addData('base'); $this->addData('fleet'); $this->pirepSvc = app(PirepService::class); $this->settingsRepo = app(SettingRepository::class); } protected function createNewRoute() { $route = []; $navpoints = factory(App\Models\Navdata::class, 5)->create(); foreach ($navpoints as $point) { $route[] = $point->id; } return $route; } protected function getAcarsRoute($pirep) { $saved_route = []; $route_points = Acars::where( ['pirep_id' => $pirep->id, 'type' => AcarsType::ROUTE] )->orderBy('order', 'asc')->get(); foreach ($route_points as $point) { $saved_route[] = $point->name; } return $saved_route; } /** * @throws Exception */ public function testAddPirep() { $user = factory(App\Models\User::class)->create(); $route = $this->createNewRoute(); $pirep = factory(App\Models\Pirep::class)->create([ 'user_id' => $user->id, 'route' => implode(' ', $route), ]); $pirep = $this->pirepSvc->create($pirep, []); try { $this->pirepSvc->saveRoute($pirep); } catch (Exception $e) { throw $e; } /* * Check the initial state info */ $this->assertEquals($pirep->state, PirepState::PENDING); /** * Now set the PIREP state to ACCEPTED */ $new_pirep_count = $pirep->pilot->flights + 1; $new_flight_time = $pirep->pilot->flight_time + $pirep->flight_time; $this->pirepSvc->changeState($pirep, PirepState::ACCEPTED); $this->assertEquals($new_pirep_count, $pirep->pilot->flights); $this->assertEquals($new_flight_time, $pirep->pilot->flight_time); $this->assertEquals($pirep->arr_airport_id, $pirep->pilot->curr_airport_id); // Check the location of the current aircraft $this->assertEquals($pirep->aircraft->airport_id, $pirep->arr_airport_id); // Also check via API: $this->get('/api/fleet/aircraft/'.$pirep->aircraft_id, [], $user) ->assertJson(['data' => ['airport_id' => $pirep->arr_airport_id]]); // Make sure a notification was sent out to both the user and the admin(s) Notification::assertSentTo([$user], PirepAccepted::class); // Try cancelling it $uri = '/api/pireps/'.$pirep->id.'/cancel'; $response = $this->put($uri, [], [], $user); $response->assertStatus(400); /** * Now go from ACCEPTED to REJECTED */ $new_pirep_count = $pirep->pilot->flights - 1; $new_flight_time = $pirep->pilot->flight_time - $pirep->flight_time; $this->pirepSvc->changeState($pirep, PirepState::REJECTED); $this->assertEquals($new_pirep_count, $pirep->pilot->flights); $this->assertEquals($new_flight_time, $pirep->pilot->flight_time); $this->assertEquals($pirep->arr_airport_id, $pirep->pilot->curr_airport_id); /** * Check the ACARS table */ $saved_route = $this->getAcarsRoute($pirep); $this->assertEquals($route, $saved_route); /** * Recreate the route with new options points. Make sure that the * old route is erased from the ACARS table and then recreated */ $route = $this->createNewRoute(); $pirep->route = implode(' ', $route); $pirep->save(); // this should delete the old route from the acars table $this->pirepSvc->saveRoute($pirep); $saved_route = $this->getAcarsRoute($pirep); $this->assertEquals($route, $saved_route); } /** * Make sure the unit conversions look to be proper */ public function testUnitFields() { $pirep = $this->createPirep(); $pirep->save(); $uri = '/api/pireps/'.$pirep->id; $response = $this->get($uri); $body = $response->json('data'); // Check that it has the fuel units $this->assertHasKeys($body['fuel_used'], ['lbs', 'kg']); $this->assertEquals($pirep->fuel_used, $body['fuel_used']['lbs']); // Check that it has the distance units $this->assertHasKeys($body['distance'], ['km', 'nmi', 'mi']); $this->assertEquals($pirep->distance, $body['distance']['nmi']); // Check the planned_distance field $this->assertHasKeys($body['planned_distance'], ['km', 'nmi', 'mi']); $this->assertEquals($pirep->planned_distance, $body['planned_distance']['nmi']); } public function testGetUserPireps() { $this->user = factory(App\Models\User::class)->create(); $pirep_done = factory(App\Models\Pirep::class)->create([ 'user_id' => $this->user->id, 'state' => PirepState::ACCEPTED, ]); $pirep_in_progress = factory(App\Models\Pirep::class)->create([ 'user_id' => $this->user->id, 'state' => PirepState::IN_PROGRESS, ]); $pirep_cancelled = factory(App\Models\Pirep::class)->create([ 'user_id' => $this->user->id, 'state' => PirepState::CANCELLED, ]); $pireps = $this->get('/api/user/pireps') ->assertStatus(200) ->json(); $pirep_ids = collect($pireps['data'])->pluck('id'); $this->assertTrue($pirep_ids->contains($pirep_done->id)); $this->assertTrue($pirep_ids->contains($pirep_in_progress->id)); $this->assertFalse($pirep_ids->contains($pirep_cancelled->id)); // Get only status $pireps = $this->get('/api/user/pireps?state='.PirepState::IN_PROGRESS) ->assertStatus(200) ->json(); $pirep_ids = collect($pireps['data'])->pluck('id'); $this->assertTrue($pirep_ids->contains($pirep_in_progress->id)); $this->assertFalse($pirep_ids->contains($pirep_done->id)); $this->assertFalse($pirep_ids->contains($pirep_cancelled->id)); } /** * check the stats/ranks, etc have incremented properly */ public function testPilotStatsIncr() { $this->updateSetting('pilots.count_transfer_hours', false); $user = factory(User::class)->create([ 'flights' => 0, 'flight_time' => 0, 'rank_id' => 1, ]); // Submit two PIREPs $pireps = factory(Pirep::class, 2)->create([ 'airline_id' => $user->airline_id, 'aircraft_id' => 1, 'user_id' => $user->id, // 360min == 6 hours, rank should bump up 'flight_time' => 360, ]); foreach ($pireps as $pirep) { $this->pirepSvc->create($pirep); $this->pirepSvc->accept($pirep); } $pilot = User::find($user->id); $last_pirep = Pirep::where('id', $pilot->last_pirep_id)->first(); // Make sure rank went up $this->assertGreaterThan($user->rank_id, $pilot->rank_id); $this->assertEquals($last_pirep->arr_airport_id, $pilot->curr_airport_id); $this->assertEquals(2, $pilot->flights); // // Submit another PIREP, adding another 6 hours // it should automatically be accepted // $pirep = factory(Pirep::class)->create([ 'airline_id' => 1, 'user_id' => $user->id, // 120min == 2 hours, currently at 9 hours // Rank bumps up at 10 hours 'flight_time' => 120, ]); // Pilot should be at rank 2, where accept should be automatic $this->pirepSvc->create($pirep); $this->pirepSvc->submit($pirep); $pilot->refresh(); $this->assertEquals(3, $pilot->flights); $latest_pirep = Pirep::where('id', $pilot->last_pirep_id)->first(); // Make sure PIREP was auto updated $this->assertEquals(PirepState::ACCEPTED, $latest_pirep->state); // Make sure latest PIREP was updated $this->assertNotEquals($last_pirep->id, $latest_pirep->id); } /** * check the stats/ranks, etc have incremented properly */ public function testPilotStatsIncrWithTransferHours() { $this->updateSetting('pilots.count_transfer_hours', true); $user = factory(User::class)->create([ 'flights' => 0, 'flight_time' => 0, 'transfer_time' => 720, 'rank_id' => 1, ]); // Submit two PIREPs // 1 hour flight times, but the rank should bump up because of the transfer hours $pireps = factory(Pirep::class, 2)->create([ 'airline_id' => $user->airline_id, 'aircraft_id' => 1, 'user_id' => $user->id, 'flight_time' => 60, ]); foreach ($pireps as $pirep) { $this->pirepSvc->create($pirep); $this->pirepSvc->accept($pirep); } $pilot = User::find($user->id); $last_pirep = Pirep::where('id', $pilot->last_pirep_id)->first(); // Make sure rank went up $this->assertGreaterThan($user->rank_id, $pilot->rank_id); } /** * Find and check for any duplicate PIREPs by a user */ public function testDuplicatePireps() { $user = factory(App\Models\User::class)->create(); $pirep = factory(Pirep::class)->create([ 'user_id' => $user->id, ]); // This should find itself... $dupe_pirep = $this->pirepSvc->findDuplicate($pirep); $this->assertNotFalse($dupe_pirep); $this->assertEquals($pirep->id, $dupe_pirep->id); /** * Create a PIREP outside of the check time interval */ $minutes = setting('pireps.duplicate_check_time') + 1; $pirep = factory(Pirep::class)->create([ 'created_at' => Carbon::now()->subMinutes($minutes)->toDateTimeString(), ]); // This should find itself... $dupe_pirep = $this->pirepSvc->findDuplicate($pirep); $this->assertFalse($dupe_pirep); } public function testCancelViaAPI() { $pirep = $this->createPirep()->toArray(); $uri = '/api/pireps/prefile'; $response = $this->post($uri, $pirep); $pirep_id = $response->json()['data']['id']; $uri = '/api/pireps/'.$pirep_id.'/acars/position'; $acars = factory(App\Models\Acars::class)->make()->toArray(); $response = $this->post($uri, [ 'positions' => [$acars], ]); $response->assertStatus(200); // Cancel it $uri = '/api/pireps/'.$pirep_id.'/cancel'; $response = $this->delete($uri, $acars); $response->assertStatus(200); // Should get a 400 when posting an ACARS update $uri = '/api/pireps/'.$pirep_id.'/acars/position'; $acars = factory(App\Models\Acars::class)->make()->toArray(); $response = $this->post($uri, $acars); $response->assertStatus(400); } /** * When a PIREP is accepted, ensure that the bid is removed */ public function testPirepBidRemoved() { $bidSvc = app(BidService::class); $flightSvc = app(FlightService::class); $this->settingsRepo->store('pireps.remove_bid_on_accept', true); $user = factory(App\Models\User::class)->create([ 'flight_time' => 0, ]); $flight = factory(App\Models\Flight::class)->create([ 'route_code' => null, 'route_leg' => null, ]); $bidSvc->addBid($flight, $user); $pirep = factory(App\Models\Pirep::class)->create([ 'user_id' => $user->id, 'airline_id' => $flight->airline_id, 'flight_id' => $flight->id, 'flight_number' => $flight->flight_number, ]); $pirep = $this->pirepSvc->create($pirep, []); $this->pirepSvc->changeState($pirep, PirepState::ACCEPTED); $user_bid = Bid::where([ 'user_id' => $user->id, 'flight_id' => $flight->id, ])->first(); $this->assertNull($user_bid); } }