We are setting a correct default TerraSync path (
C:\Users\username\Documents\FlightGear\TerraSync ) and FGRun has an input
if the user want to change it (Advanced > General > TerraSync directory)
Ok, some love for our Windows users:
- FlightGear uninstaller is now displayed with his icon in the Software
- The default installation path contains the version number now (
C:\Program Files\FlightGear 3.0.0\ )
- Force 32 bits install on 64 bits system is unchecked by default now
- The Win32/Win64 folder is gone
- Automatic creation of C:\Users\username\Documents\FlightGear\Aircraft (A
place where our users have write access, and easy to find/access for installing new aircraft)
- Automatic creation of C:\Users\username\Documents\FlightGear\Custom
Scenery (A place where our users have write access, and easy to
find/access for installin new scenery)
- Automatic creation of TerraSync folder (by default:
- Update terrasync.exe params for using the TerraSync folder
- Pre-configure FGRun with the new --terrasync-dir and --fg-aircraft
- Update the pre-configuration of --fg-scenery for FGRun (adding Custom
Scenery folder + usual $fg-root\data\Scenery)
- Add a new step in the installer (InfoBeforeFile) who display the message
available in flightgear/package/Win32-Inno/infobefore.txt (mainly a
warning about Antivirus)
Changes 1.9.5 through 1.9.10
Multiple changes restructuring parts of the script
FGRUN added to ALL list
Regular expression used to determine if a component is to be built
Fixes and changes in 1.9.10
url for plib has / at the end to prevent problems with svn
url for osg has been updated to http://svn.openscenegraph.org/osg/OpenSceneGraph/tags/OpenSceneGraph-3.0.1/
x and v options added to aid in script debugging
w option added to aid in cmake debugging