2022-11-29 16:36:52 +08:00
#### Datalink
# Copyright 2020-2021 Colin Geniet.
# Licensed under the GNU General Public License 2.0 or any later version.
#### Usage
### Generalities
# The datalink protocol consists of a core protocol which implements a notion
# of datalink channel, and extensions which allow transmitting actual data.
### Core protocol usage:
# Define the following properties (must be defined at nasal loading time).
# * Mandatory
# /instrumentation/datalink/power_prop path to property indicating if datalink is on
# /instrumentation/datalink/channel_prop path to property containing datalink channel
# (the channel property can contain anything, and is transmitted/compared as a string).
# * Optional
# /instrumentation/datalink/receive_period = 1 receiving loop update rate
# Optional: Re-define the function
# datalink.can_transmit(callsign, mp_prop, mp_index)
# This function should return 'true' when the given aircraft is able to transmit over datalink to us.
# For instance, it can be used to check line of sight and maximum range.
# The default implementation always returns true (always able to transmit).
# Arguments are callsign, property node /ai/models/multiplayer[i], index of the former node.
# API:
# - get_data(callsign)
# Returns all datalink information about 'callsign' as an object, or nil if there is none.
# This object must not be modified.
# It contains the following methods:
# callsign(): The aircraft callsign (same as the argument of get_data()).
# index(): The aircraft index in /ai/models/multiplayer[i].
# on_link(): Returns a bool indicating whether 'callsign' is connected to this aircraft through datalink.
# Extensions can define other methods in this object.
# - get_connected_callsigns() / get_connected_indices()
# Returns a vector containing all callsigns, resp. indices
# in /ai/models/multiplayer[i], of aircrafts connected on datalink.
# Both vectors use the same order, i.e. get_connected_callsigns()[i]
# and get_connected_indices()[i] correspond to the same aircraft.
# Furthermore this order is stable (the relative order of two aircrafts
# does not change as long as neither disconnects from multiplayer).
# - get_all_callsigns()
# Returns a vector containing all callsigns of aircraft with any associated data.
# There is no guarantee on the order of callsigns.
# - send_data(data, timeout=nil)
# Send data on the datalink. 'data' is a hash of the form
# {
# <extension_name>: <extension_data>,
# ...
# }
# If 'timeout' is set, clear_data() will be called after this delay.
# Data sent with send_data() is deleted at the next call of send_data(), or by clear_data().
# - clear_data()
# Clear data transmitted by this aircraft.
# Important note:
# After a send_data(), and until the next send_data() or clear_data(),
# the datalink behaves as if you are continuously sending the same data.
# Thus, it is important to
# 1. either call send_data() regularly
# 2. or set the timeout argument of send_data()
### Extensions
### Aircraft contacts (extension name: "contacts")
# This extension allows to simulate an aircraft transmitting information about
# another aircraft (typically one tracked on radar). The position data is not
# actually transmitted (since everyone can access it from simulator internals).
## Receiving data
# This extension adds the following methods to the result of get_data("A"):
# tracked(): A bool indicating that some aircraft "B" connected on datalink
# is transmitting information about aircraft "A".
# iff(): One of IFF_UNKNOWN, IFF_HOSTILE, IFF_FRIENDLY, or nil if tracked() is false.
# Indicates the result of IFF interrogation of "A" by "B"
# IFF_UNKNOWN means that e.g. no IFF interrogation was performed.
# tracked_by(): The callsign of the transmitting aircraft ("A"), or nil if tracked() is false.
# tracked_by_index(): The index of the transmitting aircraft, or nil if tracked() is false.
# The index refers to property nodes /ai/models/multiplayer[i].
# is_known(): Equivalent to (on_link() or tracked()).
# Indicates if the position of this aircraft is supposed to be known
# (i.e. whether or not it should be displayed on a HSD or whatever).
# is_friendly(): Equivalent to (on_link() or iff() == IFF_FRIENDLY).
# is_hostile(): Equivalent to (!on_link() and iff() == IFF_HOSTILE).
## Sending data
# usage: send_data({ contacts: <contacts>, ...}, ...)
# where <contacts> is a vector of hashes of the form { callsign: <callsign>, [iff: <iff>,] }.
# <callsign> is the multiplayer callsign of the tracked aircraft.
# <iff> (optional) is one of IFF_UNKNOWN, IFF_HOSTILE, IFF_FRIENDLY
### Datalink identifier (extension name: "identifier")
# This extension allows each aircraft on datalink to transmit a personal
# identifier, e.g. the number of the aircraft in a flight.
## Receiving data
# This extension adds the method identifier() to the result of get_data(),
# which returns the identifier, or nil if there is none).
## Sending data
# Set the identifier with send_data({"identifier": <identifier>, ...});
# The identifier must be a string. It must not contain '!'.
### Coordinate transmission (extension name: "point")
# This extension allows each aircraft to broadcast a coordinate (geo.Coord object).
## Receiving data
# This extension adds the method point() to the result of get_data(),
# which results the transmitted geo.Coord object, or nil if there is none.
## Sending data
# Transmit a geo.Coord object <coord> with send_data({"point": <coord>, ...});
#### Protocol:
# Data is transmitted on MP generic string[7], with the following format:
# <channel>(!<data>)+
# <channel> is a hash of the datalink channel. See hash_channel() and check_channel_hash().
# Each <data> block corresponds to data sent by an extension.
# It starts with a prefix uniquely defining the extension.
# The rest of the block can contain any character (including non-ascii) except '!'.
# Remark: '!' as separator is specifically chosen to allow encoding with emesary.Transfer<type>.
# The current extension prefixes are the following:
# contacts: C
# identifier: I
# point: P
#### Extensions API
# Creating a new extension is done with
# register_extension(name, prefix, object, encode, decode)
# name the extension name, used as key in the 'data' argument of send_data().
# prefix the protocol prefix.
# class contact class parent.
# A class from which all contact objects will inherit.
# It must have an init() method, which is called whenever a contact is created.
# encode(data) extension encoding function.
# Must return the encoding of the extension data (i.e. <data> when calling
# send_data({name: <data>})) into a string, which may use any character except '!'.
# The extension prefix must not be part of the encoded string.
# decode(aircrafts_data, callsign, index, string) extension decoding function.
# 'aircrafts_data' is a hash from callsigns to contact objects (see below).
# 'callsign' is the callsign of the aircraft which transmitted this data.
# 'index' is the index of the aircraft which transmitted this data.
# 'string' is the data encoded by encode() and transmitted through datalink.
# Each contact in 'data' inherits from the core 'Contact' class, and the extension 'class'.
# decode() is expected to modify 'aircrafts_data', by possibly editing
# existing contacts and adding new ones. It should be careful when
# overwriting existing data in these contacts, including its own: decode()
# will be called several time on the same 'aircrafts_data' (once for each
# transmitting aircraft).
# The modified 'aircrafts_data' hash must be returned.
# decode() may use the following helper functions:
# add_if_missing(aircrafts_data, callsign):
# Create a new contact object for 'callsign' and add it to 'aircrafts_data',
# unless an entry for 'callsign' already exists. Returns the modified hash.
#### Version and changelog
# current: v1.1.0, minimum compatible: v1.0.0
## v1.1.0:
# Allow external transmission restrictions
# Make transmitting contact IFF optional
# Ensure personal identifier has no '!'
# '\n' is redundant for printf()
# Fix separator character in documentation
# Fix error when sending unknown extension
## v1.0.1:
# Add is_known(), is_friendly(), is_hostile() helpers to extension "contacts".
## v1.0.0: Initial version
# - Core protocol for datalink channel.
# - Extensions "contacts", "identifier", and "point".
### Parameters
# Remark: most parameters need to be the same on all aircrafts.
# Index of multiplayer string used to transmit datalink info.
# Must be the same for all aircrafts.
var mp_string = 7;
var mp_path = "sim/multiplay/generic/string["~mp_string~"]";
var channel_hash_period = 600;
var receive_period = getprop("/instrumentation/datalink/receive_period") or 1;
# Should be overwitten to add transmission restrictions.
var can_transmit = func(contact, mp_prop, mp_index) {
return 1;
### Properties
var input = {
power: getprop("/instrumentation/datalink/power_prop"),
channel: getprop("/instrumentation/datalink/channel_prop"),
ident: getprop("/instrumentation/datalink/identifier_prop"),
mp: mp_path,
models: "/ai/models",
callsign: "/sim/multiplay/callsign",
foreach (var name; keys(input)) {
if (input[name] != nil) {
input[name] = props.globals.getNode(input[name], 1);
#### Core protocol implementation
### Channel hash (based on iff.nas)
# Channel is hashed with current time (rounded to 10min) and own callsign.
var clean_callsign = func(callsign) {
return damage.processCallsign(callsign);
var my_callsign = func {
return clean_callsign(input.callsign.getValue());
# Time, rounded to 'channel_hash_period'. This is used to hash channel.
var get_time = func {
return int(math.floor(systime() / channel_hash_period) * channel_hash_period);
# Previous / next time (with channel_hash_period interval).
# This is used to give a bit of margin on the time check.
# (will work if system clocks are coordinated within 10min).
var get_prev_time = func { return get_time() - channel_hash_period; }
var get_next_time = func { return get_time() + channel_hash_period; }
var parse_hexadecimal = func(str) {
var res = 0;
for (var i=0; i<size(str); i+=1) {
res *= 10;
var c = str[i];
if (c >= 48 and c < 58) {
# digit
res += c - 48;
} elsif (c >= 65 and c < 71) {
# upper case letter
res += c - 55;
} elsif (c >= 97 and c < 103) {
# lower case letter
res += c - 87;
return res;
var _hash_channel = func(time, callsign, channel) {
# 5 hex digits (2^20) fit in 3 chars for emesary int encoding.
var hash = parse_hexadecimal(left(md5(time ~ callsign ~ channel), 5));
return emesary.TransferInt.encode(hash, 3);
# Hash channel (when sending).
var encode_channel = func(channel) {
return _hash_channel(get_time(), my_callsign(), channel);
# Check that the hash transmitted by aircraft 'callsign' is correct for 'channel'.
var check_channel = func(hash, callsign, channel) {
return hash == _hash_channel(get_time(), callsign, channel)
or hash == _hash_channel(get_prev_time(), callsign, channel)
or hash == _hash_channel(get_next_time(), callsign, channel);
### Contact object
var Contact = {
new: func(callsign) {
var c = {
# contact_parents is the list of all classes from which contacts inherit (for extensions).
parents: contact_parents,
_callsign: callsign,
# Initialize all inherited classes.
foreach (var class; contact_parents) {
call(class.init, [], c, nil, nil);
return c;
init: func { me._on_link = 0; },
callsign: func { return me._callsign; },
index: func { return callsign_to_index[me._callsign]; },
on_link: func { return me._on_link; },
set_on_link: func(b) { me._on_link = b; },
### Extensions
var extensions = {};
var extension_prefixes = {};
var max_prefix_length = 0;
var contact_parents = [Contact];
var register_extension = func(name, prefix, class, encode, decode) {
if (contains(extensions, name)) {
printf("Datalink: double registration of extension '%s'. Skipping.", name);
return -1;
if (contains(extension_prefixes, prefix)) {
printf("Datalink: double registration of extension prefix '%s'. Skipping.", name);
return -1;
extensions[name] = { prefix: prefix, encode: encode, decode: decode, };
extension_prefixes[prefix] = name;
max_prefix_length = math.max(max_prefix_length, size(prefix));
append(contact_parents, class);
return 0;
var data_separator = "!";
### Transmission
var clear_data = func {
var clear_timer = maketimer(1, clear_data);
clear_timer.singleShot = 1;
# Send data through datalink.
# timeout: if set, sent data will be cleared after this time (other aircrafts
# won't receive it anymore). Useful if 'send_data' is not called often.
var send_data = func(data, timeout=nil) {
if (!input.power.getBoolValue()) {
last_data = {};
# First encode channel
var str = encode_channel(input.channel.getValue());
# Then all extensions
last_data = data;
foreach(var ext; keys(data)) {
# Skip missing extensions with a warning
if (!contains(extensions, ext)) {
printf("Warning: unknown datalink extension %s in send_data().", ext);
str = str ~ data_separator ~ extensions[ext].prefix ~ extensions[ext].encode(data[ext]);
if (timeout != nil) {
# Used internally to update the channel/identifier while keeping the same data.
# Does not touch timeout.
var last_data = {};
var resend_data = func {
# Very slow timer to ensure the channel hash is updated regularly.
# Only relevant if you never call send_data();
var hash_update_timer = maketimer(channel_hash_period/2, resend_data);
### Receiving
# callsign to data hash
var aircrafts_data = {};
# List of callsigns / indices connected on datalink (index is for /ai/models/multiplayer[i]).
var connected_callsigns = [];
var connected_indices = [];
# Maintain callsign to multiplayer index hash
# (doesn't cost much since we already iterate over MP models).
var callsign_to_index = {};
var get_data = func(callsign) {
return aircrafts_data[callsign];
var get_connected_callsigns = func {
return connected_callsigns;
var get_connected_indices = func {
return connected_indices;
var get_all_callsigns = func {
return keys(aircrafts_data);
# Helper for modifying aircrafts_data.
var add_if_missing = func(aircrafts_data, callsign) {
if (!contains(aircrafts_data, callsign)) {
aircrafts_data[callsign] = Contact.new(callsign);
return aircrafts_data;
var receive_loop = func {
var my_channel = input.channel.getValue();
aircrafts_data = {};
connected_callsigns = [];
connected_indices = [];
var mp_models = input.models.getChildren("multiplayer");
foreach(var mp; mp_models) {
var idx = mp.getIndex();
if (!mp.getValue("valid")) continue;
var callsign = mp.getValue("callsign");
if (callsign == nil) continue;
callsign_to_index[callsign] = idx;
var data = mp.getValue(mp_path);
if (data == nil) continue;
# Split channel part and data part
var tokens = split(data_separator, data);
# Check channel
if (!check_channel(tokens[0], callsign, my_channel)) continue;
# We check this _after_ the channel. Checking the channel is quite cheap,
# and we don't know how slow this function is, it might have a get_cart_ground_intersection()
if (!can_transmit(callsign, mp, idx)) continue;
# Add to list of connected aircrafts.
append(connected_callsigns, callsign);
append(connected_indices, idx);
# Add to data
aircrafts_data = add_if_missing(aircrafts_data, callsign);
# Parse extensions data
for (var i=1; i<size(tokens); i+=1) {
var extension = nil;
# Identify extension prefix. This is not very clever code, but
# realistically it doesn't matter since prefixes are very short.
var len = 1;
for (; len <= max_prefix_length; len += 1) {
if (len > size(tokens)) break;
var prefix = left(tokens[i], len);
if (contains(extension_prefixes, prefix)) {
extension = extension_prefixes[prefix];
# Unknown extension, skip
if (extension == nil) continue;
# Remove prefix
var data = substr(tokens[i], len);
# Decode
aircrafts_data = extensions[extension].decode(aircrafts_data, callsign, data);
var receive_timer = maketimer(receive_period, receive_loop);
# Start / stop listener
setlistener(input.power, func (node) {
if (node.getBoolValue()) {
resend_data(); # Sets channel/identifier
} else {
aircrafts_data = {};
}, 1, 0);
# Listener to resend data so as to update the channel.
setlistener(input.channel, resend_data);
#### Extensions
## Identifier
var ContactIdentifier = {
init: func {
me._identifier = nil;
set_identifier: func(ident) {
me._identifier = ident;
identifier: func {
return me._identifier;
var encode_identifier = func(ident) {
# Force string conversion
ident = ""~ident;
if (find("!", ident) >= 0) {
printf("Datalink: Identifier is not allowed to contain '!': %s.", ident);
return "";
} else {
return ident;
var decode_identifier = func(aircrafts_data, callsign, str) {
aircrafts_data = add_if_missing(aircrafts_data, callsign);
return aircrafts_data;
register_extension("identifier", "I", ContactIdentifier, encode_identifier, decode_identifier);
## Contacts
# IFF status transmitted over datalink.
var IFF_UNKNOWN = 0; # Unknown status
var IFF_HOSTILE = 1; # Considered hostile (no response to IFF).
var IFF_FRIENDLY = 2; # Friendly, because positive IFF identification.
# This is also the priority order for IFF reports in case of conflicts:
# e.g. a contact will be reported as friendly if anyone on datalink reports it as friendly.
var ContactTracked = {
init: func {
me._tracked_by = nil;
me._iff = IFF_UNKNOWN;
set_tracked_by: func(callsign) {
me._tracked_by = callsign;
set_iff: func(iff) {
# Priority order on IFF values (friendly, then hostile, then no data).
me._iff = math.max(me._iff, iff);
tracked: func {
return me._tracked_by != nil;
tracked_by: func {
return me._tracked_by;
tracked_by_index: func {
return (me._tracked_by != nil) ? callsign_to_index[me._tracked_by] : nil;
iff: func {
return me._iff;
is_known: func {
return me.on_link() or me.tracked();
is_friendly: func {
return me.on_link() or me.iff() == IFF_FRIENDLY;
is_hostile: func {
return !me.on_link() and me.iff() == IFF_HOSTILE;
# Contact encoding: callsign + bits
# callsign: the callsign encoded with emesary.TransferString
# bits: bitfield |xxxxxxff| (left is most significant)
# f: IFF, x: unused
# encoded with emesary.TransferByte
# Additional values may be appended for extensions.
var encode_contact = func(contact) {
# Encode bitfield
var bits = contact["iff"] != nil ? contact.iff : IFF_UNKNOWN;
return emesary.TransferString.encode(clean_callsign(contact.callsign))
~ emesary.TransferByte.encode(bits);
var decode_contact = func(str) {
var res = {};
var dv = emesary.TransferString.decode(str, 0);
res.callsign = dv.value;
dv = emesary.TransferByte.decode(str, dv.pos);
var bits = dv.value;
res.iff = math.mod(bits, 4);
return res;
# Special character, won't be used by emesary encoding.
var contacts_separator = "#";
var encode_contacts = func(contacts) {
var str = "";
foreach (var contact; contacts) {
str = str~encode_contact(contact)~contacts_separator;
return str;
var decode_contacts = func(aircrafts_data, callsign, str) {
var contacts = split(contacts_separator, str);
foreach (var contact; contacts) {
if (contact == "") continue;
var res = decode_contact(contact);
aircrafts_data = add_if_missing(aircrafts_data, res.callsign);
return aircrafts_data;
register_extension("contacts", "C", ContactTracked, encode_contacts, decode_contacts);
## Coordinate
var ContactPoint = {
init: func {
me._point = nil;
set_point: func(point) {
me._point = point;
point: func {
return me._point;
var encode_point = func(coord) {
return emesary.TransferCoord.encode(coord);
var decode_point = func(aircrafts_data, callsign, str) {
var coord = emesary.TransferCoord.decode(str, 0).value;
aircrafts_data = add_if_missing(aircrafts_data, callsign);
return aircrafts_data;
2023-09-26 07:50:04 +08:00
register_extension("point", "P", ContactPoint, encode_point, decode_point);