expenseRepo = $expenseRepo; $this->fareSvc = $fareSvc; $this->journalRepo = $journalRepo; $this->financeSvc = $financeSvc; } /** * Process all of the finances for a pilot report. This is called * from a listener (FinanceEvents) * * @param Pirep $pirep * * @throws \UnexpectedValueException * @throws \InvalidArgumentException * @throws \Prettus\Validator\Exceptions\ValidatorException * @throws \Exception * * @return mixed */ public function processFinancesForPirep(Pirep $pirep) { if (!$pirep->airline->journal) { $pirep->airline->journal = $pirep->airline->initJournal(setting('units.currency', 'USD')); } if (!$pirep->user->journal) { $pirep->user->journal = $pirep->user->initJournal(setting('units.currency', 'USD')); } // Clean out the expenses first $this->deleteFinancesForPirep($pirep); Log::info('Finance: Starting PIREP pay for '.$pirep->id); // Now start and pay from scratch $this->payFuelCosts($pirep); $this->payFaresForPirep($pirep); $this->payFaresEventsForPirep($pirep); $this->payExpensesForSubfleet($pirep); $this->payExpensesForPirep($pirep); $this->payAirportExpensesForPirep($pirep); $this->payExpensesEventsForPirep($pirep); $this->payGroundHandlingForPirep($pirep); $this->payPilotForPirep($pirep); $pirep->airline->journal->refresh(); $pirep->user->journal->refresh(); // Recalculate balances... $this->journalRepo->recalculateBalance($pirep->airline->journal); $this->journalRepo->recalculateBalance($pirep->user->journal); return $pirep; } /** * @param Pirep $pirep */ public function deleteFinancesForPirep(Pirep $pirep): void { $this->journalRepo->deleteAllForObject($pirep); } /** * Collect all of the fares and then post each fare class's profit and * the costs for each seat and post it to the journal * * @param $pirep * * @throws \UnexpectedValueException * @throws \InvalidArgumentException * @throws \Prettus\Validator\Exceptions\ValidatorException */ public function payFaresForPirep($pirep): void { $fares = $this->getReconciledFaresForPirep($pirep); /** @var \App\Models\Fare $fare */ foreach ($fares as $fare) { Log::info('Finance: PIREP: '.$pirep->id.', Fare:', $fare->toArray()); $credit = Money::createFromAmount($fare->count * $fare->price); $debit = Money::createFromAmount($fare->count * $fare->cost); Log::info('Finance: Calculate: C='.$credit->toAmount().', D='.$debit->toAmount()); $memo = FareType::label($fare->type).' fare: '.$fare->code.': '.$fare->count .'; price: '.$fare->price.', cost: '.$fare->cost; $this->journalRepo->post( $pirep->airline->journal, $credit, $debit, $pirep, $memo, null, 'Fares', 'fare' ); } } /** * Collect all of the fares from listeners and apply those to the journal * * @param Pirep $pirep * * @throws \UnexpectedValueException * @throws \InvalidArgumentException * @throws \Prettus\Validator\Exceptions\ValidatorException */ public function payFaresEventsForPirep(Pirep $pirep): void { // Throw an event and collect any fares returned from it $gathered_fares = event(new FaresEvent($pirep)); if (!\is_array($gathered_fares)) { return; } foreach ($gathered_fares as $event_fare) { if (!\is_array($event_fare)) { continue; } foreach ($event_fare as $fare) { // Make sure it's of type Fare Model if (!($fare instanceof Fare)) { Log::info('Finance: Event Fare is not an instance of Fare Model, aborting process!'); continue; } $credit = Money::createFromAmount($fare->price); $debit = Money::createFromAmount($fare->cost); Log::info('Finance: Income From Listener N='.$fare->name.', C='.$credit.', D='.$debit); $this->journalRepo->post( $pirep->airline->journal, $credit, $debit, $pirep, $fare->name, null, $fare->notes, 'additional-sales' ); } } } /** * Calculate the fuel used by the PIREP and add those costs in * * @param Pirep $pirep * * @throws \Prettus\Validator\Exceptions\ValidatorException */ public function payFuelCosts(Pirep $pirep): void { // Get Airport Fuel Prices or Use Defaults $ap = $pirep->dpt_airport; // Get Aircraft Fuel Type from Subfleet // And set $fuel_cost according to type (Failsafe is Jet A) $sf = $pirep->aircraft->subfleet; if ($sf) { $fuel_type = $sf->fuel_type; } else { $fuel_type = FuelType::JET_A; } if ($fuel_type === FuelType::LOW_LEAD) { $fuel_cost = !empty($ap->fuel_100ll_cost) ? $ap->fuel_100ll_cost : setting('airports.default_100ll_fuel_cost'); } elseif ($fuel_type === FuelType::MOGAS) { $fuel_cost = !empty($ap->fuel_mogas_cost) ? $ap->fuel_mogas_cost : setting('airports.default_mogas_fuel_cost'); } else { // Default to JetA $fuel_cost = !empty($ap->fuel_jeta_cost) ? $ap->fuel_jeta_cost : setting('airports.default_jet_a_fuel_cost'); } if (setting('pireps.advanced_fuel', false)) { // Reading second row by skip(1) to reach the previous accepted pirep. Current pirep is at the first row // To get proper fuel values, we need to fetch current pirep and older ones only. Scenario: ReCalculating finances $prev_flight = Pirep::where([ 'aircraft_id' => $pirep->aircraft->id, 'state' => PirepState::ACCEPTED, 'status' => PirepStatus::ARRIVED, ]) ->where('submitted_at', '<=', $pirep->submitted_at) ->orderby('submitted_at', 'desc') ->skip(1) ->first(); if ($prev_flight) { // If there is a pirep use its values to calculate the remaining fuel // and calculate the uplifted fuel amount for this pirep $fuel_amount = $pirep->block_fuel - ($prev_flight->block_fuel - $prev_flight->fuel_used); // Aircraft has more than enough fuel in its tanks, no uplift necessary if ($fuel_amount < 0) { $fuel_amount = 0; } } else { // No pirep found for aircraft, debit full block fuel $fuel_amount = $pirep->block_fuel; } } else { // Setting is false, switch back to basic calculation $fuel_amount = $pirep->fuel_used; } $debit = Money::createFromAmount($fuel_amount * $fuel_cost); Log::info('Finance: Fuel cost, (fuel='.$fuel_amount.', cost='.$fuel_cost.') D='.$debit->getAmount()); $this->financeSvc->debitFromJournal( $pirep->airline->journal, $debit, $pirep, 'Fuel Cost ('.$fuel_cost.'/'.config('phpvms.internal_units.fuel').')', 'Fuel', 'fuel' ); } /** * Calculate what the cost is for the operating an aircraft * in this subfleet, as-per the block time * * @param Pirep $pirep * * @throws \UnexpectedValueException * @throws \InvalidArgumentException * @throws \Prettus\Validator\Exceptions\ValidatorException */ public function payExpensesForSubfleet(Pirep $pirep): void { $sf = $pirep->aircraft->subfleet; // Haven't entered a cost if (!filled($sf->cost_block_hour)) { return; } // Convert to cost per-minute $cost_per_min = round($sf->cost_block_hour / 60, 2); // Time to use - use the block time if it's there, actual // flight time if that hasn't been used $block_time = $pirep->block_time; if (!filled($block_time)) { Log::info('Finance: No block time, using PIREP flight time'); $block_time = $pirep->flight_time; } $debit = Money::createFromAmount($cost_per_min * $block_time); Log::info('Finance: Subfleet Block Hourly, D='.$debit->getAmount()); $this->financeSvc->debitFromJournal( $pirep->airline->journal, $debit, $pirep, 'Subfleet '.$sf->type.': Block Time Cost', 'Subfleet '.$sf->type, 'subfleet' ); } /** * Collect all of the expenses and apply those to the journal * * @param Pirep $pirep * * @throws \UnexpectedValueException * @throws \InvalidArgumentException */ public function payExpensesForPirep(Pirep $pirep): void { $expenses = $this->expenseRepo->getAllForType( ExpenseType::FLIGHT, $pirep->airline_id ); /* * Go through the expenses and apply a mulitplier if present */ $expenses->map(function (Expense $expense, $i) use ($pirep) { // Airport expenses are paid out separately if ($expense->ref_model === Airport::class) { return; } Log::info('Finance: PIREP: '.$pirep->id.', expense:', $expense->toArray()); // Check to see if there is a certain fleet or flight type set on this expense // if there is and it doesn't match up the flight type for the PIREP, skip it if ($expense->ref_model === Expense::class) { if (is_array($expense->flight_type) && count($expense->flight_type) > 0) { if (!in_array($pirep->flight_type, $expense->flight_type, true)) { return; } } } // Get the transaction group name from the ref_model name // This way it can be more dynamic and don't have to add special // tables or specific expense calls to accomodate all of these $klass = 'Expense'; if ($expense->ref_model) { $ref = explode('\\', $expense->ref_model); $klass = end($ref); } // Form the memo, with some specific ones depending on the group if ($expense->ref_model === Subfleet::class) { if ((int) ($expense->ref_model_id) === $pirep->aircraft->subfleet->id) { $memo = "Subfleet Expense: $expense->name ({$pirep->aircraft->subfleet->name}) dd"; $transaction_group = "Subfleet: $expense->name ({$pirep->aircraft->subfleet->name})"; } else { // Skip any subfleets that weren't used for this flight return; } } elseif ($expense->ref_model === Aircraft::class) { if ((int) ($expense->ref_model_id) === $pirep->aircraft->id) { $memo = "Aircraft Expense: $expense->name ({$pirep->aircraft->name})"; $transaction_group = "Aircraft: $expense->name " ."({$pirep->aircraft->name}-{$pirep->aircraft->registration})"; } else { // Skip any aircraft expenses that weren't used for this flight return; } } else { // Skip any expenses that aren't for the airline this flight was for if ($expense->airline_id && $expense->airline_id !== $pirep->airline_id) { return; } $memo = "Expense: $expense->name"; $transaction_group = "Expense: $expense->name"; } $debit = Money::createFromAmount($expense->amount); // If the expense is marked to charge it to a user (only applicable to Flight) // then change the journal to the user's to debit there $journal = $pirep->airline->journal; if ($expense->charge_to_user) { $journal = $pirep->user->journal; } $this->financeSvc->debitFromJournal( $journal, $debit, $pirep, $memo, $transaction_group, strtolower($klass) ); }); } /** * Pay the airport-specific expenses for a PIREP * * @param \App\Models\Pirep $pirep */ public function payAirportExpensesForPirep(Pirep $pirep): void { $expenses = $this->expenseRepo->getAllForType( ExpenseType::FLIGHT, $pirep->airline_id, Airport::class, $pirep->arr_airport_id ); /* * Go through the expenses and apply a mulitplier if present */ $expenses->map(function (Expense $expense, $i) use ($pirep) { Log::info('Finance: PIREP: '.$pirep->id.', airport expense:', $expense->toArray()); $memo = "Airport Expense: $expense->name ($expense->ref_model_id)"; $transaction_group = "Airport: $expense->ref_model_id"; $debit = Money::createFromAmount($expense->amount); // Charge to the airlines journal $journal = $pirep->airline->journal; $this->financeSvc->debitFromJournal( $journal, $debit, $pirep, $memo, $transaction_group, 'airport' ); }); } /** * Collect all of the expenses from the listeners and apply those to the journal * * @param Pirep $pirep * * @throws \UnexpectedValueException * @throws \InvalidArgumentException * @throws \Prettus\Validator\Exceptions\ValidatorException */ public function payExpensesEventsForPirep(Pirep $pirep): void { /** * Throw an event and collect any expenses returned from it */ $gathered_expenses = event(new ExpensesEvent($pirep)); if (!\is_array($gathered_expenses)) { return; } foreach ($gathered_expenses as $event_expense) { if (!\is_array($event_expense)) { continue; } foreach ($event_expense as $expense) { // Make sure it's of type expense Model if (!($expense instanceof Expense)) { continue; } Log::info('Finance: Expense from listener, N="' .$expense->name.'", A='.$expense->amount); // If an airline_id is filled, then see if it matches /* @noinspection NotOptimalIfConditionsInspection */ if (filled($expense->airline_id) && $expense->airline_id !== $pirep->airline_id) { Log::info('Finance: Expense has an airline ID and it doesn\'t match, skipping'); continue; } $debit = Money::createFromAmount($expense->amount); $this->financeSvc->debitFromJournal( $pirep->airline->journal, $debit, $pirep, 'Expense: '.$expense->name, $expense->transaction_group ?? 'Expenses', 'expense' ); } } } /** * Collect and apply the ground handling cost * * @param Pirep $pirep * * @throws \UnexpectedValueException * @throws \InvalidArgumentException * @throws \Prettus\Validator\Exceptions\ValidatorException */ public function payGroundHandlingForPirep(Pirep $pirep): void { $ground_handling_cost = $this->getGroundHandlingCost($pirep, $pirep->dpt_airport); Log::info('Finance: PIREP: '.$pirep->id.'; dpt ground handling: '.$ground_handling_cost); $this->financeSvc->debitFromJournal( $pirep->airline->journal, Money::createFromAmount($ground_handling_cost), $pirep, 'Ground Handling (Departure)', 'Ground Handling', 'ground_handling' ); $ground_handling_cost = $this->getGroundHandlingCost($pirep, $pirep->arr_airport); Log::info('Finance: PIREP: '.$pirep->id.'; arr ground handling: '.$ground_handling_cost); $this->financeSvc->debitFromJournal( $pirep->airline->journal, Money::createFromAmount($ground_handling_cost), $pirep, 'Ground Handling (Arrival)', 'Ground Handling', 'ground_handling' ); } /** * Figure out what the pilot pay is. Debit it from the airline journal * But also reference the PIREP * * @param Pirep $pirep * * @throws \UnexpectedValueException * @throws \InvalidArgumentException * @throws \Prettus\Validator\Exceptions\ValidatorException */ public function payPilotForPirep(Pirep $pirep): void { $pilot_pay = $this->getPilotPay($pirep); if ($pirep->flight && !empty($pirep->flight->pilot_pay)) { $memo = 'Pilot fixed payment for flight: '.$pirep->flight->pilot_pay; Log::info('Finance: PIREP: '.$pirep->id .'; pilot pay: fixed for flight='.$pirep->flight->pilot_pay.', total: '.$pilot_pay); } else { $pilot_pay_rate = $this->getPilotPayRateForPirep($pirep); $memo = 'Pilot Payment @ '.$pilot_pay_rate; Log::info('Finance: PIREP: '.$pirep->id .'; pilot pay: '.$pilot_pay_rate.', total: '.$pilot_pay); } $this->financeSvc->debitFromJournal( $pirep->airline->journal, $pilot_pay, $pirep, $memo, 'Pilot Pay', 'pilot_pay' ); $this->financeSvc->creditToJournal( $pirep->user->journal, $pilot_pay, $pirep, $memo, 'Pilot Pay', 'pilot_pay' ); } /** * Return all of the fares for the PIREP. Reconcile the list; * Get the fares that have been filled out for the PIREP, and * then get the fares for the flight and subfleet. Then merge * them together, and return the final list of: * count = number of pax * price = how much each pax unit paid * capacity = max number of pax units * * If count > capacity, count will be adjusted to capacity * * @param $pirep * * @return \Illuminate\Support\Collection */ public function getReconciledFaresForPirep($pirep) { // Collect all of the fares and prices $flight_fares = $this->fareSvc->getForPirep($pirep); Log::info('Finance: PIREP: '.$pirep->id.', flight fares: ', $flight_fares->toArray()); $all_fares = $this->fareSvc->getAllFares($pirep->flight, $pirep->aircraft->subfleet); $fares = $all_fares->map(function ($fare, $i) use ($flight_fares, $pirep) { $fare_count = $flight_fares ->where('fare_id', $fare->id) ->first(); if ($fare_count) { Log::info('Finance: PIREP: '.$pirep->id.', fare count: '.$fare_count); // If the count is greater than capacity, then just set it // to the maximum amount if ($fare_count->count > $fare->capacity) { $fare->count = $fare->capacity; } else { $fare->count = $fare_count->count; } } else { Log::info('Finance: PIREP: '.$pirep->id.', no fare count found', $fare->toArray()); } return $fare; }); return $fares; } /** * Return the costs for the ground handling, with the multiplier * being applied from the subfleet * * @param Pirep $pirep * @param Airport $airport * * @return float|null */ public function getGroundHandlingCost(Pirep $pirep, Airport $airport): ?float { if (empty($airport->ground_handling_cost)) { $gh_cost = setting('airports.default_ground_handling_cost'); } else { $gh_cost = $airport->ground_handling_cost; } if (!filled($pirep->aircraft->subfleet->ground_handling_multiplier)) { return $gh_cost; } // force into percent mode $multiplier = $pirep->aircraft->subfleet->ground_handling_multiplier.'%'; return Math::applyAmountOrPercent($gh_cost, $multiplier); } /** * Return the pilot's hourly pay for the given PIREP * * @param Pirep $pirep * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException * * @return float */ public function getPilotPayRateForPirep(Pirep $pirep) { // Get the base rate for the rank $rank = $pirep->user->rank; $subfleet_id = $pirep->aircraft->subfleet_id; // find the right subfleet $override_rate = $rank->subfleets() ->where('subfleet_id', $subfleet_id) ->first(); if ($override_rate) { $override_rate = $override_rate->pivot; } if ($pirep->source === PirepSource::ACARS) { Log::debug('Source is ACARS'); $base_rate = $rank->acars_base_pay_rate; if ($override_rate) { $override_rate = $override_rate->acars_pay; } } else { Log::debug('Source is Manual'); $base_rate = $rank->manual_base_pay_rate; if ($override_rate) { $override_rate = $override_rate->manual_pay; } } Log::debug('pilot pay: base rate='.$base_rate.', override='.$override_rate); return Math::applyAmountOrPercent( $base_rate, $override_rate ); } /** * Get the user's payment amount for a PIREP * * @param Pirep $pirep * * @throws \UnexpectedValueException * @throws \InvalidArgumentException * * @return Money */ public function getPilotPay(Pirep $pirep) { // If there is a fixed price for this flight, return that amount $flight = $pirep->flight; if ($flight && !empty($flight->pilot_pay)) { return new Money(Money::convertToSubunit($flight->pilot_pay)); } // Divided by 60 to get the rate per minute $pilot_rate = $this->getPilotPayRateForPirep($pirep) / 60; $payment = round($pirep->flight_time * $pilot_rate, 2); Log::info('Pilot Payment: rate='.$pilot_rate); $payment = Money::convertToSubunit($payment); return new Money($payment); } }