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2 years ago
# Aerotow Everywhere - Add-on for FlightGear
# Written and developer by Roman Ludwicki (PlayeRom, SP-ROM)
# Copyright (C) 2022 Roman Ludwicki
# Aerotow Everywhere is an Open Source project and it is licensed
# under the GNU Public License v3 (GPLv3)
# Constants
2 years ago
var ADDON = addons.getAddon("org.flightgear.addons.Aerotow");
var ADDON_NODE_PATH = ADDON.node.getPath();
2 years ago
var FILENAME_SCENARIO = "aerotown-addon.xml";
var FILENAME_FLIGHTPLAN = "aerotown-addon-flightplan.xml";
2 years ago
2 years ago
var SCENARIO_ID = "aerotow_addon";
var SCENARIO_NAME = "Aerotow Add-on";
var SCENARIO_DESC = "This scenario starts the towing plane at the airport where the pilot with the glider is located. Use Ctrl-o to hook the plane.";
var DISTANCE_DETERMINANT = 1000; # meters
2 years ago
# Global variables
var g_wptCount = 0;
var g_isScenarioLoaded = 0;
var g_fpFileHandler = nil; # Handler for wrire flight plan to file
var g_coord = nil; # Coordinates for flight plan
var g_heading = nil; # AI plane heading
var g_altitude = nil; # AI plane altitude
2 years ago
var g_towListeners = [];
# Initialize aerotow module
var init = func () {
# Listener for ai-model property triggered when the user select a tow aircraft from add-on menu
2 years ago
append(g_towListeners, setlistener(ADDON_NODE_PATH ~ "/addon-devel/ai-model", func () {
append(g_towListeners, setlistener("/sim/presets/longitude-deg", func () {
# User change airport/runway
# Set listener for aerotow combo box value in route dialog for recalculate altitude change
append(g_towListeners, setlistener(ADDON_NODE_PATH ~ "/addon-devel/route/ai-model", func () {
# Set listeners for distance fields for calculate altitude change
for (var i = 0; i < MAX_ROUTE_WAYPOINT; i = i + 1) {
append(g_towListeners, setlistener(ADDON_NODE_PATH ~ "/addon-devel/route/wpt[" ~ i ~ "]/distance-m", func () {
# Calculate total distance and altitude and put in to property tree
var calculateAltChangeAndTotals = func () {
var totalDistance = 0.0;
var totalAlt = 0.0;
var isEnd = 0;
var isRouteMode = 1;
var perf = getAircraftPerformance(isRouteMode);
for (var i = 0; i < MAX_ROUTE_WAYPOINT; i = i + 1) {
var distance = getprop(ADDON_NODE_PATH ~ "/addon-devel/route/wpt[" ~ i ~ "]/distance-m");
var altChange = getAltChange(perf.vs, distance);
setprop(ADDON_NODE_PATH ~ "/addon-devel/route/wpt[" ~ i ~ "]/alt-change-agl-ft", altChange);
if (!isEnd) {
if (distance > 0.0) {
totalDistance = totalDistance + distance;
totalAlt = totalAlt + altChange;
else {
isEnd = 1;
setprop(ADDON_NODE_PATH ~ "/addon-devel/route/total/distance", totalDistance);
setprop(ADDON_NODE_PATH ~ "/addon-devel/route/total/alt", totalAlt);
# Uninitialize aerotow module
var uninit = func () {
2 years ago
foreach (var listener; g_towListeners) {
2 years ago
# Function for restart AI scenario with delay when the sound has to stop.
# Return 1 on successful, otherwise 0.
var restartAerotow = func () {
messages.displayOk("Aerotow in the way");
# Stop playing engine sound
setprop(ADDON_NODE_PATH ~ "/addon-devel/sound/enable", 0);
# Wait a second for the engine sound to turn off
var timer = maketimer(1, func () {
timer.singleShot = 1;
# Unload scenario and start a new one
var unloadScenario = func () {
if (g_isScenarioLoaded) {
var args ={ "name": SCENARIO_ID });
if (fgcommand("unload-scenario", args)) {
g_isScenarioLoaded = 0;
# Start aerotow with delay to avoid duplicate engine sound playing
var timer = maketimer(1, func () {
timer.singleShot = 1;
2 years ago
# Main function to prepare AI scenario and run it.
# Return 1 on successful, otherwise 0.
var startAerotow = func () {
var args ={ "name": SCENARIO_ID });
2 years ago
if (g_isScenarioLoaded) {
if (fgcommand("unload-scenario", args)) {
g_isScenarioLoaded = 0;
2 years ago
if (!generateFlightPlanXml()) {
return 0;
if (fgcommand("load-scenario", args)) {
g_isScenarioLoaded = 1;
messages.displayOk("Let's fly!");
setprop(ADDON_NODE_PATH ~ "/addon-devel/sound/enable", 1);
2 years ago
return 1;
messages.displayError("Tow failed!");
return 0;
# Function for unload our AI scenario.
# Return 1 on successful, otherwise 0.
var stopAerotow = func () {
if (g_isScenarioLoaded) {
var args ={ "name": SCENARIO_ID });
if (fgcommand("unload-scenario", args)) {
g_isScenarioLoaded = 0;
messages.displayOk("Aerotown disabled");
return 1;
messages.displayError("Aerotown disable failed");
return 0;
messages.displayOk("Aerotown already disabled");
return 1
# Generate the XML file with the AI scenario.
# The file will be stored to $FG_HOME/Export/aerotown-addon.xml.
var generateScenarioXml = func () {
var scenarioXml = {
"PropertyList": {
"scenario": {
"description": SCENARIO_DESC,
"entry": {
"callsign": "FG-TOW",
"type": "aircraft",
"class": "aerotow-dragger",
"model": "Aircraft/Aerotow/Cub/Models/Cub-ai.xml", # default Cub
2 years ago
"repeat": 1,
var aiModel = getSelectedAircraft();
if (aiModel == "DR400") {
scenarioXml.PropertyList.scenario.entry.model = "Aircraft/Aerotow/DR400/Models/dr400-ai.xml";
2 years ago
else if (aiModel == "c182") {
scenarioXml.PropertyList.scenario.entry.model = "Aircraft/Aerotow/c182/Models/c182-ai.xml";
2 years ago
var node =;
io.writexml(PATH_SCENARIO, node);
# Add our new scenario to the "/sim/ai/scenarios" property list
# so that FlightGear will be able to load it by "load-scenario" command.
var addScenarioToPropertyList = func () {
if (!isScenarioAdded()) {
var scenarioData = {
"description": SCENARIO_DESC,
# Return 1 if scenario is already added to "/sim/ai/scenarios" property list, otherwise return 0.
var isScenarioAdded = func () {
foreach (var scenario; props.globals.getNode("/sim/ai/scenarios").getChildren("scenario")) {
var id = scenario.getChild("id");
if (id != nil and id.getValue() == SCENARIO_ID) {
return 1;
return 0;
# Return name of selected aircraft. Possible values depend of isRouteMode: "Cub", "DR400", "c182".
2 years ago
# isRouteMode - use 1 to get the plane for the "Aerotow Route" dialog, use 0 (default) for call the airplane for towing
var getSelectedAircraft = func (isRouteMode = 0) {
if (isRouteMode) {
return getprop(ADDON_NODE_PATH ~ "/addon-devel/route/ai-model") or "Piper J3 Cub";
2 years ago
return getprop(ADDON_NODE_PATH ~ "/addon-devel/ai-model") or "Cub";
2 years ago
# Get airport an runway hash where the glider is located.
2 years ago
# Return hash with "airport" and "runway", otherwise nil.
2 years ago
var getAirportAndRunway = func () {
2 years ago
var icao = getprop("/sim/airport/closest-airport-id");
if (icao == nil) {
messages.displayError("Airport code cannot be obtained.");
return nil;
2 years ago
var runwayName = getprop("/sim/atc/runway");
if (runwayName == nil) {
messages.displayError("Runway name cannot be obtained.");
return nil;
2 years ago
var airport = airportinfo(icao);
if (!contains(airport.runways, runwayName)) {
messages.displayError("The " ~ icao ~" airport does not have runway " ~ runwayName);
return nil;
2 years ago
var runway = airport.runways[runwayName];
var minRwyLength = getMinRunwayLength();
if (runway.length < minRwyLength) {
2 years ago
2 years ago
"This runway is too short. Please choose a longer one than " ~ minRwyLength ~ " m "
2 years ago
~ "(" ~ math.round(minRwyLength * globals.M2FT) ~ " ft)."
2 years ago
return nil;
return {
"airport": airport,
"runway": runway,
# Initialize flight plan and set it to property tree
# Return 1 on successful, otherwise 0.
var initialFlightPlan = func () {
var location = getAirportAndRunway();
if (location == nil) {
return 0;
var perf = getAircraftPerformance();
initAircraftVariable(location.airport, location.runway, 0);
# inittial readonly waypoint
setprop(ADDON_NODE_PATH ~ "/addon-devel/route/init-wpt/heading-change", g_heading);
setprop(ADDON_NODE_PATH ~ "/addon-devel/route/init-wpt/distance-m", 100);
setprop(ADDON_NODE_PATH ~ "/addon-devel/route/init-wpt/alt-change-agl-ft", perf.vs / 10);
# in air
var wptData = [
{"hdgChange": 0, "dist": 5000, "altChange": perf.vs * 5},
{"hdgChange": -90, "dist": 1000, "altChange": perf.vs},
{"hdgChange": -90, "dist": 1000, "altChange": perf.vs},
{"hdgChange": 0, "dist": 5000, "altChange": perf.vs * 5},
{"hdgChange": -90, "dist": 1500, "altChange": perf.vs * 1.5},
{"hdgChange": -90, "dist": 1000, "altChange": perf.vs},
{"hdgChange": 0, "dist": 5000, "altChange": perf.vs * 5},
{"hdgChange": 0, "dist": 0, "altChange": 0},
{"hdgChange": 0, "dist": 0, "altChange": 0},
{"hdgChange": 0, "dist": 0, "altChange": 0},
# Default route
# ^ - airport with heading direction to north
# 1 - 1st waypoint
# 2 - 2nd waypoint, etc.
# 2 . . 1 7
# . . .
# . . .
# 3 . .
# . . .
# . . .
# . . .
# . . .
# . . .
# . . .
# . ^ 6
# . .
# . .
# 4 . . . . 5
var index = 0;
foreach (var wpt; wptData) {
setprop(ADDON_NODE_PATH ~ "/addon-devel/route/wpt[" ~ index ~ "]/heading-change", wpt.hdgChange);
setprop(ADDON_NODE_PATH ~ "/addon-devel/route/wpt[" ~ index ~ "]/distance-m", wpt.dist);
setprop(ADDON_NODE_PATH ~ "/addon-devel/route/wpt[" ~ index ~ "]/alt-change-agl-ft", wpt.altChange);
index = index + 1;
return 1;
# Generate the XML file with the flight plane for our plane for AI scenario.
# The file will be stored to $FG_HOME/Export/aerotown-addon-flightplan.xml.
# Return 1 on successful, otherwise 0.
var generateFlightPlanXml = func () {
g_wptCount = 0;
var location = getAirportAndRunway();
if (location == nil) {
2 years ago
return 0;
g_fpFileHandler =, "w");
"<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n\n" ~
"<!-- This file is generated automatically by the Aerotow Everywhere add-on -->\n\n" ~
"<PropertyList>\n" ~
" <flightplan>\n"
var perf = getAircraftPerformance();
initAircraftVariable(location.airport, location.runway, 1);
2 years ago
# Start at 2 o'clock from the glider...
2 years ago
# Inital ktas must be >= 1.0
addWptGround({"hdgChange": 60, "dist": 25}, {"altChange": 0, "ktas": 5});
# Reset coord and heading
initAircraftVariable(location.airport, location.runway, 0);
2 years ago
var gliderOffsetM = getGliderOffsetFromRunwayThreshold(location.runway);
2 years ago
# ... and line up with the runway
2 years ago
addWptGround({"hdgChange": 0, "dist": 30 + gliderOffsetM}, {"altChange": 0, "ktas": 2.5});
# Rolling
addWptGround({"hdgChange": 0, "dist": 10}, {"altChange": 0, "ktas": 5});
addWptGround({"hdgChange": 0, "dist": 20}, {"altChange": 0, "ktas": 5});
addWptGround({"hdgChange": 0, "dist": 20}, {"altChange": 0, "ktas": perf.speed / 6});
addWptGround({"hdgChange": 0, "dist": 10}, {"altChange": 0, "ktas": perf.speed / 5});
addWptGround({"hdgChange": 0, "dist": 10 * perf.rolling}, {"altChange": 0, "ktas": perf.speed / 4});
addWptGround({"hdgChange": 0, "dist": 10 * perf.rolling}, {"altChange": 0, "ktas": perf.speed / 3.5});
addWptGround({"hdgChange": 0, "dist": 10 * perf.rolling}, {"altChange": 0, "ktas": perf.speed / 3});
addWptGround({"hdgChange": 0, "dist": 10 * perf.rolling}, {"altChange": 0, "ktas": perf.speed / 2.5});
addWptGround({"hdgChange": 0, "dist": 10 * perf.rolling}, {"altChange": 0, "ktas": perf.speed / 2});
addWptGround({"hdgChange": 0, "dist": 10 * perf.rolling}, {"altChange": 0, "ktas": perf.speed / 1.75});
addWptGround({"hdgChange": 0, "dist": 10 * perf.rolling}, {"altChange": 0, "ktas": perf.speed / 1.5});
addWptGround({"hdgChange": 0, "dist": 10 * perf.rolling}, {"altChange": 0, "ktas": perf.speed / 1.25});
addWptGround({"hdgChange": 0, "dist": 10 * perf.rolling}, {"altChange": 0, "ktas": perf.speed});
2 years ago
# Takeof
addWptAir({"hdgChange": 0, "dist": 100 * perf.rolling}, {"elevationPlus": 3, "ktas": perf.speed * 1.05});
addWptAir({"hdgChange": 0, "dist": 100}, {"altChange": perf.vs / 10, "ktas": perf.speed * 1.025});
2 years ago
var speedInc = 1.0;
foreach (var wptNode; props.globals.getNode(ADDON_NODE_PATH ~ "/addon-devel/route").getChildren("wpt")) {
var dist = wptNode.getChild("distance-m").getValue();
if (dist <= 0.0) {
var hdgChange = wptNode.getChild("heading-change").getValue();
var altChange = getAltChange(perf.vs, dist);
speedInc = speedInc + ((dist / DISTANCE_DETERMINANT) * 0.025);
var ktas = perf.speed * speedInc;
if (ktas > perf.speedLimit) {
ktas = perf.speedLimit;
addWptAir({"hdgChange": hdgChange, "dist": dist}, {"altChange": altChange, "ktas": ktas});
2 years ago
" </flightplan>\n" ~
return 1;
# Return hash with "vs", "speed", "speedLimit", "rolling".
2 years ago
var getAircraftPerformance = func (isRouteMode = 0) {
2 years ago
# Cub
# Cruise Speed 61 kt
# Max Speed 106 kt
# Approach speed 44-52 kt
# Stall speed 33 kt
# Robin DR 400
# Cruise Speed 134 kt
# Max speeed 166 kt
# Stall speed 51 kt
# Rate of climb: 825 ft/min
# Cessna 182
# Cruise Speed 145 kt
# Max speeed 175 kt
# Stall speed 50 kt
# Best climb: 924 ft/min
var aiModel = getSelectedAircraft(isRouteMode);
if (aiModel == "DR400" or aiModel == "Robin DR400") {
2 years ago
return {
"vs": 285, # vertical speed in ft per DISTANCE_DETERMINANT m
"speed": 70, # take-off speed
"speedLimit": 75, # max speed
"rolling": 2, # factor for rolling
2 years ago
if (aiModel == "c182" or aiModel == "Cessna 182") {
2 years ago
return {
"vs": 295, # ft per DISTANCE_DETERMINANT m
"speed": 75,
"speedLimit": 80,
"rolling": 2.2,
2 years ago
# Cub
return {
"vs": 200, # ft per DISTANCE_DETERMINANT m
"speed": 55,
"speedLimit": 60,
"rolling": 1,
2 years ago
# Return how much the altitide increases for a given vertical speed and distance
# vs - vertical speed for DISTANCE_DETERMINANT m
# distance - distance in meters
var getAltChange = func (vs, distance) {
return vs * (distance / DISTANCE_DETERMINANT);
2 years ago
# Initialize AI aircraft variable
# airport - Object from airportinfo().
# runway - Object of runway from which the glider start.
# isGliderPos - Pass 1 for set AI aircraft's coordinates as glider position, 0 set coordinates as runway threshold.
2 years ago
var initAircraftVariable = func (airport, runway, isGliderPos = 1) {
2 years ago
var gliderCoord = geo.aircraft_position();
2 years ago
# Set coordinates as glider position or runway threshold
g_coord = isGliderPos
2 years ago
? gliderCoord
2 years ago
:, runway.lon);
# Set airplane heading as runway heading
g_heading = runway.heading;
# Set AI airplane altitude as glider altitude (assumed it's on the ground).
# It is more accurate than airport.elevation.
2 years ago
g_altitude = gliderCoord.alt() * globals.M2FT;
2 years ago
# Get distance from glider to runway threshold e.g. in case that the user taxi from the runway threshold
2 years ago
# runway - Object of runway from which the glider start
# Return the distance in metres, of the glider's displacement from the runway threshold.
var getGliderOffsetFromRunwayThreshold = func (runway) {
2 years ago
var gliderCoord = geo.aircraft_position();
var rwyThreshold =, runway.lon);
return rwyThreshold.distance_to(gliderCoord);
# Get the minimum runway length required, in meters
var getMinRunwayLength = func () {
var aiModel = getSelectedAircraft();
if (aiModel == "DR400") {
return 470;
if (aiModel == "c182") {
return 508;
return 280;
2 years ago
# Add new waypoint on ground
# coordOffset - Hash for calculate next coordinates (lat, lon), with following fields:
# {
# hdgChange - How the aircraft's heading supposed to change? 0 - keep the same heading.
# dis - Distance in meters to calculate next waypoint coordinates.
# }
# performance - Hash with following fields:
# {
# altChange - How the aircraft's altitude is supposed to change? 0 - keep the same altitude.
# ktas - True air speed of AI plane at the waypoint.
# }
var addWptGround = func (coordOffset, performance) {
wrireWpt(nil, coordOffset, performance, "ground");
# Add new waypoint in air
var addWptAir = func (coordOffset, performance) {
wrireWpt(nil, coordOffset, performance, "air");
# Add "WAIT" waypoint
# sec - Number of seconds for wait
var addWptWait = func (sec) {
wrireWpt("WAIT", {}, {}, nil, sec);
2 years ago
# Add "END" waypoint
var addWptEnd = func () {
wrireWpt("END", {}, {});
2 years ago
# Write waypoint to flight plan file
2 years ago
# name - The name of waypoint
# coordOffset.hdgChange - How the aircraft's heading supposed to change?
# coordOffset.dist - Distance in meters to calculate next waypoint coordinates
# performance.altChange - How the aircraft's altitude is supposed to change?
# performance.elevationPlus - Set aircraft altitude as current terrain elevation + given value in feets.
# It's best to use for the first point in the air to avoid the plane collapsing into
# the ground in a bumpy airport
2 years ago
# performance.ktas - True air speed of AI plane at the waypoint
# groundAir - Allowed value: "ground or "air". The "ground" means that AI plane is on the ground, "air" - in air
2 years ago
# sec - Number of seconds for "WAIT" waypoint
var wrireWpt = func (
groundAir = nil,
sec = nil
) {
var coord = nil;
if (contains(coordOffset, "hdgChange") and contains(coordOffset, "dist")) {
2 years ago
g_heading = g_heading + coordOffset.hdgChange;
if (g_heading < 0) {
g_heading = 360 + g_heading;
if (g_heading > 360) {
g_heading = g_heading - 360;
g_coord.apply_course_distance(g_heading, coordOffset.dist);
coord = g_coord;
2 years ago
var alt = nil;
if (coord != nil and contains(performance, "elevationPlus")) {
var elevation = geo.elevation(, coord.lon());
g_altitude = elevation == nil
? g_altitude + performance.elevationPlus
: elevation * globals.M2FT + performance.elevationPlus;
alt = g_altitude;
else if (contains(performance, "altChange")) {
2 years ago
g_altitude = g_altitude + performance.altChange;
alt = g_altitude;
2 years ago
var ktas = contains(performance, "ktas") ? performance.ktas : nil;
2 years ago
name = name == nil ? g_wptCount : name;
var data = getWptString(name, coord, alt, ktas, groundAir, sec);
2 years ago
io.write(g_fpFileHandler, data);
g_wptCount = g_wptCount + 1;
# Get single waypoint data as a string.
# name - Name of waypoint. Special names are: "WAIT", "END".
# coord - The Coord object
# alt - Altitude AMSL of AI plane
# ktas - True air speed of AI plane
# groundAir - Allowe value: "ground or "air". The "ground" means that AI plane is on the ground, "air" - in air
# sec - Number of seconds for "WAIT" waypoint
var getWptString = func (name, coord = nil, alt = nil, ktas = nil, groundAir = nil, sec = nil) {
var str = " <wpt>\n"
~ " <name>" ~ name ~ "</name>\n";
if (coord != nil) {
str = str ~ " <lat>" ~ ~ "</lat>\n";
str = str ~ " <lon>" ~ coord.lon() ~ "</lon>\n";
str = str ~ " <!-- " ~ ~ "," ~ coord.lon() ~ " -->\n";
if (alt != nil) {
# str = str ~ " <alt>" ~ alt ~ "</alt>\n";
str = str ~ " <crossat>" ~ alt ~ "</crossat>\n";
2 years ago
if (ktas != nil) {
str = str ~ " <ktas>" ~ ktas ~ "</ktas>\n";
if (groundAir != nil) {
var onGround = groundAir == "ground" ? "true" : "false";
str = str ~ " <on-ground>" ~ onGround ~ "</on-ground>\n";
if (sec != nil) {
str = str ~ " <time-sec>" ~ sec ~ "</time-sec>\n";
return str ~ " </wpt>\n";