Dashboard mostly works. ICAO view now prints ident if available.

draw selection in list view delegate
maintain selection on insert rows (emit beginInsertRows/endInsertRows)
fix heading widget so it updates correctly (something in the DataWidgetMapper that you aren't doing)
This commit is contained in:
Nick Foster 2012-07-14 14:44:36 -07:00
parent 70b099a05e
commit 20dd8457ea

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import os, sys, time, threading, datetime
import os, sys, time, threading, datetime, math, csv
from PyQt4 import QtCore,QtGui,QtSql
from PyQt4.Qwt5 import Qwt
from gnuradio import gr, gru, optfir, eng_notation, blks2
@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ import gnuradio.gr.gr_threading as _threading
import air_modes
from air_modes.modes_exceptions import *
from air_modes.modes_rx_ui import Ui_MainWindow
import csv
import sqlite3
class mainwindow(QtGui.QMainWindow):
@ -31,7 +30,7 @@ class mainwindow(QtGui.QMainWindow):
#default to 3dB
@ -58,14 +57,9 @@ class mainwindow(QtGui.QMainWindow):
self.output_handler = None
self.kmlgen = None #necessary bc we stop its thread in shutdown
self.dbinput = None
self.dbname = "air_modes.db"
#connect the database to the model and the model to the listview
# self.dbname = 'air_modes.db'
# self.db = QtSql.QSqlDatabase.addDatabase("QSQLITE")
# self.db.setDatabaseName(self.dbname)
# self.db.open()
self.datamodel = dashboard_data_model(None)
@ -99,11 +93,11 @@ class mainwindow(QtGui.QMainWindow):
def update_heading_widget(self, index):
heading = index.model().data(index.model().index(index.row(), 7)).toFloat()[0]
heading = index.model().data(index.model().index(index.row(), 7)).toDouble()[0]
def update_rssi_widget(self, index):
rssi = index.model().data(index.model().index(index.row(), 2)).toFloat()[0]
rssi = index.model().data(index.model().index(index.row(), 2)).toDouble()[0]
#goes and gets valid antenna, sample rate options from the device and grays out appropriate things
@ -182,7 +176,7 @@ class mainwindow(QtGui.QMainWindow):
else: #we aren't already running, let's get this party started
options = {}
options["source"] = str(self.ui.combo_source.currentText())
options["rate"] = int(self.ui.combo_rate.currentIndex())
options["rate"] = float(self.ui.combo_rate.currentText()) * 1e6
options["antenna"] = str(self.ui.combo_ant.currentText())
options["gain"] = float(self.ui.line_gain.text())
options["threshold"] = float(self.ui.line_threshold.text())
@ -196,7 +190,9 @@ class mainwindow(QtGui.QMainWindow):
my_position = None
self.outputs = []
self.datamodelout = dashboard_output(my_position, self.datamodel)
self.outputs = [self.datamodelout.output]
self.updates = []
#output options to populate outputs, updates
@ -223,7 +219,7 @@ class mainwindow(QtGui.QMainWindow):
self.livedata = air_modes.modes_output_print(my_position)
#add output for live data box
#create SQL database for KML and dashboard displays
self.dbwriter = air_modes.modes_output_sql(my_position, self.dbname)
@ -241,24 +237,35 @@ class mainwindow(QtGui.QMainWindow):
#all this does is fade the ICAOs out as their last report gets older
#TODO: fading is only done on paint() -- should you call paint() repeatedly to update when no data is received?
class ICAOViewDelegate(QtGui.QStyledItemDelegate):
def paint(self, painter, option, index):
paintstr = "%06x" % index.model().data(index.model().index(index.row(), 0)).toInt()[0]
last_report = str(index.model().data(index.model().index(index.row(), 1)).toString())
age = (datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.datetime.strptime(last_report, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")).total_seconds()
if index.model().data(index.model().index(index.row(), 9)) != QtCore.QVariant():
paintstr = index.model().data(index.model().index(index.row(), 9)).toString()
paintstr = "%06x" % index.model().data(index.model().index(index.row(), 0)).toInt()[0]
last_report = index.model().data(index.model().index(index.row(), 1)).toDouble()[0]
age = (time.time() - last_report)
max_age = 60. #age at which it grays out
#minimum alpha is 0x40 (oldest), max is 0xFF (newest)
alpha = 0xFF - (0xBF / 600.) * min(age, 600)
age = min(age, max_age)
alpha = int(0xFF - (0xBF / max_age) * age)
painter.setPen(QtGui.QColor(0, 0, 0, alpha))
#QtGui.QStyledItemDelegate.paint(self, painter, option, index)
painter.drawText(option.rect.left()+3, option.rect.top(), option.rect.width(), option.rect.height(), option.displayAlignment, paintstr)
#TODO: draw highlight for selection
#the data model used to display dashboard data.
class dashboard_data_model(QtCore.QAbstractTableModel):
def __init__(self, parent):
QtCore.QAbstractTableModel.__init__(self, parent)
self._data = []
self.lock = threading.Lock()
self._colnames = ["icao", "seen", "rssi", "latitude", "longitude", "altitude", "speed", "heading", "vertical", "ident", "type"]
self._data.append([0x012345, "2012-07-12 09:17:51", -12.23, 31.12345, -112.12345, 86200.0, 776.0, 251.0, 11200.0, "BUTTSEX", "WAT"])
#custom precision limits for display
self._precisions = [None, None, None, 6, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, None, None]
for field in self._colnames:
self.setHeaderData(self._colnames.index(field), QtCore.Qt.Horizontal, field)
def rowCount(self, parent=QtCore.QVariant()):
return len(self._data)
def columnCount(self, parent=QtCore.QVariant()):
@ -275,8 +282,100 @@ class dashboard_data_model(QtCore.QAbstractTableModel):
if self._data[index.row()][index.column()] is None:
return QtCore.QVariant()
return QtCore.QVariant(self._data[index.row()][index.column()])
if self._precisions[index.column()] is not None:
return QtCore.QVariant("%.*f" % (self._precisions[index.column()], self._data[index.row()][index.column()]))
return QtCore.QVariant(self._data[index.row()][index.column()])
def setData(self, index, value, role=QtCore.Qt.EditRole):
if not index.isValid():
return False
if index.row() >= self.rowCount():
return False
if index.column >= self.columnCount():
return False
if role != QtCore.Qt.EditRole:
return False
self._data[index.row()][index.column()] = value
#addRecord implements an upsert on self._data; that is,
#it updates the row if the ICAO exists, or else it creates a new
#row with the appropriate information. in any case, it maintains sorting
#by ICAO, emits beginInsertRows() and endInsertRows()
#NOTE: could also use QSortFilterProxyModel to handle sorting without
#having to do it in the model, but this isn't exactly hard
def addRecord(self, record):
icaos = [x[0] for x in self._data]
if record["icao"] in icaos:
row = icaos.index(record["icao"])
for column in record:
self._data[row][self._colnames.index(column)] = record[column]
#create index to existing row and tell the model everything's changed in this row
#or inside the for loop, use dataChanged on each changed field (might be better)
self.dataChanged.emit(self.createIndex(row, 0), self.createIndex(row, len(self._colnames)-1))
newrecord = [None for x in xrange(len(self._colnames))]
for col in xrange(0, len(self._colnames)):
if self._colnames[col] in record:
newrecord[col] = record[self._colnames[col]]
self._data = sorted(self._data, key = lambda x: x[0]) #sort by icao
#create index to new row and use beginInsertRows/endInsertRows to tell the model that there's a new record in town
class dashboard_output(air_modes.modes_parse.modes_parse):
def __init__(self, mypos, model):
air_modes.modes_parse.modes_parse.__init__(self, mypos)
self.model = model
def output(self, msg):
[data, ecc, reference, timestamp] = msg.split()
data = air_modes.modes_parse.modes_reply(long(data, 16))
ecc = long(ecc, 16)
rssi = 10.*math.log10(float(reference))
msgtype = data["df"]
now = time.time()
newrow = {"rssi": rssi, "seen": now}
if msgtype == 17:
icao = data["aa"]
newrow["icao"] = icao
subtype = data["ftc"]
if subtype == 4:
(ident, actype) = self.parseBDS08(data)
newrow["ident"] = ident
newrow["type"] = actype
elif 5 <= subtype <= 8:
(ground_track, decoded_lat, decoded_lon, rnge, bearing) = self.parseBDS06(data)
newrow["heading"] = ground_track
newrow["latitude"] = decoded_lat
newrow["longitude"] = decoded_lon
newrow["altitude"] = 0
elif 9 <= subtype <= 18:
(altitude, decoded_lat, decoded_lon, rnge, bearing) = self.parseBDS05(data)
newrow["altitude"] = altitude
newrow["latitude"] = decoded_lat
newrow["longitude"] = decoded_lon
elif subtype == 19:
subsubtype = data["sub"]
velocity = None
heading = None
vert_spd = None
if subsubtype == 0:
(velocity, heading, vert_spd) = self.parseBDS09_0(data)
elif 1 <= subsubtype <= 2:
(velocity, heading, vert_spd) = self.parseBDS09_1(data)
newrow["speed"] = velocity
newrow["heading"] = heading
newrow["vertical"] = vert_spd
#the output handler is a thread which runs the various registered output functions when there's a received message.
#it also executes registered updates at the sleep rate -- currently 10Hz.
class output_handler(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, outputs, updates, queue):
@ -291,7 +390,7 @@ class output_handler(threading.Thread):
while self.done is False:
for update in self.updates:
if not self.queue.empty_p():
while not self.queue.empty_p():
msg = self.queue.delete_head()
for output in self.outputs:
@ -327,6 +426,7 @@ class adsb_rx_block (gr.top_block):
self.options = options
rate = options["rate"]
print "Rate: %f" % rate
use_resampler = False
freq = 1090e6