutWrapping(); return new AcarsRouteResource(Acars::where([ 'pirep_id' => $id, 'type' => AcarsType::FLIGHT_PATH ])->orderBy('created_at', 'asc')->get()); } /** * Post ACARS updates for a PIREP * @param $id * @param Request $request * @return AcarsRouteResource * @throws \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\BadRequestHttpException */ public function acars_store($id, Request $request) { $pirep = $this->pirepRepo->find($id); # Check if the status is cancelled... if ($pirep->state === PirepState::CANCELLED) { throw new BadRequestHttpException('PIREP has been cancelled, updates can\'t be posted'); } Log::info('Posting ACARS update', $request->toArray()); $this->validate($request, ['positions' => 'required']); $positions = $request->post()['positions']; foreach($positions as $position) { try { $attrs = $this->getFromReq( $position, self::$acars_rules, ['pirep_id' => $id, 'type' => AcarsType::FLIGHT_PATH] ); $update = Acars::create($attrs); $update->save(); } catch (\Exception $e) { Log::error($e); } } # Change the PIREP status $pirep->status = PirepStatus::ENROUTE; $pirep->save(); return $this->acars_get($id, $request); } /** * Post ACARS LOG update for a PIREP. These updates won't show up on the map * But rather in a log file. * @param $id * @param Request $request * @return AcarsLogResource * @throws \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\BadRequestHttpException */ public function acars_log($id, Request $request) { $pirep = $this->pirepRepo->find($id); # Check if the status is cancelled... if ($pirep->state === PirepState::CANCELLED) { throw new BadRequestHttpException('PIREP has been cancelled, updates can\'t be posted'); } Log::info('Posting ACARS log', $request->toArray()); $attrs = $this->getFromReq($request, [ 'log' => 'required', 'lat' => 'nullable', 'lon' => 'nullable', 'created_at' => 'nullable', ], ['pirep_id' => $id, 'type' => AcarsType::LOG]); $acars = Acars::create($attrs); $acars->save(); AcarsLogResource::withoutWrapping(); return new AcarsLogResource($acars); } /** * @param $id * @param Request $request * @return AcarsRouteResource */ public function route_get($id, Request $request) { $this->pirepRepo->find($id); AcarsRouteResource::withoutWrapping(); return new AcarsRouteResource(Acars::where([ 'pirep_id' => $id, 'type' => AcarsType::ROUTE ])->orderBy('order', 'asc')->get()); } /** * Post the ROUTE for a PIREP, can be done from the ACARS log * @param $id * @param Request $request * @return AcarsRouteResource * @throws \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\BadRequestHttpException */ public function route_post($id, Request $request) { $pirep = $this->pirepRepo->find($id); # Check if the status is cancelled... if ($pirep->state === PirepState::CANCELLED) { throw new BadRequestHttpException('PIREP has been cancelled, updates can\'t be posted'); } Log::info('Posting ACARS ROUTE', $request->toArray()); $this->validate($request, [ 'route.*.name' => 'required', 'route.*.order' => 'required|int', 'route.*.nav_type' => 'nullable|int', 'route.*.lat' => 'required|numeric', 'route.*.lon' => 'required|numeric', ]); $route = $request->all()['route']; foreach($route as $position) { $attrs = [ 'pirep_id' => $id, 'type' => AcarsType::ROUTE, 'name' => $position['name'], 'order' => $position['order'], 'lat' => $position['lat'], 'lon' => $position['lon'], ]; if(array_key_exists('nav_type', $position)) { $attrs['nav_type'] = $position['nav_type']; } try { $acars = Acars::create($attrs); $acars->save(); } catch (\Exception $e) { Log::error($e); } } return $this->route_get($id, $request); } /** * @param $id * @param Request $request * @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse */ public function route_delete($id, Request $request) { $this->pirepRepo->find($id); Acars::where([ 'pirep_id' => $id, 'type' => AcarsType::ROUTE ])->delete(); return $this->message('Route deleted'); } }