Added beginnings of new osgViewer::Scene,View,Viewer,CompositeViewer and GraphicsWindowProxy files.
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353 lines
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/* -*-c++-*- OpenSceneGraph - Copyright (C) 1998-2006 Robert Osfield
* This library is open source and may be redistributed and/or modified under
* the terms of the OpenSceneGraph Public License (OSGPL) version 0.0 or
* (at your option) any later version. The full license is in LICENSE file
* included with this distribution, and on the openscenegraph.org website.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* OpenSceneGraph Public License for more details.
#include <osg/NodeVisitor>
#include <osg/Drawable>
#include <osgUtil/Export>
#include <list>
namespace osgUtil
// forward declare to allow Intersector to reference it.
class IntersectionVisitor;
/** Pure virtual base class for implementating custom intersection technique.
* To implement a specific intersection technique on must override all
* the pure virtue methods, concrete examples of how to do this can be seen in
* the LineSegmentIntersector. */
class Intersector : public osg::Referenced
enum CoordinateFrame
Intersector(CoordinateFrame cf=MODEL):
_disabledCount(0) {}
void setCoordinateFrame(CoordinateFrame cf) { _coordinateFrame = cf; }
CoordinateFrame getCoordinateFrame() const { return _coordinateFrame; }
virtual Intersector* clone(osgUtil::IntersectionVisitor& iv) = 0;
virtual bool enter(const osg::Node& node) = 0;
virtual void leave() = 0;
virtual void intersect(osgUtil::IntersectionVisitor& iv, osg::Drawable* drawable) = 0;
virtual void reset() { _disabledCount = 0; }
virtual bool containsIntersections() = 0;
inline bool disabled() const { return _disabledCount!=0; }
inline void incrementDisabledCount() { ++_disabledCount; }
inline void decrementDisabledCount() { if (_disabledCount>0) --_disabledCount; }
CoordinateFrame _coordinateFrame;
unsigned int _disabledCount;
/** Concrent class for implementing line intersections with the scene graph.
* To be used in conjunction with IntersectionVisitor. */
class OSGUTIL_EXPORT LineSegmentIntersector : public Intersector
/** Construct a LineSegmentIntersector the runs between the secified start and end points in MODEL coordinates. */
LineSegmentIntersector(const osg::Vec3d& start, const osg::Vec3d& end);
/** Construct a LineSegmentIntersector the runs between the secified start and end points in the specified coordinate frame. */
LineSegmentIntersector(CoordinateFrame cf, const osg::Vec3d& start, const osg::Vec3d& end);
/** Convinience constructor for supporting picking in WINDOW, or PROJECTION coorindates
* In WINDOW coordinates creates a start value of (x,y,0) and end value of (x,y,1).
* In PROJECTION coordinates (clip space cube) creates a start value of (x,y,1) and end value of (x,y,-1).
* In VIEW and MODEL coordinates creates a start value of (x,y,0) and end value of (x,y,1).*/
LineSegmentIntersector(CoordinateFrame cf, double x, double y);
struct Intersection
primitiveIndex(0) {}
bool operator < (const Intersection& rhs) const { return ratio < rhs.ratio; }
typedef std::vector<unsigned int> IndexList;
double ratio;
osg::NodePath nodePath;
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Drawable> drawable;
osg::ref_ptr<osg::RefMatrix> matrix;
osg::Vec3d localIntersectionPoint;
osg::Vec3 localIntersectionNormal;
IndexList indexList;
unsigned int primitiveIndex;
typedef std::multiset<Intersection> Intersections;
inline void insertIntersection(const Intersection& intersection) { getIntersections().insert(intersection); }
inline Intersections& getIntersections() { return _parent ? _parent->_intersections : _intersections; }
inline Intersection getFirstIntersection() { Intersections& intersections = getIntersections(); return intersections.empty() ? Intersection() : *(intersections.begin()); }
virtual Intersector* clone(osgUtil::IntersectionVisitor& iv);
virtual bool enter(const osg::Node& node);
virtual void leave();
virtual void intersect(osgUtil::IntersectionVisitor& iv, osg::Drawable* drawable);
virtual void reset();
virtual bool containsIntersections() { return !_intersections.empty(); }
bool intersects(const osg::BoundingSphere& bs);
bool intersectAndClip(osg::Vec3d& s, osg::Vec3d& e,const osg::BoundingBox& bb);
LineSegmentIntersector* _parent;
osg::Vec3d _start;
osg::Vec3d _end;
Intersections _intersections;
/** Concrent class for implementing polytope intersections with the scene graph.
* To be used in conjunction with IntersectionVisitor. */
class OSGUTIL_EXPORT PolytopeIntersector : public Intersector
/** Construct a PolytopeIntersector using speified polytope in MODEL coordinates.*/
PolytopeIntersector(const osg::Polytope& polytope);
/** Construct a PolytopeIntersector using speified polytope in specified coordinate frame.*/
PolytopeIntersector(CoordinateFrame cf, const osg::Polytope& polytope);
/** Convinience constructor for supporting picking in WINDOW, or PROJECTION coorindates
* In WINDOW coordinates (clip space cube) creates a five sided polytope box that has a front face at 0.0 and sides around box xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax.
* In PROJECTION coordinates (clip space cube) creates a five sided polytope box that has a front face at -1 and sides around box xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax.
* In VIEW and MODEL coordinates (clip space cube) creates a five sided polytope box that has a front face at 0.0 and sides around box xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax.*/
PolytopeIntersector(CoordinateFrame cf, double xMin, double yMin, double xMax, double yMax);
struct Intersection
Intersection() {}
bool operator < (const Intersection& rhs) const
if (nodePath < rhs.nodePath) return true;
if (rhs.nodePath < nodePath ) return false;
return (drawable < rhs.drawable);
osg::NodePath nodePath;
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Drawable> drawable;
typedef std::set<Intersection> Intersections;
inline void insertIntersection(const Intersection& intersection) { getIntersections().insert(intersection); }
inline Intersections& getIntersections() { return _parent ? _parent->_intersections : _intersections; }
inline Intersection getFirstIntersection() { Intersections& intersections = getIntersections(); return intersections.empty() ? Intersection() : *(intersections.begin()); }
virtual Intersector* clone(osgUtil::IntersectionVisitor& iv);
virtual bool enter(const osg::Node& node);
virtual void leave();
virtual void intersect(osgUtil::IntersectionVisitor& iv, osg::Drawable* drawable);
virtual void reset();
virtual bool containsIntersections() { return !_intersections.empty(); }
PolytopeIntersector* _parent;
osg::Polytope _polytope;
Intersections _intersections;
/** Concrent class for passing multiple intersectors through the scene graph.
* To be used in conjunction with IntersectionVisitor. */
class OSGUTIL_EXPORT IntersectorGroup : public Intersector
/** Add an Intersector. */
void addIntersector(Intersector* intersector);
typedef std::vector< osg::ref_ptr<Intersector> > Intersectors;
/** Get the list of intersector. */
Intersectors& getIntersectors() { return _intersectors; }
/** Clear the list of intersectors.*/
void clear();
virtual Intersector* clone(osgUtil::IntersectionVisitor& iv);
virtual bool enter(const osg::Node& node);
virtual void leave();
virtual void intersect(osgUtil::IntersectionVisitor& iv, osg::Drawable* drawable);
virtual void reset();
virtual bool containsIntersections();
Intersectors _intersectors;
/** InteresectionVisitor is used to testing for intersections with the scene, traversing the scene using generic osgUtil::Intersector's to test against the scene.
* To implement different types of intersection techniques, one implements custom versions of the osgUtil::Intersector, and then
* pass the constructed intersector to the IntersectionVisitor.*/
class OSGUTIL_EXPORT IntersectionVisitor : public osg::NodeVisitor
/** Callback used to implement the reading of external files, allowing support for paged databases to be
* intergrated with IntersectionVisitor. A concrete implementation can be found in osgDB.
* Note, this loose coupling approach is required as osgUtil is independent from osgDB where the file reading
* is implemented, and osgDB itself is dependent upon osgUtil so a circular dependency would result from
* tighter integration.*/
struct ReadCallback : public osg::Referenced
virtual osg::Node* readNodeFile(const std::string& filename) = 0;
IntersectionVisitor(Intersector* intersector=0, ReadCallback* readCallback=0);
virtual void reset();
/** Set the intersector that will be used to intersect with the scene, and to store any hits that occur.*/
void setIntersector(Intersector* intersector);
/** Get the intersector that will be used to intersect with the scene, and to store any hits that occur.*/
Intersector* getIntersector() { return _intersectorStack.empty() ? 0 : _intersectorStack.front().get(); }
/** Get the const intersector that will be used to intersect with the scene, and to store any hits that occur.*/
const Intersector* getIntersector() const { return _intersectorStack.empty() ? 0 : _intersectorStack.front().get(); }
/** Set the read callback.*/
void setReadCallback(ReadCallback* rc) { _readCallback = rc; }
/** Get the read callback.*/
ReadCallback* getReadCallback() { return _readCallback.get(); }
/** Get the const read callback.*/
const ReadCallback* getReadCallback() const { return _readCallback.get(); }
void pushWindowMatrix(osg::RefMatrix* matrix) { _windowStack.push_back(matrix); }
void pushWindowMatrix(osg::Viewport* viewport) { _windowStack.push_back(new osg::RefMatrix( viewport->computeWindowMatrix()) ); }
void popWindowMatrix() { _windowStack.pop_back(); }
osg::RefMatrix* getWindowMatrix() { return _windowStack.empty() ? 0 : _windowStack.back().get(); }
void pushProjectionMatrix(osg::RefMatrix* matrix) { _projectionStack.push_back(matrix); }
void popProjectionMatrix() { _projectionStack.pop_back(); }
osg::RefMatrix* getProjectionMatrix() { return _projectionStack.empty() ? 0 : _projectionStack.back().get(); }
void pushViewMatrix(osg::RefMatrix* matrix) { _viewStack.push_back(matrix); }
void popViewMatrix() { _viewStack.pop_back(); }
osg::RefMatrix* getViewMatrix() { return _viewStack.empty() ? 0 : _viewStack.back().get(); }
void pushModelMatrix(osg::RefMatrix* matrix) { _modelStack.push_back(matrix); }
void popModelMatrix() { _modelStack.pop_back(); }
osg::RefMatrix* getModelMatrix() { return _modelStack.empty() ? 0 : _modelStack.back().get(); }
virtual void apply(osg::Node& node);
virtual void apply(osg::Geode& geode);
virtual void apply(osg::Billboard& geode);
virtual void apply(osg::Group& group);
virtual void apply(osg::LOD& lod);
virtual void apply(osg::PagedLOD& lod);
virtual void apply(osg::Transform& transform);
virtual void apply(osg::Projection& projection);
virtual void apply(osg::Camera& camera);
inline bool enter(const osg::Node& node) { return _intersectorStack.empty() ? false : _intersectorStack.back()->enter(node); }
inline void leave() { _intersectorStack.back()->leave(); }
inline void intersect(osg::Drawable* drawable) { _intersectorStack.back()->intersect(*this, drawable); }
inline void push_clone() { _intersectorStack.push_back ( _intersectorStack.front()->clone(*this) ); }
inline void pop_clone() { if (_intersectorStack.size()>=2) _intersectorStack.pop_back(); }
typedef std::list< osg::ref_ptr<Intersector> > IntersectorStack;
IntersectorStack _intersectorStack;
osg::ref_ptr<ReadCallback> _readCallback;
typedef std::list< osg::ref_ptr<osg::RefMatrix> > MatrixStack;
MatrixStack _windowStack;
MatrixStack _projectionStack;
MatrixStack _viewStack;
MatrixStack _modelStack;