var clamp = func(v, min, max) { v < min ? min : v > max ? max : v } var TRUE = 1; var FALSE = 0; var hp_max = 200; var hp = [hp_max,hp_max,hp_max,hp_max,hp_max,hp_max,hp_max]; var cannon_types = { " M70 rocket hit": 0.25, #135mm " M55 cannon shell hit": 0.10, # 30mm " KCA cannon shell hit": 0.10, # 30mm " Gun Splash On ": 0.10, # 30mm " M61A1 shell hit": 0.05, # 20mm " GAU-8/A hit": 0.10, # 30mm " BK27 cannon hit": 0.07, # 27mm " GSh-30 hit": 0.10, # 30mm " GSh-23 hit": 0.065,# 23mm " 7.62 hit": 0.005,# 7.62mm " 50 BMG hit": 0.015,# 12.7mm " S-5 rocket hit": 0.20, #55mm }; var warhead_lbs = { "AGM-65": 126.00, "AGM-84": 488.00, "AGM-88": 146.00, "AGM65": 200.00, "AGM-154A": 493.00, "AGM-158": 1000.00, "ALARM": 450.00, "AM39-Exocet": 364.00, "AS-37-Martel": 330.00, "AS30L": 529.00, "CBU-87": 128.00, "Exocet": 364.00, "FAB-100": 92.59, "FAB-250": 202.85, "FAB-500": 564.38, "GBU-12": 190.00, "GBU-24": 945.00, "GBU-31": 945.00, "GBU12": 190.00, "GBU16": 450.00, "HVAR": 7.50,#P51 "KAB-500": 564.38, "Kh-25MP": 197.53, "Kh-66": 244.71, "KN-06": 315.00, "LAU-68": 10.00, "M317": 145.00, "M71": 200.00, "M71R": 200.00, "M90": 500.00, "MK-82": 192.00, "MK-83": 445.00, "MK-84": 945.00, "OFAB-100": 92.59, "RB-04E": 661.00, "RB-05A": 353.00, "RB-15F": 440.92, "RB-75": 126.00, "RN-14T": 800.00, #fictional, thermobaeric replacement for the RN-24 nuclear bomb "RN-18T": 1200.00, #fictional, thermobaeric replacement for the RN-28 nuclear bomb "RS-2US": 28.66, "S-21": 245.00, "S-24": 271.00, "S530D": 66.00, "SCALP": 992.00, "Sea Eagle": 505.00, "SeaEagle": 505.00, "STORMSHADOW": 850.00, "ZB-250": 236.99, "ZB-500": 473.99, }; var incoming_listener = func { var history = getprop("/sim/multiplay/chat-history"); var hist_vector = split("\n", history); if (size(hist_vector) > 0) { var last = hist_vector[size(hist_vector)-1]; var last_vector = split(":", last); var author = last_vector[0]; var callsign = getprop("sim/multiplay/callsign"); callsign = size(callsign) < 8 ? callsign : left(callsign,7); if (size(last_vector) > 1 and author != callsign) { # not myself #print("not me"); var m2000 = FALSE; if (find(" at " ~ callsign ~ ". Release ", last_vector[1]) != -1) { # a m2000 is firing at us m2000 = TRUE; } if (last_vector[1] == " FOX2 at" or last_vector[1] == " aim7 at" or last_vector[1] == " aim9 at" or last_vector[1] == " aim120 at" or last_vector[1] == " RB-24J fired at" or last_vector[1] == " RB-74 fired at" or last_vector[1] == " RB-71 fired at" or last_vector[1] == " RB-15F fired at" or last_vector[1] == " RB-99 fired at" or m2000 == TRUE) { # air2air being fired if (size(last_vector) > 2 or m2000 == TRUE) { #print("Missile launch detected at"~last_vector[2]~" from "~author); if (m2000 == TRUE or last_vector[2] == " "~callsign) { # its being fired at me #print("Incoming!"); var enemy = getCallsign(author); if (enemy != nil) { #print("enemy identified"); var bearingNode = enemy.getNode("radar/bearing-deg"); if (bearingNode != nil) { #print("bearing to enemy found"); var bearing = bearingNode.getValue(); var heading = getprop("orientation/heading-deg"); var clock = bearing - heading; while(clock < 0) { clock = clock + 360; } while(clock > 360) { clock = clock - 360; } #print("incoming from "~clock); if (clock >= 345 or clock < 15) { playIncomingSound("12"); } elsif (clock >= 15 and clock < 45) { playIncomingSound("1"); } elsif (clock >= 45 and clock < 75) { playIncomingSound("2"); } elsif (clock >= 75 and clock < 105) { playIncomingSound("3"); } elsif (clock >= 105 and clock < 135) { playIncomingSound("4"); } elsif (clock >= 135 and clock < 165) { playIncomingSound("5"); } elsif (clock >= 165 and clock < 195) { playIncomingSound("6"); } elsif (clock >= 195 and clock < 225) { playIncomingSound("7"); } elsif (clock >= 225 and clock < 255) { playIncomingSound("8"); } elsif (clock >= 255 and clock < 285) { playIncomingSound("9"); } elsif (clock >= 285 and clock < 315) { playIncomingSound("10"); } elsif (clock >= 315 and clock < 345) { playIncomingSound("11"); } else { playIncomingSound(""); } return; } } } } } elsif (1 == 1) { # mirage: getprop("/controls/armament/mp-messaging") # latest version of failure manager and taking damage enabled #print("damage enabled"); var last1 = split(" ", last_vector[1]); if(size(last1) > 2 and last1[size(last1)-1] == "exploded" ) { #print("missile hitting someone"); if (size(last_vector) > 3 and last_vector[3] == " "~callsign) { #print("that someone is me!"); var type = last1[1]; if (type == "Matra" or type == "Sea") { for (var i = 2; i < size(last1)-1; i += 1) { type = type~" "~last1[i]; } } var number = split(" ", last_vector[2]); var distance = num(number[1]); #print(type~"|"); if(distance != nil) { var dist = distance; #check distance w/ if statement here if (contains(warhead_lbs, type)) { #maxDist = maxDamageDistFromWarhead(warhead_lbs[type]); } else { return; } var prob = 1; if (type == "M90" and distance < 300) { var failed = fail_systems(warhead_lbs[type]/2); return; } elsif (distance < 150) { if ( distance > 50 ) { distance = distance - 50; prob = 1 - (distance/100); } } var failed = fail_systems(warhead_lbs[type] * prob); #ar percent = 100 * probability; #printf("Took %.1f%% damage from %s missile at %0.1f meters. %s systems was hit", percent,type,dist,failed); } } } elsif (cannon_types[last_vector[1]] != nil) { # cannon hitting someone print("cannon"); if (size(last_vector) > 2 and last_vector[2] == " "~callsign) { print("cannon hit us"); if (size(last_vector) < 4) { # msg is either missing number of hits, or has no trailing dots from spam filter. print('"'~last~'" is not a legal hit message, tell the shooter to upgrade his OPRF plane :)'); return; } var last3 = split(" ", last_vector[3]); #print("last3[2]: " ~ last3[2]); #print("last3[1]: " ~ last3[1]); if(size(last3) > 2) { if ( last3[2] == "hits" ) { var hit_count = num(last3[1]); } } else { var hit_count = 4; } var damaged_sys = 0; var probability = cannon_types[last_vector[1]]; for (var i = 1; i <= hit_count; i = i + 1) { var failed = fail_systems(probability); #damaged_sys = damaged_sys + failed; } # that someone is me! #print("hitting me"); #printf("Took %.1f%% damage from cannon! %s systems was hit.", probability*hit_count*100, damaged_sys); } } } } } } var maxDamageDistFromWarhead = func (lbs) { # very simple var dist = 7*math.sqrt(lbs); return dist; } var fail_systems = func (damage) { var no = 7; while (no > 6 or hp[no] < 0) { no = int(rand()*7); if (hp[no] < 0) { if (rand() > 0.8) { armament.defeatSpamFilter("You shot one of our already sinking ships, you are just mean."); hp[no] = hp[no] - damage; print("HP["~no~"]: " ~ hp[no] ~ "/" ~ hp_max); return; } } } hp[no] = hp[no] - damage; print("HP["~no~"]: " ~ hp[no] ~ "/" ~ hp_max); if ( hp[no] < 0 ) { setprop("/sim/multiplay/generic/bool["~(no+40)~"]",1); armament.defeatSpamFilter("So you sank one of our ships, we will get you for that!"); if (!getprop("/carrier/disabled") and hp[0]<0 and hp[1]<0 and hp[2]<0) { setprop("/carrier/disabled",1); armament.defeatSpamFilter("Captain our offensive capability is crippled!"); } if (hp[0]<0 and hp[1]<0 and hp[2]<0 and hp[3]<0 and hp[4]<0 and hp[5]<0 and hp[6]<0) { setprop("/carrier/sunk",1); armament.defeatSpamFilter("S.O.S. Heeelp"); } else { armament.defeatSpamFilter("This is not over yet.."); } } }; var playIncomingSound = func (clock) { setprop("sound/incoming"~clock, 1); settimer(func {stopIncomingSound(clock);},3); } var stopIncomingSound = func (clock) { setprop("sound/incoming"~clock, 0); } var callsign_struct = {}; var getCallsign = func (callsign) { var node = callsign_struct[callsign]; return node; } var processCallsigns = func () { callsign_struct = {}; var players = props.globals.getNode("ai/models").getChildren(); foreach (var player; players) { if(player.getChild("valid") != nil and player.getChild("valid").getValue() == TRUE and player.getChild("callsign") != nil and player.getChild("callsign").getValue() != "" and player.getChild("callsign").getValue() != nil) { var callsign = player.getChild("callsign").getValue(); callsign_struct[callsign] = player; } } settimer(processCallsigns, 1.5); } processCallsigns(); var logTime = func{ #log time and date for outputing ucsv files for converting into KML files for google earth. if (getprop("logging/log[0]/enabled") == TRUE and getprop("sim/time/utc/year") != nil) { var date = getprop("sim/time/utc/year")~"/"~getprop("sim/time/utc/month")~"/"~getprop("sim/time/utc/day"); var time = getprop("sim/time/utc/hour")~":"~getprop("sim/time/utc/minute")~":"~getprop("sim/time/utc/second"); setprop("logging/date-log", date); setprop("logging/time-log", time); } } setlistener("/sim/multiplay/chat-history", incoming_listener, 0, 0);