#!/bin/bash # can't rely on $HOME in cron scripts script_home=/home/fgaddon # we assume fgmeta is checked out to $script_home/fgmeta # add the scripts to the path catalog_dir=$script_home/fgmeta/catalog local_www_dir=/var/www/uk-mirror/fgaddon output_dir=$script_home/output rsync_args="-avz" # this assumes there is an 'ibiblio' entry setup in $HOME/.ssh/config with the appropriate # credentials ibiblio_prefix=ibiblio:/public/mirrors/flightgear/ftp/ alias python=python3 export PATH=$PATH:$catalog_dir export PYTHONPATH=$script_home/fgmeta/python3-flightgear echo "Generating trunk catalog" update-catalog.py --quiet --update $catalog_dir/fgaddon-catalog-ukmirror # at some point, we can disable updating the 2018 catalog echo "Generating stable catalog 2018" update-catalog.py --quiet --update $catalog_dir/stable-2018-catalog echo "Generating stable catalog 2020" update-catalog.py --quiet --update $catalog_dir/stable-2020-catalog echo "Coping to WWW dir" rsync -avz $output_dir/Aircraft-trunk $local_www_dir/ rsync -avz $output_dir/Aircraft-2018 $local_www_dir/ rsync -avz $output_dir/Aircraft-2020 $local_www_dir/ # temporarily disabled echo "Syncing to Ibiblio" rsync $rsync_args $output_dir/Aircraft-trunk $ibiblio_prefix rsync $rsync_args $output_dir/Aircraft-2018 $ibiblio_prefix rsync $rsync_args $output_dir/Aircraft-2020 $ibiblio_prefix echo "All done"