SAM radars now more consistent in when they choose to turn radar off or on.

Nikolai V. Chr 1 year ago
parent b0cd511424
commit a1dde8d694

@ -11,6 +11,11 @@ var launcher_align_to_target = 1;
var align_speed_dps = 20;
var radar_elevation_above_terrain_m = 25;
var radar_lowest_pitch = -5;# 0.5 degs = roughly 925 feet at 20 nm, 25 feet at half a nm. # 0.35 = roughly 925 feet at 20 nm, 25 feet at half a nm.
var radar_off_time_min = 30;# When turning off to lure enemies into engagement zone, and to not make the SAM too easy to find, minimum turn off this duration.
var radar_off_time_max = 90;# Bigger missile_max_distance give crew incentive to keep this a bit longer
var radar_on_time = 45;# Minimum the time it would take to scan whole sky
var radar_on_after_detect_time = 180;# Crew is alert after spotting an aircraft, how long should they stay that way?
var can_detect_anti_rad = 0.5;# 0.5 very good, 0 not at all.
#reaction tme for s-300p is 28 secs acording to
# sounds a bit high for pmu, as its 4 secs for s-400

@ -19,7 +19,11 @@ var reload_starting = 0;
var semi_active_track = nil;# with multiple missiles flying in semi-active-radar mode, this can change rather fast. Which means pilots wont get a steady tone, but disrupted tones. (tradeoff)
var mutexLock = thread.newlock();
var radarStatus = 0;# Current radar status.
var radarOnTimestamp = -500;# Last timestamp of when the radar was online
var radarOffTimestamp = -500;# Last timestamp of when the radar was offline
var radarOffDuration = radar_off_time_min;
var radarTrackTime = 0;# Last time stamp where any enemy aircraft has been spotted.
######################## Common SAM code ###########################
@ -132,7 +136,7 @@ var scan = func() {
if (systime() - start_time < setupTime ) {
if (isSetup() ) {
printf("Seconds till activation: %.1f", setupTime - (systime() - start_time));
setprop("sam/timeleft", setupTime - (systime() - start_time));
@ -154,94 +158,86 @@ var scan = func() {
setprop("sim/multiplay/generic/float[5]", launcher_final_tilt_deg);
var radarOn = 0;
var my_pos = geo.aircraft_position();
var radarAlt = my_pos.alt()+radar_elevation_above_terrain_m;
var mvec = props.globals.getNode("/ai/models").getChildren("multiplayer");
var tvec = props.globals.getNode("/ai/models").getChildren("tanker");
var avec = props.globals.getNode("/ai/models").getChildren("aircraft");
if (mvec!=nil and tvec != nil) {
mvec = mvec ~ tvec;
if (mvec!=nil and avec != nil) {
mvec = mvec ~ avec;
var prio_vector = [];#0:node,1:trigger,2:prio value
foreach(var mp; mvec){
if (mp.getNode("valid") == nil or mp.getNode("valid").getValue() != 1) continue;
var prio = fire_control(mp, my_pos);
append(prio_vector, prio);
if (prio[3] == 1) {
radarOn = 1;#this target is within envelope, we turn on radar.
if (radarStatus == 1) {
var my_pos = geo.aircraft_position();
var radarAlt = my_pos.alt()+radar_elevation_above_terrain_m;
var mvec = props.globals.getNode("/ai/models").getChildren("multiplayer");
var tvec = props.globals.getNode("/ai/models").getChildren("tanker");
var avec = props.globals.getNode("/ai/models").getChildren("aircraft");
if (mvec!=nil and tvec != nil) {
mvec = mvec ~ tvec;
prio_vector = sort(prio_vector, func (a,b) {if (a[2]>b[2]){return -1;} elsif (a[2]<b[2]) {return 1;} else {return 0;}});
foreach(var mp; prio_vector) {
# is plane in range, do we still have missiles, and is a missile already inbound, and has it been 4 seconds since the last missile launch?
var trigger = mp[1];
#print("dist to target = " ~ dist_to_target);
var lu = lookup(mp[0].getNode("callsign").getValue());
if ( launch_in_progress == 0 and trigger == true and lu != nil and lu.in_air < same_target_max_missiles and !lu.tracking and ACTIVE_MISSILE <= NUM_MISSILES and ( systime() - missile_delay_time > fire_minimum_interval ) ) { #
#### ... FOR THE MISSILE ####
#print("callsign " ~ cs ~ " found at " ~ dist_to_target);
missile_delay_time = systime();
mp[0].getNode("unique",1).setValue(rand()); =[0], AIR);
launch_in_progress = 1;
missile_launch(mp[0], systime(), my_pos);
} elsif ( ciws_installed and trigger == -1 and ROUNDS > 0 and ( systime() - ciws_delay_time > 1.0 ) and lu != nil) {
#### ... FOR THE CIWS ####
var contact =[0], AIR);
var cord = contact.get_Coord();
var dist_nm = my_pos.direct_distance_to(cord)*M2NM;
var probabilityOfBurstKill = 0.50;
if (mp[0].getNode("velocities/true-airspeed-kt").getValue() > 50) {
probabilityOfBurstKill = extrapolate(dist_nm, 0, ciws_domain_nm, ciws_chance, 0);
var hits = math.max(0,int(extrapolate(rand(), 0, probabilityOfBurstKill, ciws_burst_rounds, 3)));#3 is a kill approx
var target_bearing = my_pos.course_to(cord);
setprop("sim/multiplay/generic/float[0]", -(target_bearing-getprop("orientation/heading-deg")));#CIWS horiz (inverted)
setprop("sim/multiplay/generic/float[1]", vector.Math.getPitch(my_pos, cord));#CIWS vert
setprop("sim/multiplay/generic/bool[0]",1);settimer(func {setprop("sim/multiplay/generic/bool[0]",0);}, 1);# for sound
if (hits > 0) {
var msg ="mhit", 4, -1*(ciws_shell+1));
msg.RelativeAltitude = 0;
msg.Bearing = 0;
msg.Distance = hits;
msg.RemoteCallsign = mp[0].getNode("callsign").getValue();
damage.damageLog.push("CIWS fired | rounds remaining: " ~ ROUNDS ~ " | hit on: " ~ mp[0].getNode("callsign").getValue());
print("CIWS fired | bursts remaining: " ~ ROUNDS ~ " | "~hits~" hits on: " ~ mp[0].getNode("callsign").getValue() ~ " @ "~ sprintf("%.1f",dist_nm) ~" nm");
ciws_delay_time = systime();
setprop("sam/bursts", ROUNDS);
if (ROUNDS == 0) {
print("Launcher out of shell ammo.");
settimer(autoreload, reload_time);
reloading = 1;
reload_starting = systime();
if (mvec!=nil and avec != nil) {
mvec = mvec ~ avec;
if (lu != nil and lu.tracking) {
radarOn = 1;
var prio_vector = [];#0:node,1:trigger,2:prio value
foreach(var mp; mvec){
if (mp.getNode("valid") == nil or mp.getNode("valid").getValue() != 1) continue;
var prio = fire_control(mp, my_pos);
append(prio_vector, prio);
if (prio[3] == 1) {
radarTrackTime = systime();#this target is within envelope, we turn on radar.
if (getprop("payload/armament/""/guidance") == "tvm" and !radarOn) {
foreach(var tgt ; targetsV2.vector) {
if (tgt.in_air > 0) {
radarOn = 1;
prio_vector = sort(prio_vector, func (a,b) {if (a[2]>b[2]){return -1;} elsif (a[2]<b[2]) {return 1;} else {return 0;}});
foreach(var mp; prio_vector) {
# is plane in range, do we still have missiles, and is a missile already inbound, and has it been 4 seconds since the last missile launch?
var trigger = mp[1];
#print("dist to target = " ~ dist_to_target);
var lu = lookup(mp[0].getNode("callsign").getValue());
if ( launch_in_progress == 0 and trigger == true and lu != nil and lu.in_air < same_target_max_missiles and !lu.tracking and ACTIVE_MISSILE <= NUM_MISSILES and ( systime() - missile_delay_time > fire_minimum_interval ) ) { #
#### ... FOR THE MISSILE ####
#print("callsign " ~ cs ~ " found at " ~ dist_to_target);
missile_delay_time = systime();
mp[0].getNode("unique",1).setValue(rand()); =[0], AIR);
launch_in_progress = 1;
missile_launch(mp[0], systime(), my_pos);
} elsif ( ciws_installed and trigger == -1 and ROUNDS > 0 and ( systime() - ciws_delay_time > 1.0 ) and lu != nil) {
#### ... FOR THE CIWS ####
var contact =[0], AIR);
var cord = contact.get_Coord();
var dist_nm = my_pos.direct_distance_to(cord)*M2NM;
var probabilityOfBurstKill = 0.50;
if (mp[0].getNode("velocities/true-airspeed-kt").getValue() > 50) {
probabilityOfBurstKill = extrapolate(dist_nm, 0, ciws_domain_nm, ciws_chance, 0);
var hits = math.max(0,int(extrapolate(rand(), 0, probabilityOfBurstKill, ciws_burst_rounds, 3)));#3 is a kill approx
var target_bearing = my_pos.course_to(cord);
setprop("sim/multiplay/generic/float[0]", -(target_bearing-getprop("orientation/heading-deg")));#CIWS horiz (inverted)
setprop("sim/multiplay/generic/float[1]", vector.Math.getPitch(my_pos, cord));#CIWS vert
setprop("sim/multiplay/generic/bool[0]",1);settimer(func {setprop("sim/multiplay/generic/bool[0]",0);}, 1);# for sound
if (hits > 0) {
var msg ="mhit", 4, -1*(ciws_shell+1));
msg.RelativeAltitude = 0;
msg.Bearing = 0;
msg.Distance = hits;
msg.RemoteCallsign = mp[0].getNode("callsign").getValue();
damage.damageLog.push("CIWS fired | rounds remaining: " ~ ROUNDS ~ " | hit on: " ~ mp[0].getNode("callsign").getValue());
print("CIWS fired | bursts remaining: " ~ ROUNDS ~ " | "~hits~" hits on: " ~ mp[0].getNode("callsign").getValue() ~ " @ "~ sprintf("%.1f",dist_nm) ~" nm");
ciws_delay_time = systime();
setprop("sam/bursts", ROUNDS);
if (ROUNDS == 0) {
print("Launcher out of shell ammo.");
settimer(autoreload, reload_time);
reloading = 1;
reload_starting = systime();
if (lu != nil and lu.tracking) {
radarTrackTime = systime();
if (launcher_align_to_target and ACTIVE_MISSILE > NUM_MISSILES and systime()-missile_release_time > 2) {
# rotate launcher back to forward:
var tgt_dir = 0;
@ -256,7 +252,7 @@ var scan = func() {
setprop("sam/info", "Reloading");
setprop("sam/timeleft", reload_time - (systime() - reload_starting));
} else {
setprop("sam/info", "");
setprop("sam/info", "Search radar is "~(radarStatus==1?"ON":"OFF"));
setprop("sam/timeleft", 0);
@ -276,6 +272,45 @@ var scan = func() {
var isSetup = func {
return systime() - start_time < setupTime;
var acquisitionRadarLoop = func {
if (isSetup() or reloading or getprop("/carrier/sunk") == 1 or getprop("/carrier/disabled") == 1) return;
var reason = "";
var time = systime();
if (time - radarTrackTime < radar_on_after_detect_time) {
radarStatus = 1;
reason = sprintf("Crew alert for %d seconds", radar_on_after_detect_time - (time - radarTrackTime));
} elsif (radarStatus == 0 and time - radarOnTimestamp > radarOffDuration) {
radarStatus = 1;
reason = sprintf("Periodic check for %d seconds", radar_on_time);
} elsif (radarStatus == 1 and time - radarOffTimestamp > radar_on_time) {
radarStatus = 0;
radarOffDuration = rand()*(radar_off_time_max - radar_off_time_min)+radar_off_time_min;
reason = sprintf("Periodic pause for %d seconds", radarOffDuration);
if (getprop("payload/armament/""/guidance") == "tvm" and radarStatus == 0) {
foreach(var tgt ; targetsV2.vector) {
if (tgt.in_air > 0) {
radarTrackTime = time;
radarStatus = 1;
setprop("/sim/multiplay/generic/int[2]", radarStatus != 1);
if (radarStatus == 1) radarOnTimestamp = time;
else radarOffTimestamp = time;
#print("Search radar is "~(radarStatus==1?"ON":"OFF"));
if (reason != "") print(reason);
var radTimer = maketimer(0.5, acquisitionRadarLoop);
var clearSingleLock = func () {
if (semi_active_track == nil) {
@ -556,6 +591,7 @@ var missile_launch = func(mp, launchtime, my_pos) {
if (lu != nil) {
lu.tracking = 1;
radarTrackTime = systime();

@ -11,6 +11,11 @@ var launcher_align_to_target = 1;
var align_speed_dps = 20;
var radar_elevation_above_terrain_m = 25;
var radar_lowest_pitch = 3.5;# 0.5 degs = roughly 925 feet at 20 nm, 25 feet at half a nm. # 0.35 = roughly 925 feet at 20 nm, 25 feet at half a nm.
var radar_off_time_min = 15;# When turning off to lure enemies into engagement zone, and to not make the SAM too easy to find, minimum turn off this duration.
var radar_off_time_max = 45;# Bigger missile_max_distance give crew incentive to keep this a bit longer
var radar_on_time = 90;# Minimum the time it would take to scan whole sky
var radar_on_after_detect_time = 240;# Crew is alert after spotting an aircraft, how long should they stay that way?
var can_detect_anti_rad = 0.05;# 0.5 very good, 0 not at all.
#reaction tme for s-300p is 28 secs acording to
# sounds a bit high for pmu, as its 4 secs for s-400

@ -19,7 +19,11 @@ var reload_starting = 0;
var semi_active_track = nil;# with multiple missiles flying in semi-active-radar mode, this can change rather fast. Which means pilots wont get a steady tone, but disrupted tones. (tradeoff)
var mutexLock = thread.newlock();
var radarStatus = 0;# Current radar status.
var radarOnTimestamp = -500;# Last timestamp of when the radar was online
var radarOffTimestamp = -500;# Last timestamp of when the radar was offline
var radarOffDuration = radar_off_time_min;
var radarTrackTime = 0;# Last time stamp where any enemy aircraft has been spotted.
######################## Common SAM code ###########################
@ -132,7 +136,7 @@ var scan = func() {
if (systime() - start_time < setupTime ) {
if (isSetup() ) {
printf("Seconds till activation: %.1f", setupTime - (systime() - start_time));
setprop("sam/timeleft", setupTime - (systime() - start_time));
@ -154,87 +158,86 @@ var scan = func() {
setprop("sim/multiplay/generic/float[5]", launcher_final_tilt_deg);
var radarOn = 0;
var my_pos = geo.aircraft_position();
var radarAlt = my_pos.alt()+radar_elevation_above_terrain_m;
var mvec = props.globals.getNode("/ai/models").getChildren("multiplayer");
var tvec = props.globals.getNode("/ai/models").getChildren("tanker");
var avec = props.globals.getNode("/ai/models").getChildren("aircraft");
if (mvec!=nil and tvec != nil) {
mvec = mvec ~ tvec;
if (mvec!=nil and avec != nil) {
mvec = mvec ~ avec;
var prio_vector = [];#0:node,1:trigger,2:prio value
foreach(var mp; mvec){
if (mp.getNode("valid") == nil or mp.getNode("valid").getValue() != 1) continue;
var prio = fire_control(mp, my_pos);
append(prio_vector, prio);
if (prio[3] == 1) {
radarOn = 1;#this target is within envelope, we turn on radar.
if (radarStatus == 1) {
var my_pos = geo.aircraft_position();
var radarAlt = my_pos.alt()+radar_elevation_above_terrain_m;
var mvec = props.globals.getNode("/ai/models").getChildren("multiplayer");
var tvec = props.globals.getNode("/ai/models").getChildren("tanker");
var avec = props.globals.getNode("/ai/models").getChildren("aircraft");
if (mvec!=nil and tvec != nil) {
mvec = mvec ~ tvec;
prio_vector = sort(prio_vector, func (a,b) {if (a[2]>b[2]){return -1;} elsif (a[2]<b[2]) {return 1;} else {return 0;}});
foreach(var mp; prio_vector) {
# is plane in range, do we still have missiles, and is a missile already inbound, and has it been 4 seconds since the last missile launch?
var trigger = mp[1];
#print("dist to target = " ~ dist_to_target);
var lu = lookup(mp[0].getNode("callsign").getValue());
if ( launch_in_progress == 0 and trigger == true and lu != nil and lu.in_air < same_target_max_missiles and !lu.tracking and ACTIVE_MISSILE <= NUM_MISSILES and ( systime() - missile_delay_time > fire_minimum_interval ) ) { #
#### ... FOR THE MISSILE ####
#print("callsign " ~ cs ~ " found at " ~ dist_to_target);
missile_delay_time = systime();
mp[0].getNode("unique",1).setValue(rand()); =[0], AIR);
launch_in_progress = 1;
missile_launch(mp[0], systime(), my_pos);
} elsif ( ciws_installed and trigger == -1 and ROUNDS > 0 and ( systime() - ciws_delay_time > 1.0 ) and lu != nil) {
#### ... FOR THE CIWS ####
var contact =[0], AIR);
var cord = contact.get_Coord();
var dist_nm = my_pos.direct_distance_to(cord)*M2NM;
var probabilityOfBurstKill = 0.50;
if (mp[0].getNode("velocities/true-airspeed-kt").getValue() > 50) {
probabilityOfBurstKill = extrapolate(dist_nm, 0, ciws_domain_nm, ciws_chance, 0);
var hits = math.max(0,int(extrapolate(rand(), 0, probabilityOfBurstKill, ciws_burst_rounds, 3)));#3 is a kill approx
var target_bearing = my_pos.course_to(cord);
setprop("sim/multiplay/generic/float[0]", -(target_bearing-getprop("orientation/heading-deg")));#CIWS horiz (inverted)
setprop("sim/multiplay/generic/float[1]", vector.Math.getPitch(my_pos, cord));#CIWS vert
setprop("sim/multiplay/generic/bool[0]",1);settimer(func {setprop("sim/multiplay/generic/bool[0]",0);}, 1);# for sound
if (hits > 0) {
var msg ="mhit", 4, -1*(ciws_shell+1));
msg.RelativeAltitude = 0;
msg.Bearing = 0;
msg.Distance = hits;
msg.RemoteCallsign = mp[0].getNode("callsign").getValue();
damage.damageLog.push("CIWS fired | rounds remaining: " ~ ROUNDS ~ " | hit on: " ~ mp[0].getNode("callsign").getValue());
print("CIWS fired | bursts remaining: " ~ ROUNDS ~ " | "~hits~" hits on: " ~ mp[0].getNode("callsign").getValue() ~ " @ "~ sprintf("%.1f",dist_nm) ~" nm");
ciws_delay_time = systime();
setprop("sam/bursts", ROUNDS);
if (ROUNDS == 0) {
print("Launcher out of shell ammo.");
settimer(autoreload, reload_time);
reloading = 1;
reload_starting = systime();
if (mvec!=nil and avec != nil) {
mvec = mvec ~ avec;
var prio_vector = [];#0:node,1:trigger,2:prio value
foreach(var mp; mvec){
if (mp.getNode("valid") == nil or mp.getNode("valid").getValue() != 1) continue;
var prio = fire_control(mp, my_pos);
append(prio_vector, prio);
if (prio[3] == 1) {
radarTrackTime = systime();#this target is within envelope, we turn on radar.
if (lu != nil and lu.tracking) {
radarOn = 1;
prio_vector = sort(prio_vector, func (a,b) {if (a[2]>b[2]){return -1;} elsif (a[2]<b[2]) {return 1;} else {return 0;}});
foreach(var mp; prio_vector) {
# is plane in range, do we still have missiles, and is a missile already inbound, and has it been 4 seconds since the last missile launch?
var trigger = mp[1];
#print("dist to target = " ~ dist_to_target);
var lu = lookup(mp[0].getNode("callsign").getValue());
if ( launch_in_progress == 0 and trigger == true and lu != nil and lu.in_air < same_target_max_missiles and !lu.tracking and ACTIVE_MISSILE <= NUM_MISSILES and ( systime() - missile_delay_time > fire_minimum_interval ) ) { #
#### ... FOR THE MISSILE ####
#print("callsign " ~ cs ~ " found at " ~ dist_to_target);
missile_delay_time = systime();
mp[0].getNode("unique",1).setValue(rand()); =[0], AIR);
launch_in_progress = 1;
missile_launch(mp[0], systime(), my_pos);
} elsif ( ciws_installed and trigger == -1 and ROUNDS > 0 and ( systime() - ciws_delay_time > 1.0 ) and lu != nil) {
#### ... FOR THE CIWS ####
var contact =[0], AIR);
var cord = contact.get_Coord();
var dist_nm = my_pos.direct_distance_to(cord)*M2NM;
var probabilityOfBurstKill = 0.50;
if (mp[0].getNode("velocities/true-airspeed-kt").getValue() > 50) {
probabilityOfBurstKill = extrapolate(dist_nm, 0, ciws_domain_nm, ciws_chance, 0);
var hits = math.max(0,int(extrapolate(rand(), 0, probabilityOfBurstKill, ciws_burst_rounds, 3)));#3 is a kill approx
var target_bearing = my_pos.course_to(cord);
setprop("sim/multiplay/generic/float[0]", -(target_bearing-getprop("orientation/heading-deg")));#CIWS horiz (inverted)
setprop("sim/multiplay/generic/float[1]", vector.Math.getPitch(my_pos, cord));#CIWS vert
setprop("sim/multiplay/generic/bool[0]",1);settimer(func {setprop("sim/multiplay/generic/bool[0]",0);}, 1);# for sound
if (hits > 0) {
var msg ="mhit", 4, -1*(ciws_shell+1));
msg.RelativeAltitude = 0;
msg.Bearing = 0;
msg.Distance = hits;
msg.RemoteCallsign = mp[0].getNode("callsign").getValue();
damage.damageLog.push("CIWS fired | rounds remaining: " ~ ROUNDS ~ " | hit on: " ~ mp[0].getNode("callsign").getValue());
print("CIWS fired | bursts remaining: " ~ ROUNDS ~ " | "~hits~" hits on: " ~ mp[0].getNode("callsign").getValue() ~ " @ "~ sprintf("%.1f",dist_nm) ~" nm");
ciws_delay_time = systime();
setprop("sam/bursts", ROUNDS);
if (ROUNDS == 0) {
print("Launcher out of shell ammo.");
settimer(autoreload, reload_time);
reloading = 1;
reload_starting = systime();
if (lu != nil and lu.tracking) {
radarTrackTime = systime();
if (launcher_align_to_target and ACTIVE_MISSILE > NUM_MISSILES and systime()-missile_release_time > 2) {
# rotate launcher back to forward:
var tgt_dir = 0;
@ -249,7 +252,7 @@ var scan = func() {
setprop("sam/info", "Reloading");
setprop("sam/timeleft", reload_time - (systime() - reload_starting));
} else {
setprop("sam/info", "");
setprop("sam/info", "Search radar is "~(radarStatus==1?"ON":"OFF"));
setprop("sam/timeleft", 0);
@ -269,6 +272,45 @@ var scan = func() {
var isSetup = func {
return systime() - start_time < setupTime;
var acquisitionRadarLoop = func {
if (isSetup() or reloading or getprop("/carrier/sunk") == 1 or getprop("/carrier/disabled") == 1) return;
var reason = "";
var time = systime();
if (time - radarTrackTime < radar_on_after_detect_time) {
radarStatus = 1;
reason = sprintf("Crew alert for %d seconds", radar_on_after_detect_time - (time - radarTrackTime));
} elsif (radarStatus == 0 and time - radarOnTimestamp > radarOffDuration) {
radarStatus = 1;
reason = sprintf("Periodic check for %d seconds", radar_on_time);
} elsif (radarStatus == 1 and time - radarOffTimestamp > radar_on_time) {
radarStatus = 0;
radarOffDuration = rand()*(radar_off_time_max - radar_off_time_min)+radar_off_time_min;
reason = sprintf("Periodic pause for %d seconds", radarOffDuration);
if (getprop("payload/armament/""/guidance") == "tvm" and radarStatus == 0) {
foreach(var tgt ; targetsV2.vector) {
if (tgt.in_air > 0) {
radarTrackTime = time;
radarStatus = 1;
setprop("/sim/multiplay/generic/int[2]", radarStatus != 1);
if (radarStatus == 1) radarOnTimestamp = time;
else radarOffTimestamp = time;
#print("Search radar is "~(radarStatus==1?"ON":"OFF"));
if (reason != "") print(reason);
var radTimer = maketimer(0.5, acquisitionRadarLoop);
var clearSingleLock = func () {
if (semi_active_track == nil) {
@ -542,13 +584,14 @@ var missile_launch = func(mp, launchtime, my_pos) {
setprop("sam/info", info);
if (mp.getNode("callsign") != nil and mp.getNode("callsign").getValue() != nil and mp.getNode("callsign").getValue() != "") {
setprop("sim/multiplay/generic/string[6]", left(md5(mp.getNode("callsign").getValue()), 4));
if (getprop("payload/armament/""/guidance") != "tvm") setprop("sim/multiplay/generic/string[6]", left(md5(mp.getNode("callsign").getValue()), 4));
} else {
if (lu != nil) {
lu.tracking = 1;
radarTrackTime = systime();

@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
<rail-length-m type="double">10.60</rail-length-m> <!-- authentic length-->
<stage-1-duration-sec type="double">4</stage-1-duration-sec>
<weight-launch-lbs>5340</weight-launch-lbs> <!-- -->
<drag-coeff type="double">0.20</drag-coeff> <!-- was 0.40 in older versions -->
<drag-coeff type="double">0.10</drag-coeff> <!-- was 0.40 in older versions -->
<thrust-lbf-stage-1 type="double">110000</thrust-lbf-stage-1> <!-- source -->
<rail type="bool">true</rail> <!-- -->
<rail-point-forward type="bool">false</rail-point-forward>
@ -308,7 +308,8 @@
<stage-2-duration-sec type="double">15</stage-2-duration-sec><!-- -->
<weight-fuel-lbm>2750</weight-fuel-lbm> <!-- -->
<arming-time-sec type="double">1</arming-time-sec>
<min-speed-for-guiding-mach type="double">0.65</min-speed-for-guiding-mach>
<min-speed-for-guiding-mach type="double">0.6</min-speed-for-guiding-mach>
<chaff-resistance type="double">0.87</chaff-resistance>
<self-destruct-time-sec type="double">60</self-destruct-time-sec>
<loft-altitude type="int">0</loft-altitude>
<max-report-distance type="double">200</max-report-distance> <!-- -->

@ -12,6 +12,11 @@ var launcher_align_to_target = 1;
var align_speed_dps = 20;
var radar_elevation_above_terrain_m = 10;#estimate
var radar_lowest_pitch = 0.1;# 0.5 degs = roughly 925 feet at 20 nm, 25 feet at half a nm. # 0.35 = roughly 925 feet at 20 nm, 25 feet at half a nm.
var radar_off_time_min = 0;# When turning off to lure enemies into engagement zone, and to not make the SAM too easy to find, minimum turn off this duration.
var radar_off_time_max = 0;# Bigger missile_max_distance give crew incentive to keep this a bit longer
var radar_on_time = 45;# Minimum the time it would take to scan whole sky
var radar_on_after_detect_time = 180;# Crew is alert after spotting an aircraft, how long should they stay that way?
var can_detect_anti_rad = 0.05;# 0.5 very good, 0 not at all.
#reaction tme for s-300p is 28 secs acording to
# sounds a bit high for pmu, as its 4 secs for s-400

@ -19,7 +19,11 @@ var reload_starting = 0;
var semi_active_track = nil;# with multiple missiles flying in semi-active-radar mode, this can change rather fast. Which means pilots wont get a steady tone, but disrupted tones. (tradeoff)
var mutexLock = thread.newlock();
var radarStatus = 0;# Current radar status.
var radarOnTimestamp = -500;# Last timestamp of when the radar was online
var radarOffTimestamp = -500;# Last timestamp of when the radar was offline
var radarOffDuration = radar_off_time_min;
var radarTrackTime = 0;# Last time stamp where any enemy aircraft has been spotted.
######################## Common SAM code ###########################
@ -132,7 +136,7 @@ var scan = func() {
if (systime() - start_time < setupTime ) {
if (isSetup() ) {
printf("Seconds till activation: %.1f", setupTime - (systime() - start_time));
setprop("sam/timeleft", setupTime - (systime() - start_time));
@ -154,87 +158,86 @@ var scan = func() {
setprop("sim/multiplay/generic/float[5]", launcher_final_tilt_deg);
var radarOn = 0;
var my_pos = geo.aircraft_position();
var radarAlt = my_pos.alt()+radar_elevation_above_terrain_m;
var mvec = props.globals.getNode("/ai/models").getChildren("multiplayer");
var tvec = props.globals.getNode("/ai/models").getChildren("tanker");
var avec = props.globals.getNode("/ai/models").getChildren("aircraft");
if (mvec!=nil and tvec != nil) {
mvec = mvec ~ tvec;
if (mvec!=nil and avec != nil) {
mvec = mvec ~ avec;
var prio_vector = [];#0:node,1:trigger,2:prio value
foreach(var mp; mvec){
if (mp.getNode("valid") == nil or mp.getNode("valid").getValue() != 1) continue;
var prio = fire_control(mp, my_pos);
append(prio_vector, prio);
if (prio[3] == 1) {
radarOn = 1;#this target is within envelope, we turn on radar.
if (radarStatus == 1) {
var my_pos = geo.aircraft_position();
var radarAlt = my_pos.alt()+radar_elevation_above_terrain_m;
var mvec = props.globals.getNode("/ai/models").getChildren("multiplayer");
var tvec = props.globals.getNode("/ai/models").getChildren("tanker");
var avec = props.globals.getNode("/ai/models").getChildren("aircraft");
if (mvec!=nil and tvec != nil) {
mvec = mvec ~ tvec;
prio_vector = sort(prio_vector, func (a,b) {if (a[2]>b[2]){return -1;} elsif (a[2]<b[2]) {return 1;} else {return 0;}});
foreach(var mp; prio_vector) {
# is plane in range, do we still have missiles, and is a missile already inbound, and has it been 4 seconds since the last missile launch?
var trigger = mp[1];
#print("dist to target = " ~ dist_to_target);
var lu = lookup(mp[0].getNode("callsign").getValue());
if ( launch_in_progress == 0 and trigger == true and lu != nil and lu.in_air < same_target_max_missiles and !lu.tracking and ACTIVE_MISSILE <= NUM_MISSILES and ( systime() - missile_delay_time > fire_minimum_interval ) ) { #
#### ... FOR THE MISSILE ####
#print("callsign " ~ cs ~ " found at " ~ dist_to_target);
missile_delay_time = systime();
mp[0].getNode("unique",1).setValue(rand()); =[0], AIR);
launch_in_progress = 1;
missile_launch(mp[0], systime(), my_pos);
} elsif ( ciws_installed and trigger == -1 and ROUNDS > 0 and ( systime() - ciws_delay_time > 1.0 ) and lu != nil) {
#### ... FOR THE CIWS ####
var contact =[0], AIR);
var cord = contact.get_Coord();
var dist_nm = my_pos.direct_distance_to(cord)*M2NM;
var probabilityOfBurstKill = 0.50;
if (mp[0].getNode("velocities/true-airspeed-kt").getValue() > 50) {
probabilityOfBurstKill = extrapolate(dist_nm, 0, ciws_domain_nm, ciws_chance, 0);
var hits = math.max(0,int(extrapolate(rand(), 0, probabilityOfBurstKill, ciws_burst_rounds, 3)));#3 is a kill approx
var target_bearing = my_pos.course_to(cord);
setprop("sim/multiplay/generic/float[0]", -(target_bearing-getprop("orientation/heading-deg")));#CIWS horiz (inverted)
setprop("sim/multiplay/generic/float[1]", vector.Math.getPitch(my_pos, cord));#CIWS vert
setprop("sim/multiplay/generic/bool[0]",1);settimer(func {setprop("sim/multiplay/generic/bool[0]",0);}, 1);# for sound
if (hits > 0) {
var msg ="mhit", 4, -1*(ciws_shell+1));
msg.RelativeAltitude = 0;
msg.Bearing = 0;
msg.Distance = hits;
msg.RemoteCallsign = mp[0].getNode("callsign").getValue();
damage.damageLog.push("CIWS fired | rounds remaining: " ~ ROUNDS ~ " | hit on: " ~ mp[0].getNode("callsign").getValue());
print("CIWS fired | bursts remaining: " ~ ROUNDS ~ " | "~hits~" hits on: " ~ mp[0].getNode("callsign").getValue() ~ " @ "~ sprintf("%.1f",dist_nm) ~" nm");
ciws_delay_time = systime();
setprop("sam/bursts", ROUNDS);
if (ROUNDS == 0) {
print("Launcher out of shell ammo.");
settimer(autoreload, reload_time);
reloading = 1;
reload_starting = systime();
if (mvec!=nil and avec != nil) {
mvec = mvec ~ avec;
var prio_vector = [];#0:node,1:trigger,2:prio value
foreach(var mp; mvec){
if (mp.getNode("valid") == nil or mp.getNode("valid").getValue() != 1) continue;
var prio = fire_control(mp, my_pos);
append(prio_vector, prio);
if (prio[3] == 1) {
radarTrackTime = systime();#this target is within envelope, we turn on radar.
if (lu != nil and lu.tracking) {
radarOn = 1;
prio_vector = sort(prio_vector, func (a,b) {if (a[2]>b[2]){return -1;} elsif (a[2]<b[2]) {return 1;} else {return 0;}});
foreach(var mp; prio_vector) {
# is plane in range, do we still have missiles, and is a missile already inbound, and has it been 4 seconds since the last missile launch?
var trigger = mp[1];
#print("dist to target = " ~ dist_to_target);
var lu = lookup(mp[0].getNode("callsign").getValue());
if ( launch_in_progress == 0 and trigger == true and lu != nil and lu.in_air < same_target_max_missiles and !lu.tracking and ACTIVE_MISSILE <= NUM_MISSILES and ( systime() - missile_delay_time > fire_minimum_interval ) ) { #
#### ... FOR THE MISSILE ####
#print("callsign " ~ cs ~ " found at " ~ dist_to_target);
missile_delay_time = systime();
mp[0].getNode("unique",1).setValue(rand()); =[0], AIR);
launch_in_progress = 1;
missile_launch(mp[0], systime(), my_pos);
} elsif ( ciws_installed and trigger == -1 and ROUNDS > 0 and ( systime() - ciws_delay_time > 1.0 ) and lu != nil) {
#### ... FOR THE CIWS ####
var contact =[0], AIR);
var cord = contact.get_Coord();
var dist_nm = my_pos.direct_distance_to(cord)*M2NM;
var probabilityOfBurstKill = 0.50;
if (mp[0].getNode("velocities/true-airspeed-kt").getValue() > 50) {
probabilityOfBurstKill = extrapolate(dist_nm, 0, ciws_domain_nm, ciws_chance, 0);
var hits = math.max(0,int(extrapolate(rand(), 0, probabilityOfBurstKill, ciws_burst_rounds, 3)));#3 is a kill approx
var target_bearing = my_pos.course_to(cord);
setprop("sim/multiplay/generic/float[0]", -(target_bearing-getprop("orientation/heading-deg")));#CIWS horiz (inverted)
setprop("sim/multiplay/generic/float[1]", vector.Math.getPitch(my_pos, cord));#CIWS vert
setprop("sim/multiplay/generic/bool[0]",1);settimer(func {setprop("sim/multiplay/generic/bool[0]",0);}, 1);# for sound
if (hits > 0) {
var msg ="mhit", 4, -1*(ciws_shell+1));
msg.RelativeAltitude = 0;
msg.Bearing = 0;
msg.Distance = hits;
msg.RemoteCallsign = mp[0].getNode("callsign").getValue();
damage.damageLog.push("CIWS fired | rounds remaining: " ~ ROUNDS ~ " | hit on: " ~ mp[0].getNode("callsign").getValue());
print("CIWS fired | bursts remaining: " ~ ROUNDS ~ " | "~hits~" hits on: " ~ mp[0].getNode("callsign").getValue() ~ " @ "~ sprintf("%.1f",dist_nm) ~" nm");
ciws_delay_time = systime();
setprop("sam/bursts", ROUNDS);
if (ROUNDS == 0) {
print("Launcher out of shell ammo.");
settimer(autoreload, reload_time);
reloading = 1;
reload_starting = systime();
if (lu != nil and lu.tracking) {
radarTrackTime = systime();
if (launcher_align_to_target and ACTIVE_MISSILE > NUM_MISSILES and systime()-missile_release_time > 2) {
# rotate launcher back to forward:
var tgt_dir = 0;
@ -249,7 +252,7 @@ var scan = func() {
setprop("sam/info", "Reloading");
setprop("sam/timeleft", reload_time - (systime() - reload_starting));
} else {
setprop("sam/info", "");
setprop("sam/info", "Search radar is "~(radarStatus==1?"ON":"OFF"));
setprop("sam/timeleft", 0);
@ -269,6 +272,45 @@ var scan = func() {
var isSetup = func {
return systime() - start_time < setupTime;
var acquisitionRadarLoop = func {
if (isSetup() or reloading or getprop("/carrier/sunk") == 1 or getprop("/carrier/disabled") == 1) return;
var reason = "";
var time = systime();
if (time - radarTrackTime < radar_on_after_detect_time) {
radarStatus = 1;
reason = sprintf("Crew alert for %d seconds", radar_on_after_detect_time - (time - radarTrackTime));
} elsif (radarStatus == 0 and time - radarOnTimestamp > radarOffDuration) {
radarStatus = 1;
reason = sprintf("Periodic check for %d seconds", radar_on_time);
} elsif (radarStatus == 1 and time - radarOffTimestamp > radar_on_time) {
radarStatus = 0;
radarOffDuration = rand()*(radar_off_time_max - radar_off_time_min)+radar_off_time_min;
reason = sprintf("Periodic pause for %d seconds", radarOffDuration);
if (getprop("payload/armament/""/guidance") == "tvm" and radarStatus == 0) {
foreach(var tgt ; targetsV2.vector) {
if (tgt.in_air > 0) {
radarTrackTime = time;
radarStatus = 1;
setprop("/sim/multiplay/generic/int[2]", radarStatus != 1);
if (radarStatus == 1) radarOnTimestamp = time;
else radarOffTimestamp = time;
#print("Search radar is "~(radarStatus==1?"ON":"OFF"));
if (reason != "") print(reason);
var radTimer = maketimer(0.5, acquisitionRadarLoop);
var clearSingleLock = func () {
if (semi_active_track == nil) {
@ -542,13 +584,14 @@ var missile_launch = func(mp, launchtime, my_pos) {
setprop("sam/info", info);
if (mp.getNode("callsign") != nil and mp.getNode("callsign").getValue() != nil and mp.getNode("callsign").getValue() != "") {
setprop("sim/multiplay/generic/string[6]", left(md5(mp.getNode("callsign").getValue()), 4));
if (getprop("payload/armament/""/guidance") != "tvm") setprop("sim/multiplay/generic/string[6]", left(md5(mp.getNode("callsign").getValue()), 4));
} else {
if (lu != nil) {
lu.tracking = 1;
radarTrackTime = systime();

@ -304,6 +304,7 @@
<arming-time-sec type="double">2</arming-time-sec>
<min-speed-for-guiding-mach type="double">0.45</min-speed-for-guiding-mach>
<self-destruct-time-sec type="double">75</self-destruct-time-sec>
<chaff-resistance type="double">0.89</chaff-resistance>
<self-destruct-at-lock-lost type="bool">true</self-destruct-at-lock-lost>
<seeker-angular-speed-dps type="double">3000</seeker-angular-speed-dps>
<loft-altitude type="int">0</loft-altitude>
