2016-06-08 10:18:23 +01:00

132 lines
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#include <osg/GL>
#include <osg/Matrix>
#include <osg/io_utils>
#include <osg/ComputeBoundsVisitor>
#include <osgGA/CameraManipulator>
#include <string.h>
using namespace osg;
using namespace osgGA;
_intersectTraversalMask = 0xffffffff;
_autoComputeHomePosition = true;
CameraManipulator::CameraManipulator(const CameraManipulator& mm, const CopyOp& copyOp)
: osg::Object(mm, copyOp),
osg::Callback(mm, copyOp),
inherited(mm, copyOp),
std::string CameraManipulator::getManipulatorName() const
const char* className = this->className();
const char* manipString = strstr(className, "Manipulator");
if (!manipString)
return std::string(className);
return std::string(className, manipString-className);
bool CameraManipulator::handle(const GUIEventAdapter&,GUIActionAdapter&)
return false;
/** Compute the home position.
* The computation considers camera's fov (field of view) and model size and
* positions camera far enough to fit the model to the screen.
* camera parameter enables computations of camera's fov. If camera is NULL,
* scene to camera distance can not be computed and default value is used,
* based on model size only.
* useBoundingBox parameter enables to use bounding box instead of bounding sphere
* for scene bounds. Bounding box provide more precise scene center that may be
* important for many applications.*/
void CameraManipulator::computeHomePosition(const osg::Camera *camera, bool useBoundingBox)
if (getNode())
osg::BoundingSphere boundingSphere;
OSG_INFO<<" CameraManipulator::computeHomePosition("<<camera<<", "<<useBoundingBox<<")"<<std::endl;
if (useBoundingBox)
// compute bounding box
// (bounding box computes model center more precisely than bounding sphere)
osg::ComputeBoundsVisitor cbVisitor;
osg::BoundingBox &bb = cbVisitor.getBoundingBox();
if (bb.valid()) boundingSphere.expandBy(bb);
else boundingSphere = getNode()->getBound();
// compute bounding sphere
boundingSphere = getNode()->getBound();
OSG_INFO<<" = ("<<<<")"<<std::endl;
OSG_INFO<<" boundingSphere.radius() = "<<boundingSphere.radius()<<std::endl;
// set dist to default
double dist = 3.5f * boundingSphere.radius();
if (camera)
// try to compute dist from frustum
double left,right,bottom,top,zNear,zFar;
if (camera->getProjectionMatrixAsFrustum(left,right,bottom,top,zNear,zFar))
double vertical2 = fabs(right - left) / zNear / 2.;
double horizontal2 = fabs(top - bottom) / zNear / 2.;
double dim = horizontal2 < vertical2 ? horizontal2 : vertical2;
double viewAngle = atan2(dim,1.);
dist = boundingSphere.radius() / sin(viewAngle);
// try to compute dist from ortho
if (camera->getProjectionMatrixAsOrtho(left,right,bottom,top,zNear,zFar))
dist = fabs(zFar - zNear) / 2.;
// set home position
setHomePosition( + osg::Vec3d(0.0,-dist,0.0f),,