2021-04-15 03:28:19 +08:00
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
systems adapted from truck by onox
model by Jüttner Domokos aka Rudolf
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
<in-to-wind type="bool">false</in-to-wind>
<!-- The maximum bank angle during full rudder deflection -->
<bank-limit type="double">15.0</bank-limit>
<!-- Frequency and overshoot of the oscillator used to
simulate heeling (roll).
<heel-frequency type="double">0.5</heel-frequency>
<heel-overshoot type="double">4.0</heel-overshoot>
<!-- Frequency and overshoot of the oscillator used to
simulate trimming (pitch).
<trim-frequency type="double">0.32</trim-frequency>
<trim-overshoot type="double">0.45</trim-overshoot>
<!-- The speed of the waves plus speed of the ship in knots
which generates the maximum overshoot of the trim
<max-trim-oscillation-wave-kt type="double">30.0</max-trim-oscillation-wave-kt>
<!-- The speed of the waves in knots which generates the
maximum overshoot of the heel oscillation.
<max-heel-oscillation-wave-kt type="double">20.0</max-heel-oscillation-wave-kt>
<movement type="bool">true</movement>
<sim> <!-- include="Sim/views.xml"> -->
<author>pinto, onox, Rudolf</author>
<description>ZSU-23-4M "Shilka" AAA defence system</description>
<!-- Uncloak weather balloons visiting Earth -->
<always-show-in-MP type="bool">true</always-show-in-MP>
<deck-park type="bool">true</deck-park>
<z-offset-dec-step type="double">0.0</z-offset-dec-step>
<z-offset-inc-step type="double">0.0</z-offset-inc-step>
<can-change-z-offset type="bool">false</can-change-z-offset>
<z-offset-min-m type="float">100.0</z-offset-min-m>
<z-offset-max-m type="float">2000.0</z-offset-max-m>
<path n="1">Aircraft/ZSU-23/Hud/hud.xml</path>
<visibility n="1">true</visibility>
<size type="float">11.0</size>
<menubar include="Dialogs/menu.xml"/>
<int n="0" type="int">0</int>
2021-04-16 06:17:46 +08:00
<int n="1" type="int" alias="/controls/armament/trigger"/>
2021-04-15 03:28:19 +08:00
<float n="0" type="double">0</float> <!-- Turret azimuth -->
<float n="1" type="double">0</float> <!-- gun elevation -->
<float n="2" type="double">0</float> <!-- radar azimuth -->
<float n="3" type="double">0</float> <!-- radar elevation -->
<menu n="100">
<enabled type="bool">true</enabled>
<label>Event Log</label>
<splash type="bool">true</splash>
<key n="97">
<desc>Rotate Gun Left</desc>
<key n="100">
<desc>Rotate Gun Right</desc>
<key n="101">
<desc>Gun Trigger</desc>
<key n="115">
<desc>Rotate Gun Down</desc>
<key n="119">
<desc>Rotate Gun Up</desc>
<trigger type="bool">0</trigger>
<models type="string">Aircraft/ZSU-23/Models/emesary/</models>
<msg type="bool">true</msg>
<enable-craters type="bool">true</enable-craters>
<MLW-bearing type="double">0</MLW-bearing>
<MLW-count type="int">0</MLW-count>
<MLW-launcher type="string"></MLW-launcher>
<MAW-bearing type="double">0</MAW-bearing>
<MAW-active type="bool">false</MAW-active>
<spike type="bool">false</spike>
<mice include="Sim/mice.xml"/>