the viewport, the clear colour and the subgraph needing rendered. This is done transparently so all existing functionality will behave as before. What it does add is the ability to set a SceneView directly by a single osg::CameraNode when required.
354 lines
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354 lines
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// C++ source file - (C) 2003 Robert Osfield, released under the OSGPL.
// Simple example of use of Producer::RenderSurface to create an OpenGL
// graphics window, and OSG for rendering.
#include <osg/Timer>
#include <osg/GraphicsContext>
#include <osg/GraphicsThread>
#include <osgUtil/UpdateVisitor>
#include <osgUtil/CullVisitor>
#include <osgUtil/SceneView>
#include <osgUtil/GLObjectsVisitor>
#include <osgDB/ReadFile>
#include <osgDB/DynamicLibrary>
#include <osgDB/Registry>
#include <map>
#include <list>
#include <iostream>
// **************** THIS IS AN EXPERIMENTAL IMPLEMENTATION ***************
// ************************** PLEASE DO NOT COPY ************************
// Compile operation, that compile OpenGL objects.
struct CompileOperation : public osg::GraphicsThread::Operation
CompileOperation(osg::Node* scene):
virtual void operator () (osg::GraphicsContext* context)
osgUtil::GLObjectsVisitor compileVisitor;
// do the compile traversal
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Node> _scene;
// Cull operation, that does a cull on the scene graph.
struct CullOperation : public osg::GraphicsThread::Operation
CullOperation(osgUtil::SceneView* sceneView):
virtual void operator () (osg::GraphicsContext* context)
osg::ref_ptr<osgUtil::SceneView> _sceneView;
// Draw operation, that does a draw on the scene graph.
struct DrawOperation : public osg::GraphicsThread::Operation
DrawOperation(osgUtil::SceneView* sceneView):
virtual void operator () (osg::GraphicsContext*)
osg::ref_ptr<osgUtil::SceneView> _sceneView;
// main does the following steps to create a multi-thread, multiple camera/graphics context view of a scene graph.
// 1) load the scene graph
// 2) create a list of camera, each with their own graphis context, with a graphics thread for each context.
// 3) set up the graphic threads so that the do an initial compile OpenGL objects operation, this is done once, and then this compile op is disgarded
// 4) set up the graphics thread so that it has all the graphics ops required for the main loop, these ops are:
// 4.a) frame begin barrair, syncronizes all the waiting graphic threads so they don't run while update is occuring
// 4.b) frame operation - the cull and draw for each camera
// 4.c) frame end barrier, releases the update thread once all graphic threads have dispatched all their OpenGL commands
// 4.d) pre swap barrier, barrier which ensures that all graphics threads have sent their data down to the gfx card.
// 4.e) swap buffers, do the swap buffers on all the graphics contexts.
// 5. The main loop:
// 5.a) update
// 5.b) join the frame begin barrrier, releasing all the graphics threads to do their stuff
// 5.c) block on the frame end barrier, waiting till all the graphics threads have done their cull/draws.
// 5.d) check to see if any of the windows has been closed.
int main( int argc, char **argv )
// use an ArgumentParser object to manage the program arguments.
osg::ArgumentParser arguments(&argc,argv);
std::string windowingLibrary("osgProducer");
while (arguments.read("--windowing",windowingLibrary)) {}
// load the osgProducer library manually.
osg::ref_ptr<osgDB::DynamicLibrary> windowingLib =
if (!windowingLib)
std::cout<<"Error: failed to loading windowing library: "<<windowingLibrary<<std::endl;
unsigned int numberCameras = 3;
while (arguments.read("--cameras",numberCameras)) {}
unsigned int xpos = 0;
unsigned int ypos = 400;
unsigned int width = 400;
unsigned int height = 400;
while (arguments.read("--xpos",xpos)) {}
while (arguments.read("--ypos",ypos)) {}
while (arguments.read("--height",height)) {}
while (arguments.read("--width",width)) {}
unsigned int maxNumFrames = 1000;
while (arguments.read("--max-num-frames",maxNumFrames)) {}
// load the scene.
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Node> loadedModel = osgDB::readNodeFiles(arguments);
if (!loadedModel)
std::cout << argv[0] <<": No data loaded." << std::endl;
return 1;
// set up the frame stamp for current frame to record the current time and frame number so that animtion code can advance correctly
osg::ref_ptr<osg::FrameStamp> frameStamp = new osg::FrameStamp;
unsigned int frameNum = 0;
osgUtil::UpdateVisitor updateVisitor;
typedef std::list< osg::ref_ptr<osg::CameraNode> > CameraList;
typedef std::set< osg::GraphicsContext* > GraphicsContextSet;
CameraList cameraList;
GraphicsContextSet graphicsContextSet;
// create the cameras, graphic contexts and graphic threads.
bool shareContexts = false;
osg::GraphicsContext* previousContext = 0;
for(unsigned int i=0; i< numberCameras; ++i)
osg::ref_ptr<osg::CameraNode> camera = new osg::CameraNode;
osg::ref_ptr<osg::GraphicsContext::Traits> traits = new osg::GraphicsContext::Traits;
traits->_windowName = "osgcamera";
traits->_x = xpos;
traits->_y = ypos;
traits->_width = width;
traits->_height = height;
traits->_windowDecoration = true;
traits->_doubleBuffer = true;
traits->_sharedContext = shareContexts ? previousContext : 0;
xpos += width;
osg::ref_ptr<osg::GraphicsContext> gfxc = osg::GraphicsContext::createGraphicsContext(traits.get());
if (!gfxc)
std::cout<<"Unable to create window."<<std::endl;
return 1;
// initialize the view to look at the center of the scene graph
const osg::BoundingSphere& bs = loadedModel->getBound();
osg::Matrix viewMatrix;
// graphics thread will realize the window.
previousContext = gfxc.get();
// build the list of unique graphics contexts.
CameraList::iterator citr;
for(citr = cameraList.begin();
citr != cameraList.end();
std::cout<<"Number of cameras = "<<cameraList.size()<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"Number of graphics contexts = "<<graphicsContextSet.size()<<std::endl;
// first the compile of the GL Objects, do it syncronously.
GraphicsContextSet::iterator gitr;
osg::ref_ptr<CompileOperation> compileOp = new CompileOperation(loadedModel.get());
for(gitr = graphicsContextSet.begin();
gitr != graphicsContextSet.end();
osg::GraphicsContext* context = *gitr;
context->getGraphicsThread()->add(compileOp.get(), false);
// second the begin frame barrier to all graphics threads
osg::ref_ptr<osg::BarrierOperation> frameBeginBarrierOp = new osg::BarrierOperation(graphicsContextSet.size()+1, osg::BarrierOperation::NO_OPERATION);
for(gitr = graphicsContextSet.begin();
gitr != graphicsContextSet.end();
osg::GraphicsContext* context = *gitr;
context->getGraphicsThread()->add(frameBeginBarrierOp.get(), false);
osg::ref_ptr<osg::BarrierOperation> glFinishBarrierOp = new osg::BarrierOperation(graphicsContextSet.size(), osg::BarrierOperation::GL_FINISH);
// we can put a finish in to gate rendering throughput, so that each new frame starts with a clean sheet.
// you should only enable one of these, doFinishBeforeNewDraw will allow for the better parallism of the two finish approaches
// note, both are disabled right now, as glFinish is spin locking the CPU, not something that we want...
bool doFinishBeforeNewDraw = false;
bool doFinishAfterSwap = false;
// third add the frame for each camera.
for(citr = cameraList.begin();
citr != cameraList.end();
osg::CameraNode* camera = citr->get();
osg::GraphicsThread* graphicsThread = camera->getGraphicsContext()->getGraphicsThread();
// create a scene view to do the cull and draw
osgUtil::SceneView* sceneView = new osgUtil::SceneView;
// cull traversal operation
graphicsThread->add( new CullOperation(sceneView), false);
// optionally add glFinish barrier to ensure that all OpenGL commands are completed before we start dispatching a new frame
if (doFinishBeforeNewDraw) graphicsThread->add( glFinishBarrierOp.get(), false);
// draw traversal operation.
graphicsThread->add( new DrawOperation(sceneView), false);
// fourth add the frame end barrier, the pre swap barrier and finally the swap buffers to each graphics thread.
// The frame end barrier tells the main thead that the draw dispatch/read phase of the scene graph is complete.
// The pre swap barrier is an optional extra, which does a flush before joining the barrier, using this all graphics threads
// are held back until they have all dispatched their fifo to the graphics hardware.
// The swapOp just issues a swap buffers for each of the graphics contexts.
osg::ref_ptr<osg::BarrierOperation> frameEndBarrierOp = new osg::BarrierOperation(graphicsContextSet.size()+1, osg::BarrierOperation::NO_OPERATION);
osg::ref_ptr<osg::BarrierOperation> preSwapBarrierOp = new osg::BarrierOperation(graphicsContextSet.size(), osg::BarrierOperation::GL_FLUSH);
osg::ref_ptr<osg::SwapBuffersOperation> swapOp = new osg::SwapBuffersOperation();
for(gitr = graphicsContextSet.begin();
gitr != graphicsContextSet.end();
osg::GraphicsContext* context = *gitr;
context->getGraphicsThread()->add(frameEndBarrierOp.get(), false);
// context->getGraphicsThread()->add(preSwapBarrierOp.get(), false);
context->getGraphicsThread()->add(swapOp.get(), false);
// optionally add finish barrier to ensure that we don't do any other graphics work till the current OpenGL commands are complete.
if (doFinishAfterSwap) context->getGraphicsThread()->add(glFinishBarrierOp.get(), false);
// record the timer tick at the start of rendering.
osg::Timer_t start_tick = osg::Timer::instance()->tick();
osg::Timer_t previous_tick = start_tick;
bool done = false;
// main loop - update scene graph, dispatch frame, wait for frame done.
while( !done && frameNum<maxNumFrames)
osg::Timer_t current_tick = osg::Timer::instance()->tick();
//std::cout<<"Frame rate "<<1.0/osg::Timer::instance()->delta_s(previous_tick,current_tick)<<std::endl;
previous_tick = current_tick;
// do the update traversal.
// dispatch the frame.
// wait till the frame is done.
// check if any of the windows are closed
for(gitr = graphicsContextSet.begin();
gitr != graphicsContextSet.end();
osg::GraphicsContext* context = *gitr;
if (!context->isRealized()) done = true;
std::cout<<"Exiting application"<<std::endl;
return 0;