the osgGA::AnimationPathManipulator to handle it. Added a new Drawable::ConstAttributeFunctor and make the accept(PrimitiveFunctor) be a const method so can disallows modification. Added Drawable::supports(...) methods for each of the AttributeFunctor, ConstAttributeFunctor and PrimitiveFunctor so that programs can querry whether it is possible to use functors with that object type.
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//C++ header - Open Scene Graph - Copyright (C) 1998-2002 Robert Osfield
//Distributed under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License (LGPL)
//as published by the Free Software Foundation.
#include <osg/Light>
#include <osg/NodeVisitor>
#include <osg/Geode>
#include <osg/Timer>
#include <osg/DisplaySettings>
#include <osgGA/GUIEventAdapter>
#include <osgGA/CameraManipulator>
#include <osgGA/GUIEventHandler>
#include <osgGA/AnimationPathManipulator>
#include <osgUtil/SceneView>
#include <osgGLUT/Window>
#include <list>
#include <string>
namespace osgGLUT
/** A basic viewer base class which provides a window, simple keyboard and mouse interaction.
* Please note, this viewer class has been developed via a rather haphazard
* path and <i>needs</i> a total rewrite. It currently suffices for osg demos
* but shouldn't be viewed as the be all and end of osg viewer classes.
* Someone please rewrite it :-)
class OSGGLUT_EXPORT Viewer : public Window, public osgGA::GUIActionAdapter
virtual ~Viewer();
/** init is deprecated, you should use addViewport instead. init is
* only available for backwards compatibility.*/
virtual void init(osg::Node* rootnode);
virtual unsigned int addViewport(osgUtil::SceneView* sv,
float x = 0.0, float y = 0.0,
float width = 1.0, float height = 1.0);
virtual unsigned int addViewport(osg::Node*,
float x = 0.0, float y = 0.0,
float width = 1.0, float height = 1.0);
unsigned int getNumViewports() const { return _viewportList.size(); }
osgUtil::SceneView* getViewportSceneView(unsigned int pos)
{ return _viewportList[pos].sceneView.get(); }
virtual bool open();
virtual bool run();
// called on each frame redraw..return the time in ms for each operation.
virtual float app(unsigned int viewport);
virtual float cull(unsigned int viewport);
virtual float draw(unsigned int viewport);
// initialize the clock.
long initClock();
// time since initClock() in seconds.
double clockSeconds() { return _timer.delta_s(_initialTick,clockTick()); }
// update the number of ticks since the last frame update.
osg::Timer_t updateFrameTick();
// time from the current frame update and the previous one in seconds.
double frameSeconds() { return _timer.delta_s(_lastFrameTick,_frameTick); }
double frameRate() { return 1.0/frameSeconds(); }
void help(std::ostream& fout);
// handle multiple camera.
unsigned int registerCameraManipulator(osgGA::CameraManipulator* cm,
unsigned int viewport = 0);
void selectCameraManipulator(unsigned int pos,
unsigned int viewport = 0);
void prependEventHandler(osgGA::GUIEventHandler* handler,unsigned int viewport = 0);
void appendEventHandler(osgGA::GUIEventHandler* handler,unsigned int viewport = 0);
// derived from osgGA::GUIActionAdapter
virtual void requestRedraw() {} // redraw always by idle callback done.
virtual void requestContinuousUpdate(bool /*needed*/) {} // continuous update always
virtual void requestWarpPointer(int x,int y);
virtual void requestShutdown() { exit(1); };
/// Toggle fullscreen
virtual void toggleFullScreen();
/** read the command line string list, removing any matched control sequences.*/
void readCommandLine(std::vector<std::string>& commandLine);
void setDisplaySettings(osg::DisplaySettings* ds) { _displaySettings = ds; }
osg::DisplaySettings* getDisplaySettings() { return _displaySettings.get(); }
const osg::DisplaySettings* getDisplaySettings() const { return _displaySettings.get(); }
typedef std::vector<osg::ref_ptr<osgGA::CameraManipulator> > CameraManipList;
typedef std::list<osg::ref_ptr<osgGA::GUIEventHandler> > EventHandlerList;
void setRecordingAnimationPath(bool on) { _recordingAnimationPath = on; }
bool getRecordingAnimationPath() const { return _recordingAnimationPath; }
void setAnimationPath(osg::AnimationPath* path) { _animationPath = path; }
osg::AnimationPath* getAnimationPath() { return _animationPath.get(); }
const osg::AnimationPath* getAnimationPath() const { return _animationPath.get(); }
virtual void clear();
virtual void display();
virtual void reshape(GLint w, GLint h);
virtual void mouseMotion(int x, int y);
virtual void mousePassiveMotion(int x, int y);
virtual void mouse(int button, int state, int x, int y);
virtual void keyboard(unsigned char key, int x, int y);
void setFocusedViewport(unsigned int pos);
int mapWindowXYToViewport(int x, int y);
void showStats(unsigned int i); // gwm 24.09.01 pass the viewport to collect sta for each viewport
static Viewer* s_theViewer;
struct ViewportDef
osg::ref_ptr<osgUtil::SceneView> sceneView;
float viewport[4]; // Win-size-relative [0,1]
osg::ref_ptr<osgGA::CameraManipulator> _cameraManipulator;
CameraManipList _cameraManipList;
EventHandlerList _eventHandlerList;
typedef std::vector<ViewportDef> ViewportList;
ViewportList _viewportList;
unsigned int _focusedViewport;
std::string _saveFileName;
bool _viewFrustumCullingActive;
bool _smallFeatureCullingActive;
int polymode;
int texture;
int backface;
int lighting;
int flat_shade;
float frRate; // gwm Jul 2001 added convolved ('averaged') frame rate
int _printStats; // gwm Jul 2001 change from bool
struct StatsRecord
{ // gwm Jul 2001, added for display of statistics
timeApp(0), timeCull(0), timeDraw(0), timeFrame(0),
frameend(0) {}
float timeApp, timeCull, timeDraw, timeFrame;
osg::Timer_t frameend;
StatsRecord times[3]; // store up to 3 frames worth of times
bool _useDisplayLists;
osg::Timer _timer;
osg::Timer_t _initialTick;
osg::Timer_t _lastFrameTick;
osg::Timer_t _frameTick;
// system tick.
osg::Timer_t clockTick();
osg::Timer_t frameTick();
osg::ref_ptr<osg::FrameStamp> _frameStamp;
osg::ref_ptr<osg::DisplaySettings> _displaySettings;
bool _recordingAnimationPath;
osg::ref_ptr<osg::AnimationPath> _animationPath;
#endif // SG_VIEWIER_H