Robert Osfield fe3b68dbb1 From Marco Jez:
here is a patch that enables a new option named "BIND_TEXTURE_MAP" in the LWO plugin. Its purpose is to allow explicit binding between texture UV maps defined in the LWO file and OpenGL texture units, overriding the default mechanism that allocates texture units automatically. This is useful when you have an UV map built in Lightwave (for example an atlas map) but no textures actually using it, so you can keep the UV map (that would be discarded otherwise) and add a texture later int your program.

Syntax is:
BIND_TEXTURE_MAP <map_name> <texunit>
2006-01-18 12:13:48 +00:00

108 lines
3.5 KiB

Lightwave Object Loader for OSG
Copyright (C) 2004 Marco Jez <>
OpenSceneGraph is (C) 2004 Robert Osfield
#include "lwo2chunks.h"
#include "VertexMap.h"
#include "Block.h"
#include "Clip.h"
#include <osg/ref_ptr>
#include <osg/Vec3>
#include <osg/StateSet>
#include <osg/Geometry>
#include <osgDB/ReaderWriter>
#include <string>
#include <map>
namespace lwosg
class Surface {
enum Sidedness {
NONE = 0,
typedef std::multimap<std::string, Block> Block_map;
Surface(const lwo2::FORM::SURF *surf, const Clip_map &clips);
void compile(const lwo2::FORM::SURF *surf, const Clip_map &clips);
osg::Group *apply(osg::Geometry *geo, const VertexMap_map *texture_maps, const VertexMap_map *rgb_maps, const VertexMap_map *rgba_maps, int max_tex_units, bool use_osgfx, bool force_arb_compression, const VertexMap_binding_map &texmap_bindings, const osgDB::ReaderWriter::Options *db_options) const;
void generate_stateset(int max_tex_units, bool force_arb_compression, const osgDB::ReaderWriter::Options* options) const;
inline const std::string &get_name() const { return name_; }
inline void set_name(const std::string &n) { name_ = n; }
inline const osg::Vec3 &get_base_color() const { return base_color_; }
inline float get_diffuse() const { return diffuse_; }
inline float get_luminosity() const { return luminosity_; }
inline float get_specularity() const { return specularity_; }
inline float get_reflection() const { return reflection_; }
inline float get_transparency() const { return transparency_; }
inline float get_translucency() const { return translucency_; }
inline float get_glossiness() const { return glossiness_; }
inline Sidedness get_sidedness() const { return sidedness_; }
inline float get_max_smoothing_angle() const { return max_smoothing_angle_; }
inline const std::string &get_color_map_type() const { return color_map_type_; }
inline const std::string &get_color_map_name() const { return color_map_name_; }
inline float get_color_map_intensity() const { return color_map_intensity_; }
inline Block_map &blocks() { return blocks_; }
inline const Block_map &blocks() const { return blocks_; }
inline const std::string &get_uv_map_name() const { return uv_map_name_; }
inline bool has_clip() const { return clip_ != 0; }
inline const Clip *get_clip() const { return clip_; }
inline void set_clip(const Clip *c) { clip_ = c; }
std::string name_;
osg::Vec3 base_color_;
float diffuse_;
float luminosity_;
float specularity_;
float reflection_;
float transparency_;
float translucency_;
float glossiness_;
Sidedness sidedness_;
float max_smoothing_angle_;
std::string color_map_type_;
std::string color_map_name_;
float color_map_intensity_;
Block_map blocks_;
std::string uv_map_name_;
const Clip *clip_;
mutable osg::ref_ptr<osg::StateSet> stateset_;