diff --git a/ADSB_Encoder.py b/ADSB_Encoder.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8b8b828
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ADSB_Encoder.py
@@ -0,0 +1,434 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2010, 2012 Nick Foster
+# This file is part of gr-air-modes
+# gr-air-modes is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# gr-air-modes is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with gr-air-modes; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
+# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+import math
+def encode_alt_modes(alt, bit13):
+ mbit = False
+ qbit = True
+ encalt = (int(alt) + 1000) / 25
+ if bit13 is True:
+ tmp1 = (encalt & 0xfe0) << 2
+ tmp2 = (encalt & 0x010) << 1
+ else:
+ tmp1 = (encalt & 0xff8) << 1
+ tmp2 = 0
+ return (encalt & 0x0F) | tmp1 | tmp2 | (mbit << 6) | (qbit << 4)
+latz = 15
+def nz(ctype):
+ return 4 * latz - ctype
+def dlat(ctype, surface):
+ if surface == 1:
+ tmp = 90.0
+ else:
+ tmp = 360.0
+ nzcalc = nz(ctype)
+ if nzcalc == 0:
+ return tmp
+ else:
+ return tmp / nzcalc
+def nl(declat_in):
+ if abs(declat_in) >= 87.0:
+ return 1.0
+ return math.floor( (2.0*math.pi) * math.acos(1.0- (1.0-math.cos(math.pi/(2.0*latz))) / math.cos( (math.pi/180.0)*abs(declat_in) )**2 )**-1)
+def dlon(declat_in, ctype, surface):
+ if surface:
+ tmp = 90.0
+ else:
+ tmp = 360.0
+ nlcalc = max(nl(declat_in)-ctype, 1)
+ return tmp / nlcalc
+#encode CPR position
+def cpr_encode(lat, lon, ctype, surface):
+ if surface is True:
+ scalar = 2.**19
+ else:
+ scalar = 2.**17
+ #encode using 360 constant for segment size.
+ dlati = dlat(ctype, False)
+ yz = math.floor(scalar * ((lat % dlati)/dlati) + 0.5)
+ rlat = dlati * ((yz / scalar) + math.floor(lat / dlati))
+ #encode using 360 constant for segment size.
+ dloni = dlon(lat, ctype, False)
+ xz = math.floor(scalar * ((lon % dloni)/dloni) + 0.5)
+ yz = int(yz) & (2**17-1)
+ xz = int(xz) & (2**17-1)
+ return (yz, xz) #lat, lon
+# Copyright (C) 2015 Junzi Sun (TU Delft)
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+# the polynominal generattor code for CRC
+GENERATOR = "1111111111111010000001001"
+def hex2bin(hexstr):
+ """Convert a hexdecimal string to binary string, with zero fillings. """
+ scale = 16
+ num_of_bits = len(hexstr) * math.log(scale, 2)
+ binstr = bin(int(hexstr, scale))[2:].zfill(int(num_of_bits))
+ return binstr
+def bin2int(binstr):
+ """Convert a binary string to integer. """
+ return int(binstr, 2)
+def crc(msg, encode=False):
+ """Mode-S Cyclic Redundancy Check
+ Detect if bit error occurs in the Mode-S message
+ Args:
+ msg (string): 28 bytes hexadecimal message string
+ encode (bool): True to encode the date only and return the checksum
+ Returns:
+ string: message checksum, or partity bits (encoder)
+ """
+ msgbin = list(hex2bin(msg))
+ if encode:
+ msgbin[-24:] = ['0'] * 24
+ # loop all bits, except last 24 piraty bits
+ for i in range(len(msgbin)-24):
+ # if 1, perform modulo 2 multiplication,
+ if msgbin[i] == '1':
+ for j in range(len(GENERATOR)):
+ # modulo 2 multiplication = XOR
+ msgbin[i+j] = str((int(msgbin[i+j]) ^ int(GENERATOR[j])))
+ # last 24 bits
+ reminder = ''.join(msgbin[-24:])
+ return reminder
+ Copyright 2015 Wolfgang Nagele
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+def bin2dec(buf):
+ if 0 == len(buf): # Crap input
+ return -1
+ return int(buf, 2)
+# Ported from: http://www.radarspotters.eu/forum/index.php?topic=5617.msg41293#msg41293
+def get_parity(msg, extended):
+ msg_length = len(msg)
+ payload = msg[:msg_length - 24]
+ parity = msg[msg_length - 24:]
+ data = bin2dec(payload[0:32])
+ if extended:
+ data1 = bin2dec(payload[32:64])
+ data2 = bin2dec(payload[64:]) << 8
+ hex_id = bin2dec(parity) << 8
+ for i in range(0, len(payload)):
+ if ((data & 0x80000000) != 0):
+ data ^= 0xFFFA0480
+ data <<= 1
+ if extended:
+ if ((data1 & 0x80000000) != 0):
+ data |= 1
+ data1 <<= 1
+ if ((data2 & 0x80000000) != 0):
+ data1 = data1 | 1
+ data2 <<= 1
+ return data
+ #return (data ^ hex_id) >> 8
+Hamming and Manchester Encoding example
+Author: Joel Addison
+Date: March 2013
+Functions to do (7,4) hamming encoding and decoding, including error detection
+and correction.
+Manchester encoding and decoding is also included, and by default will use
+least bit ordering for the byte that is to be included in the array.
+def extract_bit(byte, pos):
+ """
+ Extract a bit from a given byte using MS ordering.
+ ie. B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0
+ """
+ return (byte >> pos) & 0x01
+def manchester_encode(byte):
+ """
+ Encode a byte using Manchester encoding. Returns an array of bits.
+ Adds two start bits (1, 1) and one stop bit (0) to the array.
+ """
+ # Add start bits (encoded 1, 1)
+ # manchester_encoded = [0, 1, 0, 1]
+ manchester_encoded = []
+ # Encode byte
+ for i in range(7, -1, -1):
+ if extract_bit(byte, i):
+ manchester_encoded.append(0)
+ manchester_encoded.append(1)
+ else:
+ manchester_encoded.append(1)
+ manchester_encoded.append(0)
+ # Add stop bit (encoded 0)
+ # manchester_encoded.append(1)
+ # manchester_encoded.append(0)
+ return manchester_encoded
+# Copyright (C) 2017 Linar Yusupov
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+import numpy
+#from scipy.signal import hilbert
+def df17_pos_rep_encode(ca, icao, tc, ss, nicsb, alt, time, lat, lon, surface):
+ format = 17
+ enc_alt = encode_alt_modes(alt, surface)
+ #print "Alt(%r): %X " % (surface, enc_alt)
+ #encode that position
+ (evenenclat, evenenclon) = cpr_encode(lat, lon, False, surface)
+ (oddenclat, oddenclon) = cpr_encode(lat, lon, True, surface)
+ #print "Even Lat/Lon: %X/%X " % (evenenclat, evenenclon)
+ #print "Odd Lat/Lon: %X/%X " % (oddenclat, oddenclon)
+ ff = 0
+ df17_even_bytes = []
+ df17_even_bytes.append((format<<3) | ca)
+ df17_even_bytes.append((icao>>16) & 0xff)
+ df17_even_bytes.append((icao>> 8) & 0xff)
+ df17_even_bytes.append((icao ) & 0xff)
+ # data
+ df17_even_bytes.append((tc<<3) | (ss<<1) | nicsb)
+ df17_even_bytes.append((enc_alt>>4) & 0xff)
+ df17_even_bytes.append((enc_alt & 0xf) << 4 | (time<<3) | (ff<<2) | (evenenclat>>15))
+ df17_even_bytes.append((evenenclat>>7) & 0xff)
+ df17_even_bytes.append(((evenenclat & 0x7f) << 1) | (evenenclon>>16))
+ df17_even_bytes.append((evenenclon>>8) & 0xff)
+ df17_even_bytes.append((evenenclon ) & 0xff)
+ df17_str = "{0:02x}{1:02x}{2:02x}{3:02x}{4:02x}{5:02x}{6:02x}{7:02x}{8:02x}{9:02x}{10:02x}".format(*df17_even_bytes[0:11])
+ #print df17_str , "%X" % bin2int(crc(df17_str+"000000", encode=True)) , "%X" % get_parity(hex2bin(df17_str+"000000"), extended=True)
+ df17_crc = bin2int(crc(df17_str+"000000", encode=True))
+ df17_even_bytes.append((df17_crc>>16) & 0xff)
+ df17_even_bytes.append((df17_crc>> 8) & 0xff)
+ df17_even_bytes.append((df17_crc ) & 0xff)
+ ff = 1
+ df17_odd_bytes = []
+ df17_odd_bytes.append((format<<3) | ca)
+ df17_odd_bytes.append((icao>>16) & 0xff)
+ df17_odd_bytes.append((icao>> 8) & 0xff)
+ df17_odd_bytes.append((icao ) & 0xff)
+ # data
+ df17_odd_bytes.append((tc<<3) | (ss<<1) | nicsb)
+ df17_odd_bytes.append((enc_alt>>4) & 0xff)
+ df17_odd_bytes.append((enc_alt & 0xf) << 4 | (time<<3) | (ff<<2) | (oddenclat>>15))
+ df17_odd_bytes.append((oddenclat>>7) & 0xff)
+ df17_odd_bytes.append(((oddenclat & 0x7f) << 1) | (oddenclon>>16))
+ df17_odd_bytes.append((oddenclon>>8) & 0xff)
+ df17_odd_bytes.append((oddenclon ) & 0xff)
+ df17_str = "{0:02x}{1:02x}{2:02x}{3:02x}{4:02x}{5:02x}{6:02x}{7:02x}{8:02x}{9:02x}{10:02x}".format(*df17_odd_bytes[0:11])
+ df17_crc = bin2int(crc(df17_str+"000000", encode=True))
+ df17_odd_bytes.append((df17_crc>>16) & 0xff)
+ df17_odd_bytes.append((df17_crc>> 8) & 0xff)
+ df17_odd_bytes.append((df17_crc ) & 0xff)
+ return (df17_even_bytes, df17_odd_bytes)
+def frame_1090es_ppm_modulate(even, odd):
+ ppm = [ ]
+ for i in range(48): # pause
+ ppm.append( 0 )
+ ppm.append( 0xA1 ) # preamble
+ ppm.append( 0x40 )
+ for i in range(len(even)):
+ word16 = numpy.packbits(manchester_encode(~even[i]))
+ ppm.append(word16[0])
+ ppm.append(word16[1])
+ for i in range(100): # pause
+ ppm.append( 0 )
+ ppm.append( 0xA1 ) # preamble
+ ppm.append( 0x40 )
+ for i in range(len(odd)):
+ word16 = numpy.packbits(manchester_encode(~odd[i]))
+ ppm.append(word16[0])
+ ppm.append(word16[1])
+ for i in range(48): # pause
+ ppm.append( 0 )
+ #print '[{}]'.format(', '.join(hex(x) for x in ppm))
+ return bytearray(ppm)
+def hackrf_raw_IQ_format(ppm):
+ """
+ real_signal = []
+ bits = numpy.unpackbits(numpy.asarray(ppm, dtype=numpy.uint8))
+ for bit in bits:
+ if bit == 1:
+ I = 127
+ else:
+ I = 0
+ real_signal.append(I)
+ analytic_signal = hilbert(real_signal)
+ #for i in range(len(real_signal)):
+ # print i, real_signal[i], int(analytic_signal[i])
+ """
+ signal = []
+ bits = numpy.unpackbits(numpy.asarray(ppm, dtype=numpy.uint8))
+ for bit in bits:
+ if bit == 1:
+ I = 127
+ Q = 127
+ else:
+ I = 0
+ Q = 0
+ signal.append(I)
+ signal.append(Q)
+ return bytearray(signal)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ from sys import argv, exit
+ argc = len(argv)
+ if argc != 5:
+ print
+ print 'Usage: '+ argv[0] +' '
+ print
+ print ' Example: '+ argv[0] +' 0xABCDEF 12.34 56.78 9999.0'
+ print
+ exit(2)
+ icao = int(argv[1], 16)
+ lat = float(argv[2])
+ lon = float(argv[3])
+ alt = float(argv[4])
+ ca = 5
+ tc = 11
+ ss = 0
+ nicsb = 0
+ time = 0
+ surface = False
+ (df17_even, df17_odd) = df17_pos_rep_encode(ca, icao, tc, ss, nicsb, alt, time, lat, lon, surface)
+ #print ''.join(format(x, '02x') for x in df17_even)
+ #print ''.join(format(x, '02x') for x in df17_odd)
+ df17_array = frame_1090es_ppm_modulate(df17_even, df17_odd)
+ #OutFile = open("filename.bin", "wb")
+ #OutFile.write(df17_array)
+ samples_array = hackrf_raw_IQ_format(df17_array)
+ SamplesFile = open("HRF_samples.iq", "wb")
+ SamplesFile.write(samples_array)
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