Modified mlat solver to solve to a threshold and quit. Also sorts incoming timestamps.

Nick Foster 14 years ago
parent 1acea7c9fd
commit 35ca3c8869

@ -2,6 +2,12 @@
import mlat
import numpy
ans = mlat.mlat(mlat.teststations, mlat.teststamps, mlat.testalt)
replies = []
for i in range(0, len(mlat.teststations)):
replies.append((mlat.teststations[i], mlat.teststamps[i]))
ans = mlat.mlat(replies, mlat.testalt)
error = numpy.linalg.norm(numpy.array(mlat.llh2ecef(ans))-numpy.array(mlat.testplane))
print error
range = numpy.linalg.norm(mlat.llh2geoid(ans)-numpy.array(mlat.llh2geoid(mlat.teststations[0])))
print "Error: %.2fm" % (error)
print "Range: %.2fkm (from first station in list)" % (range/1000)

@ -153,8 +153,15 @@ teststamps = [10,
#this function is the iterative solver core of the mlat function below
def mlat_iter(rel_stations, prange_obs, xguess = [0,0,0], numrounds = 10):
for i in range(0,numrounds):
#we use limit as a goal to stop solving when we get "close enough" (error magnitude in meters for that iteration)
#basically 20 meters is way less than the anticipated error of the system so it doesn't make sense to continue
#it's possible this could fail in situations where the solution converges slowly
#because the change in ERROR is not necessarily the error itself
#still, it should converge quickly when close, so it SHOULDN'T give more than 2-3x the precision in total error
def mlat_iter(rel_stations, prange_obs, xguess = [0,0,0], limit = 20, maxrounds = 50):
xerr = [1e9, 1e9, 1e9]
rounds = 0
while numpy.linalg.norm(xerr) > limit:
prange_est = []
for station in rel_stations:
prange_est.append([numpy.linalg.norm(station - xguess)])
@ -166,18 +173,28 @@ def mlat_iter(rel_stations, prange_obs, xguess = [0,0,0], numrounds = 10):
#now we have H, the Jacobian, and can solve for residual error
xerr =,H), H.T), dphat).flatten()
xguess += xerr
rounds += 1
if rounds > maxrounds:
raise Exception("Failed to converge!")
return xguess
#func mlat:
#uses a modified GPS pseudorange solver to locate aircraft by multilateration.
#stations is a list of listening station positions in X,Y,Z ECEF format, geoid corrected
#timestamps is a list of times at which the correlated squitters were heard
#replies is a list of reports, in ([lat, lon, alt], timestamp) format
#altitude is the barometric altitude of the aircraft as returned by the aircraft
#returns the estimated position of the aircraft in (lat, lon, alt) geoid-corrected WGS84.
def mlat(stations, timestamps, altitude):
if len(timestamps) != len(stations):
raise Exception("Must have x timestamps for x stations reporting!")
#let's make it take a list of tuples so we can sort by them
def mlat(replies, altitude):
sorted_replies = sorted(replies, key=lambda time: time[1])
stations = []
timestamps = []
#i really couldn't figure out how to unpack this, sorry
for i in range(0, len(replies)):
stations.append( sorted_replies[i][0] )
timestamps.append( sorted_replies[i][1] )
me_llh = stations[0]
me = llh2geoid(stations[0])
