2001-09-19 21:19:47 +00:00

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#include <osg/Camera>
#include <osgUtil/RenderBin>
#include <osgUtil/RenderStageLighting>
namespace osgUtil {
* RenderState base class. Used for encapsulate a complete stage in
* rendering - setting up of viewport, the projection and model
* matrices and rendering the RenderBin's enclosed with this RenderStage.
* RenderStage also has a dependancy list of other RenderStages, each
* of which must be called before the rendering of this stage. These
* 'pre' rendering stages are used for advanced rendering techniques
* like multistage pixel shading or impostors.
class OSGUTIL_EXPORT RenderStage : public RenderBin
virtual osg::Object* clone() const { return new RenderStage(); }
virtual bool isSameKindAs(const osg::Object* obj) const { return dynamic_cast<const RenderStage*>(obj)!=0L; }
virtual const char* className() const { return "RenderStage"; }
virtual void reset();
/** Set the viewport of the scene view. */
void setViewport(int x,int y,int width,int height)
_view[0] = x;
_view[1] = y;
_view[2] = width;
_view[3] = height;
/** Get the viewport of the scene view. */
void getViewport(int& x,int& y,int& width,int& height) const
x = _view[0];
y = _view[1];
width = _view[2];
height = _view[3];
/** Set the clear mask used in glClear(..).
void setClearMask(const GLbitfield mask) { _clearMask = mask; }
/** Get the clear mask.*/
const GLbitfield getClearMask() const { return _clearMask; }
/** Set the clear color used in glClearColor(..).
* glClearColor is only called if mask & GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT is true*/
void setClearColor(const osg::Vec4& color) { _clearColor=color; }
/** Get the clear color.*/
const osg::Vec4& getClearColor() const { return _clearColor; }
/** Set the clear accum used in glClearAccum(..).
* glClearAcumm is only called if mask & GL_ACCUM_BUFFER_BIT is true*/
void setClearAccum(const osg::Vec4& color) { _clearAccum=color; }
/** Get the clear accum.*/
const osg::Vec4& getClearAccum() const { return _clearAccum; }
/** Set the clear depth used in glClearDepth(..). Defaults to 1.0
* glClearDepth is only called if mask & GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT is true*/
void setClearDepth(const double depth) { _clearDepth=depth; }
/** Get the clear depth.*/
const double getClearDepth() const { return _clearDepth; }
/** Set the clear stencil value used in glClearStencil(). Defaults to 1.0
* glClearStencil is only called if mask & GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT is true*/
void setClearStencil(const int stencil) { _clearStencil=stencil; }
/** Get the clear color.*/
const int getClearStencil() const { return _clearStencil; }
void setCamera(osg::Camera* camera) { _camera = camera; }
osg::Camera* getCamera() { return _camera.get(); }
const osg::Camera* getCamera() const { return _camera.get(); }
void setRenderStageLighting(RenderStageLighting* rsl) { _renderStageLighting = rsl; }
RenderStageLighting* getRenderStageLighting() const
if (!_renderStageLighting.valid()) _renderStageLighting = new RenderStageLighting;
return _renderStageLighting.get();
void setLightingMode(RenderStageLighting::Mode mode) { getRenderStageLighting()->setLightingMode(mode); }
RenderStageLighting::Mode getLightingMode() const { return getRenderStageLighting()->getLightingMode(); }
void setLight(osg::Light* light) { getRenderStageLighting()->setLight(light); }
osg::Light* getLight() { return getRenderStageLighting()->getLight(); }
const osg::Light* getLight() const { return getRenderStageLighting()->getLight(); }
virtual void addLight(osg::Light* light,osg::Matrix* matrix)
virtual void draw(osg::State& state,RenderLeaf*& previous);
void addToDependencyList(RenderStage* rs);
/** extract stats for current draw list. */
void getPrims(Statistics *primStats);
typedef std::vector< osg::ref_ptr<RenderStage> > DependencyList;
bool _stageDrawnThisFrame;
DependencyList _dependencyList;
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Camera> _camera;
// viewport x,y,width,height.
GLint _view[4];
GLbitfield _clearMask;
osg::Vec4 _clearColor;
osg::Vec4 _clearAccum;
double _clearDepth;
int _clearStencil;
mutable osg::ref_ptr<RenderStageLighting> _renderStageLighting;
virtual ~RenderStage();