Nick Foster a528f375f7 Huge messy reorg to move things into the GR3.7 paradigm. Mostly in effort to get
SWIG magic to work on member functions. Can change sample rate on the fly now.
2013-08-05 16:29:02 -07:00

228 lines
9.0 KiB

# Copyright 2010 Nick Foster
# Copyright 2013 Nicholas Corgan
# This file is part of gr-air-modes
# gr-air-modes is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# gr-air-modes is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with gr-air-modes; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "config.h"
#include <ciso646>
#include "preamble_impl.h"
#include <gnuradio/io_signature.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <gnuradio/tags.h>
namespace gr {
air_modes::preamble::sptr air_modes::preamble::make(int channel_rate, float threshold_db) {
return gnuradio::get_initial_sptr(new air_modes::preamble_impl(channel_rate, threshold_db));
air_modes::preamble_impl::preamble_impl(int channel_rate, float threshold_db) :
gr::block ("preamble",
gr::io_signature::make2 (2, 2, sizeof(float), sizeof(float)), //stream 0 is received data, stream 1 is moving average for reference
gr::io_signature::make (1, 1, sizeof(float))) //the output soft symbols
d_chip_rate = 2000000; //2Mchips per second
std::stringstream str;
str << name() << unique_id();
d_me = pmt::string_to_symbol(str.str());
d_key = pmt::string_to_symbol("preamble_found");
void air_modes::preamble_impl::set_rate(int channel_rate) {
d_samples_per_chip = channel_rate / d_chip_rate;
d_samples_per_symbol = d_samples_per_chip * 2;
d_check_width = 120 * d_samples_per_symbol;
d_secs_per_sample = 1.0/channel_rate;
void air_modes::preamble_impl::set_threshold(float threshold_db) {
d_threshold_db = threshold_db;
d_threshold = powf(10., threshold_db/20.); //the level that the sample must be above the moving average in order to qualify as a pulse
float air_modes::preamble_impl::get_threshold(void) {
return d_threshold_db;
int air_modes::preamble_impl::get_rate(void) {
return d_samples_per_chip * d_chip_rate;
static void integrate_and_dump(float *out, const float *in, int chips, int samps_per_chip) {
for(int i=0; i<chips; i++) {
float acc = 0;
for(int j=0; j<samps_per_chip; j++) {
acc += in[i*samps_per_chip+j];
out[i] = acc;
//the preamble pattern in bits
//fixme goes in .h
static const bool preamble_bits[] = {1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1};
static double correlate_preamble(const float *in, int samples_per_chip) {
double corr = 0.0;
for(int i=0; i<10; i++) {
for(int j=0; j<samples_per_chip;j++)
if(preamble_bits[i]) corr += in[i*samples_per_chip+j];
return corr;
//todo: make it return a pair of some kind, otherwise you can lose precision
static double tag_to_timestamp(gr::tag_t tstamp, uint64_t abs_sample_cnt, double secs_per_sample) {
uint64_t ts_sample, last_whole_stamp;
double last_frac_stamp;
if(tstamp.key == NULL || pmt::symbol_to_string(tstamp.key) != "rx_time") return 0;
last_whole_stamp = pmt::to_uint64(pmt::tuple_ref(tstamp.value, 0));
last_frac_stamp = pmt::to_double(pmt::tuple_ref(tstamp.value, 1));
ts_sample = tstamp.offset;
double tstime = double(abs_sample_cnt * secs_per_sample) + last_whole_stamp + last_frac_stamp;
if(0) std::cout << "HEY WE GOT A STAMP AT " << tstime << " TICKS AT SAMPLE " << ts_sample << " ABS SAMPLE CNT IS " << abs_sample_cnt << std::endl;
return tstime;
int air_modes::preamble_impl::general_work(int noutput_items,
gr_vector_int &ninput_items,
gr_vector_const_void_star &input_items,
gr_vector_void_star &output_items)
const float *in = (const float *) input_items[0];
const float *inavg = (const float *) input_items[1];
int mininputs = std::min(ninput_items[0], ninput_items[1]); //they should be matched but let's be safe
//round number of input samples down to nearest d_samples_per_chip
//we also subtract off d_samples_per_chip to allow the bit center finder some leeway
const int ninputs = std::max(mininputs - (mininputs % d_samples_per_chip) - d_samples_per_chip, 0);
if (ninputs <= 0) { consume_each(0); return 0; }
float *out = (float *) output_items[0];
if(0) std::cout << "Preamble called with " << ninputs << " samples" << std::endl;
//fixme move into .h
const int pulse_offsets[4] = { 0,
int(2 * d_samples_per_chip),
int(7 * d_samples_per_chip),
int(9 * d_samples_per_chip)
uint64_t abs_sample_cnt = nitems_read(0);
std::vector<gr::tag_t> tstamp_tags;
get_tags_in_range(tstamp_tags, 0, abs_sample_cnt, abs_sample_cnt + ninputs, pmt::string_to_symbol("rx_time"));
//tags.back() is the most recent timestamp, then.
if(tstamp_tags.size() > 0) {
d_timestamp = tstamp_tags.back();
for(int i=0; i < ninputs; i++) {
float pulse_threshold = inavg[i] * d_threshold;
if(in[i] > pulse_threshold) { //hey we got a candidate
if(in[i+1] > in[i]) continue; //wait for the peak
//check to see the rest of the pulses are there
if( in[i+pulse_offsets[1]] < pulse_threshold ) continue;
if( in[i+pulse_offsets[2]] < pulse_threshold ) continue;
if( in[i+pulse_offsets[3]] < pulse_threshold ) continue;
//get a more accurate bit center by finding the correlation peak across all four preamble bits
bool late, early;
int how_late = 0;
do {
double now_corr = correlate_preamble(in+i, d_samples_per_chip);
double late_corr = correlate_preamble(in+i+1, d_samples_per_chip);
double early_corr = correlate_preamble(in+i-1, d_samples_per_chip);
late = (late_corr > now_corr);
//early = (early_corr > now_corr);
if(late) { i++; how_late++; }
//if(early && i>0) { std::cout << "EARLY " << i << std::endl; i--; }
} while(late and how_late < d_samples_per_chip);// xor early);
if(0) std::cout << "We were " << how_late << " samples late" << std::endl;
//now check to see that the non-peak symbols in the preamble
//are below the peaks by threshold dB
float avgpeak = ( in[i+pulse_offsets[0]]
+ in[i+pulse_offsets[1]]
+ in[i+pulse_offsets[2]]
+ in[i+pulse_offsets[3]]) / 4.0;
float space_threshold = inavg[i] + (avgpeak - inavg[i])/d_threshold;
bool valid_preamble = true; //f'in c++
for( int j=1.5*d_samples_per_symbol; j<=3*d_samples_per_symbol; j++)
if(in[i+j] > space_threshold) valid_preamble = false;
for( int j=5*d_samples_per_symbol; j<=7.5*d_samples_per_symbol; j++)
if(in[i+j] > space_threshold) valid_preamble = false;
if(!valid_preamble) continue;
//be sure we've got enough room in the input buffer to copy out a whole packet
if(ninputs-i < 240*d_samples_per_chip) {
if(0) std::cout << "Preamble consumed " << std::max(i-1,0) << ", returned 0 (no room)" << std::endl;
return 0;
//all right i'm prepared to call this a preamble
for(int j=0; j<240; j++) {
out[j] = in[i+j*d_samples_per_chip] - inavg[i];
//get the timestamp of the preamble
double tstamp = tag_to_timestamp(d_timestamp, abs_sample_cnt + i, d_secs_per_sample);
//now tag the preamble
add_item_tag(0, //stream ID
nitems_written(0), //sample
d_key, //frame_info
d_me //block src id
//std::cout << "PREAMBLE" << std::endl;
//produce only one output per work call -- TODO this should probably change
if(0) std::cout << "Preamble consumed " << i+240*d_samples_per_chip << "with i=" << i << ", returned 240" << std::endl;
return 240;
//didn't get anything this time
if(0) std::cout << "Preamble consumed " << ninputs << ", returned 0" << std::endl;
return 0;
} //namespace gr