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2010-09-15 13:01:56 +08:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
import time, os, sys
from string import split, join
from modes_parse import *
def modes_print(message):
#a mode S parser for all message types. first, split the input into data fields
[msgtype, shortdata, longdata, parity, ecc, reference] = message.split()
shortdata = long(shortdata, 16)
longdata = long(longdata, 16)
parity = long(parity, 16)
ecc = long(ecc, 16)
reference = float(reference)
msgtype = int(msgtype)
output = str("")
if msgtype == 0:
output = print0(shortdata, parity, ecc)
elif msgtype == 4:
output = print4(shortdata, parity, ecc)
elif msgtype == 5:
output = print5(shortdata, parity, ecc)
elif msgtype == 11:
output = print11(shortdata, parity, ecc)
elif msgtype == 17:
output = print17(shortdata, longdata, parity, ecc)
elif msgtype == 20:
output = parse20(shortdata, longdata, parity, ecc)
output = "No handler for message type " + str(msgtype) + " from " + str(ecc)
output = "(%.0f) " % (10.0*math.log10(float(reference))) + output
2010-09-15 13:01:56 +08:00
return output
def print0(shortdata, parity, ecc):
[vs, cc, sl, ri, altitude] = parse0(shortdata, parity, ecc)
retstr = "Type 0 (short A-A surveillance) from " + "%x" % ecc + " at " + str(altitude) + "ft"
# the ri values below 9 are used for other things. might want to print those someday.
if ri == 9:
retstr = retstr + " (speed <75kt)"
elif ri > 9:
retstr = retstr + " (speed " + str(75 * (1 << (ri-10))) + "-" + str(75 * (1 << (ri-9))) + "kt)"
if vs is True:
retstr = retstr + " (aircraft is on the ground)"
return retstr
def print4(shortdata, parity, ecc):
[fs, dr, um, altitude] = parse4(shortdata, parity, ecc)
retstr = "Type 4 (short surveillance altitude reply) from " + "%x" % ecc + " at " + str(altitude) + "ft"
if fs == 1:
retstr = retstr + " (aircraft is on the ground)"
elif fs == 2:
retstr = retstr + " (AIRBORNE ALERT)"
elif fs == 3:
retstr = retstr + " (GROUND ALERT)"
elif fs == 4:
retstr = retstr + " (SPI ALERT)"
elif fs == 5:
retstr = retstr + " (SPI)"
return retstr
def print5(shortdata, parity, ecc):
[fs, dr, um] = parse5(shortdata, parity, ecc)
retstr = "Type 5 (short surveillance ident reply) from " + "%x" % ecc + " with ident " + str(shortdata & 0x1FFF)
if fs == 1:
retstr = retstr + " (aircraft is on the ground)"
elif fs == 2:
retstr = retstr + " (AIRBORNE ALERT)"
elif fs == 3:
retstr = retstr + " (GROUND ALERT)"
elif fs == 4:
retstr = retstr + " (SPI ALERT)"
elif fs == 5:
retstr = retstr + " (SPI)"
return retstr
def print11(shortdata, parity, ecc):
[icao24, interrogator, ca] = parse11(shortdata, parity, ecc)
retstr = "Type 11 (all call reply) from " + "%x" % icao24 + " in reply to interrogator " + str(interrogator)
return retstr
def print17(shortdata, longdata, parity, ecc):
icao24 = shortdata & 0xFFFFFF
subtype = (longdata >> 51) & 0x1F;
if subtype == 4:
msg = parseBDS08(shortdata, longdata, parity, ecc)
retstr = "Type 17 subtype 04 (ident) from " + "%x" % icao24 + " with data " + msg
elif subtype >= 5 and subtype <= 8:
[altitude, decoded_lat, decoded_lon, rnge, bearing] = parseBDS06(shortdata, longdata, parity, ecc)
if decoded_lat==0: #no unambiguously valid position available
retstr = ""
#retstr = "INSERT INTO plane_positions (icao, seen, alt, lat, lon) VALUES ('" + "%x" % icao24 + "', now(), " + str(altitude) + ", " + "%.6f" % decoded_lat + ", " + "%.6f" % decoded_lon + ")"
retstr = "Type 17 subtype 06 (surface report) from " + "%x" % icao24 + " at (" + "%.6f" % decoded_lat + ", " + "%.6f" % decoded_lon + ") (" + "%.2f" % rnge + " @ " + "%.0f" % bearing + ")"
elif subtype >= 9 and subtype <= 18:
[altitude, decoded_lat, decoded_lon, rnge, bearing] = parseBDS05(shortdata, longdata, parity, ecc)
retstr = "Type 17 subtype 05 (position report) from " + "%x" % icao24 + " at (" + "%.6f" % decoded_lat + ", " + "%.6f" % decoded_lon + ") (" + "%.2f" % rnge + " @ " + "%.0f" % bearing + ") at " + str(altitude) + "ft"
# this is a trigger to capture the bizarre BDS0,5 squitters you keep seeing on the map with latitudes all over the place
# if icao24 == 0xa1ede9:
# print "Buggy squitter with shortdata %s longdata %s parity %s ecc %s" % (str(shortdata), str(longdata), str(parity), str(ecc),)
elif subtype == 19:
subsubtype = (longdata >> 48) & 0x07
if subsubtype == 0:
[velocity, heading, vert_spd] = parseBDS09_0(shortdata, longdata, parity, ecc)
retstr = "Type 17 subtype 09-0 (track report) from " + "%x" % icao24 + " with velocity " + "%.0f" % velocity + "kt heading " + "%.0f" % heading + " VS " + "%.0f" % vert_spd
elif subsubtype == 1:
[velocity, heading, vert_spd] = parseBDS09_1(shortdata, longdata, parity, ecc)
retstr = "Type 17 subtype 09-1 (track report) from " + "%x" % icao24 + " with velocity " + "%.0f" % velocity + "kt heading " + "%.0f" % heading + " VS " + "%.0f" % vert_spd
retstr = "BDS09 subtype " + str(subsubtype) + " not implemented"
retstr = "Type 17, subtype " + str(subtype) + " not implemented"
return retstr