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<img SRC="images/OpenSceneGraphBanner_Distribution.jpg" height=77 width=640>
<td><a href="index.html">Index</a> </td>
<td><a href="introduction.html">Introduction</a> </td>
<td><a href="contents.html">Contents</a> </td>
<td><a href="install.html">Install</a> </td>
<td><a href="dependencies.html">Dependencies</a> </td>
<td><a href="demos.html">Demos</a> </td>
<td><a href="data.html">Data</a> </td>
<td><a href="sgv.html">Viewer</a> </td>
<td><a href="stereo.html">Stereo</a> </td>
<td><a href="plan.html">Plan</a> </td>
<td><a href="documentation.html">Reference Guides</a> </td>
<a NAME="Running the demos"></a><u>Running the demos</u></h2>
Once the OpenSceneGraph is <a href="install.html">installed</a> you will need place the location where it was installed on the you systems paths
environmental variables, and then download the <a href="data.html">demo data</a> and set the <b>OSG_FILE_PATH</b> so that the file loading can locate the datasets.
It is probably worth setting you autoexec.bat, .bashrc or.tcsh etc to pick up on these settings so that next time you log in
everything is in easy reach.
<b>set PATH = C:/all/the/exisitng/paths;C:/OpenSceneGraph/bin</b>
<br><b>set OSG_FILE_PATH = C:/OpenSceneGraph-Data;C:/OpenSceneGraph-Data/Images;C:/OpenSceneGraph-Data/Fonts</b>
<b>export PATH = ${PATH}:/home/myaccount/OpenSceneGraph/bin</b>
<br><b>export LD_LIBRARY_PATH = ${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/home/myaccount/OpenSceneGraph/lib</b>
<br><b>export OSG_FILE_PATH = /home/myaccount/OpenSceneGraph-Data:C:/OpenSceneGraph-Data/Images:C:/OpenSceneGraph-Data/Fonts</b>
<br><b>setenv PATH ${PATH}:/home/myaccount/OpenSceneGraph/bin</b>
<br><b>setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH = ${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/home/myaccount/OpenSceneGraph/lib</b>
<br><b>setenv OSG_FILE_PATH /home/myaccount/OpenSceneGraph-Data:C:/OpenSceneGraph-Data/Images:C:/OpenSceneGraph-Data/Fonts</b>
All the demos run on the commandline, most requiring parameters, such as what file to load, if you are in any doubt
just run the application and it will either run, or provide help on what options it accepts.
<td><a href="sgv.html"><img src="images/sgv_cow.jpg" width=128 height=100 border=0></a> </td>
<td><b>sgv cow.osg</b></td>
<td>The scene graph viewer demo uses osgGLUT::Viewer to bring up a basic viewer. To find out what
command line arguments it takes simply run sgv without any arguments. To load a model simple
run sgv filename.ext. The osgGLUT::Viewer provides an extensive set of operations that can be
used to display information about the loaded database such as peformance stas, through to
output a snapshot of the screen, which is how these thumbnails were created. For a full list
of key presses and mouse interaction read the <a href="sgv.html">sgv</a> documentaion.</td>
<td><a href="stereo.html"><img src="images/sgv_stereo.jpg" width=128 height=100 border=0></a> </td>
<td><b>sgv -stereo cessna.osg</b></td>
<td>The scene graph viewer also supports anaglyphic, quad buffered, and split screen stereo modes,
for a full list of options and environmental variables see the <a href="stereo.html">stereo</a> documentaion.</td>
<td><img src="images/hangglide.jpg" width=128 height=100 border=0> </td>
<td>The hang glide demo creates a simple flying site (Don Burns local hang glide site infact!),
demonstrating how to create simple terrain, trees and skydomes, and how to implement a simple
flight camera manipulator to allow the user to fly around.
<td><img src="images/osgbillboard.jpg" width=128 height=100 border=0> </td>
<td><b>osgbillboard lz.rgb</b></td>
<td>Demonstrates how to create the various types of billboard supported by the OpenSceneGraph. Billboards
are typically used for trees or particles effects.
<td><img src="images/osgcube.jpg" width=128 height=100 border=0> </td>
<td>Simplest of all demos, create a cube geometry and spin it!
<td><img src="images/osghud.jpg" width=128 height=100 border=0> </td>
<td><b>osghud glider.osg</b></td>
<td>Very similar to the basic sgv demo, but adds an othographic projection over the top of the main 3D view
to create a head up display effect. Also demonstrates how to use osgText.
<td><img src="images/osgimpostor.jpg" width=128 height=100 border=0> </td>
<td><b>osgimpostor Town.osg</b></td>
<td>OpenSceneGraph is unique amoung scene graph in the fact that it supports dynamically updated impostors natively,
and this demo uses osgUtil::InsertImpostorVisitor to traverse the loaded scene graph inserting osg::Importor nodes in place of groups
and LOD, so you can add Impostor into any of your own datasets! The scene graph then
takes over full repsonsibility for managing required multistage rendering all dynamically at runtime, whilest
keeping it neatly encapsulated making it incrediable easy to use. The Impostor support demonstrates how
powerful the multi-stage multi-pass rendering framework that the OpenSceneGraph has, almost all other scene
graphs have to hardwire such effects into them and require significant application coding to do so.
<td><img src="images/osgreflect.jpg" width=128 height=100 border=0> </td>
<td><b>osgreflect cow.osg</b></td>
<td>An example of how to set up planar reflections using the standard multi-pass stencil buffer algorithm. This
is all handled within the scene graph, so there is no need to hardwire multi-pass effects into your own
<td><img src="images/osgscribe.jpg" width=128 height=100 border=0> </td>
<td>An example of how to decorate your scene graph geometry for useful effects such as scribing. This demo
uses two instances of your model, the first one uses the state values set in your scene graph, the
second instance override the polygmode to render it as wireframe, and with a polyon offset to ensure it
is seen from all angles. These two instance are grouped together and then are treated like any other
scene graph.
<td><img src="images/osgstereoimage.jpg" width=128 height=100 border=0> </td>
<td><b>osgstereoimage left.rgb right.rgb</b></td>
<td>An example of use node maks to select different parts of the scene graph for different traversals, in this
case two seperate images are drawn for the left and right eyes to generate a stereo 3D image from two flat
<td><img src="images/osgtext.jpg" width=128 height=100 border=0> </td>
<td>An example showing how to creating the various different typs of text that the osgText library supports.
<td><img src="images/osgtexture.jpg" width=128 height=100 border=0> </td>
<td><b>osgtexture lz.rgb reflect.rgb</b></td>
<td>An example showing how to creating the textured quads, each with different texture parameters, including
anistrophic filtering and texture compression!
<td><img src="images/osgviews.jpg" width=128 height=100 border=0> </td>
<td>An example of multiple viewports all running at once.