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# Aerotow Everywhere - Add-on for FlightGear
# Written and developer by Roman Ludwicki (PlayeRom, SP-ROM)
# Copyright (C) 2022 Roman Ludwicki
# Aerotow Everywhere is an Open Source project and it is licensed
# under the GNU Public License v3 (GPLv3)
# Class Waypoint represent the data of waypoint in the flight plan.
var Waypoint = {
# Constructor
new: func () {
var obj = { parents: [Waypoint] }; = nil; # Name of waypoint. Special names are: "WAIT", "END".
obj.coord = nil; # geo.Coord object
obj.alt = nil; # Altitude AMSL in feet
obj.crossAt = nil; # Altitude AMSL in feet
obj.ktas = nil; # True airspeed in knots
obj.onGround = nil; # If true then on the ground, otherwise in air
obj.flapsDown = nil; # If true then flaps down, otherwise up
obj.gearDown = nil; # If true then gear down, otherwise up
obj.waitSec = nil; # Number of seconds for "WAIT" waypoint
return obj;
# Set name of waypoint
# name - Name of waypoint
setName: func (name) { = name;
return me;
# Set coordinates of waypoint
# coord - geo.Coord object
setCoord: func (coord) {
me.coord = coord;
return me;
# Set altitude in feet of waypoint
# alt - altitude in feet
setAlt: func (alt) {
me.alt = alt;
return me;
# Set altitude in feet of waypoint as cross at
# alt - altitude in feet
setCrossAt: func (crossAt) {
me.crossAt = crossAt;
return me;
# Set true airspeed in knots for waypoint
# ktas - true airspeed in knots
setKtas: func (ktas) {
me.ktas = ktas;
return me;
# Set waypoint on the ground
setOnGround: func () {
me.onGround = 1;
return me;
# Set flaps down
setFlapsDown: func () {
me.flapsDown = 1;
return me;
# Set gear down
setGearDown: func () {
me.gearDown = 1;
return me;
# Set number of seconds for WAIT waypoint. This force to use "WAIT" name.
# waitSec - Number of seconds
setWaitSec: func (waitSec) {
me.setName("WAIT"); # force WAIT name
me.waitSec = waitSec;
return me;
# Set all waypoint data from given hash object
setHashData: func (wptData) {
if (wptData == nil) {
return me;
if (contains(wptData, "name")) {
if (contains(wptData, "coord")) {
if (contains(wptData, "crossAt")) {
if (contains(wptData, "alt")) {
if (contains(wptData, "ktas")) {
if (contains(wptData, "onGround") and wptData.onGround) {
if (contains(wptData, "flapsDown") and wptData.flapsDown) {
if (contains(wptData, "gearDown") and wptData.gearDown) {
if (contains(wptData, "waitSec")) {
return me;