Working of velcity, heading and vertical speed

TODO There is something up with the math and rounding or something need
work on this more and understand the math actually going on
TODO Velocity, Heading and vertical speed as argument
nzkarit 5 years ago
parent 7d99294fc3
commit 90116417d9

@ -63,7 +63,8 @@ def argParser():
parser.add_argument('--csv', '--csvfile', '--in', '--input', action='store', type=str, default=cfg.get('general', 'csvfile'), dest='csvfile', help='Import a CSV file with the plane data in it. Default: %(default)s')
parser.add_argument('--intermessagegap', action='store', type=int, default=cfg.get('general', 'intermessagegap'), dest='intermessagegap', help='When repeating or reading a CSV the number of microseconds between messages. Default: %(default)s')
parser.add_argument('--realtime', action='store', default=cfg.getboolean('general', 'realtime'), type=auto_bool, dest='realtime', help='When running a CSV which has a timestamp column whether to run in realtime following the timestamp or if just follow intermessagegap. If realtime is set it will override intermessagegap. Default: %(default)s')
# TODO Make it so it can do a static checksum
# TODO Make it so it can do a static checksum or one/two bit error
# TODO Velocity, Heading and vertical speed as argument
return parser.parse_args()
def singlePlane(arguments):
@ -74,7 +75,7 @@ def singlePlane(arguments):
modes = ModeS()
(df17_pos_even, df17_pos_odd) = modes.df17_pos_rep_encode(arguments.capability, arguments.icao, arguments.typecode, arguments.surveillancestatus, arguments.nicsupplementb, arguments.altitude, arguments.time, arguments.latitude, arguments.longitude, arguments.surface)
df17_velocity = modes.vel_heading_encode(arguments.capability, arguments.icao)
df17_velocity = modes.vel_heading_encode(arguments.capability, arguments.icao, 450, 200, -1000)
ppm = PPM()
df17_array_position = ppm.frame_1090es_ppm_modulate(df17_pos_even, df17_pos_odd)
@ -142,7 +143,7 @@ def manyPlanes(arguments):
modes = ModeS()
(df17_pos_even, df17_pos_odd) = modes.df17_pos_rep_encode(row['capability'], row['icao'], row['typecode'], row['surveillancestatus'], row['nicsupplementb'], row['altitude'], row['time'], row['latitude'], row['longitude'], row['surface'])
df17_velocity = modes.vel_heading_encode(row['capability'], row['icao'])
df17_velocity = modes.vel_heading_encode(row['capability'], row['icao'], 450, 200, -1000)
ppm = PPM()
df17_array_position = ppm.frame_1090es_ppm_modulate(df17_pos_even, df17_pos_odd)

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
from ModeSLocation import ModeSLocation
import math
import numpy
# Further work on fork
# Copyright (C) 2017 David Robinson
@ -73,37 +74,62 @@ class ModeS:
return (df17_even_bytes, df17_odd_bytes)
#From on 2019-08-18
def vel_heading_encode(self, ca, icao):
# TODO There is something up with the math and rounding or something need work on this more and understand the math actually going on
def vel_heading_encode(self, ca, icao, in_velocity, in_heading_deg, vertical_rate):
df = 17
#ca = 5
#1-5 downlink format
#6-8 CA capability
#9-32 ICAO
#33-88 DATA -> 33-87 w/ 33-37 TC
#89-112 Parity
in_heading_rad = numpy.deg2rad(in_heading_deg)
V_EW = abs(int(in_velocity*numpy.sin(in_heading_rad)))
V_NS = abs(int(in_velocity*numpy.cos(in_heading_rad)))
quadrant = numpy.floor(in_heading_deg / 90)
if(quadrant == 0):
S_EW = 1
S_NS = 1
elif(quadrant == 1):
S_EW = 0
S_NS = 1
elif(quadrant == 2):
S_EW = 0
S_NS = 0
S_EW = 1
S_NS = 0
S_Vr = 1
Vr = int(vertical_rate)
if(vertical_rate < 0):
Vr = -Vr
S_Vr = 0
tc = 19 #33-37 1-5 type code
st = 0x01 #38-40 6-8 subtype, 3 air, 1 ground speed
ic = 0 # #41 9 intent change flag
resv_a = 0#1 #42 10
NAC = 2#0 #43-45 11-13 velocity uncertainty
S_EW = 1#1 #46 14
V_EW = 97#9 #47-56 15-24
S_NS = 0#1 #57 25 north-south sign
V_NS = 378#0xA0 #58-67 26-35 160 north-south vel
#S_EW = 1#1 #46 14
#V_EW = 97#9 #47-56 15-24
#S_NS = 0#1 #57 25 north-south sign
#V_NS = 379#0xA0 #58-67 26-35 160 north-south vel
VrSrc = 1#0 #68 36 vertical rate source
S_Vr = 1#1 #69 37 vertical rate sign
Vr = 40#0x0E #70-78 38-46 14 vertical rate
#S_Vr = 1#1 #69 37 vertical rate sign
#Vr = 41#0x0E #70-78 38-46 14 vertical rate
RESV_B = 0 #79-80 47-48
S_Dif = 0 #81 49 diff from baro alt, sign
Dif = 0x1c#0x17 #82-88 50-66 23 diff from baro alt
#ca = 5
ca = 5
#icao = 0xabcdef#0xa06703 #0x485020 #
dfvel = []
dfvel.append((df << 3) | ca)
dfvel.append((icao >> 16) & 0xff)
@ -117,16 +143,11 @@ class ModeS:
dfvel.append(((V_NS << 5) & 0xE0) | (VrSrc << 4) | (S_Vr << 3) | ((Vr >> 6) & 0x03))
dfvel.append(((Vr << 2) & 0xFC) | (RESV_B))
dfvel.append((S_Dif << 7) | (Dif))
dfvel_str = "{0:02x} {1:02x} {2:02x} {3:02x} {4:02x} {5:02x} {6:02x} {7:02x} {8:02x} {9:02x} {10:02x}".format(
dfvel_str2 = "{0:02x}{1:02x}{2:02x}{3:02x}{4:02x}{5:02x}{6:02x}{7:02x}{8:02x}{9:02x}{10:02x}".format(
crc_str = "%X" % self.bin2int(self.modes_crc(dfvel_str2+"000000", encode=True))
#print(dfvel_str), " %X" % +"000000", encode=True))
#, "%X" % get_parity(hex2bin(dfvel_str+"000000"), extended=True))
dfvel_crc = self.bin2int(self.modes_crc(dfvel_str2 + "000000", encode=True))
dfvel.append((dfvel_crc >> 16) & 0xff)
dfvel.append((dfvel_crc >> 8) & 0xff)
@ -164,7 +185,7 @@ class ModeS:
GENERATOR = "1111111111111010000001001" # Currently don't know what is magic about this number
msgbin = list(self.hex2bin(msg))
if encode:
