2002-06-05 12:35:59 +00:00

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<TITLE>class SG_EXPORT osg::Switch</TITLE>
<BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff">
<H2>class SG_EXPORT <A HREF="#DOC.DOCU">osg::Switch</A></H2></H2><BLOCKQUOTE>Switch is a Group node which allows switching between children.</BLOCKQUOTE>
<APPLET CODE="ClassGraph.class" WIDTH=600 HEIGHT=95>
<param name=classes value="MNode,M,CGroup,MGroup.html,CSwitch,MSwitch.html">
<param name=before value="M,M,M">
<param name=after value="Md_SP,Md_,M">
<param name=indent value="0,1,2">
<param name=arrowdir value="down">
<DT><H3>Public Methods</H3><DD><DT>
<IMG ALT="[more]" BORDER=0 SRC=icon1.gif> <B><A HREF="#DOC.2.103.2">Switch</A></B>()
<IMG ALT="[more]" BORDER=0 SRC=icon1.gif> <B><A HREF="#DOC.2.103.3">Switch</A></B>(const <!1><A HREF="Switch.html#DOC.2.103.3">Switch</A>&amp;, const <!1><A HREF="CopyOp.html">CopyOp</A>&amp; copyop=CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY)
<DD><I>Copy constructor using CopyOp to manage deep vs shallow copy</I>
<IMG ALT="[more]" BORDER=0 SRC=icon1.gif> <B><A HREF="#DOC.2.103.4">META_Node</A></B>(<!1><A HREF="Switch.html">Switch</A>)
<IMG ALT="[more]" BORDER=0 SRC=icon1.gif>virtual void <B><A HREF="#DOC.2.103.5">traverse</A></B>(<!1><A HREF="NodeVisitor.html">NodeVisitor</A>&amp; nv)
<IMG ALT="[more]" BORDER=0 SRC=icon1.gif>inline void <B><A HREF="#DOC.2.103.6">setValue</A></B>(const int value)
<DD><I> Selects the active child Node or enables a special SwitchType mode.</I>
<IMG ALT="[more]" BORDER=0 SRC=icon1.gif>inline const int <B><A HREF="#DOC.2.103.7">getValue</A></B>() const
<DD><I> Returns the number of the active child Node or the SwitchType</I>
<DT><H3>Public Members</H3><DD><DT>
<IMG ALT="[more]" BORDER=0 SRC=icon1.gif>enum <B><A HREF="#DOC.2.103.1">SwitchType</A></B>
<DD><I> Special mode values for the Switch.</I>
<DT><H3>Protected Fields</H3><DD><DT>
<IMG ALT="[more]" BORDER=0 SRC=icon1.gif>int <B><A HREF="#DOC.2.103.9">_value</A></B>
<DD><I>The current Switch value.</I>
<DT><H3>Protected Methods</H3><DD><DT>
<IMG ALT="[more]" BORDER=0 SRC=icon1.gif>virtual <B><A HREF="#DOC.2.103.8">~Switch</A></B>()
<HR><H3>Inherited from <A HREF="Group.html">Group</A>:</H3>
<DT><H3>Public Methods</H3><DD><DT>
<IMG ALT="o" SRC=icon2.gif>virtual bool <B>addChild</B>( Node* child )
<IMG ALT="o" SRC=icon2.gif>virtual bool <B>removeChild</B>( Node* child )
<IMG ALT="o" SRC=icon2.gif>virtual bool <B>replaceChild</B>( Node* origChild, Node* newChild )
<IMG ALT="o" SRC=icon2.gif>inline const unsigned int <B>getNumChildren</B>() const
<IMG ALT="o" SRC=icon2.gif>inline Node* <B>getChild</B>( const unsigned int i )
<IMG ALT="o" SRC=icon2.gif>inline const Node* <B>getChild</B>( const unsigned int i ) const
<IMG ALT="o" SRC=icon2.gif>inline bool <B>containsNode</B>( const Node* node ) const
<IMG ALT="o" SRC=icon2.gif>inline ChildList::iterator <B>findNode</B>( const Node* node )
<IMG ALT="o" SRC=icon2.gif>inline ChildList::const_iterator <B>findNode</B>( const Node* node ) const
<DT><H3>Protected Fields</H3><DD><DT>
<IMG ALT="o" SRC=icon2.gif>ChildList <B>_children</B>
<DT><H3>Protected Methods</H3><DD><DT>
<IMG ALT="o" SRC=icon2.gif>virtual const bool <B>computeBound</B>() const
<BLOCKQUOTE>Switch is a Group node which allows switching between children.
Typical uses would be for objects which might need to be rendered
differently at different times, for instance a switch could be used
to represent the different states of a traffic light.</BLOCKQUOTE>
<A NAME="SwitchType"></A>
<A NAME="DOC.2.103.1"></A>
<DT><IMG ALT="o" BORDER=0 SRC=icon2.gif><TT><B>enum SwitchType</B></TT>
Special mode values for the Switch. Use these if you want to
turn on/off all child nodes.
<A NAME="DOC."></A>
<DT><IMG ALT="o" BORDER=0 SRC=icon2.gif><TT><B> ALL_CHILDREN_ON</B></TT>
<DD>Turn on all children.
<A NAME="DOC."></A>
<DD>Turn off all children.
<A NAME="Switch"></A>
<A NAME="DOC.2.103.2"></A>
<DT><IMG ALT="o" BORDER=0 SRC=icon2.gif><TT><B> Switch()</B></TT>
<A NAME="Switch"></A>
<A NAME="DOC.2.103.3"></A>
<DT><IMG ALT="o" BORDER=0 SRC=icon2.gif><TT><B> Switch(const <!1><A HREF="Switch.html#DOC.2.103.3">Switch</A>&amp;, const <!1><A HREF="CopyOp.html">CopyOp</A>&amp; copyop=CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY)</B></TT>
<DD>Copy constructor using CopyOp to manage deep vs shallow copy
<A NAME="META_Node"></A>
<A NAME="DOC.2.103.4"></A>
<DT><IMG ALT="o" BORDER=0 SRC=icon2.gif><TT><B> META_Node(<!1><A HREF="Switch.html">Switch</A>)</B></TT>
<A NAME="traverse"></A>
<A NAME="DOC.2.103.5"></A>
<DT><IMG ALT="o" BORDER=0 SRC=icon2.gif><TT><B>virtual void traverse(<!1><A HREF="NodeVisitor.html">NodeVisitor</A>&amp; nv)</B></TT>
<A NAME="setValue"></A>
<A NAME="DOC.2.103.6"></A>
<DT><IMG ALT="o" BORDER=0 SRC=icon2.gif><TT><B>inline void setValue(const int value)</B></TT>
Selects the active child Node or enables a special
SwitchType mode.
<DL><DT><DT><B>Parameters:</B><DD><B>value</B> - the number of the active child
(<!1><A HREF="ImpostorSpriteManager.html#DOC.2.52.3">first</A> child == number 0) or SwitchType. Invalid values
will be ignored.<BR><DD></DL><P>
<A NAME="getValue"></A>
<A NAME="DOC.2.103.7"></A>
<DT><IMG ALT="o" BORDER=0 SRC=icon2.gif><TT><B>inline const int getValue() const </B></TT>
Returns the number of the active child Node or the SwitchType
<A NAME="~Switch"></A>
<A NAME="DOC.2.103.8"></A>
<DT><IMG ALT="o" BORDER=0 SRC=icon2.gif><TT><B>virtual ~Switch()</B></TT>
<A NAME="_value"></A>
<A NAME="DOC.2.103.9"></A>
<DT><IMG ALT="o" BORDER=0 SRC=icon2.gif><TT><B>int _value</B></TT>
<DD>The current Switch value.
<HR><DL><DT><B>This class has no child classes.</B></DL>
<DL><DT><DD></DL><P><P><I><A HREF="index.html">Alphabetic index</A></I> <I><A HREF="HIER.html">HTML hierarchy of classes</A> or <A HREF="HIERjava.html">Java</A></I></P><HR>
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