import numpy from Encoder import Encoder ############################################################### # Further work on fork # Copyright (C) 2017 David Robinson class PPM: """The PPM class contains functions about PPM manipulation """ def frame_1090es_ppm_modulate(self, even, odd): """ Args: even and odd: The bits you would converted to PPM Returns: The bytearray of the PPM data """ ppm = [ ] encoder = Encoder() for i in range(48): # pause ppm.append( 0 ) ppm.append( 0xA1 ) # preamble ppm.append( 0x40 ) for i in range(len(even)): word16 = numpy.packbits(encoder.manchester_encode(~even[i])) ppm.append(word16[0]) ppm.append(word16[1]) for i in range(100): # pause ppm.append( 0 ) ppm.append( 0xA1 ) # preamble ppm.append( 0x40 ) for i in range(len(odd)): word16 = numpy.packbits(encoder.manchester_encode(~odd[i])) ppm.append(word16[0]) ppm.append(word16[1]) for i in range(48): # pause ppm.append( 0 ) #print '[{}]'.format(', '.join(hex(x) for x in ppm)) return bytearray(ppm) def addGap(self, gap): """ This function will add dead air as a gap between messages Args: gap: The number of microseconds to have as a gap Returns: The bytearray of the PPM data """ ppm = [ ] for i in range(gap): # pause ppm.append( 0 ) return bytearray(ppm)