Go to file
2018-05-23 17:14:17 +12:00
documents White papers on ADS-B encoding/decoding 2017-06-16 14:12:47 +03:00
.gitignore Keep the example csv 2018-05-21 18:59:02 +12:00
ADSB_Encoder.py FR24 CSV import support complete 2018-05-23 17:14:17 +12:00
config.cfg Update config.cfg 2018-05-17 09:35:11 +12:00
Encoder.py Adding an options parser and some copyright notes 2017-09-09 00:09:27 +12:00
example.csv Done first round of CSV some refactoring to go 2017-09-12 23:00:47 +12:00
FR24csv.py FR24 CSV import support complete 2018-05-23 17:14:17 +12:00
generateAllAlt.py WOrk on >50175 feet altitudes and generating all altitudes 2018-05-06 21:21:19 +12:00
generateAllICAO.py Fix the issue where was only the one split file in the CSV generator stuff 2018-05-06 19:04:15 +12:00
generateAllLat.py Slowing down lat so shows slower during demo 2018-05-16 18:48:43 +12:00
HackRF.py Forgot ctrl+s 2017-09-18 23:16:47 +12:00
LICENSE Initial commit 2017-06-15 16:38:21 +03:00
logging.cfg Change to python3, moved to argparse, adding a config file for defaults, adding logging 2017-09-10 20:29:20 +12:00
ModeS.py WOrk on >50175 feet altitudes and generating all altitudes 2018-05-06 21:21:19 +12:00
ModeSLocation.py WOrk on >50175 feet altitudes and generating all altitudes 2018-05-06 21:21:19 +12:00
PPM.py Adding an options parser and some copyright notes 2017-09-09 00:09:27 +12:00
README.md adding some more information the data elements 2018-04-22 10:44:51 +12:00

Firstly if you use this code or are doing anything with ADS-B broadcast, I would be interested in hearing what you are up to. Get in touch on @nzkarit on twitter or adsb (AT) karit [dot] nz

"ADS-B Out" add-on for SoftRF-Emu, Stratux, etc...

This repository contains "ADS-B Out" encoder for Tx-capable SDR hardware.

It is currently written in architecture independent Python language and can be used as an add-on for existing open source "ADS-B In" solutions. One known good example is Stratux.


The source code is published for academic purpose only.


  1. Execute ADSB_Encoder.py all the options have defaults so none are needed to generate with defaults. Running help will show you the optiosn you can change:
$ ./ADSB_Encoder.py

$ ./ADSB_Encoder.py -h
usage: ADSB_Encoder.py [-h] [-i ICAO] [--lat LATITUDE] [--lon LONGITUDE]
                       [-a ALTITUDE] [--ca CAPABILITY] [--tc TYPECODE]
                       [--ss SURVEILLANCESTATUS] [--nicsb NICSUPPLEMENTB]
                       [--time TIME] [-s SURFACE] [-o OUTPUTFILENAME]
                       [-r REPEATS] [--csv CSVFILE]

This tool will generate ADS-B data in a form that a hackRF can broadcast. In
addition to providing the information at the command the defaults can be
changed in the config.cfg file and the the loggin config changed in

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i ICAO, --icao ICAO  The ICAO number for the plane in hex. Ensure the ICAO
                        is prefixed with '0x' to ensure this is parsed as a
                        hex number. Default: 0xABCDEF
  --lat LATITUDE, --latitude LATITUDE
                        Latitude for the plane in decminal degrees. Default:
  --lon LONGITUDE, --long LONGITUDE, --longitude LONGITUDE
                        Longitude for the place in decminal degrees. Default:
  -a ALTITUDE, --alt ALTITUDE, --altitude ALTITUDE
                        Altitude in decminal feet. Default: 9876.5
  --ca CAPABILITY, --capability CAPABILITY
                        The capability. (Think this is always 5 from ADSB
                        messages. More info would be appreciate). Default: 5
  --tc TYPECODE, --typecode TYPECODE
                        The type for the ADSB messsage. See https://adsb-
                        tion.html#ads-b-message-types for more information.
                        Default: 11
                        The surveillance status. (Think this is always 0 from
                        ADSB messages. More info would be appreciate).
                        Default: 0
  --nicsb NICSUPPLEMENTB, --nicsupplementb NICSUPPLEMENTB
                        The NIC supplement-B.(Think this is always 0 from ADSB
                        messages. More info would be appreciate). Default: 0
  --time TIME           The time. (Think this is always 0 from ADSB messages.
                        More info would be appreciate). Default: 0
  -s SURFACE, --surface SURFACE
                        If the plane is on the ground or not. Default: False
                        The iq8s output filename. This is the file which you
                        will feed into the hackRF. Default: Samples_256K.iq8s
  -r REPEATS, --repeats REPEATS
                        How many repeats of the data to perform. Default: 1
  --csv CSVFILE, --csvfile CSVFILE, --in CSVFILE, --input CSVFILE
                        Import a CSV file with the plane data in it. Default:

  1. Transmit the signal into air:
$ hackrf_transfer -t Samples_256K.iq8s -f 915000000 -s 2000000 -x 10
call hackrf_sample_rate_set(2000000 Hz/2.000 MHz)
call hackrf_baseband_filter_bandwidth_set(1750000 Hz/1.750 MHz)
call hackrf_set_freq(915000000 Hz/915.000 MHz)
Stop with Ctrl-C
 3.9 MiB / 1.000 sec =  3.9 MiB/second
 0.5 MiB / 1.000 sec =  0.5 MiB/second

User cancel, exiting...
Total time: 2.00039 s
hackrf_stop_tx() done
hackrf_close() done
hackrf_exit() done
fclose(fd) done
  • -t is the input file to transmit
  • -f is the frequency in hertz. In the real world this would be 1090000000 but do not use that
  • -s is the sample rate in hertz
  • -x is the gain
  1. Receive the Signal
$ sudo ./dump1090 --net --freq 915000000

Generate CSV files

These CSV files can be used for input into the application


This script will generate a CSV with all the different ICAO numbers in it.


  1. "Gr-Air-Modes", Nick Foster, 2012
  3. "ADS-B out by HACKRF and received over the air by rtl-sdr dongle and dump1090", Jiao Xianjun, 2014
  4. "Ghost in the Air(Traffic): On insecurity of ADS-B protocol and practical attacks on ADS-B devices", Andrei Costin and Aurelien Francillon, 2015
  5. "ADS-B Decoding Guide", Junzi Sun, 2017
  6. "Inside Radio: An Attack and Defense Guide", Qing Yang & Lin Huang, 2018


This is a fork orginally from https://github.com/lyusupov/ADSB-Out in September 2017.