Firstly if you use this code or are doing anything with ADS-B broadcast, I would be interested in hearing what you are up to. Get in touch on @nzkarit on twitter or adsb (AT) karit [dot] nz # "ADS-B Out" add-on for SoftRF-Emu, Stratux, etc... This repository contains "ADS-B Out" encoder for Tx-capable SDR hardware. It is currently written in architecture independent Python language and can be used as an add-on for existing open source "ADS-B In" solutions. One known good example is [Stratux]( # Disclaimer The source code is published for academic purpose only. # Instructions 1. Execute ** all the options have defaults so none are needed to generate with defaults. Running help will show you the optiosn you can change: ``` $ ./ $ ./ -h usage: [-h] [-i ICAO] [--lat LATITUDE] [--lon LONGITUDE] [-a ALTITUDE] [--ca CAPABILITY] [--tc TYPECODE] [--ss SURVEILLANCESTATUS] [--nicsb NICSUPPLEMENTB] [--time TIME] [-s SURFACE] [-o OUTPUTFILENAME] [-r REPEATS] [--csv CSVFILE] This tool will generate ADS-B data in a form that a hackRF can broadcast. In addition to providing the information at the command the defaults can be changed in the config.cfg file and the the loggin config changed in logging.cfg. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -i ICAO, --icao ICAO The ICAO number for the plane in hex. Ensure the ICAO is prefixed with '0x' to ensure this is parsed as a hex number. Default: 0xABCDEF --lat LATITUDE, --latitude LATITUDE Latitude for the plane in decminal degrees. Default: 12.34 --lon LONGITUDE, --long LONGITUDE, --longitude LONGITUDE Longitude for the place in decminal degrees. Default: 56.78 -a ALTITUDE, --alt ALTITUDE, --altitude ALTITUDE Altitude in decminal feet. Default: 9876.5 --ca CAPABILITY, --capability CAPABILITY The capability. (Think this is always 5 from ADSB messages. More info would be appreciate). Default: 5 --tc TYPECODE, --typecode TYPECODE The type for the ADSB messsage. See https://adsb- tion.html#ads-b-message-types for more information. Default: 11 --ss SURVEILLANCESTATUS, --surveillancestatus SURVEILLANCESTATUS The surveillance status. (Think this is always 0 from ADSB messages. More info would be appreciate). Default: 0 --nicsb NICSUPPLEMENTB, --nicsupplementb NICSUPPLEMENTB The NIC supplement-B.(Think this is always 0 from ADSB messages. More info would be appreciate). Default: 0 --time TIME The time. (Think this is always 0 from ADSB messages. More info would be appreciate). Default: 0 -s SURFACE, --surface SURFACE If the plane is on the ground or not. Default: False -o OUTPUTFILENAME, --out OUTPUTFILENAME, --output OUTPUTFILENAME The iq8s output filename. This is the file which you will feed into the hackRF. Default: Samples_256K.iq8s -r REPEATS, --repeats REPEATS How many repeats of the data to perform. Default: 1 --csv CSVFILE, --csvfile CSVFILE, --in CSVFILE, --input CSVFILE Import a CSV file with the plane data in it. Default: ``` 2. Transmit the signal into air: ``` $ hackrf_transfer -t Samples_256K.iq8s -f 915000000 -s 2000000 -x 10 call hackrf_sample_rate_set(2000000 Hz/2.000 MHz) call hackrf_baseband_filter_bandwidth_set(1750000 Hz/1.750 MHz) call hackrf_set_freq(915000000 Hz/915.000 MHz) Stop with Ctrl-C 3.9 MiB / 1.000 sec = 3.9 MiB/second 0.5 MiB / 1.000 sec = 0.5 MiB/second User cancel, exiting... Total time: 2.00039 s hackrf_stop_tx() done hackrf_close() done hackrf_exit() done fclose(fd) done exit $ ``` * -t is the input file to transmit * -f is the frequency in hertz. In the real world this would be 1090000000 but do not use that * -s is the sample rate in hertz * -x is the gain 3. Receive the Signal ``` $ sudo ./dump1090 --net --freq 915000000 ... ``` ![]( # Generate CSV files These CSV files can be used for input into the application ## This script will generate a CSV with all the different ICAO numbers in it. # Import FlightRadar24 CSV files This script will take a FR24 CSV files and convert it ready for import into It outputs a file called fr24.csv. ``` $ ./ --csv $ ./ --csv fr24.csv $ ./ --help usage: [-h] [-i ICAO] --csv CSVFILE This script will take a FR24 CSV file and convert it into a format for optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -i ICAO, --icao ICAO The ICAO number for the plane in hex. Ensure the ICAO is prefixed with '0x' to ensure this is parsed as a hex number. This is 24 bits long. Default: 0x75008F --csv CSVFILE, --csvfile CSVFILE, --in CSVFILE, --input CSVFILE The name of the FR24 CSV file ``` # References 1. "*Gr-Air-Modes*", **Nick Foster**, 2012 1. "*EXPLOITING THE AUTOMATIC DEPENDENT SURVEILLANCE BROADCAST SYSTEM VIA FALSE TARGET INJECTION*", **Domenic Magazu III**, 2012 1. "*ADS-B out by HACKRF and received over the air by rtl-sdr dongle and dump1090*", **Jiao Xianjun**, 2014 1. "*Ghost in the Air(Traffic): On insecurity of ADS-B protocol and practical attacks on ADS-B devices*", **Andrei Costin and Aurelien Francillon**, 2015 1. "*ADS-B Decoding Guide*", **Junzi Sun**, 2017 1. "*Inside Radio: An Attack and Defense Guide*", **Qing Yang & Lin Huang**, 2018 # History This is a fork orginally from in September 2017.