Added an option to run Flight Radar 24 CSVs in realtime

nzkarit 6 years ago
parent 46a3ca9dd2
commit 59fdee124c

@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ def argParser():
parser.add_argument('-r', '--repeats', action='store', dest='repeats', type=int, default=cfg.getint('general', 'repeats'), help='How many repeats of the data to perform. Default: %(default)s')
parser.add_argument('--csv', '--csvfile', '--in', '--input', action='store', type=str, default=cfg.get('general', 'csvfile'), dest='csvfile', help='Import a CSV file with the plane data in it. Default: %(default)s')
parser.add_argument('--intermessagegap', action='store', type=int, default=cfg.get('general', 'intermessagegap'), dest='intermessagegap', help='When repeating or reading a CSV the number of microseconds between messages. Default: %(default)s')
parser.add_argument('--realtime', action='store', default=cfg.getboolean('general', 'realtime'), type=auto_bool, dest='realtime', help='When running a CSV which has a timestamp column whether to run in realtime following the timestamp or if just follow intermessagegap. If realtime is set it will override intermessagegap. Default: %(default)s')
# TODO Make it so it can do a static checksum
return parser.parse_args()
@ -88,10 +89,12 @@ def manyPlanes(arguments):'Processing CSV file: %s' % (arguments.csvfile))
samples = bytearray()'Repeating the message %s times' % (arguments.repeats))
prevtimestamp = 0
for i in range(0, arguments.repeats):
with open(arguments.csvfile, newline='') as csvfile:
reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile, delimiter=',')
for row in reader:
gap = arguments.intermessagegap
if not 'icao' in row.keys():
row['icao'] = arguments.icao
@ -120,6 +123,11 @@ def manyPlanes(arguments):
row['time'] = arguments.time
if not 'surface' in row.keys():
row['surface'] = arguments.surface
if 'timestamp' in row.keys():
if arguments.realtime:
gap = int(row['timestamp']) - prevtimestamp
gap = gap * 100000
prevtimestamp = int(row['timestamp'])
logger.debug('Row from CSV: %s' % (row))
modes = ModeS()
(df17_even, df17_odd) = modes.df17_pos_rep_encode(row['capability'], row['icao'], row['typecode'], row['surveillancestatus'], row['nicsupplementb'], row['altitude'], row['time'], row['latitude'], row['longitude'], row['surface'])
@ -130,7 +138,7 @@ def manyPlanes(arguments):
hackrf = HackRF()
samples_array = hackrf.hackrf_raw_IQ_format(df17_array)
samples = samples+samples_array
gap_array = ppm.addGap(arguments.intermessagegap)
gap_array = ppm.addGap(gap)
samples_array = hackrf.hackrf_raw_IQ_format(gap_array)
samples = samples+samples_array
return samples

@ -4,6 +4,9 @@ repeats = 1
csvfile =
# Currently in one message is 48 dead air, 8 preamble, 112 message, 100 dead air, 8 preamble, 112 message, 48 dead air leaves us with 99564 microseconds to make a second
intermessagegap = 99564
# This is the message length from
messagelength = 436
realtime = false
icao = 0x75008F
