/** * Before you edit these, read the documentation on how these files are compiled: * https://docs.phpvms.net/developers/building-assets * * Edits here don't take place until you compile these assets and then upload them. */ import draw_base_map from './base_map'; import { ACTUAL_ROUTE_COLOR } from './config'; import request from '../request'; import {LatLng} from "leaflet/dist/leaflet-src.esm"; // const geolib = require('geolib'); const leaflet = require('leaflet'); const rivets = require('rivets'); /** * Render the live map * @param _opts * @private */ export default (_opts) => { const opts = Object.assign({ center: [29.98139, -95.33374], refresh_interval: 10, // seconds zoom: 5, acars_uri: '/api/acars', update_uri: '/api/acars/geojson', pirep_uri: '/api/pireps/{id}', pirep_link_uri: '/pireps/{id}', positions: null, render_elem: 'map', aircraft_icon: '/assets/img/acars/aircraft.png', flown_route_color: ACTUAL_ROUTE_COLOR, units: 'nmi', }, _opts); const map = draw_base_map(opts); const aircraftIcon = leaflet.icon({ iconUrl: opts.aircraft_icon, iconSize: [42, 42], iconAnchor: [21, 21], }); const centerCoords = new LatLng(opts.center[0], opts.center[1]); /** * Hold the markers * @type {{}} */ const markers_list = {}; let pannedToFlight = false; let layerFlights = null; let layerSelFlight = null; let layerSelFlightFeature = null; let layerSelFlightLayer = null; const liveMapController = { pirep: {}, pireps: [], has_data: false, controller: { focusMarker: null, // assigned below }, }; rivets.bind($('#map-info-box'), liveMapController); rivets.bind($('#live_flights'), liveMapController); function drawRoute(feature, layer, route) { if (layerSelFlight !== null) { map.removeLayer(layerSelFlight); } layerSelFlight = new L.Geodesic([], { weight: 5, opacity: 0.9, color: opts.flown_route_color, wrap: false, }).addTo(map); layerSelFlight.fromGeoJson(route.line); layerSelFlightFeature = feature; layerSelFlightLayer = layer; // Center on it, but only do it once, in case the map is moved if (!pannedToFlight) { map.panTo({ lat: route.position.lat, lng: route.position.lon, }); pannedToFlight = true; } } /** * When a flight is clicked on, show the path, etc for that flight * @param feature * @param layer */ function onFlightClick(feature, layer) { const pirep_uri = opts.pirep_uri.replace('{id}', feature.properties.pirep_id); const geojson_uri = `${opts.pirep_uri.replace('{id}', feature.properties.pirep_id)}/acars/geojson`; /* * Run these in parallel: * 1. Get information about the PIREP and populate the bottom box/container * 2. Draw out the flight route */ request(pirep_uri).then((response) => { const pirep = response.data.data; console.log(pirep); liveMapController.pirep = pirep; }); request(geojson_uri).then((response) => { const route = response.data.data; console.log(route); drawRoute(feature, layer, route); }); } /** * Focus on a specific marker * @param e * @param model */ function focusMarker(e, model) { if (!(model.pirep.id in markers_list)) { console.log('marker not found in list'); return; } const marker = markers_list[model.pirep.id]; onFlightClick(marker[0], marker[1]); } /* * Assign functions to the controller */ liveMapController.controller.drawRoute = drawRoute; liveMapController.controller.focusMarker = focusMarker; liveMapController.controller.onFlightClick = onFlightClick; const updateMap = () => { request(opts.acars_uri).then((response) => { const pireps = response.data.data; liveMapController.pireps = pireps; liveMapController.has_data = pireps.length > 0; }); request({ url: opts.update_uri }).then((response) => { const flightGeoJson = response.data.data; if (layerFlights !== null) { layerFlights.clearLayers(); } layerFlights = leaflet.geoJSON(flightGeoJson, { onEachFeature: (feature, layer) => { layer.on({ // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars click: (e) => { pannedToFlight = false; liveMapController.controller.onFlightClick(feature, layer); }, }); let popup_html = ''; if (feature.properties && (feature.properties.popup !== '' && feature.properties.popup !== undefined)) { popup_html += feature.properties.popup; layer.bindPopup(popup_html); } // add to the list markers_list[feature.properties.pirep_id] = [feature, layer]; }, pointToLayer(feature, latlon) { return leaflet.marker(latlon, { icon: aircraftIcon, rotationAngle: feature.properties.heading, }); }, }); layerFlights.addTo(map); // Reload the clicked-flight information if (layerSelFlight !== null) { liveMapController.controller.onFlightClick(layerSelFlightFeature, layerSelFlightLayer); } else { // Center on active flights // eslint-disable-next-line no-lonely-if if (!pannedToFlight) { try { map.panTo(layerFlights.getBounds().getCenter()); } catch (e) { map.panTo(centerCoords); } } } }); }; updateMap(); setInterval(updateMap, opts.refresh_interval * 1000); };