# (c) 2018 pinto # license: gplv2+ # v0.2b # will only report the closest bad guy, does no threat assessment. # todo: # test # toggle radar on/off ########################################## ### Variables ########################################## # prop_watch is a mp[x] boolean property set by that aircraft designer. the plane sets this to 1 when it wants to receive BRAA # if the plane is not on the enemy list, and is one of the first ~10 to # request a BRAA, then it will receive it. var damage_prop = props.globals.getNode("/carrier/sunk"); var prop_watch = { "MiG-15bis": [0,1,2], "MiG-21bis": [0,1,2], "MiG-21MF-75": [0,1,2], "QF-4E": [0,1,2], "F-16": [50,51,52], "m2000-5B": [0,1,2], "m2000-5": [0,1,2], "JA37Di-Viggen": [20,21,22], "AJ37-Viggen": [20,21,22], "AJS37-Viggen": [20,21,22], "Jaguar-GR1": [20,21,22], }; var radar_stations = [ "gci", "frigate", ]; var update_rate = 10; #how often the message should update in seconds var hostile_radius = 300000; #max distance to check against, in meters var true = 1; var false = 0; # request types var NONE = 0; var PICTURE = 1; var BOGEYDOPE = 2; var CUTOFF = 3; var PENDING = 0; var SENDING = 1; var SENT = 2; var output_prop = 0; var radar_tx_output_prop = 11; var enemy_node = props.globals.getNode("/enemies"); var player_node = props.globals.getNode("/ai/models"); var opfor_switch = props.globals.getNode("/enemies/opfor-switch"); # targets all non-opfor var friend_switch = props.globals.getNode("/enemies/friend-switch"); # targets all opfor ########################################## ### Objects ########################################## var gci_contact = { new: func(c, class) { var m = {parents:[gci_contact]}; m.time_from_last_message = 0; m.node = c; m.model = remove_suffix(remove_suffix(split(".", split("/", c.getNode("sim/model/path").getValue())[-1])[0], "-model"), "-anim"); m.valid = c.getNode("valid"); m.callsign = c.getNode("callsign").getValue(); if ( contains(prop_watch, m.model) ) { m.picture_node = c.getNode("sim/multiplay/generic/bool["~prop_watch[m.model][0]~"]"); m.bogeydope_node = c.getNode("sim/multiplay/generic/bool["~prop_watch[m.model][1]~"]"); m.cutoff_node = c.getNode("sim/multiplay/generic/bool["~prop_watch[m.model][2]~"]"); } else { m.picture_node = -1; m.bogeydope_node = -1; m.cutoff_node = -1; } m.is_radar_station = find_match(m.model,radar_stations); m.contact = radar_logic.Contact.new(c,class); m.foe = false; m.match = false; m.request = NONE; m.last_request = NONE; m.request_status = PENDING; m.msg_queue = []; m.last_seen = 0; if (m.is_radar_station) { m.radar_station_process_send(); } else { m.process_send(); } return m; }, getValid: func() { if (me.valid.getValue() == 0 or me.callsign != me.node.getNode("callsign").getValue()) { return 0; } else { return 1; } }, check_foe: func() { me.foe = false; if (opfor_switch.getValue() == true ) { if (left(string.lc(me.callsign),5) != "opfor") { me.foe = true; } } elsif (friend_switch.getValue() == true) { if (left(string.lc(me.callsign),5) == "opfor") { me.foe = true; } } else { foreach (var cs; enemy_node.getChildren()) { if (me.callsign == cs.getValue()) { me.foe = true; break; } } } return me.foe; }, update_request: func() { if (me.picture_node == -1) { return; } #print("updating info"); if (me.picture_node.getValue() == true) { me.request = PICTURE; } elsif (me.bogeydope_node.getValue() == true) { me.request = BOGEYDOPE; } elsif (me.cutoff_node.getValue() == true) { me.request = CUTOFF; } else { me.request = NONE; } }, check_node: func() { #print('checking node'); if (me.picture_node == -1){ #print('watch node is -1'); return false; } elsif (me.check_foe() == true) { #print('check_foe is true'); return false; } elsif (me.request == NONE) { #print('node is false'); return false; } elsif (systime() - me.time_from_last_message < update_rate) { #print("update failed"); return false; } else { me.time_from_last_message = systime(); return true; } }, process_send: func() { # messages are first in, first out order # updates every 1.5 seconds #print('in process_send()'); # send messages # if the request type changes, stop sending messages except for popups if (damage_prop.getValue() == 0) { me.update_request(); if (me.request != me.last_request or me.request == NONE) { # keep popup messages, purge everything else for (var i = 0; i < size(me.msg_queue); i = i + 1) { if (split(":",me.msg_queue[i])[2] != 5) { me.msg_queue = purge_from_vector(me.msg_queue, i); } } } me.last_request = me.request; if (size(me.msg_queue) > 0) { #print("msg_queue: " ~ debug.dump(me.msg_queue)); setprop("/sim/multiplay/generic/string["~output_prop~"]",me.msg_queue[0]); screen.log.write(me.msg_queue[0],1.0,0.2,0.2); output_prop = output_prop > 9 ? 0 : output_prop + 1; me.msg_queue = purge_from_vector(me.msg_queue,0); } } settimer(func(){me.process_send();},1.3); }, radar_station_process_send: func() { # messages are first in, first out order # updates every 1.5 seconds #print('in process_send()'); if (size(me.msg_queue) > 0 and damage_prop.getValue() == 0) { #print("msg_queue: " ~ debug.dump(me.msg_queue)); setprop("/sim/multiplay/generic/string["~radar_tx_output_prop~"]",me.msg_queue[0]); radar_tx_output_prop = radar_tx_output_prop >= 16 ? 11 : radar_tx_output_prop + 1; me.msg_queue = purge_from_vector(me.msg_queue,0); } settimer(func(){me.radar_station_process_send();},1.3); }, }; ########################################## ### Functions ########################################## # gather up all contacts, so we can iterate over them var cx_master_list = []; var gather_contacts = func() { # first we need to clean the contact list for (var i = 0; i < size(cx_master_list); i = i + 1) { if (cx_master_list[i] == nil) { break; } if (!cx_master_list[i].getValid()) { print("purging contact: " ~ cx_master_list[i].contact.get_Callsign()); cx_master_list = purge_from_vector(cx_master_list, i); } } var matching = false; foreach(var mp; player_node.getChildren("multiplayer")) { if (mp.getNode("valid").getValue() == 1) { matching = false; foreach(var cx; cx_master_list) { if ( mp.getPath() == cx.contact.getNode().getPath() and mp.getNode("callsign").getValue() == cx.callsign) { matching = true; break; } } if (matching == false) { cx = gci_contact.new(mp,0); print("adding contact: " ~ cx.contact.get_Callsign()); append(cx_master_list,cx); } } } } var check_requests = func(){ foreach (var cx; cx_master_list) { if (check_visible(cx)) { #print('cx is visible'); #print('cx last seen time is ' ~ cx.last_seen ~ ' | ' ~ (systime() - cx.last_seen)); #print('iff: ' ~ cx.check_foe()); #print('node: ' ~ cx.check_node()); if (systime() - cx.last_seen > 30 and (cx.check_foe() == true or cx.check_node() == false)) { foreach (var tx; cx_master_list) { if (cx.check_foe() == true) { continue; } var bearing = math.round(tx.contact.get_Coord().course_to(cx.contact.get_Coord()),1); var range = math.round(cx.contact.get_Coord().distance_to(tx.contact.get_Coord())); var altitude = math.round(cx.contact.get_altitude(),1); var aspect = math.round(math.periodic(-180,180,cx.contact.get_heading() - cx.contact.get_Coord().course_to(tx.contact.get_Coord()))); print(tx.callsign ~ ":" ~ get_random() ~ ":5:" ~ bearing ~ ":" ~ range ~ ":" ~ altitude ~ ":" ~ aspect); append(tx.msg_queue, tx.callsign ~ ":" ~ get_random() ~ ":5:" ~ bearing ~ ":" ~ range ~ ":" ~ altitude ~ ":" ~ aspect); } } cx.last_seen = systime(); } if (cx.check_foe() == true or cx.check_node() == false) { continue; } if (size(cx.msg_queue) > 0) { continue; } # msg queue should be reset or emptied when request changes. if (cx.request == NONE) { continue; } elsif (cx.request == PICTURE) { var blue_coords = []; var opfor_coords = []; var match = false; append(blue_coords, cx.contact.get_Coord()); foreach (var check; cx_master_list) { if (!check_visible(check)) { continue; } match = false; if (check.check_foe()) { foreach (var coord; opfor_coords) { if (coord.distance_to(check.contact.get_Coord()) < 3 * NM2M) { match = true; break; } } if (!match) { append(opfor_coords,check.contact.get_Coord()); } } else { foreach (var coord; blue_coords) { if (coord.distance_to(check.contact.get_Coord()) < 3 * NM2M) { match = true; break; } } if (!match) { append(blue_coords,check.contact.get_Coord()); } } if (!match) { #send message var bearing = math.round(cx.contact.get_Coord().course_to(check.contact.get_Coord()),1); var range = math.round(check.contact.get_Coord().distance_to(cx.contact.get_Coord())); var altitude = math.round(check.contact.get_altitude(),1); # requestor-callsign:unique-message-id:2:bearing:range:altitude:[BLUFOR=0|OPFOR=1] append(cx.msg_queue, cx.callsign ~ ":" ~ get_random() ~ ":2:" ~ bearing ~ ":" ~ range ~ ":" ~ altitude ~ ":" ~ check.check_foe()); } } if (size(cx.msg_queue) == 0) { append(cx.msg_queue, cx.callsign ~ ":" ~ get_random() ~ ":1:n:n:n:n"); } else { append(cx.msg_queue, cx.callsign ~ ":" ~ get_random() ~ ":0:d:d:d:d"); } } elsif (cx.request == BOGEYDOPE) { min_dist = hostile_radius; closest = nil; #print('checking bogey dope'); foreach (var check; cx_master_list) { if (!check.check_foe()) { continue; } var dist = cx.contact.get_Coord().distance_to(check.contact.get_Coord()); if ( dist > min_dist) { continue; } if (!check_visible(check)) { continue; } min_dist = dist; closest = check; } if (closest != nil) { var bearing = math.round(cx.contact.get_Coord().course_to(closest.contact.get_Coord()),1); var range = math.round(closest.contact.get_Coord().distance_to(cx.contact.get_Coord())); var altitude = math.round(closest.contact.get_altitude(),1); var aspect = math.round(math.periodic(-180,180,closest.contact.get_heading() - closest.contact.get_Coord().course_to(cx.contact.get_Coord()))); append(cx.msg_queue, cx.callsign ~ ":" ~ get_random() ~ ":3:" ~ bearing ~ ":" ~ range ~ ":" ~ altitude ~ ":" ~ aspect); } else { append(cx.msg_queue, cx.callsign ~ ":" ~ get_random() ~ ":1:n:n:n:n"); } } elsif (cx.request == CUTOFF) { min_dist = hostile_radius; closest = nil; foreach (var check; cx_master_list) { if (!check.check_foe()) { continue; } var dist = cx.contact.get_Coord().distance_to(check.contact.get_Coord()); if ( dist > min_dist) { continue; } if (!check_visible(check)) { continue; } min_dist = dist; closest = check; } if (closest != nil) { var bogey_speed = closest.contact.speed.getValue(); var cx_speed = cx.contact.speed.getValue(); var bogey_heading = closest.contact.heading.getValue(); var bearing = cx.contact.get_Coord().course_to(closest.contact.get_Coord()); var range = closest.contact.get_Coord().distance_to(cx.contact.get_Coord()); var altitude = math.round(closest.contact.get_altitude(),1); var aspect = math.round(math.periodic(-180,180,closest.contact.get_heading() - closest.contact.get_Coord().course_to(cx.contact.get_Coord()))); # get_intercept(bearing, dist_m, runnerHeading, runnerSpeed, chaserSpeed) var info = get_intercept(bearing, range, bogey_heading, bogey_speed * KT2MPS, cx_speed * KT2MPS); if (info == nil) { append(cx.msg_queue, cx.callsign ~ ":" ~ get_random() ~ ":1:n:n:n:n"); } else { append(cx.msg_queue, cx.callsign ~ ":" ~ get_random() ~ ":4:" ~ int(info[1]) ~ ":" ~ int(info[0]) ~ ":" ~ altitude ~ ":" ~ aspect); } } else { append(cx.msg_queue, cx.callsign ~ ":" ~ get_random() ~ ":1:n:n:n:n"); } } } } var cx_data_transmit = func(){ #print('transmitting'); foreach (var cx; cx_master_list) { if (!cx.is_radar_station) { continue; } if (size(cx.msg_queue) > 0) { continue; } if (cx.check_foe()) { continue; } foreach (var tx; cx_master_list) { if (tx != cx) { append(cx.msg_queue,cx.callsign ~ ":" ~ get_random() ~ ":" ~ tx.callsign); } } } } var data_receive_callsigns = []; var cx_data_receive = func() { # clean out old data (15 seconds) var time = systime(); var new_vec = []; foreach (var rx; data_receive_callsigns){ if (time - rx[1] < 15) { append(new_vec,rx); } } data_receive_callsigns = new_vec; foreach (var cx; cx_master_list) { for (var i = 11; i <= 15; i = i + 1) { var msg = getprop(cx.node.getPath() ~ "/sim/multiplay/generic/string["~i~"]"); if (msg == "") { continue; } if (msg == nil) { continue; } msg = split(":",msg); if (msg[0] != getprop("/sim/multiplay/callsign")) { continue; }; if (find_match(msg[2], data_receive_callsigns)) { continue; } #print("adding cs to received list"); append(data_receive_callsigns,[msg[2],systime()]); } } } var check_visible = func(check) { foreach(var rx; data_receive_callsigns) { if (rx[0] == check.callsign) { return true; } } if (radar_logic.isNotBehindTerrain(check.node) == false){ return false; } var target_heading = check.contact.heading.getValue(); var relative_bearing = math.abs(geo.normdeg180(check.contact.get_Coord().course_to(geo.aircraft_position()) - target_heading)); var target_radial_airspeed = (-1 * ( ( relative_bearing / 90 ) - 1 ) ) * check.node.getNode("velocities/true-airspeed-kt").getValue(); if ( math.abs(target_radial_airspeed) < 20 ) { return false; } # i.e. notching, landed aircraft return true; } var iter = 0; var main_loop = func() { #print("looping"); if (getprop("/carrier/sunk/") == 0) { if (iter == 0) { gather_contacts(); cx_data_transmit(); } cx_data_receive(); check_requests(); } iter = iter >= 7 ? 0 : iter + 1; settimer(func(){main_loop();},1); } var get_intercept = func(bearing, dist_m, runnerHeading, runnerSpeed, chaserSpeed) { # from Leto # needs: bearing, dist_m, runnerHeading, runnerSpeed, chaserSpeed # dist_m > 0 and chaserSpeed > 0 #var bearing = 184;var dist_m=31000;var runnerHeading=186;var runnerSpeed= 200;var chaserSpeed=250; var trigAngle = 90-bearing; var RunnerPosition = [dist_m*math.cos(trigAngle*D2R), dist_m*math.sin(trigAngle*D2R),0]; var ChaserPosition = [0,0,0]; var VectorFromRunner = vector.Math.minus(ChaserPosition, RunnerPosition); var runner_heading = 90-runnerHeading; var RunnerVelocity = [runnerSpeed*math.cos(runner_heading*D2R), runnerSpeed*math.sin(runner_heading*D2R),0]; var a = chaserSpeed * chaserSpeed - runnerSpeed * runnerSpeed; var b = 2 * vector.Math.dotProduct(VectorFromRunner, RunnerVelocity); var c = -dist_m * dist_m; if ((b*b-4*a*c)<0) { # intercept not possible return nil; } var t1 = (-b+math.sqrt(b*b-4*a*c))/(2*a); var t2 = (-b-math.sqrt(b*b-4*a*c))/(2*a); if (t1 < 0 and t2 < 0) { # intercept not possible return nil; } var timeToIntercept = 0; if (t1 > 0 and t2 > 0) { timeToIntercept = math.min(t1, t2); } else { timeToIntercept = math.max(t1, t2); } var InterceptPosition = vector.Math.plus(RunnerPosition, vector.Math.product(timeToIntercept, RunnerVelocity)); var ChaserVelocity = vector.Math.product(1/timeToIntercept, vector.Math.minus(InterceptPosition, ChaserPosition)); var interceptAngle = vector.Math.angleBetweenVectors([0,1,0], ChaserVelocity); var interceptHeading = geo.normdeg(ChaserVelocity[0]<0?-interceptAngle:interceptAngle); #print("output:"); #print("time: " ~ timeToIntercept); #print("heading: " ~ interceptHeading); return [timeToIntercept, interceptHeading]; } var purge_from_vector = func(vec, idx = nil, val = nil) { if (idx == nil and val == nil) { return vec; } var new_vec = []; for (var i = 0; i < size(vec); i = i + 1) { if ((idx != nil and i == idx) or (val != nil and val == vec[i])) { continue; } append(new_vec, vec[i]); } return new_vec; } var get_random = func() { return int(rand() * 9999) } var find_match = func(val,vec) { if (size(vec) == 0) { return 0; } foreach (var a; vec) { #print(a); if (a == val) { return 1; } } return 0; } var remove_suffix = func(s, x) { var len = size(x); if (substr(s, -len) == x) return substr(s, 0, size(s) - len); return s; } # visibility function settimer( func{ setprop("/sim/multiplay/visibility-range-nm",1200); print("set mp visibility to " ~ 1200); }, 15); main_loop();