You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

653 lines
24 KiB

var urlencode = func(str) {
var out = '';
var c = '';
var n = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < size(str); i += 1) {
n = str[i];
if (string.isalnum(n)) {
out = out ~ chr(n);
elsif (n == 32) {
out = out ~ '+';
else {
out = out ~ sprintf('%%%02x', n);
return out;
var getFlightplan = nil;
var commitFlightplan = nil;
var modifiedFlightplan = nil;
var download = func (username, onSuccess, onFailure=nil) {
if (getprop('/sim/simbrief/downloading')) {
3 years ago
logprint(4, "SimBrief download already active");
setprop('/sim/simbrief/downloading', 1);
setprop('/sim/simbrief/text-status', 'downloading...');
var filename = getprop('/sim/fg-home') ~ "/Export/simbrief.xml";
var url = "" ~ urlencode(username);
if (onFailure == nil) {
onFailure = func (r) {
setprop('/sim/simbrief/text-status', sprintf('HTTP error (%s/%s)', r.status, r.reason));
3 years ago
logprint(4, sprintf("SimBrief download from %s failed with HTTP status %s",
url, r.status));
}, filename)
.done(func (r) {
setprop('/sim/simbrief/text-status', 'parsing...');
3 years ago
logprint(3, sprintf("SimBrief download from %s complete.", url));
var errs = [];
call(onSuccess, [filename], nil, {}, errs);
if (size(errs) > 0) {
setprop('/sim/simbrief/text-status', 'errors, see log for details');
else {
setprop('/sim/simbrief/text-status', 'all done!');
.always(func {
setprop('/sim/simbrief/downloading', 0);
var read = func (filename=nil) {
if (filename == nil) {
filename = getprop('/sim/fg-home') ~ "/Export/simbrief.xml";
var xml = io.readxml(filename);
var ofpNode = xml.getChild('OFP');
if (ofpNode == nil) {
3 years ago
logprint(5, "Error loading SimBrief OFP");
return nil;
else {
return ofpNode;
var toFlightplan = func (ofp, fp=nil) {
# get departure and destination
var departureID = ofp.getNode('origin/icao_code').getValue();
var departures = findAirportsByICAO(departureID);
if (departures == nil or size(departures) == 0) {
3 years ago
logprint(5, sprintf("Airport not found: %s", departureID));
return nil;
var destinationID = ofp.getNode('destination/icao_code').getValue();
var destinations = findAirportsByICAO(destinationID);
if (destinations == nil or size(destinations) == 0) {
3 years ago
logprint(5, sprintf("Airport not found: %s", destinationID));
return nil;
# cruise parameters
var initialAltitude = ofp.getNode('general/initial_altitude').getValue();
var cruiseAltitude = initialAltitude;
var seenTOC = 0;
# collect enroute waypoints
var wps = [];
var ofpNavlog = ofp.getNode('navlog');
var ofpFixes = ofpNavlog.getChildren('fix');
var sidID = nil;
var starID = nil;
foreach (var ofpFix; ofpFixes) {
if (ofpFix.getNode('is_sid_star').getBoolValue()) {
if ((ofpFix.getValue('stage') == 'CLB') and
(getprop('/sim/simbrief/options/import-departure') or 0) and
(sidID == nil)) {
sidID = ofpFix.getValue('via_airway');
elsif ((ofpFix.getValue('stage') == 'DSC') and
(getprop('/sim/simbrief/options/import-arrival') or 0) and
(starID == nil)) {
starID = ofpFix.getValue('via_airway');
# skip: we only want enroute waypoints
var ident = ofpFix.getNode('ident').getValue();
if (ident == 'TOC' or ident == 'TOD') {
# skip TOC and TOD: the FMS should deal with those dynamically
if (ident == 'TOC') {
seenTOC = 1;
var altNode = ofpFix.getNode('altitude_feet');
var alt = (altNode == nil) ? nil : altNode.getValue();
var coords =;
3 years ago
logprint(2, sprintf("%s %f %f", ident,, coords.lon()));
var wp = createWP(coords, ident);
if (seenTOC and alt == initialAltitude) {
# this is the waypoint where we expect to reach initial cruise
# altitude
# reset 'seen TOC' flag to avoid setting alt restrictions on
# subsequent waypoints
seenTOC = 0;
# we'll use an "at" restriction here: we don't want to climb any
# higher, hence "above" would be wrong, and we want the VNAV to do
# its best to reach the altitude before this point, so "below"
# would also be wrong.
# This doesn't work, and I don't know why.
# wp.setAltitude(alt, 'at');
else if (alt > cruiseAltitude) {
# this is a step climb target waypoint
cruiseAltitude = alt;
# This doesn't work, and I don't know why.
# wp.setAltitude(alt, 'at');
append(wps, wp);
# we have everything we need; it's now safe-ish to overwrite or
# create the actual flightplan
if (fp == nil) {
fp = createFlightplan();
fp.sid = nil;
fp.sid_trans = nil; = nil;
fp.star_trans = nil;
fp.approach = nil;
fp.approach_trans = nil;
fp.departure = departures[0];
fp.destination = destinations[0];
fp.insertWaypoints(wps, 1);
if (getprop('/sim/simbrief/options/import-departure') or 0) {
departureRunwayID = ofp.getNode('origin').getValue('plan_rwy');
3 years ago
logprint(2, sprintf("Trying to select departure: %s / %s", sidID, departureRunwayID));
fp.departure_runway = departures[0].runways[departureRunwayID];
if (sidID != nil) {
fp.sid = departures[0].getSid(sidID);
if (fp.sid == nil)
fp.sid = departures[0].getSid(sidID ~ '.' ~ departureRunwayID);
if (fp.sid == nil) {
3 years ago
logprint(4, sprintf("SID not found: %s", sidID));
if (getprop('/sim/simbrief/options/import-arrival') or 0) {
destinationRunwayID = ofp.getNode('destination').getValue('plan_rwy');
printf("Trying to select arrival: %s / %s", starID, destinationRunwayID);
fp.destination_runway = destinations[0].runways[destinationRunwayID];
if (starID != nil) { = destinations[0].getStar(starID);
if ( == nil) = destinations[0].getStar(starID ~ '.' ~ destinationRunwayID);
if ( == nil) {
3 years ago
logprint(4, sprintf("STAR not found: %s", starID));
return fp;
var importFOB = func (ofp) {
var unit = ofp.getNode('params/units').getValue();
var fuelFactor = ((unit == 'lbs') ? LB2KG : 1);
# From here on, we'll do everything in kilograms (kg)
var fob = ofp.getNode('fuel/plan_ramp').getValue() * fuelFactor;
var unallocated = fob;
var tankNodes = props.globals.getNode('/consumables/fuel').getChildren('tank');
var strategy = getprop('sim/simbrief/options/fuel-strategy');
3 years ago
logprint(3, sprintf("Allocating %1.1f kg (%1.1f lbs) of fuel", fob, fob * KG2LB));
var numTanks = size(tankNodes);
var allocate = func(tankNumber, maxAmount = nil) {
var tankNode = tankNodes[tankNumber];
3 years ago
var capacityNode = tankNode.getNode('capacity-m3');
var densityNode = tankNode.getNode('density-kgpm3');
if (tankNode == nil or capacityNode == nil or densityNode == nil) {
3 years ago
logprint(3, sprintf("Tank #%i not installed", tankNumber));
var tankNameNode = tankNode.getNode('name');
var tankName = sprintf("Tank #%i", tankNumber);
if (tankNameNode != nil) {
tankName = tankNameNode.getValue() or tankName;
var amount = unallocated;
if (maxAmount != nil) {
amount = math.min(amount, maxAmount);
var tankCapacity =
(tankNode.getNode('capacity-m3').getValue() or 0) *
(tankNode.getNode('density-kgpm3').getValue() or 0);
amount = math.min(amount, tankCapacity);
3 years ago
logprint(3, sprintf("Allocating %1.1f/%1.1f kg to %s", amount, unallocated, tankName));
unallocated -= amount;
var allocatePair = func (tank1, tank2) {
var cap1 = tankNodes[tank1].getValue('capacity-m3') or 1;
var cap2 = tankNodes[tank2].getValue('capacity-m3') or 1;
var cap = cap1 + cap2;
var allocate1 = unallocated * cap1 / cap;
var allocate2 = unallocated * cap2 / cap;
allocate(tank1, allocate1);
allocate(tank2, allocate2);
if (strategy == 'first-come-first-serve') {
3 years ago
logprint(3, "Using 'first come, first serve' strategy");
var i = 0;
while (i < numTanks) {
var tankNode = tankNodes[i];
var tankName = tankNode.getValue('name') or 'unnamed';
if (i >= numTanks - 1 or
string.imatch(tankName, "*center*") or
string.imatch(tankName, "*front*") or
string.imatch(tankName, "*rear*")) {
i = i + 1;
else {
allocatePair(i, i + 1);
i = i + 2;
elsif (strategy == 'balanced') {
var totalFuel = unallocated;
var totalCapacity = 0;
foreach (var tankNode; tankNodes) {
3 years ago
var capacity = tankNode.getValue('capacity-m3') or 0;
totalCapacity = totalCapacity + capacity;
for (var i = 0; i < numTanks; i += 1) {
var tankNode = tankNodes[i];
3 years ago
var capacity = tankNode.getValue('capacity-m3') or 0;
allocate(i, totalFuel * capacity / totalCapacity);
else {
3 years ago
logprint(5, sprintf("Invalid strategy '%s', please allocate fuel manually", strategy));
3 years ago
logprint(4, sprintf("Fuel not allocated: %1.1f kg", unallocated));
var importPayload = func (ofp) {
var unit = ofp.getNode('params/units').getValue();
var factor = ((unit == 'lbs') ? 1 : KG2LB);
var weightNodes = [];
var cargoWeightNodes = [];
var paxWeightNodes = [];
var payloadNode = props.globals.getNode('payload');
if (payloadNode == nil) {
# yasim puts weights in `/sim/weight[]`
weightNodes = props.globals.getNode('/sim').getChildren('weight');
else {
# jsbsim puts weights in `/payload/weight[]`
weightNodes = payloadNode.getChildren('weight');
foreach (var node; weightNodes) {
3 years ago
var nodeName = node.getValue('name') or '';
3 years ago
logprint(3, sprintf("Checking weight node %s", nodeName));
if (string.imatch(nodeName, "*passenger*") or
string.imatch(nodeName, "*pax*") or
string.imatch(nodeName, "*cabin*") or
string.imatch(nodeName, "*class*") or
string.imatch(nodeName, "*baggage*") or
string.imatch(nodeName, "*seat*")) {
append(paxWeightNodes, node);
elsif (string.imatch(nodeName, "*cargo*") or
string.imatch(nodeName, "*payload*")) {
append(cargoWeightNodes, node);
if (size(paxWeightNodes) == 0 and size(cargoWeightNodes) == 0) {
3 years ago
logprint(4, sprintf("Alas, this aircraft does not seem to use the standard weights system. Please configure payload manually."));
# Everything in lbs
var cargoUnallocated = ofp.getNode('weights/cargo').getValue() * factor;
var paxUnallocated = ofp.getNode('weights/payload').getValue() * factor - cargoUnallocated;
var distribute = func (what, nodes, unallocated) {
3 years ago
logprint(3, sprintf("Allocating %s: %1.1f lbs", what, unallocated));
var totalF = 0;
foreach (var node; nodes) {
var f = node.getValue('max-lb') - node.getValue('min-lb');
node.setValue('weight-lb', node.getValue('min-lb'));
unallocated = unallocated - node.getValue('min-lb');
totalF = totalF + f;
3 years ago
logprint(3, sprintf("Allocating %1.1f/%1.1f lbs to %s", node.getValue('min-lb'), unallocated, node.getValue('name')));
3 years ago
logprint(3, sprintf("Remaining %s after minimum weights: %1.1f lbs", what, unallocated));
var remaining = unallocated;
if (remaining > 0) {
foreach (var node; nodes) {
var maxAdd = node.getValue('max-lb') - node.getValue('min-lb');
var f = maxAdd / totalF;
var toAdd = math.min(f * remaining, maxAdd, unallocated);
node.getValue('weight-lb') +
unallocated = unallocated - toAdd;
3 years ago
logprint(3, sprintf("Allocating %1.1f/%1.1f lbs to %s", toAdd, unallocated, node.getValue('name')));
3 years ago
logprint(3, printf("Remaining unallocated %s: %1.1f lbs", what, unallocated));
return unallocated;
if (size(paxWeightNodes) == 0) {
3 years ago
logprint(4, "No passenger space found, forcing passengers into cargo hold");
cargoUnallocated = cargoUnallocated + paxUnallocated;
paxUnallocated = 0;
cargoUnallocated = distribute("cargo", cargoWeightNodes, cargoUnallocated);
paxUnallocated = distribute("passengers", paxWeightNodes, paxUnallocated + cargoUnallocated);
var importPerfInit = func (ofp) {
# climb profile: kts-below-FL100/kts-above-FL100/mach
var climbProfile = split('/', ofp.getNode('general/climb_profile').getValue());
# descent profile: mach/kts-above-FL100/kts-below-FL100
var descentProfile = split('/', ofp.getNode('general/descent_profile').getValue());
var cruiseMach = ofp.getNode('general/cruise_mach').getValue();
var airline = ofp.getNode('general/icao_airline').getValue();
var flightNumber = ofp.getNode('general/flight_number').getValue();
var callsign = (airline == nil) ? flightNumber : (airline ~ flightNumber);
var cruiseAlt = ofp.getNode('general/initial_altitude').getValue();
setprop("/sim/multiplay/callsign", callsign);
setprop("/autopilot/route-manager/cruise/altitude-ft", cruiseAlt);
if (props.globals.getNode("/controls/flight/speed-schedule") != nil) {
setprop("/controls/flight/speed-schedule/climb-below-10k", climbProfile[0]);
setprop("/controls/flight/speed-schedule/climb-kts", climbProfile[1]);
setprop("/controls/flight/speed-schedule/climb-mach", climbProfile[2] / 100);
setprop("/controls/flight/speed-schedule/cruise-mach", cruiseMach);
setprop("/controls/flight/speed-schedule/descent-mach", descentProfile[0] / 100);
setprop("/controls/flight/speed-schedule/descent-kts", descentProfile[1]);
setprop("/controls/flight/speed-schedule/descent-below-10k", descentProfile[2]);
var aloftTimer = nil;
var aloftPoints = [];
var setAloftWinds = func (aloftPoint) {
forindex (var i; aloftPoint.layers) {
var node = props.globals.getNode("/environment/config/aloft/entry[" ~ i ~ "]");
# node.getChild('temperature-degc').setValue(aloftPoint.layers[i].temp);
3 years ago
sprintf("ALOFT AFTER %5i': %03i/%i (slp = %02.2f)",
3 years ago
var interpolate = func (f, a, b) {
return a + math.min(1.0, math.max(-1.0, f)) * (b - a);
var interpolateDegrees = func (f, a, b) {
return geo.normdeg(a + geo.normdeg180(b - a) * f);
var interpolateComponentWise = func (f, ipf, a, b) {
var s = math.min(size(a), size(b));
var result = [];
for (var i = 0; i < s; i = i+1) {
append(result, ipf(f, a[i], b[i]));
return result;
var interpolateLayers = func (f, a, b) {
if (b == nil) return a;
if (a == nil) return b;
return {
alt: interpolate(f, a.alt, b.alt),
spd: interpolate(f, a.spd, b.spd),
temp: interpolate(f, a.temp, b.temp),
dir: interpolateDegrees(f, a.dir, b.dir),
var interpolateAloftPoints = func (f, a, b) {
if (b == nil) return a;
if (a == nil) return b;
return {
layers: interpolateComponentWise(f, interpolateLayers, a.layers, b.layers),
var updateAloft = func () {
# printf("updateAloft()");
if (getprop("/environment/params/metar-updates-winds-aloft")) {
logprint(3, "Weather configuration invalid for SimBrief weather updater, stopping");
var pos = geo.aircraft_position();
foreach (var p; aloftPoints) {
p.dist = pos.distance_to(p.coord);
var sorted = sort(aloftPoints, func (a, b) { return (a.dist - b.dist); });
var pointA = sorted[0];
var pointB = sorted[1];
var f = (pointB.dist < 0.1) ? 0 : (pointB.dist / (pointA.dist + pointB.dist));
# foreach (var s; sorted) {
# printf(s.dist);
# }
# debug.dump(f, pointA, pointB);
var aloftPoint = interpolateAloftPoints(f, pointA, pointB);
# printf("Aloft wind interpolation: %f between %s and %s",
# f,,;
# debug.dump(aloftPoint.layers);
var startAloftUpdater = func () {
setprop("/environment/params/metar-updates-winds-aloft", 0);
if (aloftTimer == nil) {
aloftTimer = maketimer(10, updateAloft);
aloftTimer.simulatedTime = 1;
if (aloftTimer.isRunning) return;
setprop('/sim/simbrief/aloft-updater-status', 'running');
var stopAloftUpdater = func () {
if (aloftTimer != nil) {
setprop('/sim/simbrief/aloft-updater-status', 'stopped');
var importWindsAloft = func (ofp) {
# # disable default winds and set winds-aloft mode
setprop("/environment/params/metar-updates-winds-aloft", 0);
# now go through the flightplan waypoints and create a wind interpolation point for each of them.
var ofpNavlog = ofp.getNode('navlog');
var ofpFixes = ofpNavlog.getChildren('fix');
foreach (var ofpFix; ofpFixes) {
var lat = ofpFix.getNode('pos_lat').getValue();
var lon = ofpFix.getNode('pos_long').getValue();
var layers = [];
var uneven = 0;
foreach (var ofpWindLayer; ofpFix.getNode('wind_data').getChildren('level')) {
var dir = ofpWindLayer.getNode('wind_dir').getValue();
var spd = ofpWindLayer.getNode('wind_spd').getValue();
var alt = ofpWindLayer.getNode('altitude').getValue();
var temp = ofpWindLayer.getNode('oat').getValue();
# pick up every other layer: simbrief reports 10 layers starting
# at sea level, but we can only use 5, and we don't need sea level
# (as that comes from METAR)
if (uneven) {
append(layers, { alt: alt, dir: dir, spd: spd, temp: temp });
uneven = !uneven;
var aloftPos =;
aloftPos.set_latlon(lat, lon);
var aloftPoint = { coord: aloftPos, dist: 0.0, layers: layers, name: ofpFix.getNode('ident').getValue() };
append(aloftPoints, aloftPoint);
var loadFP = func () {
if (getFlightplan == nil) {
if (typeof(globals['getFlightplan']) == 'func') {
logprint(3, 'Found exiting getFlightplan function');
getFlightplan = globals['getFlightplan'];
else {
logprint(3, 'Using default getFlightplan function');
getFlightplan = func (index=0) {
if (index == 0) {
return flightplan();
else {
if (modifiedFlightplan == nil)
modifiedFlightplan = createFlightplan();
return modifiedFlightplan;
if (commitFlightplan == nil) {
if (typeof(globals['commitFlightplan']) == 'func') {
logprint(3, 'Found exiting commitFlightplan function');
commitFlightplan = globals['commitFlightplan'];
else {
logprint(3, 'Using default commitFlightplan function');
commitFlightplan = func () {
fgcommand("activate-flightplan", {active: 1});
modifiedFlightplan = nil;
setprop("/fms/flightplan-modifications", 1);
setprop("/autopilot/route-manager/active", 1);
var username = getprop('/sim/simbrief/username');
if (username == nil or username == '') {
print("Username not set");
download(username, func (filename) {
var ofpNode = read(filename);
if (ofpNode == nil) {
print("Error loading simbrief XML file");
if (getprop('/sim/simbrief/options/import-fp') or 0) {
var modifyableFlightplan = getFlightplan(1);
var fp = toFlightplan(ofpNode, modifyableFlightplan);
if (fp == nil) {
print("Error parsing flight plan");
else {
if (getprop('/sim/simbrief/options/autocommit') or 0) {
if (getprop('/sim/simbrief/options/import-fob') or 0) {
if (getprop('/sim/simbrief/options/import-payload') or 0) {
if (getprop('/sim/simbrief/options/import-perfinit') or 0) {
if (getprop('/sim/simbrief/options/import-winds-aloft') or 0) {
var findMenuNode = func (create=0) {
var equipmentMenuNode = props.globals.getNode('/sim/menubar/default/menu[5]');
foreach (var item; equipmentMenuNode.getChildren('item')) {
if (item.getValue('name') == 'addon-simbrief') {
return item;
if (create) {
return equipmentMenuNode.addChild('item');
else {
return nil;
var main = func(addon) {
3 years ago
if (globals['simbrief'] != nil) {
3 years ago
logprint(3, "SimBrief importer already present, not activating add-on");
3 years ago
elsif (props.globals.getNode('/FMGC/simbrief-username') != nil) {
3 years ago
logprint(3, "A320 SimBrief import feature detected, not activating add-on");
3 years ago
else {
3 years ago
logprint(3, "Loading SimBrief importer");
globals['simbrief'] = {
'loadFP': loadFP,
'startAloftUpdater': startAloftUpdater,
'stopAloftUpdater': stopAloftUpdater,
var myMenuNode = findMenuNode(1);
enabled: 'true',
name: 'addon-simbrief',
label: 'SimBrief Import',
binding: {
'command': 'dialog-show',
'dialog-name': 'addon-simbrief-dialog',
fgcommand('reinit', {'subsystem': 'gui'});