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3.2 KiB Cash Reporting

FlightGear can optionally report crashes and serious errors to We have a sponsored account provided gratis by Sentry; for access to this, ask on the developer list.

Error conditions

If FlightGear crahses, Sentry will automatically submit a report. For non-crash errors, we manually submit an exception report. At present this is done whenever we trigger the fatalMessageBox, and in other serious situations. Deciding where is appropriate (or not) to report the error to Sentry is a key challenge of the system, since we don't want to report user misconfiguration problems, but we do want to detect recurring and systematic failures, eg broken aircraft.

In general since we have (almost) unlimited event limits on our sponsored plan, it's better to send errors and filter them on the server side, but this needs to be done with some intelligence; for example we do not (at present) report Nasal runtime errors, since this might overload the system.

Data Protection

We explicitly do not include any personal information in the reports, and disable IP address collection. This avoids any GPDR obligations for us. Since this makes it hard to cluster reports by user, we instead generate a UUID corresponding to a FlightGear installation. This gives us a way to anonymously cluster reports by computer, without any personal data disclosure. (So we can determine if a hundred reports of a crash come from fifty discrete users, or just one)

Supplementatal Data

We record various pieces of configuration state as 'tags': such as the OS, graphics card, major settings (eg, is multi-player enabled, which aircraft is being flown) as tags in Sentry terminology. This allows grouping of reports by similar tags; for example we can identify that a particular crash only occurs with Intel Graphics, or when flying the C172.

Additionally we record 'breadcrumbs'; these are included with an error report if one is sent, and give an idea of the path of the user through the application, prior to the crash. We have breadcrumbs for key events such as the splash-screen completing, the user changing position, or scenery being reloaded.

WARN and ALERT level SG_LOG messages are currently included as breadcrumbs automatically; this means it's important not to casually add messages at the levels for non-serious conditions. The integration code has a list of commonly ocurring but non-useful messages which are skipped from sending; especially some OSG ones related to PNG and AC3D data issues.

Adding new tags or breadcrumbs should be done with care, but is generally useful, and suggestions in this area are appreciated.


All the API is contained in sentryIntegration.hxx, inside the flightgear namespace. The methods are no-ops if the Sentry SDK was not available at CMake time, and are also no-ops if the user has disabled sentry reporting.


The API requires the injection of a private API key to report to our account; this must be kept private of course, so it's injected into official builds at CMake time on Jenkins, via the environment variable FLIGHTGEAR_SENTRY_API_KEY.

The build must be configured to produce debug symbols, which are uploaded to Sentry via the sentry-cli tool as part of our build scripts.