mlat: improvements/simplifications to solver, basic DOP pseudocode

Nick Foster 13 years ago
parent 7208aeefe0
commit 5f2a41f648

@ -4,6 +4,11 @@ import numpy
from scipy.ndimage import map_coordinates
#functions for multilateration.
#this library is more or less based around the so-called "GPS equation", the canonical
#iterative method for getting position from GPS satellite time difference of arrival data.
#here, instead of multiple orbiting satellites with known time reference and position,
#we have multiple fixed stations with known time references (GPSDO, hopefully) and known
#locations (again, GPSDO).
#NB: because of the way this solver works, at least 3 stations and timestamps
#are required. this function will not return hyperbolae for underconstrained systems.
@ -156,8 +161,6 @@ teststamps = [10,
#we use limit as a goal to stop solving when we get "close enough" (error magnitude in meters for that iteration)
#basically 20 meters is way less than the anticipated error of the system so it doesn't make sense to continue
#it's possible this could fail in situations where the solution converges slowly
#because the change in ERROR is not necessarily the error itself
#still, it should converge quickly when close, so it SHOULDN'T give more than 2-3x the precision in total error
def mlat_iter(rel_stations, prange_obs, xguess = [0,0,0], limit = 20, maxrounds = 50):
xerr = [1e9, 1e9, 1e9]
rounds = 0
@ -171,7 +174,8 @@ def mlat_iter(rel_stations, prange_obs, xguess = [0,0,0], limit = 20, maxrounds
H.append((numpy.array(-rel_stations[row,:])-xguess) / prange_est[row])
H = numpy.array(H)
#now we have H, the Jacobian, and can solve for residual error
xerr =,H), H.T), dphat).flatten()
#xerr =,H), H.T), dphat).flatten()
xerr = numpy.linalg.lstsq(H, dphat)[0].flatten() #let's not get crazy here
xguess += xerr
rounds += 1
if rounds > maxrounds:
@ -191,10 +195,10 @@ def mlat(replies, altitude):
stations = []
timestamps = []
#i really couldn't figure out how to unpack this, sorry
for i in range(0, len(replies)):
stations.append( sorted_replies[i][0] )
timestamps.append( sorted_replies[i][1] )
for sorted_reply in sorted_replies:
me_llh = stations[0]
me = llh2geoid(stations[0])
@ -203,7 +207,8 @@ def mlat(replies, altitude):
rel_stations.append(numpy.array(llh2geoid(station)) - numpy.array(me))
rel_stations.append([0,0,0]-numpy.array(me)) #arne saknussemm, reporting in
rel_stations = numpy.array(rel_stations) #convert list of arrays to 2d array
#differentiate the timestamps to get TDOA
tdoa = []
for stamp in timestamps[1:]:
tdoa.append(stamp - timestamps[0])
@ -231,5 +236,13 @@ def mlat(replies, altitude):
xyzpos_corr = mlat_iter(rel_stations, prange_obs, xyzpos) #start off with a really close guess
llhpos = ecef2llh(xyzpos_corr+me)
#and now, what the hell, let's try to get dilution of precision data
#avec is the vector of relative ranges to the aircraft from each of the stations
# for i in range(len(avec)):
# avec[i] = numpy.array(avec[i]) / numpy.linalg.norm(numpy.array(avec[i]))
# numpy.append(avec, [[-1],[-1],[-1],[-1]], 1) #must be # of stations
# doparray = numpy.linalg.inv(avec.T*avec)
#the diagonal elements of doparray will be the x, y, z DOPs.
return llhpos
