Add possibility to change the flight plan of AI tow plane

PlayeRom 2 years ago
parent 0c3046da80
commit 1f8ea67e44

@ -24,23 +24,75 @@ Start FlightGear at any airport with your aircraft as a glider, such as ASK 21.
From the top menu, select `Aerotow Everywhere` -> `Call for Piper J3 Cub aircraft`, `Robin DR400` or `Cessna 182` (yes, you can choose from many aircrafts). The AI aircraft will appear to your right and align to the centreline of the runway in front of you. At this time you should hook up to the aircraft, most often by pressing the `Ctrl-o` key (check help of your glider). The AI aircraft will begin to accelerate and take off.
## How does the AI tow aircraft fly?
## How does the AI tow aircraft fly by default?
The tow plane always takes off in front of your runway and flies along the runway for 5 km, then turns back and flies downwind for 6 km, then turns back again and flies another 6 km. During this flight it is constantly gaining altitude. Then when it has completed the entire set route it simply turns right 90 degrees and flies at a constant altitude.
The tow plane always takes off in front of your runway and flies along the runway for 5 km, then turns back and flies downwind for 6 km, then turns back again and flies another 6 km. During this flight it is constantly gaining altitude. Then when it has completed the entire set route it turns to unknown direction and flies at a constant altitude.
You can disconnect from the aircraft at any time, most often by pressing the `o` key.
You can disconnect from the aircraft at any time, most often by pressing the `o` key (check help of your glider).
Default route
^ - airport with heading direction to north
1 - 1st waypoint
2 - 2nd waypoint, etc.
2 . . 1 7
. . .
. . .
3 . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
. ^ 6
. .
. .
4 . . . . 5
## Menu of add-on
This add-on add a new item to main menu named `Aerotow Everywhere` with following items:
1. `Call for Piper J3 Cub aircraft` - load AI tow sceneraio with Piper J3 Cub. Possible altitude to reach ~3,600 ft.
2. `Call for Robin DR400 aircraft` - load AI tow sceneraio with Robin DR400. This aircraft has better performance and can take you to over 4,500 ft.
3. `Call for Cessna 182 aircraft` - load AI tow sceneraio with Cessna 182. This aircraft has little bit better performance than Robin.
4. `Disable tow aircraft` - unload AI tow sceneraio.
5. `Add thermal` - display the dialog for configuring and adding thermal.
6. `Help` - display help dialog.
7. `About` - display about dialog with add-on information.
1. `Aerotow Route` - display the dialog for change aerotow route.
2. `Call for Piper J3 Cub aircraft` - load AI tow sceneraio with Piper J3 Cub.
3. `Call for Robin DR400 aircraft` - load AI tow sceneraio with Robin DR400. This aircraft has better performance and can take you higher then Piper Cub.
4. `Call for Cessna 182 aircraft` - load AI tow sceneraio with Cessna 182. This aircraft has little bit better performance than Robin.
5. `Disable tow aircraft` - unload AI tow sceneraio.
6. `Add thermal` - display the dialog for configuring and adding thermal.
7. `Help` - display help dialog.
8. `About` - display about dialog with add-on information.
## Aerotow Route
You can change the AI aircraft's default route, for this go to menu `Aerotow Everywhere` -> `Aerotow Route`.
### Aerotow aircraft
On the top of the "Aerotow Route" dialog you have selector to change aircraft type. It's only for calculate performance and display how the altitude will change.
### Route
Next you have initial heading, distance and altitude change. "Initial heading" depend of the runway where you are located. The aircraft will always take-off along the runway, a distance of 100 m, where it will gain 20 ft in altitude above the terrain. These parameters you cannot change unless you change the airport/runway.
Next you can see a table with fields where you can change values. Each row represents a single waypoint of flight plan of AI aircraft. For each waypoint you have following columns:
1. `Heading change (deg)` - information on how the heading of the aircraft should change in relation to the previous one. A value of `0` means no change, so continue with the same heading. And e.g. `-90` means a left turn of 90 degrees, `60` means a right turn of 60 degrees, etc.
2. `Distance (m)` - distance in meters from the previous waypoint to the present one.
3. `Alt change (AGL ft)` - information on how much the altitude on this leg of the route will increase (in feet above ground.) This information depend of selected airplane.
If you enter a value less than or equal to `0` for `Distance (m)` field this means that here the route is end and the next rows will not be included to the flight plan.
You have a maximum of 10 waypoints to use, hope that's enough.
On the below of the dialog you can see a total amount of distance (in meters) and total altitude in feet above ground level.
### Buttons
1. `OK` - close the route dialog.
2. `Default` - set default waypoints (your changes will be lost.)
## Adding thermals
@ -53,11 +105,11 @@ An additional feature of this add-on is the possibility of placing the thermals
Click `Add thermal` button for add the thermal.
Many thanks to the forum user "wlbragg" for proposing and presenting a solution to this feature.
Many thanks to the FG forum user "wlbragg" for proposing and presenting a solution to this feature.
## Limitations
1. This add-on doesn't check if there are any obstacles in the AI aircraft's path, e.g. terrain, buildings, power lines, etc. Keep this in mind when choosing an airport.
1. This add-on doesn't check if there are any obstacles in the AI aircraft's path, e.g. terrain, buildings, power lines, etc. Keep this in mind when choosing an airport or planning your route.
2. Minimum FlightGear version: 2020.4.0 (dev/nightly). Because only nightly version is able to search for flight plans in additional FGData folders added by `--data` command line option.
## Troubleshotting

@ -37,15 +37,29 @@
<height-msl type="int">9000</height-msl>
<height-msl-m type="int">2742</height-msl-m>
<ai-model>Piper J3 Cub</ai-model>
<heading-change type="double">0</heading-change>
<distance-m type="double">0</distance-m>
<alt-change-agl-ft type="double">0</alt-change-agl-ft>
<help-text type="string">=== How to start? ===
From the top menu, select "Aerotow Everywhere" -> "Call for Piper J3 Cub aircraft", "Robin DR400" or "Cessna 182" (yes, you can choose from many aircrafts).
The tow aircraft will appear to your right and align to the centreline of the runway in front of you. At this time you should hook up to the aircraft, most often by `Ctrl-o` key (check help of your glider). The aircraft will begin to accelerate and take off.
The tow plane always takes off in front of your runway and flies along the runway for 5 km, then turns back and flies downwind for 6 km, then turns back again and flies another 6 km. During this flight it is constantly gaining altitude. Then when it has completed the entire set route it simply turns right 90 degrees and flies at a constant altitude.
By default, the tow plane always takes off in front of your runway and flies along the runway for 5 km, then turns back and flies downwind for 6 km, then turns back again and flies another 6 km. During this flight it is constantly gaining altitude. Then when it has completed the entire set route it simply turns right 90 degrees and flies at a constant altitude.
You can disconnect from the aircraft at any time, most often by pressing the `o` key.
Before start you can change route of AI aircraft by menu "Aerotow Everywhere" -> "Aerotow Route".
=== Troubleshotting ===
1. When I select "Aerotow Everywhere" -> "Call for Piper J3 Cub aircraft", "Robin DR400" or "Cessna 182" from menu, I see "Let's fly!" message but nothing happened. The tow plane does not appear.

@ -29,6 +29,13 @@
<label>Aerotow Everywhere</label>
<enabled type="bool">true</enabled>
<label>Aerotow Route</label>
<label>Call for Piper J3 Cub aircraft</label>

@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ var PATH_FLIGHTPLAN = ADDON.storagePath ~ "/AI/FlightPlans/" ~ FILENAME_FLIGHTPL
var SCENARIO_ID = "aerotow_addon";
var SCENARIO_NAME = "Aerotow Add-on";
var SCENARIO_DESC = "This scenario starts the towing plane at the airport where the pilot with the glider is located. Use Ctrl-o to hook the plane.";
var DISTANCE_DETERMINANT = 1000; # meters
# Global variables
@ -41,6 +43,56 @@ var init = func () {
append(g_towListeners, setlistener(ADDON_NODE_PATH ~ "/addon-devel/ai-model", func () {
append(g_towListeners, setlistener("/sim/presets/longitude-deg", func () {
# User change airport/runway
# Set listener for aerotow combo box value in route dialog for recalculate altitude change
append(g_towListeners, setlistener(ADDON_NODE_PATH ~ "/addon-devel/route/ai-model", func () {
# Set listeners for distance fields for calculate altitude change
for (var i = 0; i < MAX_ROUTE_WAYPOINT; i = i + 1) {
append(g_towListeners, setlistener(ADDON_NODE_PATH ~ "/addon-devel/route/wpt[" ~ i ~ "]/distance-m", func (node) {
# Calculate total distance and altitude and put in to property tree
var calculateAltChangeAndTotals = func () {
var totalDistance = 0.0;
var totalAlt = 0.0;
var isEnd = 0;
var isRouteMode = 1;
var perf = getAircraftPerformance(isRouteMode);
for (var i = 0; i < MAX_ROUTE_WAYPOINT; i = i + 1) {
var distance = getprop(ADDON_NODE_PATH ~ "/addon-devel/route/wpt[" ~ i ~ "]/distance-m");
var altChange = getAltChange(perf.vs, distance);
setprop(ADDON_NODE_PATH ~ "/addon-devel/route/wpt[" ~ i ~ "]/alt-change-agl-ft", altChange);
if (!isEnd) {
if (distance > 0.0) {
totalDistance = totalDistance + distance;
totalAlt = totalAlt + altChange;
else {
isEnd = 1;
setprop(ADDON_NODE_PATH ~ "/addon-devel/route/total/distance", totalDistance);
setprop(ADDON_NODE_PATH ~ "/addon-devel/route/total/alt", totalAlt);
@ -170,38 +222,41 @@ var isScenarioAdded = func () {
# Return name of selected aircraft. Possible values: "Cub", "DR400", "c182".
# Return name of selected aircraft. Possible values depend of isRouteMode: "Cub", "DR400", "c182".
var getSelectedAircraft = func () {
# isRouteMode - use 1 to get the plane for the "Aerotow Route" dialog, use 0 (default) for call the airplane for towing
var getSelectedAircraft = func (isRouteMode = 0) {
if (isRouteMode) {
return getprop(ADDON_NODE_PATH ~ "/addon-devel/route/ai-model") or "Piper J3 Cub";
return getprop(ADDON_NODE_PATH ~ "/addon-devel/ai-model") or "Cub";
# Generate the XML file with the flight plane for our plane for AI scenario.
# The file will be stored to $FG_HOME/Export/aerotown-addon-flightplan.xml.
# Get airport an runway hash where the glider is located.
# Return 1 on successful, otherwise 0.
# Return hash with "airport" and "runway", otherwise nil.
var generateFlightPlanXml = func () {
g_wptCount = 0;
var getAirportAndRunway = func () {
var icao = getprop("/sim/airport/closest-airport-id");
if (icao == nil) {
messages.displayError("Airport code cannot be obtained.");
return 0;
return nil;
var runwayName = getprop("/sim/atc/runway");
if (runwayName == nil) {
messages.displayError("Runway name cannot be obtained.");
return 0;
return nil;
var airport = airportinfo(icao);
if (!contains(airport.runways, runwayName)) {
messages.displayError("The " ~ icao ~" airport does not have runway " ~ runwayName);
return 0;
return nil;
var runway = airport.runways[runwayName];
@ -212,6 +267,94 @@ var generateFlightPlanXml = func () {
"This runway is too short. Please choose a longer one than " ~ minRwyLength ~ " m "
~ "(" ~ math.round(minRwyLength * globals.M2FT) ~ " ft)."
return nil;
return {
"airport": airport,
"runway": runway,
# Initialize flight plan and set it to property tree
# Return 1 on successful, otherwise 0.
var initialFlightPlan = func () {
var location = getAirportAndRunway();
if (location == nil) {
return 0;
var perf = getAircraftPerformance();
initAircraftVariable(location.airport, location.runway, 0);
# inittial readonly waypoint
setprop(ADDON_NODE_PATH ~ "/addon-devel/route/init-wpt/heading-change", g_heading);
setprop(ADDON_NODE_PATH ~ "/addon-devel/route/init-wpt/distance-m", 100);
setprop(ADDON_NODE_PATH ~ "/addon-devel/route/init-wpt/alt-change-agl-ft", perf.vs / 10);
# in air
var wptData = [
{"hdgChange": 0, "dist": 5000, "altChange": perf.vs * 5},
{"hdgChange": -90, "dist": 1000, "altChange": perf.vs},
{"hdgChange": -90, "dist": 1000, "altChange": perf.vs},
{"hdgChange": 0, "dist": 5000, "altChange": perf.vs * 5},
{"hdgChange": -90, "dist": 1500, "altChange": perf.vs * 1.5},
{"hdgChange": -90, "dist": 1000, "altChange": perf.vs},
{"hdgChange": 0, "dist": 5000, "altChange": perf.vs * 5},
{"hdgChange": 0, "dist": 0, "altChange": 0},
{"hdgChange": 0, "dist": 0, "altChange": 0},
{"hdgChange": 0, "dist": 0, "altChange": 0},
# Default route
# ^ - airport with heading direction to north
# 1 - 1st waypoint
# 2 - 2nd waypoint, etc.
# 2 . . 1 7
# . . .
# . . .
# 3 . .
# . . .
# . . .
# . . .
# . . .
# . . .
# . . .
# . ^ 6
# . .
# . .
# 4 . . . . 5
var index = 0;
foreach (var wpt; wptData) {
setprop(ADDON_NODE_PATH ~ "/addon-devel/route/wpt[" ~ index ~ "]/heading-change", wpt.hdgChange);
setprop(ADDON_NODE_PATH ~ "/addon-devel/route/wpt[" ~ index ~ "]/distance-m", wpt.dist);
setprop(ADDON_NODE_PATH ~ "/addon-devel/route/wpt[" ~ index ~ "]/alt-change-agl-ft", wpt.altChange);
index = index + 1;
return 1;
# Generate the XML file with the flight plane for our plane for AI scenario.
# The file will be stored to $FG_HOME/Export/aerotown-addon-flightplan.xml.
# Return 1 on successful, otherwise 0.
var generateFlightPlanXml = func () {
g_wptCount = 0;
var location = getAirportAndRunway();
if (location == nil) {
return 0;
@ -226,16 +369,16 @@ var generateFlightPlanXml = func () {
var perf = getAircraftPerformance();
initAircraftVariable(airport, runway, 1);
initAircraftVariable(location.airport, location.runway, 1);
# Start at 2 o'clock from the glider...
# Inital ktas must be >= 1.0
addWptGround({"hdgChange": 60, "dist": 25}, {"altChange": 0, "ktas": 5});
# Reset coord and heading
initAircraftVariable(airport, runway, 0);
initAircraftVariable(location.airport, location.runway, 0);
var gliderOffsetM = getGliderOffsetFromRunwayThreshold(runway);
var gliderOffsetM = getGliderOffsetFromRunwayThreshold(location.runway);
# ... and line up with the runway
addWptGround({"hdgChange": 0, "dist": 30 + gliderOffsetM}, {"altChange": 0, "ktas": 2.5});
@ -259,29 +402,24 @@ var generateFlightPlanXml = func () {
addWptAir({"hdgChange": 0, "dist": 100 * perf.rolling}, {"elevationPlus": 3, "ktas": perf.speed * 1.05});
addWptAir({"hdgChange": 0, "dist": 100}, {"altChange": perf.vs / 10, "ktas": perf.speed * 1.025});
# Circle around airport
addWptAir({"hdgChange": 0, "dist": 500}, {"altChange": perf.vs / 1.5, "ktas": perf.speed});
addWptAir({"hdgChange": 0, "dist": 500}, {"altChange": perf.vs / 1.7, "ktas": perf.speed});
addWptAir({"hdgChange": 0, "dist": 1000}, {"altChange": perf.vs, "ktas": perf.speed * 1.025});
addWptAir({"hdgChange": 0, "dist": 1000}, {"altChange": perf.vs, "ktas": perf.speed * 1.05});
addWptAir({"hdgChange": 0, "dist": 1000}, {"altChange": perf.vs, "ktas": perf.speed * 1.075});
addWptAir({"hdgChange": 0, "dist": 1000}, {"altChange": perf.vs, "ktas": perf.speed * 1.1});
addWptAir({"hdgChange": -90, "dist": 1000}, {"altChange": perf.vs, "ktas": perf.speed * 1.125}); # crosswind leg
addWptAir({"hdgChange": -90, "dist": 1000}, {"altChange": perf.vs, "ktas": perf.speed * 1.15}); # downwind leg
addWptAir({"hdgChange": 0, "dist": 1000}, {"altChange": perf.vs, "ktas": perf.speed * 1.175});
addWptAir({"hdgChange": 0, "dist": 1000}, {"altChange": perf.vs, "ktas": perf.speed * 1.2});
addWptAir({"hdgChange": 0, "dist": 1000}, {"altChange": perf.vs, "ktas": perf.speed * 1.225});
addWptAir({"hdgChange": 0, "dist": 1000}, {"altChange": perf.vs, "ktas": perf.speed * 1.25});
addWptAir({"hdgChange": 0, "dist": 1000}, {"altChange": perf.vs, "ktas": perf.speed * 1.275});
addWptAir({"hdgChange": -90, "dist": 500}, {"altChange": perf.vs / 2, "ktas": perf.speed * 1.25}); # base leg
addWptAir({"hdgChange": 0, "dist": 500}, {"altChange": perf.vs / 2, "ktas": perf.speed * 1.275});
addWptAir({"hdgChange": 0, "dist": 500}, {"altChange": perf.vs / 2, "ktas": perf.speed * 1.3});
addWptAir({"hdgChange": -90, "dist": 1000}, {"altChange": perf.vs, "ktas": perf.speed * 1.3}); # final leg
addWptAir({"hdgChange": 0, "dist": 1000}, {"altChange": perf.vs, "ktas": perf.speed * 1.325});
addWptAir({"hdgChange": 0, "dist": 1000}, {"altChange": perf.vs, "ktas": perf.speed * 1.35});
addWptAir({"hdgChange": 0, "dist": 1000}, {"altChange": perf.vs, "ktas": perf.speed * 1.375});
addWptAir({"hdgChange": 0, "dist": 1000}, {"altChange": perf.vs, "ktas": perf.speed * 1.4});
addWptAir({"hdgChange": 0, "dist": 1000}, {"altChange": perf.vs, "ktas": perf.speed * 1.425});
var speedInc = 1.0;
foreach (var wptNode; props.globals.getNode(ADDON_NODE_PATH ~ "/addon-devel/route").getChildren("wpt")) {
var dist = wptNode.getChild("distance-m").getValue();
if (dist <= 0.0) {
var hdgChange = wptNode.getChild("heading-change").getValue();
var altChange = getAltChange(perf.vs, dist);
speedInc = speedInc + ((dist / DISTANCE_DETERMINANT) * 0.025);
var ktas = perf.speed * speedInc;
if (ktas > perf.speedLimit) {
ktas = perf.speedLimit;
addWptAir({"hdgChange": hdgChange, "dist": dist}, {"altChange": altChange, "ktas": ktas});
@ -298,7 +436,7 @@ var generateFlightPlanXml = func () {
# Return hash with "vs", "speed", "rolling".
var getAircraftPerformance = func () {
var getAircraftPerformance = func (isRouteMode = 0) {
# Cub
# Cruise Speed 61 kt
# Max Speed 106 kt
@ -317,31 +455,44 @@ var getAircraftPerformance = func () {
# Stall speed 50 kt
# Best climb: 924 ft/min
var aiModel = getSelectedAircraft();
if (aiModel == "DR400") {
var aiModel = getSelectedAircraft(isRouteMode);
if (aiModel == "DR400" or aiModel == "Robin DR400") {
return {
"vs": 285, # ft per 1000 m
"speed": 70,
"rolling": 2,
"vs": 285, # ft per DISTANCE_DETERMINANT m
"speed": 70,
"speedLimit": 75,
"rolling": 2,
if (aiModel == "c182") {
if (aiModel == "c182" or aiModel == "Cessna 182") {
return {
"vs": 295, # ft per 1000 m
"speed": 75,
"rolling": 2.2,
"vs": 295, # ft per DISTANCE_DETERMINANT m
"speed": 75,
"speedLimit": 80,
"rolling": 2.2,
# Cub
return {
"vs": 200, # ft per 1000 m
"speed": 55,
"rolling": 1,
"vs": 200, # ft per DISTANCE_DETERMINANT m
"speed": 55,
"speedLimit": 60,
"rolling": 1,
# Return how much the altitide increases for a given vertical speed and distance
# vs - vertical speed for DISTANCE_DETERMINANT m
# distance - distance in meters
var getAltChange = func (vs, distance) {
return vs * (distance / DISTANCE_DETERMINANT);
# Initialize AI aircraft variable

@ -0,0 +1,528 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
# Aerotow Everywhere - Add-on for FlightGear
# Written and developer by Roman Ludwicki (PlayeRom, SP-ROM)
# Copyright (C) 2022 Roman Ludwicki
# Aerotow Everywhere is an Open Source project and it is licensed
# under the GNU Public License v3 (GPLv3)
<!-- This file requires FlightGear version 2018.2 or newer -->
<label>Aerotow Route</label>
<label> Here you can change the default flight path of the tow plane. </label>
<label> You cannot change the initial point, the AI plane always </label>
<label> takes-off in front of the runway you are on. </label>
<label> Set 0 for `Distance` for completing the flight plan. </label>
<value>Piper J3 Cub</value>
<value>Robin DR400</value>
<value>Cessna 182</value>
<label>Initial Heading (deg)</label>
<label>Distance (m)</label>
<label>Alt change (AGL ft)</label>
<format> %.f</format>
<label>Heading change (deg)</label>
<label>Distance (m)</label>
<label>Alt change (AGL ft)</label>
<format> %.f</format>
<format> %.f</format>
<format> %.f</format>
<format> %.f</format>
<format> %.f</format>
<format> %.f</format>
<format> %.f</format>
<format> %.f</format>
<format> %.f</format>
<format> %.f</format>
<format>%.f m</format>
<format> %.f ft</format>