2022-10-20 20:29:11 +08:00
atis-lex.pl first commit 2022-10-20 20:29:11 +08:00
find_nonUTF8.pl first commit 2022-10-20 20:29:11 +08:00
list-airports.pl first commit 2022-10-20 20:29:11 +08:00
quiet0.500.wav first commit 2022-10-20 20:29:11 +08:00
README first commit 2022-10-20 20:29:11 +08:00
synth.pl first commit 2022-10-20 20:29:11 +08:00
voice.pl first commit 2022-10-20 20:29:11 +08:00
words_per_line.sh first commit 2022-10-20 20:29:11 +08:00

The ATIS Voice Generation HowTo

Required packages / installation hints by J. Denker
  cpan Audio::Wav
  apt-get install festival mbrola sox festlex-oald
  cd \$tars
    wget http://tcts.fpms.ac.be/synthesis/mbrola/dba/en1/en1-980910.zip
    wget http://www.cstr.ed.ac.uk/downloads/festival/1.95/festvox_en1.tar.gz
  cd /usr/share/festival/voices/english
  mkdir en1_mbrola
  cd en1_mbrola
  unzip \$tars/en1-980910.zip
  cd /usr/share/festival
  mkdir lib
  cd lib
  ln -s ../voices ./
  cd /usr/share
  tar -xpzvf \$tars/festvox_en1.tar.gz

Generating Voice Files

 1. Configure paths to fgdata and flightgear sources
    export FG_ROOT=/home/whatever/fgdata
    export FG_SRC=/home/whatever/flightgear

 2. Create phraseology word list
   ./atis-lex.pl > phraseology.vlist

 3. Create airport word list
   export ATIS_ONLY=yes
   ./list-airports.pl | ./words_per_line.sh > airports.vlist

 4. Check for and fix non-UTF8 encoded airport names

 5. Generate phraseology voice file
   ./synth.pl phraseology.vlist phraseology.vce phraseology.wav

 6. Generate airport voice file
   ./synth.pl airports.vlist airports.vce airports.wav

 7. Install *.vce and *.wav.gz files in fgdata:
   cp phraseology.vce    $(FG_ROOT)/ATC/voices/default/.
   cp phraseology.wav.gz $(FG_ROOT)/ATC/voices/default/.
   cp airports.vce       $(FG_ROOT)/ATC/voices/default/.
   cp airports.wav.gz    $(FG_ROOT)/ATC/voices/default/.