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7 years ago
from ModeSLocation import ModeSLocation
import math
import numpy
# Further work on fork
# Copyright (C) 2017 David Robinson
7 years ago
class ModeS:
"""This class handles the ModeS ADSB manipulation
def df17_pos_rep_encode(self, ca, icao, tc, ss, nicsb, alt, time, lat, lon, surface):
This will take the parameters for an ADSB type 17 message and reutrn the even and odd bytes
format = 17 #The format type of an ADSB message
7 years ago
location = ModeSLocation()
enc_alt = location.encode_alt_modes(alt, surface)
7 years ago
#print "Alt(%r): %X " % (surface, enc_alt)
7 years ago
#encode that position
7 years ago
(evenenclat, evenenclon) = location.cpr_encode(lat, lon, False, surface)
(oddenclat, oddenclon) = location.cpr_encode(lat, lon, True, surface)
7 years ago
#print "Even Lat/Lon: %X/%X " % (evenenclat, evenenclon)
#print "Odd Lat/Lon: %X/%X " % (oddenclat, oddenclon)
ff = 0
df17_even_bytes = []
df17_even_bytes.append((format<<3) | ca)
df17_even_bytes.append((icao>>16) & 0xff)
df17_even_bytes.append((icao>> 8) & 0xff)
df17_even_bytes.append((icao ) & 0xff)
# data
df17_even_bytes.append((tc<<3) | (ss<<1) | nicsb)
df17_even_bytes.append((enc_alt>>4) & 0xff)
df17_even_bytes.append((enc_alt & 0xf) << 4 | (time<<3) | (ff<<2) | (evenenclat>>15))
df17_even_bytes.append((evenenclat>>7) & 0xff)
df17_even_bytes.append(((evenenclat & 0x7f) << 1) | (evenenclon>>16))
df17_even_bytes.append((evenenclon>>8) & 0xff)
7 years ago
df17_even_bytes.append((evenenclon ) & 0xff)
df17_str = "{0:02x}{1:02x}{2:02x}{3:02x}{4:02x}{5:02x}{6:02x}{7:02x}{8:02x}{9:02x}{10:02x}".format(*df17_even_bytes[0:11])
#print df17_str , "%X" % bin2int(crc(df17_str+"000000", encode=True)) , "%X" % get_parity(hex2bin(df17_str+"000000"), extended=True)
7 years ago
df17_crc = self.bin2int(self.modes_crc(df17_str+"000000", encode=True))
7 years ago
df17_even_bytes.append((df17_crc>>16) & 0xff)
df17_even_bytes.append((df17_crc>> 8) & 0xff)
df17_even_bytes.append((df17_crc ) & 0xff)
ff = 1
df17_odd_bytes = []
df17_odd_bytes.append((format<<3) | ca)
df17_odd_bytes.append((icao>>16) & 0xff)
df17_odd_bytes.append((icao>> 8) & 0xff)
df17_odd_bytes.append((icao ) & 0xff)
# data
df17_odd_bytes.append((tc<<3) | (ss<<1) | nicsb)
df17_odd_bytes.append((enc_alt>>4) & 0xff)
df17_odd_bytes.append((enc_alt & 0xf) << 4 | (time<<3) | (ff<<2) | (oddenclat>>15))
df17_odd_bytes.append((oddenclat>>7) & 0xff)
df17_odd_bytes.append(((oddenclat & 0x7f) << 1) | (oddenclon>>16))
df17_odd_bytes.append((oddenclon>>8) & 0xff)
7 years ago
df17_odd_bytes.append((oddenclon ) & 0xff)
df17_str = "{0:02x}{1:02x}{2:02x}{3:02x}{4:02x}{5:02x}{6:02x}{7:02x}{8:02x}{9:02x}{10:02x}".format(*df17_odd_bytes[0:11])
7 years ago
df17_crc = self.bin2int(self.modes_crc(df17_str+"000000", encode=True))
7 years ago
df17_odd_bytes.append((df17_crc>>16) & 0xff)
df17_odd_bytes.append((df17_crc>> 8) & 0xff)
df17_odd_bytes.append((df17_crc ) & 0xff)
7 years ago
return (df17_even_bytes, df17_odd_bytes)
7 years ago
#From on 2019-08-18
# TODO There is something up with the math and rounding or something need work on this more and understand the math actually going on
def vel_heading_encode(self, ca, icao, in_velocity, in_heading_deg, vertical_rate):
df = 17
#ca = 5
#1-5 downlink format
#6-8 CA capability
#9-32 ICAO
#33-88 DATA -> 33-87 w/ 33-37 TC
#89-112 Parity
in_heading_rad = numpy.deg2rad(in_heading_deg)
V_EW = abs(int(in_velocity*numpy.sin(in_heading_rad)))
V_NS = abs(int(in_velocity*numpy.cos(in_heading_rad)))
quadrant = numpy.floor(in_heading_deg / 90)
if(quadrant == 0):
S_EW = 1
S_NS = 1
elif(quadrant == 1):
S_EW = 0
S_NS = 1
elif(quadrant == 2):
S_EW = 0
S_NS = 0
S_EW = 1
S_NS = 0
S_Vr = 1
Vr = int(vertical_rate)
if(vertical_rate < 0):
Vr = -Vr
S_Vr = 0
tc = 19 #33-37 1-5 type code
st = 0x01 #38-40 6-8 subtype, 3 air, 1 ground speed
ic = 0 # #41 9 intent change flag
resv_a = 0#1 #42 10
NAC = 2#0 #43-45 11-13 velocity uncertainty
#S_EW = 1#1 #46 14
#V_EW = 97#9 #47-56 15-24
#S_NS = 0#1 #57 25 north-south sign
#V_NS = 379#0xA0 #58-67 26-35 160 north-south vel
VrSrc = 1#0 #68 36 vertical rate source
#S_Vr = 1#1 #69 37 vertical rate sign
#Vr = 41#0x0E #70-78 38-46 14 vertical rate
RESV_B = 0 #79-80 47-48
S_Dif = 0 #81 49 diff from baro alt, sign
Dif = 0x1c#0x17 #82-88 50-66 23 diff from baro alt
ca = 5
#icao = 0xabcdef#0xa06703 #0x485020 #
dfvel = []
dfvel.append((df << 3) | ca)
dfvel.append((icao >> 16) & 0xff)
dfvel.append((icao >> 8) & 0xff)
dfvel.append((icao) & 0xff)
# data
dfvel.append((tc << 3) | st)
dfvel.append((ic << 7) | (resv_a << 6) | (NAC << 3) | (S_EW << 2) | ((V_EW >> 8) & 0x03))
dfvel.append(0xFF & V_EW)
dfvel.append((S_NS << 7) | ((V_NS >> 3))) #& 0x7F))
dfvel.append(((V_NS << 5) & 0xE0) | (VrSrc << 4) | (S_Vr << 3) | ((Vr >> 6) & 0x03))
dfvel.append(((Vr << 2) & 0xFC) | (RESV_B))
dfvel.append((S_Dif << 7) | (Dif))
dfvel_str = "{0:02x} {1:02x} {2:02x} {3:02x} {4:02x} {5:02x} {6:02x} {7:02x} {8:02x} {9:02x} {10:02x}".format(
dfvel_str2 = "{0:02x}{1:02x}{2:02x}{3:02x}{4:02x}{5:02x}{6:02x}{7:02x}{8:02x}{9:02x}{10:02x}".format(
crc_str = "%X" % self.bin2int(self.modes_crc(dfvel_str2+"000000", encode=True))
dfvel_crc = self.bin2int(self.modes_crc(dfvel_str2 + "000000", encode=True))
dfvel.append((dfvel_crc >> 16) & 0xff)
dfvel.append((dfvel_crc >> 8) & 0xff)
dfvel.append((dfvel_crc) & 0xff)
return dfvel
5 years ago
#From on 2019-08-25
# TODO the callsign must be 8
5 years ago
def callsign_encode(self, ca, icao, csname):
#Pad the callsign to be 8 characters
csname = csname.ljust(8, '_')
5 years ago
if len(csname) > 8 or len(csname) <= 0:
print ("Name length error")
return null
csname = csname.upper()
df = 17
#ca = 5
#icao = 0xabcdef
#csname = 'ABCD1234'
tc = 1
ec = 1
#df = 17
#ca = 5
#icao = 0x4840D6
#csname = 'KLM1023_'
#tc = 4
#ec = 0
map = "#ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ#####_###############0123456789######"
dfname = []
dfname.append((df << 3) | ca)
dfname.append((icao >> 16) & 0xff)
dfname.append((icao >> 8) & 0xff)
dfname.append((icao) & 0xff)
#2C C3 71 C3 2C E0
dfname.append((tc << 3) | (ec))
dfname.append((0xFC & (int(map.find(csname[0])) << 2)) | (0x03 & (int(map.find(csname[1])) >> 6)))
dfname.append((0xF0 & (int(map.find(csname[1])) << 4)) | (0x0F & (int(map.find(csname[2])) >> 2)))
dfname.append((0xF0 & (int(map.find(csname[2])) << 6)) | (0x3F & (int(map.find(csname[3])) >> 0)))
dfname.append((0xFC & (int(map.find(csname[4])) << 2)) | (0x03 & (int(map.find(csname[5])) >> 4)))
dfname.append((0xF0 & (int(map.find(csname[5])) << 4)) | (0x0F & (int(map.find(csname[6])) >> 2)))
dfname.append((0xF0 & (int(map.find(csname[6])) << 6)) | (0x3F & (int(map.find(csname[7])) >> 0)))
#for i in range(6):
# print("{0:02X}".format(dfname[i+5]))
dfname_str = "{0:02x} {1:02x} {2:02x} {3:02x} {4:02x} {5:02x} {6:02x} {7:02x} {8:02x} {9:02x} {10:02x}".format(
dfname_str2 = "{0:02x}{1:02x}{2:02x}{3:02x}{4:02x}{5:02x}{6:02x}{7:02x}{8:02x}{9:02x}{10:02x}".format(
crc_str = "%X" % self.bin2int(self.modes_crc(dfname_str2 + "000000", encode=True))
# print(dfvel_str), " %X" % +"000000", encode=True))
# , "%X" % get_parity(hex2bin(dfvel_str+"000000"), extended=True))
dfname_crc = self.bin2int(self.modes_crc(dfname_str2 + "000000", encode=True))
dfname.append((dfname_crc >> 16) & 0xff)
dfname.append((dfname_crc >> 8) & 0xff)
dfname.append((dfname_crc) & 0xff)
#msg = []
#dfname_str = "{0:02x}{1:02x}{2:02x}{3:02x}{4:02x}{5:02x}{6:02x}{7:02x}{8:02x}{9:02x}{10:02x}".format(
# *dfname[0:11])
return dfname
7 years ago
# Copyright (C) 2015 Junzi Sun (TU Delft)
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
# the polynominal generattor code for CRC
def modes_crc(self, msg, encode=False):
"""Mode-S Cyclic Redundancy Check
Detect if bit error occurs in the Mode-S message
msg (string): 28 bytes hexadecimal message string
encode (bool): True to encode the date only and return the checksum
string: message checksum, or partity bits (encoder)
GENERATOR = "1111111111111010000001001" # Currently don't know what is magic about this number
7 years ago
msgbin = list(self.hex2bin(msg))
if encode:
msgbin[-24:] = ['0'] * 24
# loop all bits, except last 24 piraty bits
for i in range(len(msgbin)-24):
# if 1, perform modulo 2 multiplication,
if msgbin[i] == '1':
for j in range(len(GENERATOR)):
# modulo 2 multiplication = XOR
msgbin[i+j] = str((int(msgbin[i+j]) ^ int(GENERATOR[j])))
# last 24 bits
reminder = ''.join(msgbin[-24:])
return reminder
def hex2bin(self, hexstr):
"""Convert a hexdecimal string to binary string, with zero fillings. """
scale = 16
num_of_bits = len(hexstr) * math.log(scale, 2)
binstr = bin(int(hexstr, scale))[2:].zfill(int(num_of_bits))
return binstr
def bin2int(self, binstr):
"""Convert a binary string to integer. """
return int(binstr, 2)