Robert Osfield acf256c466 UPdates to CullVisitor so that it keeps in sync with the new method paramter
change in osg::Billboard.

Removed in instance of an object being passed () brackets, have removed the
brackets to avoid an amiguity with the compiler intepreting it as a function.
2002-01-18 22:36:56 +00:00

417 lines
13 KiB

#include <osgUtil/SceneView>
#include <osgUtil/AppVisitor>
#include <osgUtil/DisplayListVisitor>
#include <osg/Notify>
#include <osg/Texture>
#include <osg/AlphaFunc>
#include <osg/TexEnv>
#include <osg/ColorMatrix>
#include <osg/GLU>
using namespace osg;
using namespace osgUtil;
SceneView::SceneView(DisplaySettings* ds)
_displaySettings = ds;
_calc_nearfar = true;
_backgroundColor.set(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.4f, 1.0f);
_near_plane = 1.0f;
_far_plane = 1.0f;
_lodBias = 1.0f;
_prioritizeTextures = false;
_viewport = new Viewport;
_initCalled = false;
void SceneView::setDefaults()
_globalState = new osg::StateSet;
_light = new osg::Light;
_state = new State;
_camera = new Camera(_displaySettings.get());
_rendergraph = new RenderGraph;
_renderStage = new RenderStage;
DisplayListVisitor* dlv = new DisplayListVisitor();
_initVisitor = dlv;
_appVisitor = new AppVisitor;
_cullVisitor = new CullVisitor;
// enable lighting by default.
_globalState->setMode(GL_LIGHTING, osg::StateAttribute::ON);
// enable depth testing by default.
_globalState->setMode(GL_DEPTH_TEST, osg::StateAttribute::ON);
// set up an alphafunc by default to speed up blending operations.
osg::AlphaFunc* alphafunc = new osg::AlphaFunc;
_globalState->setAttributeAndModes(alphafunc, osg::StateAttribute::ON);
// set up an alphafunc by default to speed up blending operations.
osg::TexEnv* texenv = new osg::TexEnv;
_globalState->setAttributeAndModes(texenv, osg::StateAttribute::ON);
_backgroundColor.set(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.4f, 1.0f);
void SceneView::init()
_initCalled = true;
if (_sceneData.valid() && _initVisitor.valid())
if (_frameStamp.valid())
void SceneView::app()
if (!_initCalled) init();
if (_sceneData.valid() && _appVisitor.valid())
// use the frame number for the traversal number.
if (_frameStamp.valid())
void SceneView::cull()
if (!_sceneData || !_viewport->valid()) return;
if (!_initCalled) init();
// use the frame number for the traversal number.
if (_frameStamp.valid())
// comment out reset of rendergraph since clean is more efficient.
// _rendergraph->reset();
// use clean of the rendergraph rather than reset, as it is able to
// reuse the structure on the rendergraph in the next frame. This
// achieves a certain amount of frame cohereancy of memory allocation.
_cullVisitor->setEarthSky(NULL); // reset earth sky on each frame.
// SandB
//now make it compute "clipping directions" needed for detailed culling
_cullVisitor->calcClippingDirections();//only once pre frame
if (_globalState.valid()) _cullVisitor->pushStateSet(_globalState.get());
// traverse the scene graph to generate the rendergraph.
if (_globalState.valid()) _cullVisitor->popStateSet();
// do any state sorting required.
const osg::EarthSky* earthSky = _cullVisitor->getEarthSky();
if (earthSky)
if (earthSky->getRequiresClear())
// really should set clear mask here, but what to? Need
// to consider the stencil and accumulation buffers..
// will defer to later. Robert Osfield. October 2001.
// we have an earth sky implementation to do the work for use
// so we don't need to clear.
// prune out any empty RenderGraph children.
// note, this would be not required if the _renderGraph had been
// reset at the start of each frame (see top of this method) but
// a clean has been used instead to try to minimize the amount of
// allocation and deleteing of the RenderGraph nodes.
if (_calc_nearfar)
_near_plane = _cullVisitor->getCalculatedNearPlane();
_far_plane = _cullVisitor->getCalculatedFarPlane();
if (_near_plane<=_far_plane)
// shift the far plane slight further away from the eye point.
// and shift the near plane slightly near the eye point, this
// will give a little space betwenn the near and far planes
// and the model, crucial when the naer and far planes are
// coincedent.
_far_plane *= 1.05;
_near_plane *= 0.95;
// if required clamp the near plane to prevent negative or near zero
// near planes.
float min_near_plane = _far_plane*0.0005f;
if (_near_plane<min_near_plane) _near_plane=min_near_plane;
_near_plane = 1.0f;
_far_plane = 1000.0f;
void SceneView::draw()
if (!_sceneData || !_viewport->valid()) return;
if (!_state)
osg::notify(osg::WARN) << "Warning: no valid osgUtil::SceneView::_state"<< std::endl;
osg::notify(osg::WARN) << " creating a state automatically."<< std::endl;
// note the constructor for osg::State will set ContextID to 0.
_state = new osg::State;
// we in theory should be able to
// note, to support multi-pipe systems the deletion of OpenGL display list
// and texture objects is deferred until the OpenGL context is the correct
// context for when the object were originally created. Here we know what
// context we are in so can flush the appropriate caches.
RenderLeaf* previous = NULL;
if (_displaySettings.valid() && _displaySettings->getStereo())
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Camera> left_camera = new osg::Camera(*_camera);
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Camera> right_camera = new osg::Camera(*_camera);
float iod = _displaySettings->getEyeSeperation();
_renderStage->_stageDrawnThisFrame = false;
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Camera> left_camera = new osg::Camera(*_camera);
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Camera> right_camera = new osg::Camera(*_camera);
float iod = _displaySettings->getEyeSeperation();
osg::ColorMask* red = new osg::ColorMask;
osg::ColorMask* green = new osg::ColorMask;
// draw right eye.
// need to tell the rendering stage that it can be
// called again in this frame.
_renderStage->_stageDrawnThisFrame = false;
// draw left eye.
osg::notify(osg::NOTICE)<<"Warning: stereo camera mode not implemented yet."<< std::endl;
// bog standard draw.
GLenum errorNo = glGetError();
if (errorNo!=GL_NO_ERROR)
osg::notify(WARN)<<"Warning: detected OpenGL error '"<<gluErrorString(errorNo)<<"'"<< std::endl;
/** Calculate, via glUnProject, the object coordinates of a window point.
Note, current implementation requires that SceneView::draw() has been previously called
for projectWindowIntoObject to produce valid values. As per OpenGL
windows coordinates are calculated relative to the bottom left of the window.*/
bool SceneView::projectWindowIntoObject(const osg::Vec3& window,osg::Vec3& object) const
return _camera->unproject(window,*_viewport,object);
/** Calculate, via glUnProject, the object coordinates of a window x,y
when projected onto the near and far planes.
Note, current implementation requires that SceneView::draw() has been previously called
for projectWindowIntoObject to produce valid values. As per OpenGL
windows coordinates are calculated relative to the bottom left of the window.*/
bool SceneView::projectWindowXYIntoObject(int x,int y,osg::Vec3& near_point,osg::Vec3& far_point) const
bool result_near = _camera->unproject(Vec3(x,y,0.0f),*_viewport,near_point);
bool result_far = _camera->unproject(Vec3(x,y,1.0f),*_viewport,far_point);
return result_near & result_far;
/** Calculate, via glProject, the object coordinates of a window.
Note, current implementation requires that SceneView::draw() has been previously called
for projectWindowIntoObject to produce valid values. As per OpenGL
windows coordinates are calculated relative to the bottom left of the window.*/
bool SceneView::projectObjectIntoWindow(const osg::Vec3& object,osg::Vec3& window) const
return _camera->project(object,*_viewport,window);