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/* -*-c++-*- OpenSceneGraph - Copyright (C) 1998-2006 Robert Osfield
* This library is open source and may be redistributed and/or modified under
* the terms of the OpenSceneGraph Public License (OSGPL) version 0.0 or
* (at your option) any later version. The full license is in LICENSE file
* included with this distribution, and on the website.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* OpenSceneGraph Public License for more details.
#include <osgUtil/RayIntersector>
#include <osgUtil/LineSegmentIntersector>
#include <osg/KdTree>
#include <osg/Notify>
#include <osg/TexMat>
#include <limits>
#include <cmath>
using namespace osg;
using namespace osgUtil;
// RayIntersector
RayIntersector::RayIntersector(CoordinateFrame cf, RayIntersector* parent,
Intersector::IntersectionLimit intersectionLimit) :
Intersector(cf, intersectionLimit),
if (parent) setPrecisionHint(parent->getPrecisionHint());
RayIntersector::RayIntersector(const Vec3d& start, const Vec3d& direction) :
RayIntersector::RayIntersector(CoordinateFrame cf, const Vec3d& start, const Vec3d& direction,
RayIntersector* parent, Intersector::IntersectionLimit intersectionLimit) :
Intersector(cf, intersectionLimit),
if (parent) setPrecisionHint(parent->getPrecisionHint());
RayIntersector::RayIntersector(CoordinateFrame cf, double x, double y) :
case WINDOW: setStart(Vec3d(x,y,0.)); setDirection(Vec3d(0.,0.,1.)); break;
case PROJECTION: setStart(Vec3d(x,y,-1.)); setDirection(Vec3d(0.,0.,1.)); break;
case VIEW: setStart(Vec3d(x,y,0.)); setDirection(Vec3d(0.,0.,1.)); break;
case MODEL: setStart(Vec3d(x,y,0.)); setDirection(Vec3d(0.,0.,1.)); break;
Intersector* RayIntersector::clone(IntersectionVisitor& iv)
if (_coordinateFrame==MODEL && iv.getModelMatrix()==0)
return new RayIntersector(MODEL, _start, _direction, this, _intersectionLimit);
Matrix matrix(LineSegmentIntersector::getTransformation(iv, _coordinateFrame));
Vec3d newStart = _start * matrix;
Vec4d tmp = Vec4d(_start + _direction, 1.) * matrix;
Vec3d newEnd = Vec3d(tmp.x(), tmp.y(), tmp.z()) - (newStart * tmp.w());
return new RayIntersector(MODEL, newStart, newEnd, this, _intersectionLimit);
bool RayIntersector::enter(const Node& node)
if (reachedLimit()) return false;
return !node.isCullingActive() || intersects( node.getBound() );
void RayIntersector::leave()
// do nothing
void RayIntersector::reset()
void RayIntersector::intersect(IntersectionVisitor& iv, Drawable* drawable)
// did we reached what we wanted as specified by setIntersectionLimit()?
if (reachedLimit()) return;
// clip ray to finite line segment
Vec3d s(_start), e;
if (!intersectAndClip(s, _direction, e, drawable->getBoundingBox())) return;
// dummy traversal
if (iv.getDoDummyTraversal()) return;
// get intersections using LineSegmentIntersector
LineSegmentIntersector lsi(MODEL, s, e, NULL, _intersectionLimit);
lsi.intersect(iv, drawable, s, e);
// copy intersections from LineSegmentIntersector
LineSegmentIntersector::Intersections intersections = lsi.getIntersections();
if (!intersections.empty())
double preLength = (s - _start).length();
double esLength = (e - s).length();
for(LineSegmentIntersector::Intersections::iterator it = intersections.begin();
it != intersections.end(); it++)
Intersection hit;
hit.distance = preLength + it->ratio * esLength;
hit.matrix = it->matrix;
hit.nodePath = it->nodePath;
hit.drawable = it->drawable;
hit.primitiveIndex = it->primitiveIndex;
hit.localIntersectionPoint = it->localIntersectionPoint;
hit.localIntersectionNormal = it->localIntersectionNormal;
hit.indexList = it->indexList;
hit.ratioList = it->ratioList;
bool RayIntersector::intersects(const BoundingSphere& bs)
// if bs not valid then return true based on the assumption that an invalid sphere is yet to be defined.
if (!bs.valid()) return true;
// test for _start inside the bounding sphere
Vec3d sm = _start - bs._center;
double c = sm.length2() - bs._radius * bs._radius;
if (c<0.0) return true;
// solve quadratic equation
double a = _direction.length2();
double b = (sm * _direction) * 2.0;
double d = b * b - 4.0 * a * c;
// no intersections if d<0
if (d<0.0) return false;
// compute two solutions of quadratic equation
d = sqrt(d);
double div = 1.0/(2.0*a);
double r1 = (-b-d)*div;
double r2 = (-b+d)*div;
// return false if both intersections are before the ray start
if (r1<=0.0 && r2<=0.0) return false;
// if LIMIT_NEAREST and closest point of bounding sphere is further than already found intersection, return false
if (_intersectionLimit == LIMIT_NEAREST && !getIntersections().empty())
double minDistance = sm.length() - bs._radius;
if (minDistance >= getIntersections().begin()->distance) return false;
// passed all the rejection tests so line must intersect bounding sphere, return true.
return true;
bool RayIntersector::intersectAndClip(Vec3d& s, const Vec3d& d, Vec3d& e, const BoundingBox& bbInput)
// bounding box min and max
Vec3d bb_min(bbInput._min);
Vec3d bb_max(bbInput._max);
// Expand the extents of the bounding box by the epsilon to prevent numerical errors resulting in misses.
const double epsilon = 1e-6;
// clip s against all three components of the Min to Max range of bb
for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
// test direction
if (d[i] >= 0.)
// trivial reject of segment wholly outside
if (s[i] > bb_max[i]) return false;
if (s[i] < bb_min[i])
// clip s to xMin
double t = (bb_min[i]-s[i])/d[i] - epsilon;
if (t>0.0) s = s + d*t;
// trivial reject of segment wholly outside
if (s[i] < bb_min[i]) return false;
if (s[i] > bb_max[i])
// clip s to xMax
double t = (bb_max[i]-s[i])/d[i] - epsilon;
if (t>0.0) s = s + d*t;
// t for ending point of clipped ray
double end_t = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
// get end point by clipping the ray by bb
// note: this can not be done in previous loop as start point s is moving
for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
// test direction
if (d[i] >= 0.)
// compute end_t based on xMax
double t = (bb_max[i]-s[i])/d[i] + epsilon;
if (t < end_t)
end_t = t;
// compute end_t based on xMin
double t = (bb_min[i]-s[i])/d[i] + epsilon;
if (t < end_t)
end_t = t;
// compute e
e = s + d*end_t;
return true;
Texture* RayIntersector::Intersection::getTextureLookUp(Vec3& tc) const
Geometry* geometry = drawable.valid() ? drawable->asGeometry() : 0;
Vec3Array* vertices = geometry ? dynamic_cast<Vec3Array*>(geometry->getVertexArray()) : 0;
if (vertices)
if (indexList.size()==3 && ratioList.size()==3)
unsigned int i1 = indexList[0];
unsigned int i2 = indexList[1];
unsigned int i3 = indexList[2];
float r1 = ratioList[0];
float r2 = ratioList[1];
float r3 = ratioList[2];
Array* texcoords = (geometry->getNumTexCoordArrays()>0) ? geometry->getTexCoordArray(0) : 0;
FloatArray* texcoords_FloatArray = dynamic_cast<FloatArray*>(texcoords);
Vec2Array* texcoords_Vec2Array = dynamic_cast<Vec2Array*>(texcoords);
Vec3Array* texcoords_Vec3Array = dynamic_cast<Vec3Array*>(texcoords);
if (texcoords_FloatArray)
// we have tex coord array so now we can compute the final tex coord at the point of intersection.
float tc1 = (*texcoords_FloatArray)[i1];
float tc2 = (*texcoords_FloatArray)[i2];
float tc3 = (*texcoords_FloatArray)[i3];
tc.x() = tc1*r1 + tc2*r2 + tc3*r3;
else if (texcoords_Vec2Array)
// we have tex coord array so now we can compute the final tex coord at the point of intersection.
const Vec2& tc1 = (*texcoords_Vec2Array)[i1];
const Vec2& tc2 = (*texcoords_Vec2Array)[i2];
const Vec2& tc3 = (*texcoords_Vec2Array)[i3];
tc.x() = tc1.x()*r1 + tc2.x()*r2 + tc3.x()*r3;
tc.y() = tc1.y()*r1 + tc2.y()*r2 + tc3.y()*r3;
else if (texcoords_Vec3Array)
// we have tex coord array so now we can compute the final tex coord at the point of intersection.
const Vec3& tc1 = (*texcoords_Vec3Array)[i1];
const Vec3& tc2 = (*texcoords_Vec3Array)[i2];
const Vec3& tc3 = (*texcoords_Vec3Array)[i3];
tc.x() = tc1.x()*r1 + tc2.x()*r2 + tc3.x()*r3;
tc.y() = tc1.y()*r1 + tc2.y()*r2 + tc3.y()*r3;
tc.z() = tc1.z()*r1 + tc2.z()*r2 + tc3.z()*r3;
return 0;
const TexMat* activeTexMat = 0;
const Texture* activeTexture = 0;
if (drawable->getStateSet())
const TexMat* texMat = dynamic_cast<TexMat*>(drawable->getStateSet()->getTextureAttribute(0,StateAttribute::TEXMAT));
if (texMat) activeTexMat = texMat;
const Texture* texture = dynamic_cast<Texture*>(drawable->getStateSet()->getTextureAttribute(0,StateAttribute::TEXTURE));
if (texture) activeTexture = texture;
for(NodePath::const_reverse_iterator itr = nodePath.rbegin();
itr != nodePath.rend() && (!activeTexMat || !activeTexture);
const Node* node = *itr;
if (node->getStateSet())
if (!activeTexMat)
const TexMat* texMat = dynamic_cast<const TexMat*>(node->getStateSet()->getTextureAttribute(0,StateAttribute::TEXMAT));
if (texMat) activeTexMat = texMat;
if (!activeTexture)
const Texture* texture = dynamic_cast<const Texture*>(node->getStateSet()->getTextureAttribute(0,StateAttribute::TEXTURE));
if (texture) activeTexture = texture;
if (activeTexMat)
Vec4 tc_transformed = Vec4(tc.x(), tc.y(), tc.z() ,0.0f) * activeTexMat->getMatrix();
tc.x() = tc_transformed.x();
tc.y() = tc_transformed.y();
tc.z() = tc_transformed.z();
if (activeTexture && activeTexMat->getScaleByTextureRectangleSize())
tc.x() *= static_cast<float>(activeTexture->getTextureWidth());
tc.y() *= static_cast<float>(activeTexture->getTextureHeight());
tc.z() *= static_cast<float>(activeTexture->getTextureDepth());
return const_cast<Texture*>(activeTexture);
return 0;