Robert Osfield e9368c6fa3 Moved the private sections int protected to allow subclasses acces to all methods/members.
Moved public section to top of the class definition to make it more consistent with the rest of the OSG.
2008-07-15 20:30:56 +00:00

634 lines
17 KiB

// -*-c++-*- osgWidget - Code by: Jeremy Moles (cubicool) 2007-2008
// $Id: Window 66 2008-07-14 21:54:09Z cubicool $
#include <osg/Scissor>
#include <osg/MatrixTransform>
#include <osg/Geode>
#include <osg/ClipNode>
#include <osgWidget/Types>
#include <osgWidget/Util>
#include <osgWidget/Widget>
namespace osgWidget {
// These are helper callbacks you can attach to Windows that will make them moveable,
// rotatable, and scalable respectively.
bool callbackWindowMove (Event&);
bool callbackWindowRotate (Event&);
bool callbackWindowScale (Event&);
// These are helper callbacks you can attach to Windows to that will make various
// keyboard events behave as you might imagine.
bool callbackWindowTabFocus(Event&);
public osg::MatrixTransform,
public UIObjectParent<Widget>,
public EventInterface,
public StyleInterface
typedef std::list<osg::observer_ptr<Window> > WindowList;
struct Sizes {
point_type cur;
point_type min;
Sizes(point_type c = -1.0f, point_type m = -1.0f):
min(m) {
// TODO: This is a class that puts (embeds) the Window inside of a Widget
// interface, to help assemble Windows with Windows, and what have you.
class OSGWIDGET_EXPORT EmbeddedWindow: public Widget {
osg::ref_ptr<Window> _window;
META_Object (osgWidget::Window, EmbeddedWindow);
META_UIObject (EmbeddedWindow);
EmbeddedWindow (const std::string& = "", point_type = 0.0f, point_type = 0.0f);
EmbeddedWindow (const EmbeddedWindow&, const osg::CopyOp&);
virtual void parented (Window*);
virtual void unparented (Window*);
virtual void managed (WindowManager*);
virtual void unmanaged (WindowManager*);
virtual void positioned ();
bool setWindow(Window*);
Window* getWindow() {
return _window.get();
const Window* getWindow() const {
return _window.get();
// These correspond to special regions honored by the WindowManager. Most Windows
// will want to be NONE, unless they need to exist in the foreground or background
// for some reason.
enum STRATA {
// If you only want to display a portion of a Window (such as when it is embedded),
// you will need to set the VISIBILITY_MODE to WM_PARTIAL. Otherwise, the entire
// Window is visible by default. The final enum, VM_ENTIRE, says that no Scissoring
// should take place at all, and is useful in cases where you want to properly
// scale or rotate Windows.
// Anchors are very similar in that they allow us to pre-apply transformations in the
// call to Window::update() that allow us to position a Window somewhere relative
// to the WindowManger's viewable area. However, unlike the ALIGNMENT enums, these
// are totally optional (whereas a Widget must always have some ALIGNMENT value set.
Window (const std::string& = "");
Window (const Window&, const osg::CopyOp&);
bool resize (point_type = 0.0f, point_type = 0.0f);
bool resizeAdd (point_type = 0.0f, point_type = 0.0f);
bool resizePercent (point_type = 0.0f, point_type = 0.0f);
virtual void update ();
virtual void managed (WindowManager*);
virtual void unmanaged (WindowManager*);
virtual bool addWidget (Widget*);
virtual bool insertWidget (Widget*, unsigned int);
virtual bool removeWidget (Widget*);
virtual bool replaceWidget (Widget*, Widget*);
// This method wraps our Geode's addDrawable() method and returns the index of
// the newly-added Drawable.
unsigned int addDrawableAndGetIndex(osg::Drawable*);
bool isVisible () const;
bool isXYWithinVisible (float, float) const;
void setVisibleArea (int = 0, int = 0, int = 0, int = 0);
void addVisibleArea (int = 0, int = 0, int = 0, int = 0);
bool setFocused (const Widget*);
bool setFocused (const std::string&);
bool setFirstFocusable ();
bool setNextFocusable ();
bool getFocusList (WidgetList&) const;
bool getEmbeddedList (WindowList&) const;
void getParentList (WindowList&) const;
XYCoord localXY (double, double) const;
XYCoord getAbsoluteOrigin () const;
// This method wraps the current Window in a EmbeddedWindow object and returns it.
EmbeddedWindow* embed();
Widget* getFocused() {
return _focused.get();
const Widget* getFocused() const {
return _focused.get();
bool show() {
return _setVisible(true);
bool hide() {
return _setVisible(false);
bool isPointerXYWithinVisible(float x, float y) const {
XYCoord xy = localXY(x, y);
return isXYWithinVisible(xy.x(), xy.y());
osg::Geode* getGeode() {
return _geode();
const osg::Geode* getGeode() const {
return _geode();
Widget* getBackground() {
return _bg();
const Widget* getBackground() const {
return _bg();
WindowManager* getWindowManager() {
return _wm;
const WindowManager* getWindowManager() const {
return _wm;
Window* getParent() {
return _parent;
const Window* getParent() const {
return _parent;
Window* getTopmostParent() {
return _getTopmostParent();
const Window* getTopmostParent() const {
return _getTopmostParent();
unsigned int getIndex() const {
return _index;
matrix_type getX() const {
return _x;
matrix_type getY() const {
return _y;
matrix_type getZ() const {
return _z;
point_type getWidth() const {
return _width.cur;
point_type getHeight() const {
return _height.cur;
point_type getMinWidth() const {
return _width.min;
point_type getMinHeight() const {
return _height.min;
VERTICAL_ANCHOR getAnchorVertical() const {
return _vAnchor;
HORIZONTAL_ANCHOR getAnchorHorizontal() const {
return _hAnchor;
XYCoord getOrigin() const {
return XYCoord(_x, _y);
XYCoord getSize() const {
return XYCoord(_width.cur, _height.cur);
XYCoord getMinSize() const {
return XYCoord(_width.min, _height.min);
matrix_type getZRange() const {
return _zRange;
STRATA getStrata() const {
return _strata;
const Quad& getVisibleArea() const {
return _visibleArea;
VISIBILITY_MODE getVisibilityMode() const {
return _vis;
Point getPosition() const {
return Point(_x, _y, _z);
matrix_type getRotate() const {
return _r;
matrix_type getScale() const {
return _s;
matrix_type getScaleDenominator() const {
return _scaleDenom;
void setX(matrix_type x) {
_x = x;
void setY(matrix_type y) {
_y = y;
void setPosition(matrix_type x, matrix_type y, matrix_type z) {
_x = x;
_y = y;
_z = z;
void setPosition(const Point& p) {
setPosition(p.x(), p.y(), p.z());
void setOrigin(matrix_type x, matrix_type y) {
_x = x;
_y = y;
void setRotate(matrix_type r) {
_r = r;
void setScale(matrix_type s) {
_s = s;
void setScaleDenominator(matrix_type sd) {
_scaleDenom = sd;
void setAnchorVertical(VERTICAL_ANCHOR va) {
_vAnchor = va;
void setAnchorHorizontal(HORIZONTAL_ANCHOR ha) {
_hAnchor = ha;
void setStrata(STRATA s) {
_strata = s;
void setVisibilityMode(VISIBILITY_MODE v) {
_vis = v;
void addX(matrix_type x) {
_x += x;
void addY(matrix_type y) {
_y += y;
void addZ(matrix_type z) {
_z += z;
void addRotate(matrix_type r) {
_r += r;
void addScale(matrix_type s) {
_s += s / (_scaleDenom != 0.0f ? _scaleDenom : 1.0f);
void addOrigin(matrix_type x, matrix_type y) {
_x += x;
_y += y;
void attachMoveCallback() {
addCallback(Callback(&callbackWindowMove, EVENT_MOUSE_DRAG));
void attachRotateCallback() {
addCallback(Callback(&callbackWindowRotate, EVENT_MOUSE_DRAG));
void attachScaleCallback() {
addCallback(Callback(&callbackWindowScale, EVENT_MOUSE_DRAG));
void attachTabFocusCallback() {
addCallback(Callback(&callbackWindowTabFocus, EVENT_KEY_DOWN));
typedef point_type (Widget::*Getter)() const;
typedef std::less<point_type> Less;
typedef std::greater<point_type> Greater;
typedef std::plus<point_type> Plus;
friend class WindowManager;
// The (optional) Window that this Window is parented inside.
Window* _parent;
// The WindowManger to which this window is attached.
WindowManager* _wm;
// The positional index this Node holds within it's parent WindowManager.
unsigned int _index;
// The X and Y values of the Window (origin).
matrix_type _x;
matrix_type _y;
// A pair of values representing the currently calculated Z value and the
// depth range for all children to be used during the call to update().
matrix_type _z;
matrix_type _zRange;
// This is a special value that can be used to "force" a Window not to be
// focusable and instead always exist in the foreground or background.
STRATA _strata;
// A flag determining whether our visible area is the full Window or rather
// a portion of the Window.
// A rotation value in degrees.
matrix_type _r;
// This will also need to adjust geom internally so that picking is correct.
matrix_type _s;
matrix_type _scaleDenom;
Sizes _width;
Sizes _height;
// Not all windows have widgets that can focus, but if they do this should
// be a pointer to it.
osg::observer_ptr<Widget> _focused;
// The "visible" area that will define both the glScissor bounds AND will
// be used to make sure our pick is valid. The values herein correspond to
// X, Y, W, and H--in that order.
Quad _visibleArea;
// This helper method is used by _compare<>() and _accumulate<>(), so ignore this
// function and go see the docs for those instead. This thing is huge and unwieldy
// and not to be triffled with! :)
template<typename T>
point_type _forEachAssignOrApply(
Getter get,
int begin,
int end,
int add,
bool assign
) const {
point_type val = 0.0f;
unsigned int c = begin;
ConstIterator e = end > 0 ? _objects.begin() + end : _objects.end() + end;
// I WARNED YOU! If you try and understand what this does your head will
// explode! But let me say a few things: in MSVC you can't add to an iterator
// such that the add will cause it to increment past the end of the container.
// This appears to be safe in GCC, where it will just return the last
// item therein, but causes an assertion error in other compilers. I'm not
// sure if there is a cleaner remedy for this, so what we do for now is keep a
// count variable called "c" that makes sure our iterator's opterator+()
// method is safe to call.
ConstIterator i = _objects.begin() + begin;
i < e;
c += add
) {
point_type v = 0.0f;
if(i->valid()) v = (i->get()->*get)();
// If you want to assign to val, and NOT add a sequence of them...
if(assign) {
if(T()(v, val)) val = v;
// If you want to accumulate a value INTO val...
else val = T()(v, val);
// Make sure our iterator is safe to increment. Otherwise, set it to
// whatever end is.
// TODO: This isn't 100% accurate, as it does not YET take into account
// our requested end in any way other than implicitly. It should, however,
// work okay for now.
if((c + add) < _objects.size()) i += add;
else i = e;
return val;
void _setWidthAndHeightUnknownSizeError (const std::string&, point_type);
void _setWidthAndHeightNotPAError (const std::string&, point_type);
void _setWidthAndHeight ();
void _removeFromGeode (Widget*);
Widget* _getBackground() const;
Window* _getTopmostParent() const;
// This method will return the T'th value returned by applying the Getter member function
// pointer to each iterator in the range of iterators defined by offset and add. In
// plain language, this helper method will apply some standard Widget::get* function
// to a range of objects in the _objects Vector, and will return the T'th of that.
// The template T can be any functor accepting two point_type values that return
// a bool. For example, this is commonly used with std::less to find the smallest
// width in a range of Widgets.
template<typename T>
point_type _compare(
Getter get,
int begin = 0,
int end = 0,
int add = 1
) const {
return _forEachAssignOrApply<T>(get, begin, end, add, true);
// This method will return the T'th value accumulated by applying the Getter member
// function to each iterator in the range of iterators defined by offset and add (similar
// to above). For example, this method can be used to apply std::plus to every
// width in a range of Widgets, and return the total.
template<typename T>
point_type _accumulate(
Getter get,
int begin = 0,
int end = 0,
int add = 1
) const {
return _forEachAssignOrApply<T>(get, begin, end, add, false);
osg::Geode* _geode() {
return dynamic_cast<osg::Geode*>(getChild(0));
const osg::Geode* _geode() const {
return dynamic_cast<const osg::Geode*>(getChild(0));
Widget* _bg() {
return _getBackground();
const Widget* _bg() const {
return _getBackground();
osg::Scissor* _scissor() {
return dynamic_cast<osg::Scissor*>(
bool _setWidget (Widget*, int = -1);
bool _setVisible (bool);
void _setFocused (Widget*);
void _setStyled (Widget*);
void _setParented (Widget*, bool=false);
void _setManaged (Widget*, bool=false);
void _positionWidget(Widget*, point_type, point_type);
// These return the smallest and largest width and height values for the given
// range of Widgets.
point_type _getMinWidgetWidth (int = 0, int = 0, int = 1) const;
point_type _getMinWidgetHeight (int = 0, int = 0, int = 1) const;
point_type _getMaxWidgetWidth (int = 0, int = 0, int = 1) const;
point_type _getMaxWidgetHeight (int = 0, int = 0, int = 1) const;
// These return the smallest and largest minWidth and minHeight values for
// the given range of Widgets.
point_type _getMinWidgetMinWidth (int = 0, int = 0, int = 1) const;
point_type _getMinWidgetMinHeight (int = 0, int = 0, int = 1) const;
point_type _getMaxWidgetMinWidth (int = 0, int = 0, int = 1) const;
point_type _getMaxWidgetMinHeight (int = 0, int = 0, int = 1) const;
// These return the smallest and largest width and height total (width + pad)
// values for the given range of Widgets.
point_type _getMinWidgetWidthTotal (int = 0, int = 0, int = 1) const;
point_type _getMinWidgetHeightTotal (int = 0, int = 0, int = 1) const;
point_type _getMaxWidgetWidthTotal (int = 0, int = 0, int = 1) const;
point_type _getMaxWidgetHeightTotal (int = 0, int = 0, int = 1) const;
// These return the smallest and largest minWidth and minHeight total
// (width + pad) values for the given range of Widgets.
point_type _getMinWidgetMinWidthTotal (int = 0, int = 0, int = 1) const;
point_type _getMinWidgetMinHeightTotal (int = 0, int = 0, int = 1) const;
point_type _getMaxWidgetMinWidthTotal (int = 0, int = 0, int = 1) const;
point_type _getMaxWidgetMinHeightTotal (int = 0, int = 0, int = 1) const;
// These return the smallest and largest horizontal and vertical padding
// values for the given range of Widgets.
point_type _getMinWidgetPadHorizontal (int = 0, int = 0, int = 1) const;
point_type _getMinWidgetPadVertical (int = 0, int = 0, int = 1) const;
point_type _getMaxWidgetPadHorizontal (int = 0, int = 0, int = 1) const;
point_type _getMaxWidgetPadVertical (int = 0, int = 0, int = 1) const;
point_type _getNumFill(int = 0, int = 0, int = 1) const;
// This method is passed the additional values by which width and height should be
// modified as calculed by the parent method, Window::resize. Keep in mind that these
// values can be negative (indicating a potential "shrink" request) or positive (which
// would indicate a "grow" reqeust).
virtual void _resizeImplementation(point_type, point_type) = 0;
// These are made into implementation functions since getting the width or height
// of a window can potentially be an expensive operation, and we'll want to cache
// results if possible (which is handled transparently by the actualy Window::resize
// method). They return a Sizes struct which contains two members: cur (for current)
// and min (minimum). It's important that the Window know it's minimum possible
// size so that it can ignore invaled requests to resize.
// Default versions using BoundingBox calculations are provided, but some Windows
// override this (Table, Box).
virtual Sizes _getWidthImplementation () const;
virtual Sizes _getHeightImplementation () const;
typedef Window::WindowList WindowList;