################### GLOBALS var AIR = 0; var MARINE = 1; var SURFACE = 2; var ORDNANCE = 3; var radar_update_time = 2; var launch_update_time = 0.3; var reloading = 0; var missile_delay_time = 0;#time when last track was initiated var missile_release_time = 0;#time when last missile was fired var ciws_delay_time = 0;#time when CIWS was last fired var launch_in_progress = 0;# if a firing solution is currently being calculated var reload_starting = 0; var ACTIVE_MISSILE = 0; var semi_active_track = nil;# with multiple missiles flying in semi-active-radar mode, this can change rather fast. Which means pilots wont get a steady tone, but disrupted tones. (tradeoff) var mutexLock = thread.newlock(); var radarStatus = 0;# Current radar status. var radarOnTimestamp = -500;# Last timestamp of when the radar was online var radarOffTimestamp = -500;# Last timestamp of when the radar was offline var radarOffDuration = radar_off_time_min; var radarTrackTime = 0;# Last time stamp where any enemy aircraft has been spotted. ########################################################################## ######################## Common SAM code ########################### ########################################################################## ################### VARIOUS setprop("sim/multiplay/generic/float[7]", 0);# tracking radar vert rotation setprop("sim/multiplay/generic/float[8]", 0);# tracking radar horiz rotation setprop("sim/multiplay/generic/float[5]", 0);# launcher vert rotation setprop("sim/multiplay/generic/float[6]", 0);# launcher horiz rotation var start_time = systime(); var opfor_switch = "enemies/opfor-switch"; setprop(opfor_switch,0); var friend_switch = "enemies/friend-switch"; setprop(friend_switch,0); ################### IFF var target = { new: func (callsign) { var m = { parents: [target] }; m.callsign = callsign; m.in_air = 0; m.tracking = 0; m.missiles = []; return m; }, }; var base = props.globals.getNode("/"); base.getNode("instrumentation/transponder/id-code",1).setIntValue(-9999); base.getNode("instrumentation/transponder/transmitted-id",1).setIntValue(-9999);# transponder off ################################################################### var targetsV2 = nil; var buildTargetList = func { # rather crappy code, but is not ran so often, so dont really matter. if (getprop(opfor_switch) == 0 and getprop(friend_switch) == 0) { for(var i = 1; i<=12;i+=1) { # add new callsign to list var sign = getprop("enemies/e"~i); var tgt = lookup(sign); if (tgt == nil) { targetsV2.append(target.new(sign)); print("added callsign: "~sign); } } } var removeList = []; foreach(tgt ; targetsV2.vector) { # schedule removed callsigns to be removed if (getprop(opfor_switch) == 0 and getprop(friend_switch) == 0) { if (tgt.callsign != getprop("enemies/e1") and tgt.callsign != getprop("enemies/e2") and tgt.callsign != getprop("enemies/e3") and tgt.callsign != getprop("enemies/e4") and tgt.callsign != getprop("enemies/e5") and tgt.callsign != getprop("enemies/e6") and tgt.callsign != getprop("enemies/e7") and tgt.callsign != getprop("enemies/e8") and tgt.callsign != getprop("enemies/e9") and tgt.callsign != getprop("enemies/e10") and tgt.callsign != getprop("enemies/e11") and tgt.callsign != getprop("enemies/e12")) { append(removeList, tgt); print("will remove callsign: "~tgt.callsign); } } } foreach(tgt ; removeList) { # remove callsigns call(func {targetsV2.remove(tgt);}, nil, var err = []); } }; var lookup = func (sign) { foreach (tgt ; targetsV2.vector) { if (tgt.callsign == sign) { return tgt; } } if ( getprop(opfor_switch) == 1 and (left(sign, 5) != "OPFOR" and left(sign,5) != "opfor")) { print("creating new target in: " ~ sign); tgt = target.new(sign); targetsV2.append(tgt); return tgt; } if ( getprop(friend_switch) == 1 and ( left(sign, 5) == "OPFOR" or left(sign,5) == "opfor" )) { print("creating new target in: " ~ sign); tgt = target.new(sign); targetsV2.append(tgt); return tgt; } return nil; } var PRIO_NORM = 0; var PRIO_HIGH = 1; var PRIO_LOW = 2; var PRIO_FAST = 3; var PRIO_SLOW = 4; var PRIO_CLOSE = 5; var PRIO_FAR = 6; ################### MAIN LOOP var scan = func() { setprop("sim/multiplay/visibility-range-nm", 250); buildTargetList(); if ( getprop("/carrier/sunk") == 1 or getprop("/carrier/disabled") == 1) { setprop("sim/multiplay/generic/string[6]", ""); datalink.clear_data(); return; } if (isSetup() ) { printf("Seconds till activation: %.1f", setupTime - (systime() - start_time)); setprop("sam/timeleft", setupTime - (systime() - start_time)); setprop("sam/missiles",(NUM_MISSILES+1-ACTIVE_MISSILE)); setprop("sam/bursts", ROUNDS); setprop("sam/info", "Preparing launch system"); settimer(scan,radar_update_time); if (launcher_tilt_time > 0) { setprop("sim/multiplay/generic/float[5]", launcher_final_tilt_deg*math.max(0,(systime() - start_time)-(setupTime-launcher_tilt_time))/launcher_tilt_time);#raise the tubes in last 15 secs of activation } else { setprop("sim/multiplay/generic/float[5]", launcher_final_tilt_deg); } setprop("sim/multiplay/generic/float[6]", 0); setprop("sim/multiplay/generic/float[7]", 0); setprop("sim/multiplay/generic/float[8]", 0); setprop("sim/multiplay/generic/string[6]", ""); setprop("/sim/multiplay/generic/int[2]", 1); datalink.clear_data(); return; } setprop("sim/multiplay/generic/float[5]", launcher_final_tilt_deg); #### ITERATE THROUGH MP LIST #### if (radarStatus == 1) { var my_pos = geo.aircraft_position(); var radarAlt = my_pos.alt()+radar_elevation_above_terrain_m; my_pos.set_alt(radarAlt); var mvec = props.globals.getNode("/ai/models").getChildren("multiplayer"); var tvec = props.globals.getNode("/ai/models").getChildren("tanker"); var avec = props.globals.getNode("/ai/models").getChildren("aircraft"); if (mvec!=nil and tvec != nil) { mvec = mvec ~ tvec; } if (mvec!=nil and avec != nil) { mvec = mvec ~ avec; } var prio_vector = [];#0:node,1:trigger,2:prio value foreach(var mp; mvec){ if (mp.getNode("valid") == nil or mp.getNode("valid").getValue() != 1) continue; var prio = fire_control(mp, my_pos); append(prio_vector, prio); if (prio[3] == 1) { radarTrackTime = systime();#this target is within envelope, we turn on radar. } } prio_vector = sort(prio_vector, func (a,b) {if (a[2]>b[2]){return -1;} elsif (a[2] fire_minimum_interval ) ) { # #### ... FOR THE MISSILE #### #print("callsign " ~ cs ~ " found at " ~ dist_to_target); missile_delay_time = systime(); mp[0].getNode("unique",1).setValue(rand()); armament.contact = radar_logic.Contact.new(mp[0], AIR); launch_in_progress = 1; missile_launch(mp[0], systime(), my_pos); } elsif ( ciws_installed and trigger == -1 and ROUNDS > 0 and ( systime() - ciws_delay_time > 1.0 ) and lu != nil) { #### ... FOR THE CIWS #### var contact = radar_logic.Contact.new(mp[0], AIR); var cord = contact.get_Coord(); var dist_nm = my_pos.direct_distance_to(cord)*M2NM; var probabilityOfBurstKill = 0.50; if (mp[0].getNode("velocities/true-airspeed-kt").getValue() > 50) { probabilityOfBurstKill = extrapolate(dist_nm, 0, ciws_domain_nm, ciws_chance, 0); } var hits = math.max(0,int(extrapolate(rand(), 0, probabilityOfBurstKill, ciws_burst_rounds, 3)));#3 is a kill approx var target_bearing = my_pos.course_to(cord); setprop("sim/multiplay/generic/float[0]", -(target_bearing-getprop("orientation/heading-deg")));#CIWS horiz (inverted) setprop("sim/multiplay/generic/float[1]", vector.Math.getPitch(my_pos, cord));#CIWS vert setprop("sim/multiplay/generic/bool[0]",1);settimer(func {setprop("sim/multiplay/generic/bool[0]",0);}, 1);# for sound if (hits > 0) { var msg = notifications.ArmamentNotification.new("mhit", 4, -1*(ciws_shell+1)); msg.RelativeAltitude = 0; msg.Bearing = 0; msg.Distance = hits; msg.RemoteCallsign = mp[0].getNode("callsign").getValue(); notifications.hitBridgedTransmitter.NotifyAll(msg); damage.damageLog.push("CIWS fired | rounds remaining: " ~ ROUNDS ~ " | hit on: " ~ mp[0].getNode("callsign").getValue()); } print("CIWS fired | bursts remaining: " ~ ROUNDS ~ " | "~hits~" hits on: " ~ mp[0].getNode("callsign").getValue() ~ " @ "~ sprintf("%.1f",dist_nm) ~" nm"); ciws_delay_time = systime(); ROUNDS = ROUNDS - 1; setprop("sam/bursts", ROUNDS); if (ROUNDS == 0) { print("Launcher out of shell ammo."); settimer(autoreload, reload_time); reloading = 1; reload_starting = systime(); } } if (lu != nil and lu.tracking) { radarTrackTime = systime(); } } } if (launcher_align_to_target and ACTIVE_MISSILE > NUM_MISSILES and systime()-missile_release_time > 2) { # rotate launcher back to forward: var tgt_dir = 0; var cur_dir = getprop("sim/multiplay/generic/float[6]"); var move_dir = geo.normdeg180(tgt_dir-cur_dir); var max_dir = radar_update_time*align_speed_dps*0.25; move_dir = math.clamp(move_dir, -max_dir, max_dir); setprop("sim/multiplay/generic/float[6]", cur_dir+move_dir); } if (launch_in_progress == 0) { if (reloading) { setprop("sam/info", "Reloading"); setprop("sam/timeleft", reload_time - (systime() - reload_starting)); } else { setprop("sam/info", "Search radar is "~(radarStatus==1?"ON":"OFF")); setprop("sam/timeleft", 0); } clearSingleLock(); thread.lock(mutexLock); semi_active_track = nil; thread.unlock(mutexLock); } else { setprop("sam/timeleft", 0); } if (getprop(getprop("payload/armament/MP-alt-ft")) == 0.0) { # reset 'Follow view' to look at launcher setprop(getprop("payload/armament/MP-lat"),getprop("position/latitude-deg")); setprop(getprop("payload/armament/MP-lon"),getprop("position/longitude-deg")); setprop(getprop("payload/armament/MP-alt-ft"),getprop("position/altitude-ft")); } setprop("sam/missiles",(NUM_MISSILES+1-ACTIVE_MISSILE)); settimer(scan,radar_update_time); } var isSetup = func { return systime() - start_time < setupTime; } var acquisitionRadarLoop = func { if (isSetup() or reloading or getprop("/carrier/sunk") == 1 or getprop("/carrier/disabled") == 1) return; var reason = ""; var time = systime(); if (time - radarTrackTime < radar_on_after_detect_time) { radarStatus = 1; reason = sprintf("Crew alert for %d seconds", radar_on_after_detect_time - (time - radarTrackTime)); } elsif (radarStatus == 0 and time - radarOnTimestamp > radarOffDuration) { radarStatus = 1; reason = sprintf("Periodic check for %d seconds", radar_on_time); } elsif (radarStatus == 1 and time - radarOffTimestamp > radar_on_time) { radarStatus = 0; radarOffDuration = rand()*(radar_off_time_max - radar_off_time_min)+radar_off_time_min; reason = sprintf("Periodic pause for %d seconds", radarOffDuration); } if (getprop("payload/armament/"~string.lc(missile_name)~"/guidance") == "tvm" and radarStatus == 0) { foreach(var tgt ; targetsV2.vector) { if (tgt.in_air > 0) { radarTrackTime = time; radarStatus = 1; break; } } } setprop("/sim/multiplay/generic/int[2]", radarStatus != 1); if (radarStatus == 1) radarOnTimestamp = time; else radarOffTimestamp = time; #print("Search radar is "~(radarStatus==1?"ON":"OFF")); if (reason != "") print(reason); } var radTimer = maketimer(0.5, acquisitionRadarLoop); radTimer.start(); var clearSingleLock = func () { thread.lock(mutexLock); if (semi_active_track == nil) { setprop("sim/multiplay/generic/string[6]", ""); datalink.clear_data(); } else { setprop("sim/multiplay/generic/string[6]", left(md5(semi_active_track), 4)); datalink.send_data({"contacts":[{"callsign":semi_active_track,"iff":0}]}); } thread.unlock(mutexLock); } ################## FIRE CONTROL ################## ALL AI LOGIC RELATED TO FIGURING OUT IF A TARGET SHOULD BE SHOT AT SHOULD GO HERE. var fire_control = func(mp, my_pos) { # gather some data about the target if ( mp.getNode("valid").getValue() == 0 ) { return [mp,0,0,0]; } var ufo_pos = geo.Coord.new().set_latlon(mp.getNode("position/latitude-deg").getValue(),mp.getNode("position/longitude-deg").getValue(),(mp.getNode("position/altitude-ft").getValue() * FT2M)); var target_distance = my_pos.direct_distance_to(ufo_pos); var target_altitude = mp.getNode("position/altitude-ft").getValue(); # is this plane a friend or foe? var lu = lookup(mp.getNode("callsign").getValue()); if ( lu == nil ) { return [mp,0,0,0]; } var target_airspeed = mp.getNode("velocities/true-airspeed-kt").getValue(); var target_ground_distance = my_pos.distance_to(ufo_pos); var target_heading = mp.getNode("orientation/true-heading-deg").getValue(); var relative_bearing = math.abs(geo.normdeg180(ufo_pos.course_to(my_pos) - target_heading)); var target_relative_altitude = target_altitude - my_pos.alt()*M2FT; var target_radial_airspeed = math.abs(math.abs(((relative_bearing / 90 ) - 1) * target_airspeed));#200kt against us = 200kt, 200kt at angle of us = 0kt, 200kt away from us = 200kt var target_relative_pitch = vector.Math.getPitch(my_pos, ufo_pos); # can the radar see it? var data_link_match = 0; # foreach(var cx; gci.data_receive_callsigns) { # if (cx[0] == callsign) { # data_link_match = true; # #print('tgt confirmed via datalink'); # } # } var visible = radar_logic.isNotBehindTerrain(mp); if (ciws_installed and ROUNDS > 0 and target_distance*M2NM < ciws_domain_nm) { #CIWS var radarSeeTarget = 1; if ( data_link_match == 0 ) { if ( visible[0] == 0 ) {radarSeeTarget = 0 } if ( target_relative_pitch < radar_lowest_pitch ) { radarSeeTarget = 0 } # if ( target_distance*M2NM > 1.0 and visible[1] and math.abs(target_radial_airspeed) < 20 ) {radarSeeTarget = 0 } # i.e. notching with terrain behind } if (radarSeeTarget and rand() > target_distance*M2NM / ciws_domain_nm) { var score = 0; var priority = getprop("priority"); if (priority==PRIO_NORM) { score = rand()-0.5; } elsif (priority==PRIO_HIGH) { score = target_altitude; } elsif (priority==PRIO_LOW) { score = -target_altitude; } elsif (priority==PRIO_FAST) { score = target_radial_airspeed; } elsif (priority==PRIO_SLOW) { score = -target_radial_airspeed; } elsif (priority==PRIO_CLOSE) { score = -target_distance; } elsif (priority==PRIO_FAR) { score = target_distance; } return [mp,-1,score,1]; } } if ( data_link_match == 0 ) { if (target_airspeed < 60) {return [mp,0,0,0];} if ( visible[0] == 0 ) { return [mp,0,0,0]; } if ( target_relative_pitch < radar_lowest_pitch ) { return [mp,0,0,0]; } # if ( visible[1] and math.abs(target_radial_airspeed) < 20 ) { return [mp,0,0,0]; } # i.e. notching, landed aircraft } if ( target_distance * M2NM > missile_max_distance ) { return [mp,0,0,0]; } if ( target_distance * M2NM < missile_min_distance ) { return [mp,0,0,0]; } # is the plane within the engagement envelope? # the numbers after target_radial_airspeed are ( offset_of_engagement_envelope / speed_to_apply_that_offset ) # larger offset means it wont fire until the plane is closer. # for visualization: https://www.desmos.com/calculator/gw570fa9km if (!isInEngagementEnvelope(target_radial_airspeed, target_ground_distance, target_relative_altitude) ) { return [mp,0,0,0]; } var the_dice = rand(); if ( the_dice > 0.20 ) { var score = 0; var priority = getprop("priority"); if (priority==PRIO_NORM) { score = rand()-0.5; } elsif (priority==PRIO_HIGH) { score = target_altitude; } elsif (priority==PRIO_LOW) { score = -target_altitude; } elsif (priority==PRIO_FAST) { score = target_radial_airspeed; } elsif (priority==PRIO_SLOW) { score = -target_radial_airspeed; } elsif (priority==PRIO_CLOSE) { score = -target_distance; } elsif (priority==PRIO_FAR) { score = target_distance; } return [mp,1,score,1]; } else { return [mp,0,0,1]; } } ################### MISSILE CONTROL ### missile reload var reload = func(force = 1) { #figure out how many to add if (ACTIVE_MISSILE > NUM_MISSILES or force == 1) { for ( var i = 0; i <= NUM_MISSILES; i = i + 1 ) { if (armament.AIM.new(i,missile_name,missile_brevity, midflight) != -1) { #if statement just in case reload was called before all missiles were fired. Cause avoid calling search() on same missile twice. armament.AIM.active[i].radarZ = radar_elevation_above_terrain_m; armament.AIM.active[i].start(); } } ACTIVE_MISSILE = 0;setprop("active", 0); print("Launcher reloaded with "~(NUM_MISSILES+1)~" missiles."); setprop("/sim/messages/copilot", "Launcher reloaded with "~(NUM_MISSILES+1)~" missiles."); } if (ROUNDS == 0 or force == 1) { ROUNDS = ROUNDS_init; print("Reloaded with "~(ROUNDS)~" bursts."); } setprop("sam/missiles",(NUM_MISSILES+1-ACTIVE_MISSILE)); setprop("sam/bursts", ROUNDS); reloading = 0; } var autoreload = func() { if ( getprop("/carrier/sunk") == 1 or getprop("/carrier/disabled") == 1) { return; } if (reloading) { reloading = 0; if (ACTIVE_MISSILE > NUM_MISSILES or ROUNDS == 0) { reload(0); print("Auto reloading completed.") } } else { print("Auto reloading cancelled due to manual reload.") } } ### missile launch var missile_launch = func(mp, launchtime, my_pos) { if ( getprop("/carrier/sunk") == 1 or getprop("/carrier/disabled") == 1) { var lu = lookup(mp.getNode("callsign").getValue()); if (lu != nil) { lu.tracking = 0; } launch_in_progress = 0; clearSingleLock(); return; } var ufo_pos = geo.Coord.new().set_latlon(mp.getNode("position/latitude-deg").getValue(),mp.getNode("position/longitude-deg").getValue(),(mp.getNode("position/altitude-ft").getValue() * 0.3048)); var target_bearing = my_pos.course_to(ufo_pos); var target_pitch = vector.Math.getPitch(my_pos, ufo_pos); var info = mp.getNode("callsign").getValue(); var lu = lookup(mp.getNode("callsign").getValue()); if (getprop("sam/timeleft") != 0) { launch_in_progress = 0; if (lu != nil) { lu.tracking = 0; } return; } elsif ( armament.AIM.active[ACTIVE_MISSILE].status == 1 and systime() - launchtime > lockon_time and radar_logic.isNotBehindTerrain(mp)[0] == 1 ) { var theMissile = armament.AIM.active[ACTIVE_MISSILE]; var brevity = theMissile.brevity; #armament.defeatSpamFilter(brevity ~ " at: " ~ mp.getNode("callsign").getValue()); damage.damageLog.push(brevity ~ " at: " ~ mp.getNode("callsign").getValue()); if (launcher_align_to_target) { setprop("sim/multiplay/generic/float[6]", target_bearing-getprop("orientation/heading-deg")); theMissile.rail_head_deg = getprop("sim/multiplay/generic/float[6]"); } setprop("sim/multiplay/generic/float[7]", target_pitch); setprop("sim/multiplay/generic/float[8]", target_bearing-getprop("orientation/heading-deg")); if (sam_align_to_target) { setprop("/orientation/heading-deg",target_bearing); } theMissile.release(); missile_release_time = systime(); ACTIVE_MISSILE = ACTIVE_MISSILE + 1;setprop("active", ACTIVE_MISSILE); print("Fired "~missile_name~" #" ~ ACTIVE_MISSILE ~ " at: " ~ mp.getNode("callsign").getValue()); setprop("/sim/messages/copilot", "Launch at "~mp.getNode("callsign").getValue()); if (ACTIVE_MISSILE > NUM_MISSILES) { setprop("/sim/messages/copilot", "Launcher out of ammo"); print("Launcher out of missile ammo."); settimer(autoreload, reload_time); reloading = 1; reload_starting = systime(); } if (lu != nil) { append(lu.missiles, theMissile); lu.in_air += 1; lu.tracking = 0; } launch_in_progress = 0; info = info~" (launched)"; setprop("sam/info", info); setprop("sam/missiles",(NUM_MISSILES+1-ACTIVE_MISSILE)); clearSingleLock(); return; } elsif ((systime() - launchtime) > (lockon_time*1.5) or radar_logic.isNotBehindTerrain(mp)[0] == 0) { # launch cancelled so it dont forever goes in this loop and dont allow for other firings. if (lu != nil) { lu.tracking = 0; } setprop("/sim/messages/copilot", "SAM Canceled launch at "~mp.getNode("callsign").getValue()); launch_in_progress = 0; info = info~" (cancelled)"; setprop("sam/info", info); setprop("sam/missiles",(NUM_MISSILES+1-ACTIVE_MISSILE)); clearSingleLock(); return; } else { info = sprintf("%s (tracking %d nm at %d ft)", info, armament.contact.get_range(), armament.contact.get_altitude()); if (systime()-missile_release_time > 1.5) { var tgt_dir = target_bearing-getprop("orientation/heading-deg"); var max_dir = launch_update_time*align_speed_dps; if (launcher_align_to_target) { # now smoothly rotate launcher: var cur_dir = getprop("sim/multiplay/generic/float[6]"); var move_dir = geo.normdeg180(tgt_dir-cur_dir); move_dir = math.clamp(move_dir, -max_dir, max_dir); setprop("sim/multiplay/generic/float[6]", cur_dir+move_dir); } var cur_dir2 = getprop("sim/multiplay/generic/float[8]"); var move_dir2 = geo.normdeg180(tgt_dir-cur_dir2); move_dir2 = math.clamp(move_dir2, -max_dir, max_dir); setprop("sim/multiplay/generic/float[8]", cur_dir2+move_dir2); if (sam_align_to_target) { var tgt_dir = target_bearing; var cur_dir = getprop("orientation/heading-deg"); var move_dir = geo.normdeg180(tgt_dir-cur_dir); var max_dir = launch_update_time*align_speed_dps; move_dir = math.clamp(move_dir, -max_dir, max_dir); setprop("orientation/heading-deg", cur_dir+move_dir); } } setprop("sam/info", info); if (mp.getNode("callsign") != nil and mp.getNode("callsign").getValue() != nil and mp.getNode("callsign").getValue() != "") { if (getprop("payload/armament/"~string.lc(missile_name)~"/guidance") != "tvm") setprop("sim/multiplay/generic/string[6]", left(md5(mp.getNode("callsign").getValue()), 4)); datalink.send_data({"contacts":[{"callsign":mp.getNode("callsign").getValue(),"iff":0}]}); } else { clearSingleLock(); } if (lu != nil) { lu.tracking = 1; radarTrackTime = systime(); } } settimer( func { missile_launch(mp, launchtime, my_pos); },launch_update_time); } ### missile set launched to false for target var missile_listener = func { foreach(var tgt ; targetsV2.vector) { var missilesNew = []; foreach(var missile ; tgt.missiles) { if (missile != nil) { if (missile.deleted) { tgt.in_air -= 1; } else { append(missilesNew, missile); } } } tgt.missiles = missilesNew; } settimer(missile_listener, 2.5); } var extrapolate = func (x, x1, x2, y1, y2) { return y1 + ((x - x1) / (x2 - x1)) * (y2 - y1); } ################### MISC var main_init_listener = setlistener("sim/signals/fdm-initialized", func { print("fdm-initialized"); targetsV2 = std.Vector.new();# OO vector (to make removing item easier) reload(); scan(); aircraft.data.save(0.5);# save the target list every 30 seconds removelistener(main_init_listener); setlistener(opfor_switch, func { targetsV2 = std.Vector.new();# OO vector (to make removing item easier) }, 0, 0); setlistener(friend_switch, func { targetsV2 = std.Vector.new();# OO vector (to make removing item easier) }, 0, 0); missile_listener(); setprop(getprop("payload/armament/MP-lat"),getprop("position/latitude-deg")); setprop(getprop("payload/armament/MP-lon"),getprop("position/longitude-deg")); setprop(getprop("payload/armament/MP-alt-ft"),getprop("position/altitude-ft")); view.setViewByIndex(200);#follow view }, 0, 0); setlistener("sim/signals/reinit", func { print("reinit"); start_time = systime(); });