
177 lines
5.8 KiB

# Copyright 2010, 2012 Nick Foster
# This file is part of gr-air-modes
# gr-air-modes is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# gr-air-modes is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with gr-air-modes; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
import time, os, sys
from string import split, join
import modes_parse
from modes_exceptions import *
import math
class modes_output_print(modes_parse.modes_parse):
def __init__(self, mypos):
modes_parse.modes_parse.__init__(self, mypos)
def parse(self, message):
[data, ecc, reference, timestamp] = message.split()
data = modes_parse.modes_reply(long(data, 16))
ecc = long(ecc, 16)
reference = float(reference)
timestamp = float(timestamp)
#TODO this is suspect
if reference == 0.0:
refdb = -150.0
refdb = 10.0*math.log10(reference)
output = "(%.0f %.10f) " % (refdb, timestamp);
msgtype = data["df"]
if msgtype == 0:
output += self.print0(data, ecc)
elif msgtype == 4:
output += self.print4(data, ecc)
elif msgtype == 5:
output += self.print5(data, ecc)
elif msgtype == 11:
output += self.print11(data, ecc)
elif msgtype == 17:
output += self.print17(data)
output += "No handler for message type %i from %x (but it's in modes_parse)" % (msgtype, ecc)
print output
except NoHandlerError as e:
output += "No handler for message type %i from %x" % (msgtype, ecc)
print output
except MetricAltError:
except CPRNoPositionError:
def print0(self, shortdata, ecc):
[vs, cc, sl, ri, altitude] = self.parse0(shortdata)
retstr = "Type 0 (short A-A surveillance) from %x at %ift" % (ecc, altitude)
# the ri values below 9 are used for other things. might want to print those someday.
if ri == 0:
retstr += " (No TCAS)"
elif ri == 2:
retstr += " (TCAS resolution inhibited)"
elif ri == 3:
retstr += " (Vertical TCAS resolution only)"
elif ri == 4:
retstr += " (Full TCAS resolution)"
elif ri == 9:
retstr += " (speed <75kt)"
elif ri > 9:
retstr += " (speed %i-%ikt)" % (75 * (1 << (ri-10)), 75 * (1 << (ri-9)))
if vs is True:
retstr += " (aircraft is on the ground)"
return retstr
def print4(self, shortdata, ecc):
[fs, dr, um, altitude] = self.parse4(shortdata)
retstr = "Type 4 (short surveillance altitude reply) from %x at %ift" % (ecc, altitude)
if fs == 1:
retstr += " (aircraft is on the ground)"
elif fs == 2:
retstr += " (AIRBORNE ALERT)"
elif fs == 3:
retstr += " (GROUND ALERT)"
elif fs == 4:
retstr += " (SPI ALERT)"
elif fs == 5:
retstr += " (SPI)"
return retstr
def print5(self, shortdata, ecc):
[fs, dr, um, ident] = self.parse5(shortdata)
retstr = "Type 5 (short surveillance ident reply) from %x with ident %i" % (ecc, ident)
if fs == 1:
retstr += " (aircraft is on the ground)"
elif fs == 2:
retstr += " (AIRBORNE ALERT)"
elif fs == 3:
retstr += " (GROUND ALERT)"
elif fs == 4:
retstr += " (SPI ALERT)"
elif fs == 5:
retstr += " (SPI)"
return retstr
def print11(self, data, ecc):
[icao24, interrogator, ca] = self.parse11(data, ecc)
retstr = "Type 11 (all call reply) from %x in reply to interrogator %i" % (icao24, interrogator)
return retstr
def print17(self, data):
icao24 = data["aa"]
subtype = data["me"]["ftc"]
retstr = None
if 1 <= subtype <= 4:
(msg, typestring) = self.parseBDS08(data)
retstr = "Type 17 subtype 04 (ident) from %x type %s ident %s" % (icao24, typestring, msg)
elif subtype >= 5 and subtype <= 8:
[altitude, decoded_lat, decoded_lon, rnge, bearing] = self.parseBDS06(data)
retstr = "Type 17 subtype 06 (surface report) from %x at (%.6f, %.6f)" % (icao24, decoded_lat, decoded_lon)
if rnge is not None and bearing is not None:
retstr += " (%.2f @ %.0f)" % (rnge, bearing)
elif subtype >= 9 and subtype <= 18:
[altitude, decoded_lat, decoded_lon, rnge, bearing] = self.parseBDS05(data)
retstr = "Type 17 subtype 05 (position report) from %x at (%.6f, %.6f)" % (icao24, decoded_lat, decoded_lon)
if rnge is not None and bearing is not None:
retstr += " (" + "%.2f" % rnge + " @ " + "%.0f" % bearing + ")"
retstr += " at " + str(altitude) + "ft"
elif subtype == 19:
subsubtype = data["me"]["bds09"]["sub"]
if subsubtype == 0:
[velocity, heading, vert_spd] = self.parseBDS09_0(data)
retstr = "Type 17 subtype 09-0 (track report) from %x with velocity %.0fkt heading %.0f VS %.0f" % (icao24, velocity, heading, vert_spd)
elif 1 <= subsubtype <= 2:
[velocity, heading, vert_spd] = self.parseBDS09_1(data)
retstr = "Type 17 subtype 09-%i (track report) from %x with velocity %.0fkt heading %.0f VS %.0f" % (subsubtype, icao24, velocity, heading, vert_spd)
retstr = "Type 17 subtype 09-%i from %x not implemented" % (subsubtype, icao24)
elif subtype == 28:
emerg_str = self.parseBDS62(data)
retstr = "Type 17 subtype 28 (emergency) from %x type %s" % (icao24, emerg_str)
retstr = "Type 17 subtype %i from %x not implemented" % (subtype, icao24)
return retstr