You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

102 lines
2.1 KiB

#! /usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Symbol;
sub usage {
print <<EoF;
my $fgroot = $ENV{'FG_ROOT'} || '.';
my $dir="$fgroot/ATC";
my %start=();
my %len=();
my $str = 'Tucson International airport_information
Ryan automated_weather_observation
zero four one five zulu weather
/ Wind one one zero at one five
/ Visibility one zero
/ sky_condition two thousand four hundred scattered
/ Temperature one zero celsius dewpoint five celsius
/ Altimeter two niner niner two
/ Landing_and_departing_runway one one right
/ on_initial_contact_advise_you_have_information zulu ';
main: {
unlink 'tmp.raw';
$str =~ s/\n/ /g;
##print "$start{'decimal'} ... $len{'decimal'}\n";
my $didsome = 0;
for my $arg (@ARGV) {
if ($arg ne '-') {
} else {
for my $word (split(' ', $str)){
if ($didsome) {
my $cmd = 'sox -q -r 8000 -t raw -e signed-integer -b 16 tmp.raw'
. ' tmp.wav';
# . ' -t alsa';
print "$cmd\n";
system $cmd;
sub say1{
my ($arg) = @_;
$arg = lc($arg);
if (exists $start{$arg}) {
my $cmd = "sox -q $dir/voice.wav "
. " -t raw -r 8000 -e signed-integer -b 16 - "
. " trim $start{$arg}s $len{$arg}s"
. " >> tmp.raw ";
print "$cmd\n";
system $cmd;
my $end = $start{$arg} + $len{$arg};
print "$start{$arg} + $len{$arg} = $end\n";
} else {
print "Can't find '$arg'\n";
sub setup{
my $inch = Symbol::gensym();
my $file = "$dir/voice.vce";
open($inch, "<$file") || die "Cannot open input file '$file'\n";
my $header = <$inch>;
chomp $header;
my $ii=1;
liner: while (my $line = <$inch>){
chomp $line;
my @word = split(" ", $line);
my $nn = @word;
if ($nn != 3) {
next liner;
my $id = lc($word[0]);
my $st = $word[1];
my $ln = $word[2];
if ($ln =~ s/^x//) {
$ln = $ln - $st;
print "$id $st $ln\n";
$start{$id} = $st;
$len{$id} = $ln;
##print "$ii $nn '$line'\n";
print "(($header)) --> $ii\n";