userSvc = app(UserService::class); $this->settingsRepo = app(SettingRepository::class); } /** * Makes sure that the subfleet/aircraft returned are allowable * by the users rank. */ public function testRankSubfleets() { // Add subfleets and aircraft, but also add another // set of subfleets $subfleetA = $this->createSubfleetWithAircraft(); $this->createSubfleetWithAircraft(); $rank = $this->createRank(10, [$subfleetA['subfleet']->id]); $user = factory(App\Models\User::class)->create([ 'rank_id' => $rank->id, ]); $added_aircraft = $subfleetA['aircraft']->pluck('id'); $subfleets = $this->userSvc->getAllowableSubfleets($user); $this->assertEquals(1, $subfleets->count()); $subfleet = $subfleets[0]; $all_aircraft = $subfleet->aircraft->pluck('id'); $this->assertEquals($added_aircraft, $all_aircraft); /** * Check via API */ $resp = $this->get('/api/user/fleet', [], $user)->assertStatus(200); $body = $resp->json()['data']; // Get the subfleet that's been added in $subfleet_from_api = $body[0]; $this->assertEquals($subfleet->id, $subfleet_from_api['id']); // Get all the aircraft from that subfleet $aircraft_from_api = collect($subfleet_from_api['aircraft'])->pluck('id'); $this->assertEquals($added_aircraft, $aircraft_from_api); /** * Check the user ID call */ $resp = $this->get('/api/users/'.$user->id.'/fleet', [], $user)->assertStatus(200); $body = $resp->json()['data']; // Get the subfleet that's been added in $subfleet_from_api = $body[0]; $this->assertEquals($subfleet->id, $subfleet_from_api['id']); // Get all the aircraft from that subfleet $aircraft_from_api = collect($subfleet_from_api['aircraft'])->pluck('id'); $this->assertEquals($added_aircraft, $aircraft_from_api); } /** * Flip the setting for getting all of the user's aircraft restricted * by rank. Make sure that they're all returned */ public function testGetAllAircraft() { // Add subfleets and aircraft, but also add another // set of subfleets $subfleetA = $this->createSubfleetWithAircraft(); $subfleetB = $this->createSubfleetWithAircraft(); $added_aircraft = array_merge( $subfleetA['aircraft']->pluck('id')->toArray(), $subfleetB['aircraft']->pluck('id')->toArray() ); $rank = $this->createRank(10, [$subfleetA['subfleet']->id]); $user = factory(App\Models\User::class)->create([ 'rank_id' => $rank->id, ]); $this->settingsRepo->store('pireps.restrict_aircraft_to_rank', false); $subfleets = $this->userSvc->getAllowableSubfleets($user); $this->assertEquals(2, $subfleets->count()); $all_aircraft = array_merge( $subfleets[0]->aircraft->pluck('id')->toArray(), $subfleets[1]->aircraft->pluck('id')->toArray() ); $this->assertEquals($added_aircraft, $all_aircraft); /** * Check via API */ $resp = $this->get('/api/user/fleet', [], $user)->assertStatus(200); // Get all the aircraft from that subfleet $body = $resp->json()['data']; $aircraft_from_api = array_merge( collect($body[0]['aircraft'])->pluck('id')->toArray(), collect($body[1]['aircraft'])->pluck('id')->toArray() ); $this->assertEquals($added_aircraft, $aircraft_from_api); } /** * Flip the setting for getting all of the user's aircraft restricted * by rank. Make sure that they're all returned. Create two subfleets, * assign only one of them to the user's rank. When calling the api * to retrieve the flight, only subfleetA should be showing */ public function testGetAircraftAllowedFromFlight() { // Add subfleets and aircraft, but also add another // set of subfleets $airport = factory(App\Models\Airport::class)->create(); $subfleetA = $this->createSubfleetWithAircraft(2, $airport->id); $subfleetB = $this->createSubfleetWithAircraft(2); $rank = $this->createRank(10, [$subfleetA['subfleet']->id]); $user = factory(App\Models\User::class)->create([ 'curr_airport_id' => $airport->id, 'rank_id' => $rank->id, ]); $flight = factory(App\Models\Flight::class)->create([ 'airline_id' => $user->airline_id, 'dpt_airport_id' => $airport->id, ]); $flight->subfleets()->syncWithoutDetaching([ $subfleetA['subfleet']->id, $subfleetB['subfleet']->id, ]); // Make sure no flights are filtered out $this->settingsRepo->store('pilots.only_flights_from_current', false); // And restrict the aircraft $this->settingsRepo->store('pireps.restrict_aircraft_to_rank', false); $response = $this->get('/api/flights/'.$flight->id, [], $user); $response->assertStatus(200); $this->assertCount(2, $response->json()['data']['subfleets']); /* * Now make sure it's filtered out */ $this->settingsRepo->store('pireps.restrict_aircraft_to_rank', true); /** * Make sure it's filtered out from the single flight call */ $response = $this->get('/api/flights/'.$flight->id, [], $user); $response->assertStatus(200); $this->assertCount(1, $response->json()['data']['subfleets']); /** * Make sure it's filtered out from the flight list */ $response = $this->get('/api/flights', [], $user); $body = $response->json()['data']; $response->assertStatus(200); $this->assertCount(1, $body[0]['subfleets']); /** * Filtered from search? */ $response = $this->get('/api/flights/search?flight_id='.$flight->id, [], $user); $response->assertStatus(200); $body = $response->json()['data']; $this->assertCount(1, $body[0]['subfleets']); } /** * Test the pilot ID being added when a new user is created */ public function testUserPilotIdChangeAlreadyExists() { $this->expectException(UserPilotIdExists::class); $user1 = factory(App\Models\User::class)->create(['id' => 1]); $user2 = factory(App\Models\User::class)->create(['id' => 2]); // Now try to change the original user's pilot_id to 2 (should conflict) $this->userSvc->changePilotId($user1, 2); } /** * Test the pilot ID being added when a new user is created */ public function testUserPilotIdAdded() { $new_user = factory(App\Models\User::class)->create(['id' => 1]); $user = $this->userSvc->createUser($new_user); $this->assertEquals($user->id, $user->pilot_id); // Add a second user $new_user = factory(App\Models\User::class)->create(['id' => 2]); $user2 = $this->userSvc->createUser($new_user); $this->assertEquals($user2->id, $user2->pilot_id); // Now try to change the original user's pilot_id to 3 $user = $this->userSvc->changePilotId($user, 3); $this->assertEquals(3, $user->pilot_id); // Create a new user and the pilot_id should be 4 $user3 = factory(App\Models\User::class)->create(['id' => 3]); $this->assertEquals(4, $user3->pilot_id); } }