const phpvms = (function() { const draw_base_map = (opts) => { opts = _.defaults(opts, { render_elem: 'map', zoom: 12, layers: [], set_marker: false, }); let feature_groups = []; /*var openaip_airspace_labels = new L.TileLayer.WMS( "http://{s}", { maxZoom: 14, minZoom: 12, layers: 'openaip_approved_airspaces_labels', tileSize: 1024, detectRetina: true, subdomains: '12', format: 'image/png', transparent: true }); openaip_airspace_labels.addTo(map);*/ const opencyclemap_phys_osm = new L.TileLayer( 'http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png?apikey=f09a38fa87514de4890fc96e7fe8ecb1', { maxZoom: 14, minZoom: 4, format: 'image/png', transparent: true }); feature_groups.push(opencyclemap_phys_osm); /*const openaip_cached_basemap = new L.TileLayer("http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png", { maxZoom: 14, minZoom: 4, tms: true, detectRetina: true, subdomains: '12', format: 'image/png', transparent: true }); feature_groups.push(openaip_cached_basemap); */ const openaip_basemap_phys_osm = L.featureGroup(feature_groups); let map ='map', { layers: [openaip_basemap_phys_osm], zoom: opts.zoom, scrollWheelZoom: false, }); const attrib = L.control.attribution({position: 'bottomleft'}); attrib.addAttribution("Thunderforest"); attrib.addAttribution("openAIP"); attrib.addAttribution("OpenStreetMap contributors"); attrib.addAttribution("OpenWeatherMap"); attrib.addTo(map); return map; }; /** * Show some popup text when a feature is clicked on * @param feature * @param layer */ const onFeaturePointClick = (feature, layer) => { let popup_html = ""; if ( && { popup_html +=; } layer.bindPopup(popup_html); }; /** * Show each point as a marker * @param feature * @param latlng * @returns {*} */ const pointToLayer = (feature, latlng) => { return L.circleMarker(latlng, { radius: 12, fillColor: "#ff7800", color: "#000", weight: 1, opacity: 1, fillOpacity: 0.8 }); }; /** * * @param opts * @private */ const _render_route_map = (opts) => { opts = _.defaults(opts, { route_points: null, planned_route_line: null, actual_route_points: null, actual_route_line: null, render_elem: 'map', }); let map = draw_base_map(opts); let geodesicLayer = L.geodesic([], { weight: 7, opacity: 0.9, color: '#36b123', steps: 50, wrap: false, }).addTo(map); geodesicLayer.geoJson(opts.planned_route_line); map.fitBounds(geodesicLayer.getBounds()); // Draw the route points after if (opts.route_points !== null) { let route_points = L.geoJSON(opts.route_points, { onEachFeature: onFeaturePointClick, pointToLayer: pointToLayer, style: { "color": "#36b123", "weight": 5, "opacity": 0.65, }, }); route_points.addTo(map); } /** * draw the actual route */ if (opts.actual_route_line !== null) { let geodesicLayer = L.geodesic([], { weight: 7, opacity: 0.9, color: '#172aea', steps: 50, wrap: false, }).addTo(map); geodesicLayer.geoJson(opts.actual_route_line); map.fitBounds(geodesicLayer.getBounds()); } if (opts.actual_route_points !== null) { let route_points = L.geoJSON(opts.actual_route_points, { onEachFeature: onFeaturePointClick, pointToLayer: pointToLayer, style: { "color": "#172aea", "weight": 5, "opacity": 0.65, }, }); route_points.addTo(map); } }; /** * Render a map with the airspace, etc around a given set of coords * e.g, the airport map * @param opts */ const _render_airspace_map = (opts) => { opts = _.defaults(opts, { render_elem: 'map', overlay_elem: '', lat: 0, lon: 0, zoom: 12, layers: [], set_marker: false, }); let map = draw_base_map(opts); const coords = [, opts.lon]; console.log('Applying coords', coords); map.setView(coords, opts.zoom); if (opts.set_marker === true) { L.marker(coords).addTo(map); } return map; }; /** * Render the live map * @param opts * @private */ const _render_live_map = (opts) => { opts = _.defaults(opts, { update_uri: '/api/acars', positions: null, render_elem: 'map', aircraft_icon: '/assets/img/acars/aircraft.png', }); let flightPositions = null; const map = draw_base_map(opts); const aircraftIcon = L.icon({ iconUrl: opts.aircraft_icon, iconSize: [48, 48], iconAnchor: [0, 0], popupAnchor: [-3, -76], }); const updateMap = () => { console.log('reloading flights from acars...'); /** * AJAX UPDATE */ let flights = $.ajax({ url: opts.update_uri, dataType: "json", error: console.log }); $.when(flights).done(function (flightGeoJson) { if (flightPositions !== null) { flightPositions.clearLayers(); } flightPositions = L.geoJSON(flightGeoJson, { onEachFeature: onFeaturePointClick, pointToLayer: function(feature, latlon) { return L.marker(latlon, { icon: aircraftIcon, rotationAngle: }); } }); flightPositions.addTo(map); map.fitBounds(flightPositions.getBounds()); }); }; updateMap(); setTimeout(updateMap, 10000); }; return { render_airspace_map: _render_airspace_map, render_live_map: _render_live_map, render_route_map: _render_route_map, } })();