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# Usage:
# <object>
# <name>...</name>
# <type>adjust-payload-action</type>
# <station-id>...</station-id>
# <adjustment-type>...</adjustment-type> "set" or "add"; default: "set"
# <weight>...</weight>
# <units>kg</units> "kg" or "lb"; default: "lb"
# </object>
var adjust_payload_action = {
type: "adjust-payload-action",
new: func(n) {
var m = {
parents : [adjust_payload_action],
name : n.getValue("name"),
_id : int(n.getValue("station-id")),
_type : mission.get(n, "adjustment-type", "set"),
_weight : mission.get(n, "weight"),
_units : mission.get(n, "units", "lb"),
if (m._units == "kg")
m._weight *= 2.2;
return m;
start: func {
if (me._id == nil)
var w = props.getNode("sim").getChild("weight", me._id, 0);
if (w == nil)
if (me._type == "add")
w.setValue(mission.get(w, "weight-lb", 0.0) + me._weight);
w.setValue("weight-lb", me._weight);
stop: func,
del: func,
mission.extension_add("MissionObject", adjust_payload_action);