252 lines
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252 lines
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# Copyright 2010 Nick Foster
# This file is part of gr-air-modes
# gr-air-modes is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# gr-air-modes is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with gr-air-modes; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#!/usr/bin/env python
#from string import split, join
#from math import pi, floor, cos, acos
import math, time
#this implements CPR position decoding.
latz = 15
def nbits(surface):
return 17
# if surface == 1:
# return 19
# else:
# return 17
def nz(ctype):
return 4 * latz - ctype
def dlat(ctype, surface):
if surface == 1:
tmp = 90.0
tmp = 360.0
nzcalc = nz(ctype)
if nzcalc == 0:
return tmp
return tmp / nzcalc
def nl_eo(declat_in, ctype):
return nl(declat_in) - ctype
def nl(declat_in):
return math.floor( (2.0*math.pi) * pow(math.acos(1.0- (1.0-math.cos(math.pi/(2.0*latz))) / pow( math.cos( (math.pi/180.0)*abs(declat_in) ) ,2.0) ),-1.0))
def dlon(declat_in, ctype, surface):
if surface == 1:
tmp = 90.0
tmp = 360.0
nlcalc = nl_eo(declat_in, ctype)
if nlcalc == 0:
return tmp
return tmp / nlcalc
def decode_lat(enclat, ctype, my_lat, surface):
tmp1 = dlat(ctype, surface)
tmp2 = float(enclat) / (2**nbits(surface))
j = math.floor(my_lat/tmp1) + math.floor(0.5 + (mod(my_lat, tmp1) / tmp1) - tmp2)
# print "dlat gives " + "%.6f " % tmp1 + "with j = " + "%.6f " % j + " and tmp2 = " + "%.6f" % tmp2 + " given enclat " + "%x" % enclat
return tmp1 * (j + tmp2)
def decode_lon(declat, enclon, ctype, my_lon, surface):
tmp1 = dlon(declat, ctype, surface)
tmp2 = float(enclon) / (2.0**nbits(surface))
m = math.floor(my_lon / tmp1) + math.floor(0.5 + (mod(my_lon, tmp1) / tmp1) - tmp2)
# print "dlon gives " + "%.6f " % tmp1 + "with m = " + "%.6f " % m + " and tmp2 = " + "%.6f" % tmp2 + " given enclon " + "%x" % enclon
return tmp1 * (m + tmp2)
def mod(a, b):
if a < 0:
a += 360.0
return a - b * math.floor(a / b)
def cpr_resolve_local(my_location, encoded_location, ctype, surface):
[my_lat, my_lon] = my_location
[enclat, enclon] = encoded_location
decoded_lat = decode_lat(enclat, ctype, my_lat, surface)
decoded_lon = decode_lon(decoded_lat, enclon, ctype, my_lon, surface)
return [decoded_lat, decoded_lon]
def cpr_resolve_global(evenpos, oddpos, mostrecent, surface): #ok this is considered working, tentatively
dlateven = dlat(0, surface);
dlatodd = dlat(1, surface);
# print dlateven;
# print dlatodd;
evenpos = [float(evenpos[0]), float(evenpos[1])]
oddpos = [float(oddpos[0]), float(oddpos[1])]
#print "Even position: %x, %x\nOdd position: %x, %x" % (evenpos[0], evenpos[1], oddpos[0], oddpos[1],)
j = math.floor(((59*evenpos[0] - 60*oddpos[0])/2**nbits(surface)) + 0.5) #latitude index
#print "Latitude index: %i" % j #should be 6, getting 5?
rlateven = dlateven * (mod(j, 60)+evenpos[0]/2**nbits(surface))
rlatodd = dlatodd * (mod(j, 59)+ oddpos[0]/2**nbits(surface))
#print "Rlateven: %f\nRlatodd: %f" % (rlateven, rlatodd,)
if nl(rlateven) != nl(rlatodd):
#print "Boundary straddle!"
return (None, None,)
if mostrecent == 0:
rlat = rlateven
rlat = rlatodd
if rlat > 90:
rlat = rlat - 180.0
dl = dlon(rlat, mostrecent, surface)
nlthing = nl(rlat)
ni = nlthing - mostrecent
#print "ni is %i" % ni
m = math.floor(((evenpos[1]*(nlthing-1)-oddpos[1]*(nlthing))/2**nbits(surface))+0.5) #longitude index, THIS LINE IS CORRECT
#print "m is %f" % m #should be -16
if mostrecent == 0:
enclon = evenpos[1]
enclon = oddpos[1]
rlon = dl * (mod(ni+m, ni)+enclon/2**nbits(surface))
if rlon > 180:
rlon = rlon - 360.0
return [rlat, rlon]
#calculate range and bearing between two lat/lon points
#should probably throw this in the mlat py somewhere or make another lib
def range_bearing(loc_a, loc_b):
[a_lat, a_lon] = loc_a
[b_lat, b_lon] = loc_b
esquared = (1/298.257223563)*(2-(1/298.257223563))
earth_radius_mi = 3963.19059 * (math.pi / 180)
delta_lat = b_lat - a_lat
delta_lon = b_lon - a_lon
avg_lat = (a_lat + b_lat) / 2.0
R1 = earth_radius_mi*(1.0-esquared)/pow((1.0-esquared*pow(math.sin(avg_lat),2)),1.5)
R2 = earth_radius_mi/math.sqrt(1.0-esquared*pow(math.sin(avg_lat),2))
distance_North = R1*delta_lat
distance_East = R2*math.cos(avg_lat)*delta_lon
bearing = math.atan2(distance_East,distance_North) * (180.0 / math.pi)
if bearing < 0.0:
bearing += 360.0
rnge = math.hypot(distance_East,distance_North)
return [rnge, bearing]
class cpr_decoder:
def __init__(self, my_location):
self.my_location = my_location
self.lkplist = []
self.evenlist = []
self.oddlist = []
def set_location(new_location):
self.my_location = new_location
def weed_poslists(self):
for poslist in [self.lkplist, self.evenlist, self.oddlist]:
for key, item in poslist.items():
if time.time() - item[2] > 900:
del poslist[key]
def decode(icao24, encoded_lat, encoded_lon, cpr_format, surface):
#def cpr_decode(my_location, icao24, encoded_lat, encoded_lon, cpr_format, evenlist, oddlist, lkplist, surface):
#add the info to the position reports list for global decoding
if cpr_format==1:
oddlist[icao24] = [encoded_lat, encoded_lon, time.time()]
evenlist[icao24] = [encoded_lat, encoded_lon, time.time()]
[decoded_lat, decoded_lon] = [None, None]
#okay, let's traverse the lists and weed out those entries that are older than 15 minutes, as they're unlikely to be useful.
if surface==1:
validrange = 45
validrange = 180
if icao24 in self.lkplist:
#do emitter-centered local decoding
[decoded_lat, decoded_lon] = cpr_resolve_local(self.lkplist[icao24][0:2], [encoded_lat, encoded_lon], cpr_format, surface)
self.lkplist[icao24] = [decoded_lat, decoded_lon, time.time()] #update the local position for next time
elif ((icao24 in self.evenlist) and (icao24 in self.oddlist) and abs(self.evenlist[icao24][2] - self.oddlist[icao24][2]) < 10):
# print "debug: valid even/odd positions, performing global decode."
newer = (self.oddlist[icao24][2] - self.evenlist[icao24][2]) > 0 #figure out which report is newer
[decoded_lat, decoded_lon] = cpr_resolve_global(self.evenlist[icao24][0:2], self.oddlist[icao24][0:2], newer, surface) #do a global decode
if decoded_lat is not None:
self.lkplist[icao24] = [decoded_lat, decoded_lon, time.time()]
elif self.my_location is not None: #if we have a location, use it
[local_lat, local_lon] = cpr_resolve_local(self.my_location, [encoded_lat, encoded_lon], cpr_format, surface) #try local decoding
[rnge, bearing] = range_bearing(self.my_location, [local_lat, local_lon])
if rnge < validrange: #if the local decoding can be guaranteed valid
self.lkplist[icao24] = [local_lat, local_lon, time.time()] #update the local position for next time
[decoded_lat, decoded_lon] = [local_lat, local_lon]
#print "settled on position: %.6f, %.6f" % (decoded_lat, decoded_lon,)
if decoded_lat is not None:
[rnge, bearing] = range_bearing(self.my_location, [decoded_lat, decoded_lon])
rnge = None
bearing = None
return [decoded_lat, decoded_lon, rnge, bearing]