Robert Osfield d7c2d6863d From Andy Preece,
"To reproduce the bug:

   1. Create a template osg::Sequence node (and underlying geometry) but do not attach the node to the current active scenegraph.
   2. At some point during the rendering loop (perhaps on a keystroke) clone the sequence node (I use the call:

       dynamic_cast<osg::Node*>(templateNode -> clone( osg::CopyOp( (osg::CopyOp::CopyFlags)osg::CopyOp::DEEP_COPY_NODES ) ) )

   3. Set the cloned sequence node duration to a value that makes the animation run slower (i.e. 2.0).
   4. Start the cloned sequence (using setMode()).
   5. Repeat steps 2 \u2013 4 and observe that the cloned sequences do not run slow but run as fast, appearing to ignore the duration that has been set on them.


Looking at the \u2018good documentation\u2019 (2.4 source code), I see that _start is being set to _now (osg::Sequence::setMode(), line 192). Should this not _start not be set to -1.0?"
2008-11-26 12:50:12 +00:00

495 lines
13 KiB

/* -*-c++-*- OpenSceneGraph - Copyright (C) 1998-2006 Robert Osfield
* This library is open source and may be redistributed and/or modified under
* the terms of the OpenSceneGraph Public License (OSGPL) version 0.0 or
* (at your option) any later version. The full license is in LICENSE file
* included with this distribution, and on the website.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* OpenSceneGraph Public License for more details.
#include <osg/Sequence>
#include <osg/Notify>
using namespace osg;
* Sequence constructor.
Sequence::Sequence() :
Sequence::Sequence(const Sequence& seq, const CopyOp& copyop) :
Group(seq, copyop),
bool Sequence::addChild( Node *child)
return Sequence::insertChild( _children.size(), child, _defaultTime);
bool Sequence::addChild( Node *child, double t)
return Sequence::insertChild( _children.size(), child, t);
bool Sequence::insertChild( unsigned int index, Node *child)
return Sequence::insertChild(index, child, _defaultTime);
bool Sequence::insertChild( unsigned int index, Node *child, double t)
if (Group::insertChild(index,child))
if (index>=_frameTime.size())
Sequence::setTime(index, t);
_resetTotalTime = true;
return true;
return false;
bool Sequence::removeChild( Node *child )
if (Group::removeChild(child ))
unsigned int pos = getChildIndex(child);
if (pos < _children.size())
return Sequence::removeChildren(pos,1);
return false;
return false;
bool Sequence::removeChildren(unsigned int pos,unsigned int numChildrenToRemove)
if (pos<_frameTime.size())
_frameTime.end()) );
_resetTotalTime = true;
return Group::removeChildren(pos,numChildrenToRemove);
// if frame >= _frameTime.size() then extend _frameTime to have frame-1 items
// a time <0 will get set to 0
void Sequence::setTime(unsigned int frame, double t)
if (t<0.) t = 0.0;
unsigned int sz = _frameTime.size();
if (frame < sz)
_frameTime[frame] = t;
for (unsigned int i = sz; i <= frame; i++)
// returns a frame time of -1 if frame is out of range
double Sequence::getTime(unsigned int frame) const
if (frame < _frameTime.size())
return _frameTime[frame];
return -1.0f;
void Sequence::setInterval(LoopMode mode, int begin, int end)
_loopMode = mode;
_end = end;
_begin = begin;
// _value based on _begin & _end
_value = -1;
_resetTotalTime = true;
void Sequence::setDuration(float speed, int nreps)
_speed = speed;
// -1 means loop forever
_nreps = (nreps < 0 ? -1:nreps);
// countdown of laps around the track
_nrepsRemain = _nreps;
void Sequence::setMode(SequenceMode mode)
int ubegin, uend;
switch (mode)
case START:
// restarts sequence from beginning
_value = -1;
// Figure out which direction to start stepping the sequence
ubegin = (_begin < 0 ? (int)_frameTime.size()-1: _begin);
uend = (_end < 0 ? (int)_frameTime.size()-1: _end);
_step = (ubegin > uend ? -1 : 1);
_start = -1.0;
_mode = mode;
if (_saveRealLastFrameTime>=0.)
_frameTime[_saveRealLastFrameValue] = _saveRealLastFrameTime;
_saveRealLastFrameTime = -1.;
case STOP:
_mode = mode;
case PAUSE:
if (_mode == START)
_mode = PAUSE;
case RESUME:
if (_mode == PAUSE)
_mode = START;
void Sequence::traverse(NodeVisitor& nv)
if (getNumChildren()==0) return;
const FrameStamp* framestamp = nv.getFrameStamp();
if (framestamp)
_now = framestamp->getSimulationTime();
if (nv.getVisitorType()==NodeVisitor::UPDATE_VISITOR &&
_mode == START &&
!_frameTime.empty() && getNumChildren()!=0)
// if begin or end < 0, make it last frame
int _ubegin = (_begin < 0 ? (int)_frameTime.size()-1: _begin);
int _uend = (_end < 0 ? (int)_frameTime.size()-1: _end);
int _sbegin = osg::minimum(_ubegin,_uend);
int _send = osg::maximum(_ubegin,_uend);
if (framestamp)
// hack for last frame time
if (_lastFrameTime>0. && _nrepsRemain==1 && _saveRealLastFrameTime<0.)
if ( _loopMode == LOOP)
if ((_step>0 && _value!=_send) || (_step<0 && _value!=_sbegin))
_saveRealLastFrameValue = _uend;
_frameTime[_uend] = _lastFrameTime;
_resetTotalTime = true;
if (_step>0 && _value!=_sbegin)
_saveRealLastFrameValue = _send;
_frameTime[_send] = _lastFrameTime;
_resetTotalTime = true;
else if (_step<0 && _value!=_send)
_saveRealLastFrameValue = _sbegin;
_frameTime[_sbegin] = _lastFrameTime;
_resetTotalTime = true;
// I never know when to stop!
// more fun for last frame time
if (_nrepsRemain==0)
if (!_clearOnStop)
_mode = STOP;
if ( (_loopMode == LOOP) &&
( (_step>0 && _value!=_send) ||
(_step<0 && _value!=_sbegin)))
_mode = STOP;
else if ( (_loopMode == SWING) &&
( (_step<0 && _value!=_send) ||
(_step>0 && _value!=_sbegin)))
_mode = STOP;
// update local variables
// now for the heavy lifting! three options
// 1) still in the same frame, so have nothing to do
// 2) just in the next frame
// 3) need to calculate everything based on elapsed time
if ((_now - _start) > _frameTime[_value]*osg::absolute(_speed))
{ // case 2 or case 3
// most of the time it's just the next frame in the sequence
int nextValue = _getNextValue();
if (!_sync ||
((_now - _start) <= (_frameTime[_value]+_frameTime[nextValue])*osg::absolute(_speed)) )
_start += _frameTime[_value]*osg::absolute(_speed);
// repeat or change directions?
if ( (_step>0 && nextValue==_send) ||
(_step<0 && nextValue==_sbegin))
if (_nreps>0)
// change direction
if (_loopMode == SWING)
_step = -_step;
_value = nextValue;
else // case 3
// recalculate everything based on elapsed time
// elapsed time from start of the frame
double deltaT = _now - _start;
// factors _speed into account
double adjTotalTime = _totalTime*osg::absolute(_speed);
// how many laps?
int loops = (int)(deltaT/adjTotalTime);
// adjust reps & quick check to see if done becuase reps used up
if (_nreps>0)
if (_loopMode == LOOP)
_nrepsRemain -= loops;
_nrepsRemain -= 2*loops;
if (_nrepsRemain<=0)
_nrepsRemain = 0;
_mode = STOP;
osg::notify(osg::WARN) << "stopping because elapsed time greater or equal to time remaining to repeat the sequence\n";
// deduct off time for laps- _value shouldn't change as it's modulo the total time
double jumpStart = ((double)loops * adjTotalTime);
// step through frames one at a time until caught up
while (deltaT-jumpStart > _frameTime[_value]*osg::absolute(_speed))
jumpStart += _frameTime[_value]*osg::absolute(_speed );
_value = _getNextValue();
// set start time
_start += jumpStart;
osg::notify(osg::WARN) << "osg::Sequence::traverse(NodeVisitor&) requires a valid FrameStamp to function, sequence not updated.\n";
// now do the traversal
if (nv.getTraversalMode()==NodeVisitor::TRAVERSE_ACTIVE_CHILDREN)
if ( !((_mode == STOP) && _clearOnStop) &&
(getValue()>=0 && getValue()<(int)_children.size()) )
int Sequence::_getNextValue()
if (_frameTime.empty() || getNumChildren()==0) return 0;
// if begin or end < 0, make it last frame
int _ubegin = (_begin < 0 ? (int)_frameTime.size()-1: _begin);
int _uend = (_end < 0 ? (int)_frameTime.size()-1: _end);
int _sbegin = osg::minimum(_ubegin,_uend);
int _send = osg::maximum(_ubegin,_uend);
int v = _value + _step;
if (_sbegin==_send)
return _sbegin;
else if (v<=_send && v>=_sbegin)
return v;
int vs = _send - _sbegin + 1;
if (_loopMode == LOOP)
v = ((v-_sbegin)%vs) + _sbegin;
if (v<_sbegin)
return v;
else // SWING
if (v>_send)
return (2*_send-v);
return (2*_sbegin-v);
void Sequence::_update()
if (_frameTime.empty()) return;
// if begin or end < 0, make it last frame
int _ubegin = (_begin < 0 ? (int)_frameTime.size()-1: _begin);
int _uend = (_end < 0 ? (int)_frameTime.size()-1: _end);
int _sbegin = osg::minimum(_ubegin,_uend);
int _send = osg::maximum(_ubegin,_uend);
// if _value<0, new or restarted
if (_value<0)
_value = (_begin < 0 ? (int)_frameTime.size()-1: _begin);
_resetTotalTime = true;
// if _start<0, new or restarted
if (_start<0)
_start = _now;
_resetTotalTime = true;
// need to calculate time of a complete sequence?
// time is different depending on loop mode
if (_resetTotalTime)
if (_loopMode == LOOP)
_totalTime = 0.0;
for (int i=_sbegin; i<=_send; i++)
_totalTime += _frameTime[i];
else //SWING
_totalTime = _frameTime[_sbegin];
// ones in the middle get counted twice: 0 1 2 3 4 3 2 1 0
for (int i=_sbegin+1; i<_send; i++)
_totalTime += 2*_frameTime[i];
if (_sbegin != _send)
_totalTime += _frameTime[_send];
_resetTotalTime = false;